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The Babaji State is an encounter of yogis for yogis. In order to remember ourselves in the first
meditator that from the mind projects in us the yoga for the body. Yoga begins and ends in the existing
thought, all the flexibility that exists in it exists also in the body, all the goodness that exists in the mind
exists in the body, all calmness, attention and love that lies here generates consequences for the
body and its movements, as do all the opposites too.

We are flowers in the hands of the cosmos that will never wither.

We live between simultaneous worlds, each one of them sensational to our perceptions, unaffected
yet consequent within the most intimate of the purest interaction that doesn´t separate us from

We are not here, we are not what we do nor what they say about us. We are more than a happy
heritage full of information, which is maybe never tested by us. We are not what is said of us. What
the books tell us, what medical or physical or chemical science transmits, but we are also that. If we
are anything at all, that in reality is not from here. The sublime light is still too primitive, too dim,
insufficiently enlightening. All light casts a shadow, “the shadow of light”. Every shadow immolates
itself in it. The highest clarity resides serene and confident before the origin of all the lights and
shadows, long before what is a before or an origin, a beginning or a possible genesis. The primordial
blackness escapes beyond any hint of conception, judgment, desire or expression.

“The ones who can read and touch this writing instantly, the presence of Babaji they will feel. It is like
this, and it is in your hands and in the way you read, envisioning from your sincerity, honesty, integrity,
recreating yourself in it.

Babaji from his divine state accompanies the incarnated people on the level of the soul, and not only
between their incarnations. He directs the spiritual development of sincere people that have at some
point asked him for soul guidance. I am glad that he remembers my visit and I love the opportunity to
be his host, my body his body.”

We are flowers in the hands of the cosmos that will never wither.
Država Babaji je susret jogija za jogije. Da bismo se zapamtili u prvom meditatoru koji iz uma
projektuje u nas jogu za telo. Joga počinje i završava u postojećoj misli, sve fleksibilnost koja postoji u
njoj postoji iu telu, sva dobrota koja postoji u umu postoji u telu, sva mirnost, pažnja i ljubav koja leži
ovde stvara posledice za telo i njene kretnje, kao i sve suprotnosti.

Mi smo cvijeće u rukama kosmosa koji nikad neće ugasiti.

Živimo između istovremenih svetova, svaka od njih je senzacionalna prema našim percepcijama, a ne
posledica, ali posledično u najintimniji najčistoj interakciji koja nas ne odvaja od bilo čega.

Mi nismo ovde, mi nismo ono što radimo niti šta oni kažu o nama. Mi smo više nego srećno nasleđe
prepuno informacija koje možda niko od nas nije testirao. Nismo mi rekli o nama. Ono što nas knjige
govore, koju medicinsku ili fizičku ili hemijsku nauku prenosi, ali i mi smo to. Ako smo nešto uopšte, to
u stvarnosti nije odavde. Uzvišeno svetlo je i dalje previše primitivno, suviše tamno, nedovoljno
prosvetljenje. Sva svetla bacaju senku, "senku svetlosti". Svaka sjena se u sebi zaljubljuje. Najviša
jasnost se nalazi spokojno i sigurno pre nastanka svih svetala i senki, mnogo pre nego što je
prethodno ili poreklo, početak ili moguća geneza. Prvobitna crnila izbjegava izvan svake naznake
koncepcije, presude, želje ili izraza.

"Oni koji mogu odmah da čitaju i dodirnu ovo pisanje, osećaće se prisustvo Babaji. To je ovako, i to je
u vašim rukama i na način na koji čitate, predviđajući iz svoje iskrenosti, iskrenosti, integriteta,
stvarajući se u njemu.

Babaji iz svog božanskog stanja prati inkarnate ljude na nivou duše, a ne samo između njihovih
inkarnacija. On usmerava duhovni razvoj iskrenih ljudi koji su ga u nekom trenutku pitali za dulje
vođenje. Drago mi je da se sjeća moje posjete i volim priliku da bude njegov domaćin, njegovo telo
njegovo telo. "

Mi smo cvijeće u rukama kosmosa koji nikad neće ugasiti.

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