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1.) Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu Novel

Title : Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu
Author : Ali Imron El Shirazy
Publisher : Semesta (Pro U Media)
Published : Yogyakarta, 2009.

Summary of “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu”

“ Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” is a story that tells about a man life
with his bad experience in the past and the problems in his life. Ghozali, a
religious man that has bad past experience life, and he is a different man in
nowadays. He well-known in his campus, many girls love him because of her
attitude and her handsome face. He actives in student organization in his campus.
Many girls had proposed him to be their boy friend or husband. They just not
from his school mate but also from Kyai’s daughter. One day, he meets Khadija or
usually called Pelangi by her closest people, a religious girl and a hafidzah. She is
a Kyai’s daughter near his dorm. She remembered Ghozali to someone in his past,
Jinan. Jinan is a reason that Ghozali can’t accept the proposal from the girls
although she is Pelangi because he feel not proper for every girl but he loves
Pelangi much. Many problems happen in Ghozali’s life and one by one he can
solve it. Before his mother passed away, she want ghozali to marry with
Khairunnisa, a disable woman that helped by his mother and live with her. She
almost has same past life like Ghozali. Ghozali married Khairunnisa, they life
happily in her new life. Ghozali tries to make Khairunnisa happy because she has
him. Many years later, Ghozali meets Pelangi in a Zoo. Ghozali had have a
daughter Pelangi Jinan Khairunnisa and her wife Khairunnisa passed away when
she gave birth Pelangi, her daughter.

2.) Diary of A Lost Boy Novel
Title : Diary of A Lost Boy
Author : Harry Kondoleon
Publisher : Alfred A. Knopf
Published : United States, 1994

Summary of “Diary of A Lost Boy”

“Diary of A Lost Boy” is a story that tells about gay, they are bisexual. Hector is a
man that has HIV/AIDS. He loves a woman named Susan but he can not marry
her because his disease. He introduces her to his bestfriend Bill. Bill is a
Philandered and also bisexual. Susan and Bill will divorce because Bill is a
philanderer and also he dishonest. But they defent to survive their marriage to
save Hector. Susan want to protect Hector in his disease. One day, Bill go out
with her girlfriend and Susan meets Juan who loves her than Bill. Hector dead
after he received a letter from Santa in Christmas.

1.1 Background of The Research

Literary is a wide world. It is not just a literary work but it have
many meanings. Literary work have many genres, like fiction and non
fiction, and it can divided to many part again. A literary give various
human and humanism problems, and also lives problems. Authors observe
the problem and write it to the fiction based on their point of view. They
write it based on their imagination from the experiences or many point of
views in live.
Fiction is a result from the author as the opinion in problems
toward the surroundings. Although fiction is an imagination, but it needs a
comprehension and reflection explicitly. The comprehension and
reflection do by full of realization and responsibility. The fiction include
of novel, short story, novella, and the others.
Literary work exist as the result of imagination and reflection
toward the surrounding problems, so it is a part of social life. The authors

try to make their world observation about the social reality to refer a
literary work based on certain culture and society.
Literary is a work that describe the point of view from the author.
It is a opinion, observation, feeling, or reflection which it can make
something have point.
In this case, I will use two theory to analyze novels “Dan Bidadari
pun Mencintaimu” by Ali Imron El Shirazy and “Diary of A Lost Boy” by
Harry Kondoleon The theories are comparative theory as the comparison
theory between both of them and the one is feminism Theory.
1.2 Limitation of The Study
1.) How is analysis “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” novel by Ali Imron
El Shirazy based on Feminism theory?
2.) How is analysis “Diary of A Lost Boy” novel by …based on Feminism
3.) How is comparison between “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” and
“Diary of A Lost Boy” novel based on Comparative Theory?
1.3 Research Purposes
1.) To understand analysis “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” novel by Ali
Imron El Shirazy based on feminism theory.
2.) To understand analysis “Diary of A Lost Boy” novel by Harry
Kondoleon based on feminism theory.
3.) To understand comparison of “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” and
“Diary of A Lost Boy” novels based on Comparative theory.
1.4 Theoretical Basis
1.4.1 Feminism Theory
Feminism or feminist theory is support of equality for women and
men. Feminism Theory is an outgrowth of the general movement to
empower women worldwide. "...the ways in which literature (and other
cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political,
social, and psychological oppression of women" (Tyson). It is simple that
feminism fight for the equality of women and argue that women should
share equally in society’s opportunities and scare resources. Feminist

critics generally agree that their goals are to expose patriarchal premises
and resulting prejudices, to promote discovery and re-evaluation of
literature by women, and to examine social, cultural, and psychosexual
contexts of literature and literary criticism (Guerin 197).
Feminisms theory is to demonstrate the importance of women, to
reveal that historically women have been subordinate to men, and to bring
about gender equity. There are some basic feminist ideas, the principle are
working to increase equality, feminist thought links ideas to action,
insisting we should push for change toward gender equality and not just
talk about it; Expanding human choice, feminists believe that both men
and women should have the freedom to develop their human interests and
talents, even if those interests and talents conflict with the status quo. For
example, if a woman wants to be a mechanic, she should have the right
and opportunity to do so; Eliminating gender stratification, feminists
oppose laws and cultural norms that limit income, educational and job
opportunities for women; Ending sexual violence and promoting sexual
freedom, feminists feel that women should have control over their
sexuality and reproduction. There are also three basic forms og feminist.
There are liberal feminist that it thought and believes that individuals
should be free to develop their own talents and pursue their own interests.
It do not see women's equality as requiring a reorganization of society, but
they do seek to expand the rights and opportunities of women. Second,
socialist feminist, it based on Karl Marx ideas. It believes that the
traditional family is based upon a capitalist system, where women stay
home and men work. And the third, Radical feminist, it believes that men
not only benefit from the exploitation of women but are also responsible
for it as well.
According to Maggie Humm and Rebecca Walker, the history of
feminism can be divided into three waves. The first feminist wave was in
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the second was in the 1960s
and 1970s, and the third extends from the 1990s to the present. Feminist
theory emerged from these feminist movements. It is manifest in a variety

of disciplines such as feminist geography, feminist history and feminist
literary criticism. First-wave feminism refers to an extended period of
feminist activity during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century
in the United Kingdom and the United States. Originally it focused on the
promotion of equal contract and property rights for women and the
opposition to chattel marriage and ownership of married women (and their
children) by their husbands. Second-wave feminism refers to the period of
activity in the early 1960s and lasting through the late 1980s. The scholar
Imelda Whelehan suggests that the second wave was a continuation of the
earlier phase of feminism involving the suffragettes in the UK and USA.
And the Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, arising as a
response to perceived failures of the second wave and also as a response to
the backlash against initiatives and movements created by the second
wave. Third-wave feminism seeks to challenge or avoid what it deems the
second wave's essentialist definitions of femininity, which (according to
them) over-emphasize the experiences of upper middle-class white

1.4.2 Comparative Theory

There are some definitions of the comparative theory by some
sources or expert. The study of the literatures of two or more groups
differing in cultural background and, usually, in language, concentrating
on their relationships to and influences upon each other. The study of the
interrelationship of the literatures of two or more national cultures usually
of differing languages and especially of the influences of one upon the
other; sometimes : informal study of literary works in translation
(Unabridged Dictionary) and the definition from other sources are:
1.) Literary comparative is an effort to compare two literary work. It is not
only focuse on literary work but also the aspects in the literary work its
2.) Definition based on Indonesian experts:

a) Sapardi Joko Damono,“Sastra banding merupakan pendekatan
dalam ilmu sastra yang tidak menghasilkan teori tersendiri.
Dalam arti bahwa teori apapun dapat digunakan dalam
penelitian sastra banding.
b) Suripan Sadi Hutomo (1993; 5) pada dasarnya sastra
bandingan itu berdasarkan satra nasional suatu negara.
Hutomo (1993; 11-12) studi sastra bandingan melandaskan
diri pada 3 hal yaitu: (a) Afinitas, yaitu keterkaitan unsur-
unsur intrinsik (unsur dalaman) karya sastra, misalnya unsur
struktur, gaya, tema, mood (suasana yang terkandung dalam
karya sastra) dan lain-lain, yang dijadikan bahan penulisan
karya sastra. (b) Tradisi, yaitu unsur yang berkaitan dengan
kesejarahan penciptaan karya sastra. (c) Pengaruh.
c) Hosilos (2001; 28) Sastra bandingan mengkaji
perbandinganantara karya sastra pengarang satu dengan
pengarang lain yang hidup di dua negara yang berbeda.


2.1 Analysis of Feminism Theory of “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu”

2.1.1 Analysis “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” Novel by Ali Imron
El Shirazy based on Feminism Theory
 Declaration of Andita, Cindy, and Desy about their love to Ghozali
through their letters that they gave to Amir. It is a procces to equal
between woman and man as we know that usually man who says
love to the woman.
Amir menyerahkan tiga pucuk surat yang berbeda warna namun
sama menariknya. Entah menarik, entah indah, entah kreatif, entah
genit, susah dibedakan.( Chapter 4 ; page 56-60)
 Cindy battles and give opinion about Ghozali’s statement. She does
not defeated from Ghozali.
“Tapikan ngak harus kayak gitu juga kak. Kalo aku sih terserah
kak Ghozali saja. Ngak semua pacaran kayak gitu kali kak. Lagian,
apa iya kita harus kaya orang-orang zaman dulu yang ketemu
langsung nikah. Paling ngak, ada waktunya 7oing untuk saling
mengenal terlebih dahulu sebelum menikah.“
Cindy langsung menyampaikan pendapatnya. (Chapter 4 page 67)

“Bagaimana jika kita menikah? Kak ghozali tadi bilang bahwa

hanya itulah cara yang bisa dilakukan oleh laki-laki dan
perempuan yang ingin bersatu kan? Aku sangat mengerti dengan
pandangan kakak tenteng hal ini karena kakak adalah seorang
aktivis LDK…......” (Chapter 4 page 68)
 Unusual if a girl says love to a man, but in this story Sheila try to
says about her feeling to Ghozali, someone that she loves. She
gives instruction to Amir to invite Ghozali go to a café and she says
love to him but it just a plan because in fact Ghozali go out before
she do it.
……..Suara seorang gadis.

“Seperti itulah kiranya jika aku harus berucap…“
Tiba-tiba musik mati, berganti dengan petikan gitar. Ghozali
belum melihat seorang pun disana. Ia hanya mengedarkan
pandangannya yang tak tahu harus ke mana.
“Kala pesonamu begitu kuat, hingga menakhlukkan hatiku...
Dan hatiku pun bertanya, engkaukah takdirku?...
Maka kupastikan hatiku kan merapat...
Kaukah takdirku... Abdurrachman Ghozali?!!“ (Chapter 4;page 72)
 Based on Indonesian Culture, a man propose to marry a woman,
but in this story a girl named Ningrum, a Kyai’s daughter in
Dono’s village ask her father to say ta’aruf with Ghozali moreover
she want to marry him.
“Mas Ghozali, sebenarnya saya minta Mas berkunjung ke sini
adalah karena ada yang ingin ta’aruf sama Mas.”
“Tanpa ingin memperpanjang lagi, inilah yang ingin saya
utarakan. Putri ketiga saya Ningrum, ingin ta’aruf sama Mas
Ghozali.” (Chapter 13; page 185)
 Khadija does not want to marry too fast, she is not ready so when
her father ask her to choice one of the man that propose her to be
her husband, Khadija just silent and do nothing.
Pelangi tidak mampu melanjutkan kata-katanya.
Pelangi sungguh tidak mampu berkata, Wajah putri
kesayangannya yang membatu, membuat iba umi terlahir.
Abah berdiri dan berlalu. Pembicaraan berakhir. Pelangi langsung
masuk ke kamarnya.Menangis. Ummi hanya memendanginya dari
celah pintu kamar yang ia buka sedikit.(Chapter 25;page 359-360)
 In this story the case is still same about how a girl want to propose
or says love with a man. Mutmainnah try to ask Ghozali to propose
“Sudahlah Mas. Sya tidak suka berputar-putar. Apakah Mas
sedikit pun merasa tidak ada sesuatu antara Mas dan Bu Nyai?
Karena sesungguhnya kedatangan saya kesini adalah sebagai

delegasi sebuah ikhtiar, sebuah usaha akan takdir.” (Chapter
26;page 367)

“…Akan tetapi, dengan jujur dia mengaku kepada saya kalau

sesungguhnya perasaannya sudah sangat melekat dengan Mas
Ghozali. Namun ia tidak ingin seperti kebanyakan wanita yang
takhluk hanya oleh hati dan perasaan saja….”
“Dan tidak tahu kenapa, semua istikharahnya yang tidak satu pun
disertai mimpi, tidak mengubah sedikit pun perasaan dan
keyakinan akan suatu nama: Abdurrachman Ghozali….” (Chapter
28;page 391)
 Khadija’s mother prohibit Pak Kyai to meet Khadija, she feels that
she does not appreciate by him as a mother. She wants to
understand by her husband that she can do her responsibility as a
woman actually a mother.
“Udah Bah. Cukup! Kali ini Ummi sudah tidak bisa sepenuhnya
patuh pada Abah. Ummi perempuan, Pelangi perempuan. Jangan
samakan kami dengan laki-laki. Biar Ummi yang bicara pada
Pelangi. Pelangi tanggung jawab Ummi, Bah. Tolong mengerti
posisi Ummi, juga keadaan Pelangi. Ummi yang akan bertanggung
jawab. Tolong…” (Chapter 30;page 407)
 Khadija try to say to her mother about her feeling to Ghozali.
Actually she had finished her memorize Qur’an but she does not
tell to her parents.
“…..Mas Ghozali tidak melakukan hal-hal yang seperti
kebanyakan lelaki yang dating melamar pelangi. Sama sekali
tidak…..Dan seandai pun ini cinta, mau diapain? Mas Ghozali
biasa aja....“
“....Apa pemuda itu tidak pernah mengatakan apa-apa padamu
tentang pernikahan?“
Pelangi menggeleng. Wajahnya Cemberut.(Chapter 13;page 182)

2.1 Analysis of Feminism Theory of “Diary of A Lost Boy”
2.1.1 Analysis “Diary of A Lost Boy” Novel by Harry Kondoleon
based on Feminism Theory
 Susan can not oppose Bill when she knows that Bill is a
philanderer. She just scream out and crying.
Susan,Crying, explained how discovering Bill’s infidelities all at
once made her lose confidence in reality. After all, if she could be
so wrong about her marriage, what else was she off on? Slowly
everyone was confessing her own bitter disapointments and
humiliating concession. (Page 13)
 Susan keep calm and detained her angry with Bill. She loves him
so much, she try to be patience although she disappointed.
That message was given directly, and I see Bill to the door with his
weekend bag. We kiss on the cheek. I know Susan is facedown,
crying. She loves Bill so much. I must sign them up for a seminar
on how men and women love differently. I saw the flyer at the
Opera Center. (Page 22)
 Actually Susan want to rebel and angry to Bill and Hector, but she
does not battle with mad. She explain carefully to Hector
“We were quite, but you probably heard Bill and me the other
night. Decadent, I know, to kiss lips you no longer trust. But in a
city on a fire it’s necessary to eat, sleep, and touch very fast….You
love Bill, don’t you?You see past his shortcomings.Why does life
have to be such a Filene’s basement when you want it to be House
or Dior?” (Page 39)
 In some history that feminism also in litrary called feminism
literature where the woman want to be equal with men to write
literary. In this story, Susan said she might write a novel.
Susan said she might write a novel. She asked me if I would mind if
she wrote about me.(Page 71)
 Susan keep calm confront her husband girlfriend although she
angry. She also invite her to dinner with they.

“That’s right, you get it, Bill. She hangs up every time I answer it.
Invite her for dinner! We haven’t had any good laughs around here
in a while.” (Page 84)
I don’t think Susan fully comprehends that Bill will walk in any
minute now with this new girlfriend of his. She think his betrayal is
a general thing with no specific characters. (Page 86)
“Pardon me, Miss Shush, but I really do feel compelled to ask you
what you are doing here. I mean, I know you must take my husband
for a total jackass, but nou could you possibly believe you could
march into new home and insinuate your pushy vagina in my face?
Could you not know my syphilitically minded husband has been
with hundreds of similarly demoralized women? Ask him. He
makes regular confessions at wekly meetings for compulsives. I
foolishly believed such oral display might be a substitute for
genital obsession how wrong could I have been?” (Page 87)

2.2 Analysis of Comparative Theory of “Dan Bidadari pun

Mencintaimu” and “Diary of A Lost Boy” Novels

2.2.1 Similarities of “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” and “Diary of

A Lost Boy”

No. Similarities Dan Bidadari pun Diary of A Lost Boy

1. Both of the novels “ ….Saya justru “…and I see Bill to
there are scenes menikmatinya. the door with his
that tell about free Bahkan hubungan weekend bag. We
sex. intim yang begitu kiss on the cheek…”
dilaknat dalam “…Susan pinned
agama kita adalah Juan to the wall. She
menu sehari-hari was kissing him
saya. Saya semakin full-mouthed,

nakal. Jika kali swinging her head
pertama saya hanya back and forth.”
bermain dengan “By the time Juan
perempuan yang and Susan entered
memperjakai saya, the room, they were
perlahan saya mulai both practically
melirik perempuan- undressed, garments
perempuan lain di hanging off their
sekolah, maupun di shoulders, caught
luar sekolah saya…” around their necks
(Chapter 26;page and ankles.”
370) “By the time I’d
“Berzina…sebuah finished my prayer
dosa besar… Sudah the lovemaking was
menjadi hal biasa dying down.”
bagi saya. Bahkan
hamper semua siswi
popular yang satu
sekolah dengan saya
saya…tiduri. Hal
(Chapter 26;page
2. Based on Main The main character, The main character,
Characters’ love Ghozali loves a Hector loves a
story woman named woman named
Khadija but he does Susan but he does
not want to marry not want to marry
her because he feel her because he have
does not suit. It HIV/AIDS.
cause of her bad “I introduce her to

experience in the Bill, they married,
past. and before long
“Baik Mbak. Jujur suspeciousdetails
saya katakana , iya, concerning Bill’s
saya memang fidelity…”
menyukai Bu Nyai. “Susan is my truer
Tidak bisa tidak. love, because she
Saya jelas sangat hates me for asking
menyukai Bu her and I love her
Nyai…..Maksud for that.”
saya, saya jelas
memimpikan Bu

2.2.2 Diversifications between “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaiku” and

“Diary of A Lost Boy”

No. Diversifications Dan Bidadari pun Diary of A Lost Boy

1. Language Use proper language, Use Frank language,
combination too fulgar.
language (English, “They loved Secret
Javanese, Arabic) Vagina and
and Indonesian slang wouldfind no way to
language. halt their
“Kulo dereng saget enthusiasm.”
maringi keputusan “….he has gorillas
sakpunika…” penis…”
“ Alow Kak, pa kBar “…to a penis being
Ka2 hR nie? sMg in a vagina so
baik deh...“ they…”
“I beg your pardon

for disturbing u or at
least, for wasting
yuor time reading
my letter...“
“May I use English?
I feel rather
inconvenient telling
you about my self in
4w1 sy kesana skg.”
2. Culture and Religious, based on Free life and based
Religion religion (Islamism) on Cristian.
and Indonesian “They had a
regulation. It vivids colorized version of
explained in almost A Christmas Carol
of the story. on last night…”
“…Aku begitu takut “I prayed. Bless me.
neraka. Aku takut Santa and his devils
Allah murka. Tolong cannot lead…”
kalian mengerti.”
“Sebuah kalimat
terdengar jelas di
telinga Ghozali yang
baru saja sampai di
masjid pesantren.”
“….silahkan nanti
ba’da Maghrib ke
ndalem beserta
teman-teman ikhwan
yang membantu

mengajar di TPA.
Nanti malam ada
haul Eyang.”
“Shalat sam. Ni udah
Ashar. Ayo…”


From the analysis of “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” by Ali Imron El Shirazy
and “Diary of A Lost Boy” by Harry Kondoleon that I already done, it can
analyze by feminism theory and comparative theory based on social life,
characters, culture and religion, and the using of language.


Introduction to Literature Handout, English Education, Education and Teachers

Training Faculty, Tidar University: 2014.

Analyzing Two Novels “Dan Bidadari pun Mencintaimu” and “Diary of a Lost

Risma indrasari

Literary Appreciation

Winda Chandra Hatari, M.A.

English Department

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Tidar University



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