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sa ge f . Saree atilla Cl No sppane}t ogFecTS Sf DeFecTs NqTED—-RESUBMITTAL WAVED 1 berecTs ngTe>—RESuEMITTAL REGUIRED revecreo 1 no action Pane ae HYATT POWERPLANT TURBINE REFURBISHMEN; ITS 1, 3 AND WHERE Test Precepencs eeneuuee Ci THE Courancr SpeciricaTiens, THE CedTRACT SPeciricse SHALL Govern CVER THESE PeoceDvees, Specification No. 98-22 | Contract No. stir DWR File No. AIS - 417 Project Namo & Location’ TYATT Powerplant’ Caifornia Contractors’ Name: Department of Water Resources Description / Loc. / Application: Urasonic& Liquid Penetvant Test Procedure Ref ABB OAP 170.8 115 Bid Item NO: Extra Work AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING ULTRASONIC TEST PROCEDURE ABB QAP 110 REVISION 2 DATED 10/16/02 Page 1 of 5 PURPOSE, To describe a nondestructive testing procedure that is capable of determining the degree of interface bonding between Babbitt alloy and the base metal of Babbitt linad bearings. This Procedure uses the pulse echo method of ultrasonic testing. 2. SCORE This test procedure, in conjunction with the test equipment used by ABB, will provide accurate results for the entire range of bearing types and sizes that may be encountered. Supplied customer specifications always take precedence over generic information written in ABB Procedures 3. PROCEDURE ZQUIEMENT 3.1 Ultrasonic Analyzer ~ Epoch IIB Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector. This is a pulse echo type analyzer capable of utilizing both dual and single element transducers. The transducers shall have a frequency of 2.25 MHz and a diameter not greater than 1 inch. 3.2 Ultrasonic Couplant ~ Echogel, or a comparable brand, couplant used will be of a suitable viscosity to allow for consistent, accurate readings between the transducer and the bearing surface being tested, AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING ULTRASONIC TEST PROCEDURE ABB QAP 110 REVISION 2 DATED 10/16/02 Page 2 of 5 3.3. Reference Blocks - A steel block of varying thickness will be babbitted with a portion of the babbitted area to be bonded, and a portion to be un-bonded. These two different araas will allow for accurate setting of the sensitivity of the ultrasonic unit. OPERATOR QUALIFICATIONS 3.4 ‘TESTING All final ultrasonic testing will be performed by a level If technician as qualified by procedure ABB QA? 120 which conforms to all requirements stated in ASNT- TC-1A. All test results will be reviewed by the Quality Assurance Manager, and all xesults will becom part of the individuals quality records file After the bearing has been machined to a 250 ox better RMS finish, it shall be ultrasonically tested. Be sure that the bearing is cold to the touch, Warm or hot surfaces can give inaccurate results. ‘The ultrasonic test unit should have the sensitivity sot to a test block that is comparable in Babbitt thickness to the Babbitt thickness on the bearing being tested. The test block should have bonded and un-bonded areas. Set the damping and roject controls to minimum. Place the transducer on a bonded area, and set the gain control to project an image similar to Figure 1 It may be necessary to adjust the damping control or zeject control to eliminate noise at this point. The echo at the bond line should be at 80% of screen AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING ULTRASONIC TEST PROCEDURE ABB QAP 110 REVISION 2 DATED 10/16/02 Page 3 of 5 3.8 (Cont’)height. Move the transducer to the un-bond area and observe the difference on the display. 3.9 Move the transducer to the bearing to be tested and locate an area to cbserve a back reflection indication. It may be necassary to adjust the gain control so that the initial bond line echo is 80% of the screen height. Note: If the bearing is made of cast iron, it may be disficult, if not impossible, to get a back reflection. 3.10 Un-bonded areas will appear as shown in Figure II. These areas will be determined Ey a comparison between the bond line display given by the bearing and the reference block. ‘The area directly under the centerline of the transducer chall be the area under evaluation ACCEPTANCE STANDARD 3.11 Bearings with indications exceeding the following criteria are not acceptable 3.11.1 Any single un-bonded area greater than 5% of the total Babbitt surface 3.11.2 When applicable, the load area (bottom 1/3 of bearing), of horizontally installed bearings having any single un-bonded area greater than 5% of the total load area 3.11.3 Any un-bonded area within 0.500" of any interface area or any high pressure oil lift holes. AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING ULTRASONIC TEST PROCEDURE ABB QAP 110 REVISION 2 DATED 10/16/02 Page 4 0f 5 ACCERTANCE STANDARD (Continued) 3.11.4 Customer specifications and contract requirements always supercede these. BOSETION 3.12 arings that show no indications in excess of those given in Section 3.11 shall be accepted. 3.13 Any bearings requiring re-babbitting shall be x inepested after the repairs have hoon completed RECORDS 3,14 Final U.T. reports will become part of the permanent job file and filed in the administrative offices. 3.15 The final U.T. report shall contain the manufacturar’s identification number, purchaser's identification number, testing technician's signature, date, Angpaction procedure, test frequency, instrument, type and size of transducer used, a map of all areas of un- bond, and the location of repaired areas 3.16 A continuous loss of back zeflection greater than 50% over any single area exceeding 1% to the babbitted area shall be mapped and recorded. This will be done only if the reason for loss of back reflection is unknown. Such areas shall be included in the final U.T. report subject to evaluation and approval of the Q. A. Manager. AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING DxTED 98/22/02 Pago Sof 5 5 g q Gc. la blrer ae ays Tureag ways Ustsssiya 22g a SECS PUR LIGgEG Ueantoq out puog wous FurinSa! Sy = g ceang tent + at caine ul] ft we ULTRASONIC TEST PROCEDURE a - AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING LIQUID (DYE) PENETRANT TEST PROCEDURE ABB QAP 115 REVISION 9 DATED 98/32/01 Page 1 of 4 1. puRPose: Yo deseribe a nondestructive testing procedure that is capable of detecting, and determining the extent of, surface flave by introducing highly colored dye into the flaws 2. score Thio test method is capable of detecting surtace cracks and porosity in Babbitt alloy as well ac the stesls from which bearing housings arc made. These discontinuities ean be detected at sizes measured in thousandths of an inch 3. EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL 3.1 Magnaglux spotcheck SKL-SP ~ Penetrant Magnaflux Spotcheck SKD-52 - Developer Magnaflux Spotcheck SKC-S - Cleanez/Renover Tho penetrant is applied to the surface of the test ebjact and 4t is drawn into the voids by capillary action. Excess penetrant is renoved and developer is applied and red dye in the penetrant becomes highly visible. These rosults can be physically measured o: Photographs can be taken. When the test is completed, ‘the dys can be removed using the cleaner/renover applied to a wiping cloth. 3.2 ALL personnel performing 1iguid penetrant examinations and interpretations shall be performed by a certified SNI-IC-1A Level IT Inspector for liquid penetrant Foquizenents or customer approvad equivalent. = AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING LIQUID (DYE) PENETRANT TEST PROCEDURE DATED 08/31/01, ABB QAP 115 REVISION 9 Page 2 of 4. PROCEDURE 4.1 Liquid penetrant inspection for quality acceptance shall be performed when the test iten is in a final machined condition or otherwise completed condition. 4.2 the temperature of the test materials and the pazt to be inspected shall, if possible, be maintained between 60 and 100°F. during the testing. Surface Preparation 4.3 The areas to be examined, and any adjacent azea within 4 (ene inch) of the surface to be examined, shall be free of rust, scale, slag, sand, welding flux, oily films, or other oxtraneous materials. Surfaces shall bo cleaned. No abrasive blasting or shot peoning shall be permitted. The final cleaniag before application of penetrant shall be performed by wiping the surfaces with a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with the cleaner/remover solution. Finally, wipe the surfaces with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth, Allow the surfaca to dry for a minimum of five (5) minutes prior to the application of the penetrant selation, Penotrant Application 4.4 Thoroughly coat the suzface to be tasted with penetrant solution by spraying or brushing. 4,5. Remove the excess ponatrant solution by wiping with a Clean, lint-free cloth until ne viaible traces remain. ‘ang AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING LIQUID (DYE) PENETRANT TEST PROCEDURE ABB QAP 115 REVISION 9 DATED 08/21/01 Page 3 of @ 4.6 Allow the surface further dry by evaporation for a maximum of five (5) minutes, Developing Dye Ponetrant 4.7 Shake the aerosol spray can of developer before use Sproy a light, uniform coat ef developer on tha ousface to be tested. Take care not to form pools of wet developer of the test susface, because heavy costing of developer can mask the dye color and give false indications of test results. 4.8 Tt is good practice te observe the surface during the epplication of the daveloper to detect the nature of any indications which tend to bleed out profusely. However, final intexpretation ghall be made a micimum of ten (10) minutes and no later than thizty (30) minutes after the developer is applied. Ingpection and Evaluation 4,9 Inspection of test results shall be conducted under white light illumination bright enough to easily distinguish the red dye color and chazp lines gistinguiching boundaries of surface cracks. However, jocalized surface imperfections may occur fiom machining marks or other surface conditions producing indications which are not relevant to the detection of unacceptable discontinuities. 4.10 Any indication in excess of the acceptance standards which is believed to be irrelavant shall be regarded as 2 defect and shell be re-examined to verify wheches on Rot actual defects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the re~exanination. 1 Seo: Seema mae AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING LIQUID (DYE) PENETRANT TEST PROCEDURE ABB GAP 115 REVISION 0 DATED 08/31/01 Page 4 of 4 4,11 Irrelevant indications and broad areas of piguentation which would mask indications of defocta are unacceptable. 4.12 Rounded porosity indications at the bead line ace not considered defects. Acceptance Criteri: ‘Tho following indications are unacceptable. 4.13 Any cracks, lincar indications, or lack of interface Bonding 4.14 Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 1/8" (Babbitt area only) 4.15 two of more rounded indications in a line separated ky 1/16" or less, edge to edge (Babbitt area only) 4.46 Six or moze rounded indications in a 12 square inch Srea of surfaco (Babbitt area only) Bost Test Cleaning 4.17 Whoa testing is completed, the surface shall be cleaned by wiping with a clean, diy cloth followed by wiping with a clean cloth sprayed liberally with Cleanez/Remover to reaove all traces of tho test FQL La Se Serer A _— AMERICAN BASBITT BEARING, INC. pamED 09/30/02 am gar 145 EVESION 2 pace 1 OF 2 ULTRASONIC AND DYE PENETRANT TESTS ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA FOR GENERATOR GUIDE SHOES AND THRUST SHOES 1.0 FOREOSE he purpose of this document is to deseribe the acceptability criteria for UT and PT evaluations of generator guide shoes and thrust shoes . 2.0 score Tis procedure covers ell generator guide shoes and thrust shoes regardless of the OEM involved. 3.0 PROCEDURE All guide shoes and thrust shoes are to be tasted according to procedures ABB QAP 110 (3 3 TRE PACLECULAR BONDING SHALL BE too Pesce Fem \ wert FROM EDGE AMP CMLL BE A etutuner oF YO Pesce OVER THE REMAINDER oF THE AREA 4.1 Ultrasonic test Zone A: dimension greater than 3/8” and separation between un-bonded areas must be grater than 1". See ABB FORM 23, Zone B: Theze shall be no un-bondad azea with a dimension greater than 1 aquare inch, and separation between ua-bondad areas must be greater than 2". Seo ARB FORM 22. 4.1.1 Any bearing having un-bonded areas greater than 20% of the total Babbitt surface will be rejected. ee eas AMERICAN BABBITT BEARING, INC, ams car 45 EVIStON 3 DATED 09/30/02 BRE 2 OF 2 ULTRASONIC AND DYE PENETRANT TESTS ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA FOR GENERATOR GUIDE SHOES AND THRUST SHOES 4.2. Dye Penctrant Test 42. PY shall be performed only if the Ur Anspection is acceptable. Only the bearing edges will be examined. Aay indication from PT inepection must be confirmed as true un-bonded area to be considered a defect. Tf not confirmed by UZ, the area will be considered an Andication only and not a defect, and will not be rejected based_on the indication. Indications with a length greater than %" must have a local repair using ABB GAP 130 o> ABB PCP 310 to provant Future incursion by OE ar a(defree

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