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$91 million in tax credits for 114 firms approved

By Jonathan J. Cooper
GM’s $8 million to $20,000 like human resources, he Board member Made- ing 432 people in Burlin- ware maker Procore Tech-
The Associated Press
for MinowCPA Corpora- said. The company is test- line Janis said she was con- game near San Francisco nologies and ServiceTitan.
tion, an accounting firm ing 50 autonomous ve- cerned that GM representa- International Airport and Renovate America Inc.,
SACRAMENTO >> A state eco- that plans to hire eight peo- hicles on public roads in tives, attending the meet- in the city of Industry east an energy efficiency con-
nomic development board ple in Newport Beach and San Francisco, the Detroit ing by phone, were unable of Los Angeles. sulting service, will get a
on Thursday approved an Santa Ana. metro area and Scottsdale, to say how many of the com- Tax breaks were also ap- $5.5 million tax credit to
$8 million tax credit for GM promises to hire 1,163 Arizona. pany’s California employees proved for several technol- hire 542 people in San Di-
General Motors as the com- workers at an average sal- “A s autonomous car are women. Still, the tax ogy companies, including ego County and San Fran-
pany looks to expand its au- ary of $116,000. San Fran- technology matures, our credit was approved unan- the online streaming ser- cisco.
tonomous vehicle division cisco is the hub for GM’s au- company’s talent needs imously. vice Hulu which sought Meanwhile, the board re-
in San Francisco. tonomous vehicle research will continue to increase,” The Bay Area has become $4.3 million in exchange scinded $730,000 worth of
The GM tax credit was and development since the Cruise Automation CEO a leading region for compa- for adding 410 workers in tax credits previously ap-
among more than $91 mil- company acquired Cruise Kyle Vogt said in a state- nies looking to build auton- San Francisco, Santa Mon- proved for four companies
lion in California Competes Automation last year, said ment . “Ac c e ssin g t he omous and alternative-fuel ica and Novato. Other tech after the firms said their
incentives for 114 compa- Kevin Kelly, a GM spokes- world-class talent pool vehicles, including Uber companies approved for plans changed and they
nies approved at a board man. that the San Francisco and Tesla. at least $1 million in tax will no longer be able to
meeting in Sacramento of The new workers will Bay Area offers is one of Electric-bus manufac- breaks include education maintain the job-creation
Gov. Jerry Brown’s GO-Biz include software design- the many reasons we plan turer Proterra Inc. was ap- site Course Hero, coupon or other commitments re-
agency. ers, on-street vehicle tes- to grow our presence in proved for a $7.5 million tax service Honey Science Cor- quired to claim the tax
The credits range from ters and support functions the state.” credit in exchange for hir- poration, construction soft- credits.


Teachers cash in, big time, by putting lessons up for sale Feds: School
ers are spending out of
$4M for
By Carolyn Thompson
The Associated Press
their own pockets on their
classroom,” Hudson says.
Miss Kindergarten is in
the million-dollar club. So
are Lovin Lit, the Moffatt
But Bob Farrace, spokes-
man for the National As-
sociation of Secondary
no-show vets
Girls and about a dozen School Principals, says By Michael Balsamo
other teacher-entrepre- taking “proprietary rights The Associated Press
neurs who are spinning over ideas and lessons”
reading, math, science and could disrupt the tradi- LOS ANGELES >> The owner
social studies into gold by tional collaborative atmo- and operator of a California
selling their lesson plans sphere of schools. “You trucking company are ac-
online to fellow teachers want teachers to collabo- cused of bilking more than
around the world. rate and share ideas freely.” $4 million from the Depart-
Despite worries from In fact, some school dis- ment of Veterans Affairs by
some educators, such on- tricts have language in collecting federal tuition
line marketplaces are their teaching contracts reimbursements for veter-
booming, driven by rising that bar teachers from sell- ans who never actually at-
standards and the willing- ing their lesson plans. tended any classes, federal
ness of teachers to pay out Some legal experts argue prosecutors said Thursday.
of their own pockets for that the resources teachers Emmit Marshall, 50, and
classroom-tested materi- produce while working for Robert Waggoner, 54, were
als. a school district may actu- indicted in Los Angeles on
“I am so thankful and MIKE HOUSEHOLDER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ally be the property of the federal wire fraud charges
blessed that it came into Samantha Cucu types on a laptop inside her classroom at Tappan Middle School in Ann school district. and each face up to 20 years
my life and that my pas- Arbor, Mich. The English and language arts teacher is among a number of educators Mark Bartholomew, who in prison if they are con-
sion and career can kind nationwide who purchase lessons from other teachers online. teaches copyright law at victed, prosecutors said.
of mesh into one,” says the University at Buffalo, Authorities allege Mar-
Miss Kindergarten, aka etizing of lessons will sti- says that without explicit shall, who owned the Alli-
32-year-old Hadar Hart- fle the longstanding prac- contract language, the ance School of Trucking in
stein, of Lake Forest, Cal- tice of teachers freely shar- law looks at factors such Chatsworth, and Waggoner,
ifornia, who says she has ing their ideas. And legal as whether products were the school’s director, re-
earned more than $1 mil- experts question whether created within the scope cruited veterans by telling
lion in sales over the past teachers actually have of employment or on a per- them that they could collect
six years, enough to take ownership of the lessons son’s own time. housing fees and other ben-
this year and maybe the they are selling. A federal court in New efits from the government
next few off from her teach- For teachers buying the York sided with the Cherry without having to attend
ing job to be with her new- materials, however, it’s a Valley-Springfield school any classes.
born daughter. major time saver, allow- district in 2004 after a The school was certified
Her more than 300 offer- ing them to reclaim the suspended teacher tried to under the Post-9/11 GI Bill,
ings on the popular Teach- nights and weekends oth- claim ownership of tests, a program where the VA
ers Pay Teachers site range erwise spent starting les- quizzes and homework pays tuition and other fees
from free alphabet flash sons from scratch, often for problems left behind in for college classes or on-
cards and a $1.50 Popsi- no more than the price of BEBETO MATTHEWS — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS his classroom that he said the-job training programs
cle party counting activ- their morning coffee. Mary Beth Nerone, a former middle-school teacher from were prepared outside nor- for active duty and honor-
ity to a $120 full-year unit Ann Arbor, Michigan, Rochester, N.Y., displays materials from her online store in mal hours. The U.S. Court ably discharged members
on math and literacy, all of middle school teacher Sa- New York. of Appeals agreed the dis- of the military, prosecutors
them promoted on her blog mantha Cucu said that trict owned the materials said. As part of the pro-
and social media accounts. when she first started teach- who has a year-old baby. ter, New York. because the teacher made gram, the VA paid tuition
“You definitely have to ing three years ago, she cre- At Teachers Pay Teach- “ S ome p e ople a r e them for his job. and fees to the school and
look at it as another full- ated her own materials but ers, teachers set their own psyched and say I get Star- “I never created any- also paid housing allow-
time job,” she says. “You was swayed by colleagues prices for 2.5 million re- bucks money each week thing that I was selling ances to veterans who said
have to put a lot of effort who made a compelling ar- sources and give a com- ... some people get to a while in the classroom,” they were enrolled full-time
into it.” gument: “Why are you rein- mission to the site. With a space where they can meet says “Miss Kindergarten” at the school.
Teachers Pay Teachers venting the wheel?” $59.95 premium member- or surpass their teach- Hartstein. “As a kindergar- Prosecutors allege Mar-
contends that it hit a mile- She has since bought ship, the commission is 15 ing income,” Nerone says. ten teacher, I rarely even shall and Waggoner cre-
stone last year, when its about 120 resources and percent. With a free basic “And some people get to a had time to sit down and ated false enrollment certi-
80,000 contributors earned gotten 132 others from membership, it’s 40 per- space beyond their wildest take a breath.” fications and then submit-
more than $100 million, Teachers Pay Teachers’ free cent. dreams of income.” Hartstein says she never ted them to the VA and also
and that at least a dozen offerings. “My first sale was 80 Teachers trust and sup- looked at selling lessons created phony student files.
have become millionaires “Sometimes they’re su- cents. It was the best 80 port other teachers, says as a path to riches but as Between 2011 and 2015, the
since the site launched a per-easy small purchases, cents I’ve made in my en- Hanna Hudson, edito- a way for others to learn federal government paid the
decade ago. Other major like $1.20 here, $2.50 there, tire life!” says Mary Beth rial director of the We Are and benefit from her expe- school more than $2.3 mil-
sites including Teachwise and sometimes they’re Nerone, who has been Teachers online bulletin rience. lion for tuition and fees and
and Teacher’s Notebook, larger. I try not to spend stocking her online store, board, and accessing indi- “If a teacher is already paid nearly $2 million to the
and recently such corpo- over $15,” says Cucu who Brain Waves Instruction, vidual resources from the making a resource for her veterans who never attended
rate players as Houghton estimated that her prep on the site with writing, web is less expensive and students and it’s super suc- the classes, prosecutors said
Mifflin Harcourt and Am- time for school plummets poetry and other exercises easier than going to the cessful in her classroom, in announcing the charges.
azon, have launched sites of from 20 to 30 hours a week for three years after budget district for new textbooks then why not post it for Prosecutors said Mar-
their own. to two hours if she can find cuts eliminated her job as or resources. other students to use? And shall was scheduled to sur-
But some educators what she needs online. a middle-school language “Honestly, it’s going af- if you make something off render to authorities next
worry the increasing mon- “It’s huge,” says Cucu, arts teacher near Roches- ter the money that teach- of it, awesome.” week.


Aide says San Bernardino elementary school shooter was ‘out for blood’
The Associated Press room and opened fire with- students. Downing said she
out saying a word. had no idea Anderson was
SAN BERNARDINO >> A class- Earlier this year, just a in the room until she heard
room aide who was just feet month into the first shot.
away during the fatal shoot- their mar- Anderson kept firing
ings of a teacher and a stu- riage, A n- in the seconds it took for
dent at a San Bernardino derson ac- Downing to process what
elementary school said she cused his was happening. She saw
believes the gunman was wife of in- Smith, 53, slumped over
“out for blood.” f idelit y — at the desk where she had
Jennifer Downing said though po- been sitting with her group.
she thinks the shooter, Ce- l ic e h ave Downing said she saw
dric Anderson, would have said there is the 9-year-old get shot.
killed others if he hadn’t Anderson no evidence “So in my mind, I’m
run out of bullets and of that. thinking ‘He’s shooting
stopped to reload Monday. W hen he anybody and everybody,’”
Anderson fatally shot failed to win she said.
himself after killing his her ba ck , At some point Anderson
estranged wife, teacher he shot and “stopped, and messed with
Karen Elaine Smith, and killed her, his gun” and that’s when
an 8-year-old boy, Jonathan police Chief she fled with two students.
Martinez, in a special-edu- Jarrod Bur- Later, Downing would find
cation classroom at North guan said. out from the other aide that
Park Elementary. Another Smith Smith told Anderson tried to fire on
student, 9-year-old Nolan family mem- other targets after Smith.
Brandy, was shot and is re- REED SAXON — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bers that Anderson had “She said he raised the
covering and in good spir- Lena Hammerling and her daughters Melissa, left, and Maci, right, and an unidentified threatened her after she gun to her — and it clicked.
its, his family said Wednes- child look at a sidewalk memorial dedicated to the teacher and student who were shot to moved out, but she didn’t He was out” of bullets,
day. death Monday at North Park Elementary School in San Bernardino on Tuesday. take him seriously and Downing said.
“I don’t feel like he was thought he was just seek- According to the San
just out for (Karen) Smith,” Downing said she had her personal life but once person I’ve ever worked ing attention, Burguan said. Bernardino Police Depart-
Downing, an instructional only worked with Smith mentioned that she was with,” she said of Smith. At the time of the shoot- ment, Anderson fired 10
assistant told the Riverside for a short time. She told the stressed because of a di- Downing had never ing, Smith, Downing and shots, stopping to reload
Press-Enterprise. “I feel like newspaper that the teacher vorce. seen Anderson, 53, before another aide were working his six-shot revolver mid-
he was out for blood.” almost never talked about “She’s the most private he showed up at the class- with tables of four to five way through.

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