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[2] V. Dragan, “Asymptotic expansions for game-theoretic Riccati equa- Energy Based Control of the Pendubot
tions and stabilization with disturbance attenuation for singularly per-
turbed systems,” Syst. Contr. Lett., vol. 20, pp. 455–463, 1993. Isabelle Fantoni, Rogelio Lozano, and Mark W. Spong
[3] L. T. Grujic, “Uniform asymptotic stability of nonlinear singularly
perturbed general and large-scale systems,” Int. J. Contr., vol. 33, pp.
481–504, 1981. Abstract—This paper presents the control of an underactuated two-link
[4] H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems: Macmillan, 1992.
robot called the Pendubot. We propose a controller for swinging the linkage
[5] P. V. Kokotovic, H. K. Khalil, and J. O’Reilly, Singular Perturbation and rise it to its uppermost unstable equilibrium position. The balancing
Methods in Control: Analysis and Design. New York: Academic,
control is based on an energy approach and the passivity properties of the
1986. system.
[6] D. W. Luse and H. K. Khalil, “Frequency domain results for systems
with slow and fast dynamics,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-30, Index Terms—Nonlinear systems, passivity, pendubot, underactuated
pp. 1171–1179, 1985. systems.
[7] D. W. Luse and H. K. Ball, “Frequency-scale decomposition of
H -disk problems,” SIAM J. Contr. Optimiz., vol. 27, pp. 814–835,
[8] Z. Pan and T. Basar, “ H -optimal control for singularly perturbed sys-
tems—Part II: Imperfect state measurements,” IEEE Trans. Automat. The two-link underactuated robotic mechanism called the Pendubot
Contr., vol. 39, pp. 280–299, 1994. is used for research in nonlinear control and for education in various
[9] A. Saberi and K. Khalil, “Quadratic-type Lyapunov functions for singu-
concepts like nonlinear dynamics, robotics and control system design.
larly perturbed systems,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-29, pp.
542–550, 1985. This device is a two-link planar robot with an actuator at the shoulder
[10] V. R. Saksena and P. V. Kokotovic, “Singular perturbation of the Popov- (link 1) and no actuator at the elbow (link 2). The link 2 moves freely
Kalman-Yakubovich lemma,” Syst. Contr. Lett., vol. 1, pp. 65–68, 1981. around link 1 and the control objective is to bring the mechanism to the
[11] H. L. Trentelman and J. C. Willems, “The dissipation inequality and the unstable equilibrium points.
algebraic Riccati equation,” in The Riccati Equation, S. Bittani, A. J.
Laub, and J. C. Willems, Eds. New York: Springer, 1991, pp. 197–242. Similar mechanical systems are numerous: single and double in-
[12] H. D. Tuan and S. Hosoe, “A new design method for regulator problem verted pendulum, the Acrobot [4], the underactuated planar robot [1],
for singularly perturbed systems with constrained control,” IEEE Trans. etc. Control strategies for the inverted pendulum have been proposed
Automat. Contr., vol. 42, pp. 260–264, 1997. in [9], [2], [8], and [11].
[13] , “On state space approach in robust control for singularly perturbed Block [3] proposed a control strategy based on two control algo-
systems,” Int. J. Contr., vol. 66, pp. 435–462, 1997.
[14] , “Multivariable circle criteria for multiparameter singularly rithms to control the Pendubot. For the swing up control, Spong and
perturbed systems,” Dep. Electronic-Mechanical Eng., Nagoya Univ., Block [14] used partial feedback linearization techniques, and for the
Japan, Preprint, 1996. balancing and stabilizing controller they used linearization about the
[15] J. T. Wen, “Time domain and frequency domain conditions for strict desired equilibrium point by linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and pole
positive realness,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 33, pp. 988–992,
1988. placement technique. The upright position is reached quickly as shown
[16] V. A. Yakubovich, “A frequency theorem for the case in which the state by an application. Nevertheless they do not present a stability analysis.
and control spaces are Hilbert spaces with an application to some prob- Spong and Block [14] use concepts, such as partial feedback lin-
lems in the synthesis of optimal control,” Siberian Math. J., vol. 15, pp. earization, zero dynamics, and relative degree and discuss the use of
457–476, 1974. the Pendubot for educational purposes.
To our knowledge there exists only this solution in the literature to
solve the swing up problem of the pendubot.
The controller that we propose is not based on the standard tech-
niques of feedback linearization (or partial feedback linearization). We
believe that our approach is the first for which a complete stability anal-
ysis has been presented.
The stabilization algorithm proposed here is an adaptation of the
work of [8] which deals with the inverted pendulum. We will consider
the passivity properties of the pendubot and use an energy based ap-
proach to establish the proposed control law. The control algorithm as
well as the convergence analysis are based on Lyapunov theory.
The performance of the proposed control law is shown in a simula-
tion example.


Consider the two-link underactuated planar robot, called the pen-
dubot. We will consider the standard assumption, i.e., no friction, etc.:

Manuscript received May 18, 1998; revised May 10, 1999. Recommended by
Associate Editor, O. Egeland.
I. Fantoni and R. Lozano are with the Department Heudiasyc, University of
Technology of Compiègne, 60205 Compiègne, France (e-mail: Isabelle.Fan-,
M. W. Spong is with the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801-2307 USA (e-mail:
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9286(00)04098-8.

0018–9286/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE


m1 is the mass of link 1, m2 the mass of the link 2, q1 the angle that
link 1 makes with the horizontal, q2 the angle that the link 2 makes
with link 1, l1 and l2 the lengths of link 1 and link 2, lc the distance
to the center of mass of link 1, lc the distance to the center of mass of
link 2, and I1 and I2 the moments of inertia of link 1 and link 2 about
their centroids.
We have introduced the following five parameter equations:
1 2
= m1 lc + m2 l1 + I1
2 2
= m2 lc + I2
3 = m2 l1 lc (1)
4 = m1 lc + m2 l1
5 = m2 lc :

For a control design that neglects friction, these five parameters are
all that is needed. Fig. 1. The pendubot system.
The following system describing the equations of motion can be ob-
tained either by applying Newton’s second law or by the Euler–La-
Note that P is related to g (q ) as follows:
grange formulation
@P 4 g cos q1 + 5 g cos (q1 + q2 )
q + C (q; q_)q_ + g (q ) =  (2) g (q ) = = : (10)
@q 5 g cos(q1 + q2 )
q1 1 A. Passivity of the Pendubot
q= ;  = (3)
q2 0 The total energy of the pendubot is given by

E = 12 q_ T D(q )q_ + P (q )
1 + 2 + 23 cos q2 2 + 3 cos q2
= 1
D(q ) = T
2 + 3 cos q2 2
2 q_ D(q)q_ + 4 g sin q1 + 5 g sin(q1 + q2 ): (11)

Therefore, from (2)–(6), (8)–(10) we obtain

C (q; q_ ) = 3 sin(q2 )
0q_2 0q_2 0 q_1 (5) q + 12 q_T D
E_ = q_T D(q ) _ (q )q_ + q_ T g (q )
q_1 0
T 0
= q_ ( C (q; q_ )q_ g (q ) +  ) + 1 q_T D
0 _ (q )q_ + q_ T g (q )
= q_  = q_1 1 : (12)
4 g cos q1 + 5 g cos(q1+ q2 )
g (q ) = : (6)
5 g cos(q1+ q2 ) Integrating both sides of the above equation we obtain
Note that D(q ) is symmetric. Moreover t
q_1 1 dt = E (t) 0 E (0): (13)
d11 = 1 + 2 + 23 cos q2 0
2 2 2
= m1 lc + m2 l1 + I1 + m2 lc + I2 + 2m2 l1 lc cos q2 Therefore the system having 1 as input and q_1 as output
 m1 lc2 2 2
+ m2 l1 + I1 + m2 lc + I2 0 2m2 l1 lc is passive. Note that for 1 = 0 (2) has four equilibrium
points. (q1 ; q_1 ; q2 ; q_2 ) = ((=2); 0; 0; 0) and (q1 ; q_1 ; q2 ; q_2 ) =
 m1 l2 c
+ I1 + I2 + m2 (l1 0 lc ) > 0
(0(=2); 0; ; 0) are two unstable equilibrium positions (respectively,
and top position and mid position). We wish to reach the top position.
(q1 ; q_1 ; q2 ; q_2 ) = ((=2); 0; ; 0) is an unstable equilibrium position
det(D (q )) = 1 2 0 32 cos2 q2 that we want to avoid, and (q1 ; q_1 ; q2 ; q_2 ) = (0(=2); 0; 0; 0) is the
= m1 lc + I1 m2 lc2 + I2 stable equilibrium position we want to avoid too. The total energy
2 222
+ m2 l1 I2 + m2 l1 lc sin q2 > 0:
2 (7)
E (q; q_) is different for each of the four equilibrium positions:

Therefore D(q ) is positive definite for all q . From (4) and (5) it follows E ; 0; 0; 0 = Etop = (4 + 5 )g
that Top positions for both links

_ (q )
D 0 2C (q; q_) = 3 sin q2 (2q_1 + q_2 ) 01 0 1
E 0 2 ; 0; 0; 0 = El = ( 4 0 0 5 )g
Low positions for both links

which is a skew-symmetric matrix. An important property of skew- E 0 2 ; 0; ; 0 0
= Emid = ( 4 + 5 )g
symmetric matrices which will be used in establishing the passivity
Mid position: low for link 1 and up for link 2
property of the pendubot is 
E ; 0; ; 0 = El = (4 0 5 )g
z T (D
_ (q ) 0 2C (q; q_))z = 0 8 z: (9) 2
Position: up for link 1 and low for link 2: (14)
The potential energy of the pendubot can be defined as
The control objective is to stabilize the system around its top unstable
P (q ) = 4 g sin q1 + 5 g sin(q1 + q2 ): equilibrium position.

Let us first note that in view of (11), (4), and (5), if the following
1 2
conditions are satisfied: q1 =
1 2 0
32 cos2 q2
2 1 + 2 3 sin q2 (q_1 + q_2 )

c1 ) q_1 = 0;
2 2
+ 3 cos q2 sin(q2 )q_1 0
2 4 g cos q1
c2 ) E(q; q)
_ = (4 + 5 )g; + 3 5 g cos q2 cos(q1 + q2 ) : (20)

To reduce the expressions, we will consider
_ = 12 2 q_2 + 4 g sin q1 + 5 g sin(q1 + q2 )
E(q; q) 2 2 2
F (q; q)
_ = 2 3 sin q2 (q_1 + q_2 ) + 3 cos q2 sin(q2 )q_1
= 4 g + 5 g: (15)
0 2 4 g cos q1 + 3 5 g cos q2 cos(q1 + q2 )
From the above, it follows that if q1 6= (=2) then 2
q_2 > 0.
If in addition to conditions c1 ) and c2 ) we also have condition thus
c3 )q1 = (=2) then (15) gives 1
q1 =
1 2 0 32 cos2 q2 [2 1 + F (q; q)]
_ : (21)
1  q_ 2 =  g(1
2 2 2 5 0 cos q2 ): (16)
Introducing the above in (18) one has
The above equation defines a very particular trajectory which corre-
sponds to a homoclinic orbit. This means that the link 2 angular position V_ = q_1 1 E~+ D
k 2

moves clockwise or counter-clockwise until it reaches the equilibrium

k E
1 2 0 32 cos2 q2
point (q2 ; q_2 ) = (0; 0). Thus our objective can be reached if the system D
k F (q; q)
can be brought to the orbit (16) for q_1 = 0 and q1 = (=2). Bringing
1 2 0 32 cos2 q2
+ k q~1 :

the system to this homoclinic orbit solves the “swing up” problem.
In order to balance the Pendubot at the top equilibrium configuration We propose a control law such that
((=2); 0; 0; 0) the control must eventually be switched to a controller
which guarantees (local) asymptotic stability of this equilibrium. Such
a balancing controller can be designed using several methods, for ex-
0q_1 = 1 kE E~ + 1 2 0kD22cos2 q2
ample LQR, which in fact provides local exponential stability of the D
k F (q; q)
top equilibrium. By guaranteeing convergence to the above homoclinic +
1 2 0
32 cos2 q2
+ k q~1 (22)
orbit, we guarantee that the trajectory will eventually enter the basin of
attraction of any balancing controller. We do not consider the design of which will lead to
the balancing controller in this paper.
The passivity property of the system suggests us to use the total en- V_ = 0q_12 : (23)
ergy E in (11) in the controller design. Let us consider q~1 = (q1 0
(=2)) and E ~ = (E 0 Etop ). We wish to bring to zero q~1 ; q_1 , and E
~. The control law in (22) will have no singularities provided that
We propose the following Lyapunov function candidate:
kD 2
kE 2 k 2 k 2 D P k EE
1 2
6 0:
0 32 cos2 q2 = (24)
V (q; q)
_ = ~
E(q; _ +
q) q_1 + q~1 (17)
2 2 2
The above condition will be satisfied if for some  > 0
where kE ; kD , and kP are strictly positive constants to be defined later.

jE~ j  kkDE01 :
Note that V (q; q)
_ is a positive semidefinite function. Differentiating V
and using (12) we obtain (25)

V_ = k E
_ + k q_1 q1 + k q~1 q_1
Note that when using the control law (22), the pendulum can get stuck
=k E E D P
~ q_1 1 + k q_1 q1 + k q~1 q_1 at any equilibrium point in (14). In order to avoid any singular points
= q_1 (kE E1 + kD q1 + kP q~1 ):
~ (18) other than Etop , we require

Let us now compute q1 from (2). The inverse of D(q) can be obtained jE~ j < min (jEtop 0 Emid j; jEtop 0 El j; jEtop 0 El j)
from (4) and (7) and is given by = min(24 g; 25 g):

01 (q) = 1 2 0 0
2 h3 Taking also (25) into account, we require
[det(D(q))] 02 0 h3 1 + 2 + 2h3

jE~ j < c = min D 0

with det(D(q)) = 1 2 0 32 cos2 q2 and h3 = 3 cos q2 . Therefore 24 g; 25 g;
k 1
: (26)
we have
Since V is a nonincreasing function [see (23)], (26) will hold if the
q1 1 2 1
[det(D(q))] 0 (2 + h3 )1
initial conditions are such that

0 D01 (q) q_1 2

C(q; q)
+ g(q) : V (0)  c2 : (27)

The above defines the region of attraction as will be shown in the next (30)], we conclude that if kP is small, 1 will also be small. Since q1 is
section. constant, the second link is either at rest (i.e., in its top position or in its
Finally, with this condition, the control law can be written lowest position) or moving freely (i.e., oscillating or turning around its
pivot). However, if the second link is moving it will produce a couple
1 =
0k F (q; q_) 0 1 2 0 32 cos2 q2 (q_1 + k q~1 ) :
D P on the first link which will therefore move. Since this is a contradiction,
(1 2 0 32 cos2 q2 ) k E~ + k 2
(28) the second link can only be at rest. This will be proved below in detail
for the case when 1 = 0.
The main result is stated in the following theorem. Let us study further the case when q2 is constant. Note that such
Theorem 1: Consider the pendubot system (2). Taking the Lya- equilibrium position (q1 = constant, q2 = constant) can be obtained
punov function candidate (17) with strictly positive constants kE ; kD , only if the couple 1 is exactly compensating the gravity force. If q1
and kP and provided that the state initial conditions (26) and (27) is far from (=2), we require a large couple to compensate the gravity
are satisfied, then the solution of the closed-loop system with the force. Since 1 is small, we conclude that q~1 is close to zero. q2 can be
control law (28) converges to the invariant set M given by the either 0 or  . If q2 =  then the energy is close to El : In view of the
homoclinic orbit (16) with (q1 ; q_1 ) = ((=2); 0) and the interval constraints imposed on the initial conditions this position is excluded.
(q1 ; q_1 ; q2 ; q_2 ) = ((=2) 0 "; 0; "; 0), where j"j < "? and "? is Finally, we conclude that kP sufficiently small implies that q2 and q~1
arbitrarily small. are both arbitrarily close to zero.
The proof will be developed in the following section in which the Let us go back to the case when 1 = 0; q_1 = 0; q1 = 0 and q~1 = 0.
stability will be analyzed. We will now present a detailed proof that q2 should be identically zero.
With 1 = 0; q_1 = 0; q1 = 0 and q~1 = 0, (2) becomes
(2 + 3 cos q2 )q2 0 3 sin(q2 )q_22 = 5 g sin(q2 ) (32)
The stability analysis will be based on LaSalle’s invariance
theorem (see, for instance, [7, p. 117]). In order to apply LaSalle’s 2 q2 = 5 g sin(q2 ): (33)
theorem we require to define a compact (closed and bounded) set

with the property that every solution of (2) which starts in

Introducing (33) into (32), we obtain
remains in
for all future time. Since V (q; q_) in (17) is a nonin-
creasing function, [see (23)], then q1 ; q_1 , and q_2 are bounded. Since 5 g
cos(q2 ) sin(q2 ) 0 sin(q2 )q_22 = 0: (34)
cos q2 ; sin q2 ; cos q1 ; sin q1 ; cos(q1 + q2 ); sin(q1 + q2 ) are bounded 2
functions, we can define the state z of the closed-loop system as
being composed of q1 ; sin q1 ; sin(q1 + q2 ); q_1 ; cos q2 ; sin q2 and q_2 . Thus we have either
Therefore, the solution of the closed-loop system z_ = F (z ) remains 5 g
q_22 = cos q2
inside a compact set
that is defined by the initial state values.
Let 0 be the set of all points in
such that V_ (z ) = 0. Let M be or
the largest invariant set in 0. LaSalle’s theorem ensures that every
solution starting in
approaches M as t ! 1. Let us now compute sin q2 = 0: (36)
the largest invariant set M in 0.
In the set 0 [see (23)], V_ = 0 and q_1 = 0 which implies that q1 and Let us study each case separately. If sin q2 = 0, then q2 is either
V are constant. From (17) it follows that E is also constant. Comparing equal to 0 or  . q2 =  has been excluded by imposing conditions (26)
(21) and (28) it follows that the control law has been chosen such that: and (27). Therefore (36) implies q2 = 0.
Let us now study (35). Differentiating (35) we obtain
0q_1 = k E
~ 1 + k q1 + k q~1 :
E D P (29)
2q_2 q2 = 0 5 g q_2 sin q2 : (37)
From the above equation we conclude that E ~ 1 is constant in 0. Since 2
~ is constant and we either have a) E~ = 0 or
E is also constant, then E
~ 6= 0. On the other hand, if E~ = 0 then from (29) q~1 = 0 which
b) E
We will next study (37) in two different cases.
means that the three conditions c1 ; c2 , and c3 are satisfied and therefore • Case 1: If q_2 6= 0, (37) becomes 2 q2 = 0(5 g=2 ) sin q2 . Com-
the trajectory belongs to the homoclinic orbit (16). bining this equation with (33) we conclude that sin q2 = 0 which
~ 6= 0 and since E
If E ~ 1 is constant, then 1 is also constant. Recall implies that q2 = 0 as proved above.
that V_  0 which implies that [see (17)] • Case 2: If q_2 = 0 then q2 = 0 which together with (33) implies
that sin q2 = 0 which implies that q2 = 0 as proved above.
kE kD 2 kP 2 Finally, the largest invariant set M is given by the homoclinic orbit
V (q; q_ ) =
~ (q; q_)2 +
q_1 + q~1
 V (0): (30) (16) with (q1 ; q_1 ) = ((=2); 0) and the interval (q1 ; q_1 ; q2 ; q_2 ) =
((=2) 0 "; 0; "; 0), where j"j < "? and "? is arbitrarily small. Pro-
It then follows that vided that the state initial conditions satisfy (26) and (27), and kP > 0
kP 2 p is sufficiently small then all the solutions converge to the invariant set
q~1  V  V (0) or kP q~1 j j  2V (0): (31) M . This ends the proof of Theorem 1.

From (29) and since q_1 = 0, we have V. SIMULATION RESULTS

p p In order to observe the performance of the proposed control law

kE E =0 kP kP q~1 : based on passivity we have performed simulations on MATLAB, using
In view of (31) we conclude that if we choose kP close to zero and kE We have considered the system taking the parameters i;1i5 as de-
not too small, then jE
~ 1 j will be small. Given that E~ is bounded [see fined in [3]. We have some freedom in the choice of the coefficient kD .

We have presented a control strategy for the pendubot that brings the
state either arbitrarily close to the top position or to a homoclinic orbit
that will eventually enter the basin of attraction of any locally conver-
gent controller. The control strategy is based on an energy approach
and the passivity properties of the pendubot. A Lyapunov function is
obtained using the total energy of the system. The analysis is carried
out using the LaSalle’s theorem.
It has been proved that the first link converges to the upright position
while the second oscillates and converges to the homoclinic orbit. This
has also been observed in simulation.
In order to compare our controller with the one proposed by [14], we
can remark that in our approach the control input amplitude does not
need to be very large since at every cycle (of the second link) we only
require to slightly increase the energy. In other words we do not need
high gain controllers.

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has being proposed in previous papers on the subject (see [3]). Figs. 2
and 3 show the results for kE = 1:5; kP = 1; kD = 1 and for an initial

q1= 0; q2=0
_ = 0;
q1 _ = 0:

Simulations showed that our control law brings the state of the
~ goes to zero, i.e. that the
system to the homoclinic orbit. Note that E
energy E goes to the energy at the top position: Etop . The Lyapunov
function V is always decreasing and converges to zero.

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