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Student’s ID : 40300116108

Class : AG-5


The rapid development of the epoch is able to poison the students by

bringing up technology products, which is increasingly sophisticated make the
tendency to students to use the result of technology concoction. Students have a
function as Agent of Change, who are required to be agents of change. Life style
of the students become role models of the surrounding community. Media social
has an active role in the change or life style every students, the more social media
you have, the more you will know yourself in social media.

So far the change in behavior or habits of students in following the

development of the era is increasing. Because of their mindset is different from
previous and current students. This happens along with the high technology and
the entry of foreign culture, with the existence of globalization have many
changes that occur as I mentioned earlier from the mindset, clothing, association
or habit that violates the rules. Following the times have a positive and negative
impact. Students never even get out of social media or can’t be separated from his
life. Students even almost every time to open social media and not out of the
smartphone from his hand. Social media that is often used by students: Facebook,
Line, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, Path and BBM. Social media makes
students feel at home in the social media world, social media is very influential on
the personality of students, because social media one of the personality factor that
is the culture itself, because with social media can devote all forms of student
complaints that can’t be exposed in the real world. And as for the positive side of
social media is growing nowadays, students can do communication with people
who are far from us or can access the information by using a smartphone or
notebook anywhere and anytime and more efficient. For example the habit that
changed the student is when given the task by lecturers, some students no longer
want to try to make their own but copy paste the work of others and we can also
see from the style of students dressing, some students still wear tight skirts or

In my opinion, the use of social media that is currently higher is very

influential for the personality of students or immature children. Because some
students can’t be separated from social media as well as with children who are
still sitting in elementary school has been using social media that is Facebook.
They prefer to open social media rather than learning, while eating or sitting with
friends still open social media. As for what I met from my research results, some
have social media from class 5 elementary school and even at all times using
social media, so now social media has become the needs of the community
including students to access information and nowadays all smartphones have high
capacity so can load more apps or social media and even everyone has five or
more social media. So this can prove that social media every year will increase
and will increasingly affect student behavior. But there are also some students
using social media for entertainment purposes only but also can cause bullying in
social media and can lead to wasted time but this goes back to each student’s
personal how to use social media, and can distinguish the true or false information
that we now often call a Hoax. In this era of social media is very vital for all
students and can be useful for students to communicate with other students and
while some students use social media by selling for example: online shop, selling
clothe, veils or food and much more, utilizing social media to earn money. So the
whole circle of students or the community is very easy to get something in want
because with the social media, but we as a student or community should use
technology for the positive.

We can see from a simple example of the positive impact of globalization

that is when you update status about motivation, indirectly by posting the words
of motivation in social media, everyone will be motivated if read it. While from
the negative impact, if the status your update is dirty or rude and can hurt the
feelings of others, we will get scorn from those who read it. This is also one of the
causes of social media when misspent of social media. So, who read our status can
imitate these words or even they also follow the status update by posting a rough
word. As for someone to remove a rough to event their anger through status in
social media and will disturb other users that can cause conflict, inter-ethnic,
religious, inter-group, racial or can invite the emotions of students or other
communities. But, from the behavior because of the influence of the surroundings
or the association with their friends not just from social media.

As for what I get from the result of my research, there are some of
them(students) who send SMS to the lecturer is good because it begins by saying
greeting, but there are also shortcomings that after the greeting doesn’t use the
word Tabe’. We as the tribe of Makassar must pronounce the word Tabe’ because
this is one of polite language, and almost all of them say ‘’Sorry’’ after greeting,
and as for some students abbreviate the message for example there is while to say
greeting: ss. that’s right ‘’Assalamu’ Alaikum Wr.Wb’’ and only separated write
the end of a sentence with the word ‘’Thank you’’ and most importantly
introducing themselves and from which class, because every lecturer does not
keep your number. And should pay attention to punctuation whether this is a
question or statement because we as student must have good character. In social
media there is a way how to send SMS but by way of abbreviation, so we as
student is not worth to in imitate when communicate with lecturer which is older
than us.

In the use of social media, a negative impact must be avoided, like or not
like social media already present in the middle of society. It just how we can use
and utilize it for the good of the users, because social media directly or indirectly
can change cultural behavior, either from personal cultural behavior or cultural
behavior of society and students. But do not let the influence of social media
change students or society to follow the foreign culture and not uphold the values
of courtesy and not respect each other.

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