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Computers & Strucrurt-s Vol. 64, No. 1-t pp.

849-855, 1997
Q 1997 Civil-Comp Ltd and Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Pergamon Printed in Great Britain
PII: SO0457949(96)00420-g GM%-7949/97 $17.00 + 0.00


V. Dias da Silva and E. N. B. S. JQlio
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, 3049 COIMBRA Codex, Portugal

Abstract-The present paper describes numerical techniques for the computational simulation of the
membrane method for shape determination of arch dams and subsequent stress analysis of the dam shell.
The method is based on the nonlinear computation of membrane deformation using the finite-element
method. Techniques are presented for the automatic mesh generation for the membrane and for the shell
problems. The presented software package allows the computational analysis of all steps from the shape
determination to the stress analysis. Examples are included. 0 1997 Civil-Comp Ltd and Elsevier
Science Ltd.

1. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SHAPE in the slopes of the valley, which is loaded by water
pressure (simulating the hydrostatic load) and by
Arch dams are the only dams which resist water forces acting vertically upwards, which correspond to
loading by the compressive strength of the concrete the self-weight of the dam. The deformed membrane
from which they are built. In all other types of dams has the form of a funicular of the loads, since it has
the self-weight and the shear strength play an no bending stiffness.
important role. If all forces are reversed, the equilibrium is
If adequate bulk is given to the arch dam, it is preserved and the tensile stresses become compres-
theoretically possible that the whole concrete of the sive. On a first view this would mean that in a dam
dam works under the same stress (for a given shell with that form, it is possible to have only
loading), which describes the most rational utilization compressive stresses which do not vary in thickness.
of the material. This means that there are no bending However, this is not completely true, since, as the
moments installed in the shell, since otherwise the shell has bending stiffness, its deformation induces
stress would vary in its thickness. However, this can bending moments, especially in the abutments.
only happen if the arch dam has the shape of a However, the experience collected using this
funicular of the loading (hydrostatic load and dead method and testing the obtained forms shows that
weight) and the thickness varies according to the forms may be obtained which are generally free from
normal forces in the shell. Now, it must be pointed tensile stresses [ 1,2].
out that contrary to a load distributed on a line, for The experimental membrane method has the
a load distributed. on a surface-like the water disadvantage of being very time and cost expensive,
pressure in the upstream fact of a dam-there is an so that, from the results obtained by this method,
infinity of funicular forms. empirical rules were developed, in order to avoid the
The search of a shape which satisfies this condition experimental shape determination.
in the most demanding loading case-full reservoir-
and also behaves well in other loading conditions, 2.2. Computational simulation of the membrane
namely an empty reservoir, is of a crucial importance method
for the design of an economical and safe dam. After the appearance of the computer and the
development of numerical tools for structural
analysis suitable to be used on it-like the
MEMBRANE METHOD finite-element method-it became possible not only
to calculate stresses and displacements, but also to get
2.1. Physical description the membrane shape by numerical means [3]. This
The membrane method has become the most shape depends on the form of the membrane fixation,
successful way to model the form of an arch dam. the thickness and the rheological behaviour of the
However, before the computer was available, this membrane material.
technique had to be used experimentally. The test The numerical determination of the membrane
consists of a rubber membrane initially flat, fixed in deformation is much faster and cheaper than the
a frame with the form of the abutments of the dam experimental one and, as opposed to the experimental

CAS 61/14---ELI 849

850 V. Dias da Silva and E. N. B. S. JClio

for the
calculation of
Automatic mesh for the iterative
stresses and
generation for calculation of
the membrane the membrane
in the shell

Fig. 1. Software modules for the numerical shape determination and stress analysis of arch dams.

12311 ypy )

2 z

4 b)
Fig. 2. (a) Definition of the valley form and macro elements for FE mesh generation; (b) angle G(and /3
for definition of the initial membrane configuration.

tests, in the computational simulation it is very easy and 14, respectively. These nineteen points define
to vary the problem parameters, especially the the eight macro elements shown in Fig. 2a. Each
constitutive law of the membrane material. It is even macro element is then divided in four or sixteen
possible to use a fictitious material behaviour, which quadrilateral membrane elements with eight or nine
does not exist in real materials. This gives the nodes.
numerical simulation many more possibilities than Once defined, the nodal point coordinates in the
the experimental way offers. xy-plane the coordinates z are calculated. In the first
stage it is assumed that the membrane lies in an
inclined plane, defined by a rotation CIof the vertical
3. THE PROGRAM plane xy around the z-axis (Fig. 2b). On performing
3.1. Outline a projection in the z-direction, the cylindrical surface
defined by angle p is then obtained (Fig. 2b). The
The computer program developed in the Depart-
objective of this procedure is to achieve a
ment of Civil Engineering of the University of
double-curvature shell, even when the valley slopes
Coimbra for the automatic shape determination and
have a constant inclination. A perspective of the
structural analysis of arch dams consists of the
membrane start configuration in a trapezoidal valley
modules represented in Fig. 1.
is shown in Fig. 3.
The thickness must be entered as data to the FE
3.2. Starting parameters and mesh generation membrane analysis, since the corresponding program
The form of the valley is defined by the coordinates computes the dead weight from a given thickness
of eleven points distributed as shown in Fig. 2. distribution. In the standard version of the program
The middle point, 6, is the origin of the reference the thickness is assumed to have a linear variation
system. Points 12 to 15 are uniformly distributed between top and bottom. However, it is simple to
on the line between points 1 and 11. The position program other laws of variation [4]. The membrane
of points 16 to 19 may be on any point on the mesh generation program interpolates this data and
lines between 3 and 13, 5 and 13, 7 and 14 and 9 puts it in a form suitable to be used in the FE

Fig. 3. Membrane start configuration in a trapezoidal valley. Fig. 4. Exponential material law.
3(-l, 1)
W, 1)
Computation of membranes of arch dams 851

u I v
1(-l, -1) L-$-q-7(1, -1)
7 Fig. 7. Mesh of 9-node membrane elements for a
symmetrical valley.
Fig. 5. Isoparametric membrane element of 9 nodes.

In what concerns linearity, linear and nonlinear

3.3. The membrane program constitutive laws are considered. The nonlinear law
The membrane Sdeformation is calculated using the has the analytical expression
nonlinear FE software FEPS [5]. Anisotropic, large d = ~(1 - e-m).
strain membrane (elements are used. The problem is
described in a lagrangean formulation. The search of With this law, the stress is automatically limited to
the equilibrium configuration is performed by the the value a0 (Fig. 4). The parameter G(determines the
Newton-Raphson method. initial material stiffness (Young’s moduli). However,
this material law is not yet implemented. It is
Initia[geometricalstt@ess. In the start configuration, intended to be used in further work.
the membrane has neither material nor geometric
stiffness. For this reason, it is necessary to compute Avoiding compressive stresses. In the iterative process
an artificial geometric stiffness in order to avoid a it is possible that in some points negative membrane
non-positive definite stiffness matrix in the first strains appear. However, compressive stresses cannot
iteration. This is performed by assuming a very small be resisted, since the membrane does not have
membrane stress, as the iterative process is started up, compressive stiffness. Besides, if they are computed,
when the geometrical stiffness is computed. they lead to negative geometric stiffness, which may
result in a non-positive definite stiffness matrix and,
Assumed rheologkal behaviour of the membrane as a consequence, in the abortion of the iterative
material. By manipulating the assumed constitutive process. Therefore, the routine which calculates the
law for the membrane material, different membrane stress state and the material stiffness for a given strain
shapes can be obtained. Only elastic behaviour is state includes an algorithm to identify such strain
considered. This has the advantage that the problem states.
remains conserval.ive. In the case of an isotropic material, the algorithm
In what concerns isotropy, two options are obeys the following scheme:
considered: isotrolpic and orthotropic material. In the
(1) The principal strains (~1 and 62) and directions
second case a rheological behaviour is assumed with
(0, and f3,) of the strain state are calculated.
zero tangential stiffness in the orthotropy directions.
There are four possibilities:
This orthotropic law displays less convergence
l both principal strains are positive;
problems than the isotropic one.
l 6, > 0 and c2 < 0;

a &I< 0 and t2 > 0;

l both principal strains are negative.

______membrane middle surface;

membrane nodes;
? shell nodes.
Fig. 6. Generation of volume elements for the shell. Fig. 8. Membrane deformation after IO load increments.
852 V. Dias da Silva and E. N. B. S. Jiilio

Fig. 11. Membrane deformation after 50 load increments.

Fig. 9. Membrane deformation after 20 load increments.

edge of the membrane suffers a vertical displacement

(2a) First case: the assumed constitutive law may be
during the deformation. This induces a small error,
used directly, since there are no negative strains.
since the top edge of the dam should be horizontal.
(2b) Second case: it must be investigated if the
The same occurs in the membrane shape obtained by
negative principal strain would lead to a
computational means, if the loading is applied in one
negative principal stress. This is done by
calculating the strain in the principal direction
In order to avoid this, the numerical simulation is
2 (6;) for the given value of cl and zero stress in
performed stepwise. The membrane stiffness is given
direction 2.
a value, such that the deformation is relatively small.
l If c2 > t;, both principal stresses are positive,
The deformed configuration is then used as a start
which means that the assumed constitutive law
configuration for the next loading step. The
may be used directly.
above-referred disadvantage is avoided by neglecting
l If ~2< &, u1 is positive and c2 is zero. After 0,
the displacements in the x and y directions, adding
is calculated, the components of the stress
only the displacement in the z-direction, when the
state in the given coordinates are calculated
geometry updating is performed. Since the defor-
using angles 8, and e2.
mation is small, the error introduced by this
(2c) Third case: proceed as in the second case, but procedure in the equilibrium is also small.
changing the roles of the indices 1 and 2.
The stepwise evaluation of the membrane defor-
(2d) Fourth case: both principal stresses are zero. mation has also the advantage that a series of
equilibrium configurations is obtained and not just
In the case of the referred orthotropic material one.
behaviour the algorithm is more simple, since the
principal directions of the stress and strain states are 3.4. FE mesh generation for the shell
the material orthotropy directions.
The structural analysis of the membrane shell is
performed using isoparametric volume elements with
Updating the geometry. With the experimental
20 nodes. The FE mesh is generated from the
membrane method arises the difficulty that the top

orthotropic material law

isotropic material law

Fig. 12. Comparison between the forms obtained with the

Fig. 10. Membrane deformation after 30 load increments. orthotropic and the isotropic material laws.
Computation of membranes of arch dams 853

G = g-x,- x3 + x7 + x9) - Cl,

C9.Y = f(x, + x3 + x7 + x9) - c,, - G - Ch,

wherex,, . . , x9 represent the value of the coordinate

x on the element nodal points. For the coordinates y
and z, similar expressions are obtained.
A vector ii, which is normal to the surface defined
Fig. 13. FE mesh for the dam. by the form functions is obtained by the expressions

ay ay
membrane mesh by calculating the coordinates of the all, aq2 ay aZ ay aZ
supplementary nodes. In order to obtain this, the nx = aZ aZ =as,all,-Jy&
direction cosine of the normal to the middle surface aq, aq,
of the membrane must be calculated in each node.

-aZ -az
This is done by using the form functions of the
membrane elements. aql h2 az ax -- aZ ax
In the case of the 9-node element the form function 4 =
ax =all,all,- aq2alt,
for the coordinate x takes the form (Fig. 5):
allI &i

--ax ax
ax ay ax ay
atl, aq2 =--_--
nz= --ay ay ati aq2 afh aq,’
The constants C,,, . . , Cs, are calculated from afh aq2
the conditions x(-- 1, - 1) = XI, . . . , x( 1,l) = ~9,
yielding The normalization of this vector gives the direction
cosine of the normal to the membrane. The
Cl, = x5 coordinates of the shell are then calculated, using the
shell thickness in the point under consideration
Ch = f(x* - x1) (Fig. 6).

c3, = f(X6- x4) 4. EXAMPLES

4.1. Symmetrical dam

c,, = f(X2- 2x5 + X8)
As a first example a symmetrical valley is
cs, = i(x, - x3 - x7 + x9) considered. The dam is 33.6 m high and 92.2 m wide
at the crown. A linear thickness distribution with 1 m
c,, = f(x, - 2x5 + X6) on the top and 4 m at the bottom is considered.

compressive stresses tensile stresses

Fig. 14. Principal stresses and directions on the upstream face.

854 V. Dias da Silva and E. N. B. S. Jlilio

compressive stresses

Fig. 15. Principal stresses and directions on the downstream face.

As the program with the exponential material

behaviour is not completely developed, only the
results obtained with the linear orthotropic and
isotropic laws are presented. The orthotropic law has
vertical and horizontal orthotropy directions.
The used FE mesh is depicted in Fig. 7 (xy plane).
In Figs 8 to 11 different equilibrium configurations
obtained with the orthotropic material law are
plotted. The last one was then used to generate the Fig. 17. Dam deformation under dead weight and
dam shell (Fig. 13). hydrostatic pressure.
In Fig. 12 the shapes obtained with the orthotropic
and the isotropic material laws are compared. It can
of equilibrium, if the tensile stresses are not resisted.
be pointed out that, for the same upstream overhang,
The Mohn-Coulomb yielding criteria was used in this
the orthotropic material law leads to a smaller
calculation. Figure 16 shows an upstream perspective
downstream overhang. However, it was observed
of the obtained principal stresses and directions.
that the stress distribution in the dam shell is a little
Although this picture is not very easy to visualize at
better in the shape obtained using the isotropic
first sight, it gives a good idea of how the loading is
material law.
carried to the abutments by arches and consoles and
In Figs 14 and 15 the stress distribution in the shell
of the zones, where there are bending moments
plotted in Fig. 13 at the up and downstream faces is
(strong stress variation in the thickness). It can be
presented. As the stress computation was performed
seen that these moments appear only nearby the
considering built-in abutments, significant tensile
built-in abutments.
stresses have been obtained at the upstream face in
In Fig. 17 the shell deformation under full loading
those points. However, an elastoplastic computation
is presented (dashed lines: deformed configuration).
with zero tensile strength shows that there is no loss
This deformation corresponds to a good dam
shape [6], since the deformed shape of the crown arch
displays a regular curvature and not a waved one.


In traditional dam design it is much more difficult

to find an adequate shape for an arch dam in an
unsymmetrical valley than in a symmetrical one.
With the method presented the procedure is the same
for both and no supplementary difficulties were
encountered when the method was used in an
unsymmetrical example.
Some of the elements used in the stress analysis of
Fig. 16. Principal stresses and directions (elastoplastic the dam shell have a bad aspect ratio. This is a result
analysis with the Mohr-Coulomb yielding criteria and zero of numerical experiments, which have shown that,
tensile strength). due to the slow stress variation in the membrane
Computation of membranes of arch dams 855

surface, large elemlents can be used in these directions. April 1987, (Ed. Laginha Serafim and R. W. Clough) A.
A. Balkema, 1990.
The bad aspect ratio is then caused by the small
2. M. Costa Pereira and J. Laginha Serafim, “Design of
thickness, when compared to the other two arch dams using membrane shapes”, in Arch Dams,
dimensions of the elements. Besides, as four elements International Workshop on Arch Dams, Coimbra 5-9
were used in the thickness, to capture the bending and April 1987 (Ed. Laginha Serafim and R. W. Clough) A.
shear deformation, the aspect ratio is even worse. A. Balkema, 1990.
3. P. G. Smith, “Membrane shapes for shell structures”,
Despite this, no numerical problems appeared in the Ph.D. dissertation. Univ. of California. Berklev. 1969.
FE analysis of the dam shell, which can be explained 4. C. M. A. F. C. F: Sa Marques, V. D&s da Sl’lva and
by the fact that the elements are not distorted. M. H. F. Melao Barros, “Finite element model for the
However, acceptalble results were also obtained with analysis of arch dams and optima1 design by the
membrane method”, Inr. Symp. Arch Dams, Nanjing,
two or even one element in the thickness.
China, October 17-20, 1992.
5. H. Wiistenberg, “FEPS 3.3-finite element programming
system, element library”, ICA Report No. 22. Stuttgart,
6. Jean Martin, “The search of shapes for arch dams”
I. A. Portela Santa’s, M. C. Matos and .I. Laginha Serafim, in Arch Dams, In!. Workshop on Arch Dams, Coimbra
“Membrane shapes for arch dams”, in Arch Dams, 5-9 April 1987 (Ed. Laginha Serafim and R. W. Clough)
International Workshop on Arch Dams, Coimbra 5-9 A. A. Balkema, 1990.

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