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Beginners Class

Week 1
Theme- Music standard A.1.1
Video clip and a document from TV5- enseigner le français
Activity 1- Count the number of music styles the students hear.
Activity 2-Identify the styles of music the students like and dislike. – j’aime, je
n’aime pas.
Activity3- Students identify the singers and their respective styles by watching
and listening. Matching the cards of the names of the singers with the cards of the
names of the music styles (la pop, le rock, le rap, l’electro, le jazz, la chanson
francaise, la musique classique.)
Activity 4- Students identified the music styles liked by the youngsters in the
video. Learning expressions of preference. (j’aime , j’aime beaucoup, j’aime pas je
deteste etc etc).
Activity 5 categorized all the above expression according to their intensity.
J’aime beaucoup, j’aime, j’aime un peu, je deteste ….etc
Week 2
Theme music -continuation from the week 1
Video clip from YouTube and tv5 document
Activity 1- Students watched the video about music instruments.
Activity 2- discussed the music styles related to previous week’s work.
Activity 3 – taught about music instruments.
Activity 4 – taught jouer present tense conjugation
Activity5- usage of jouer with music instruments orally and in writing. Je joue de la
batterie, je joue du violon. etc
Home work – write about students preferences related to music. ( One student
had done the home work partially)
Week 3
Document from the book VITAMINE (Cle publication)
Body parts and prepositions
Actitivity-1 students wrote the parts of the body.
Activity 2. Students Listened to pronunciation of parts of the body and numbered
Activity 3 Students labelled the body parts with their respective names.
Activity 4 introduction of prepositions. Students contribute to this with their
previous knowledge.
Activity 5 Students used the appropriate preposition with their corresponding
Activity 6 Students filled the blanks with the prepositions.
Activity 7 with the knowledge of parts of the body and prepositions and the
students previous knowledge, they understood a picture and its French
Activity 8 students described themselves briefly
Intermediate Class
Week 1
Theme- Weather (document is from TV5 with a video clip)
Activity-1 introduced the word soleil and ask the student to contribute words
related to soleil.
Activity 2 Students discussed the colours they see in the video clip and identify
the weather in the video clip.
Activity 3 students discussed the difference between the two women in the video
Activity 4 Students filled the given table with regard to the physical looks and
clothes and colours of the 7 main characters in the video clip
Activity 5 –home work- Vous passez vos vacances d’été au bord de la mer, mais il
pleut tous les jours. Ecrivez une carte postale à un ami pour lui dire ce que vous
Week 2
Activity 1Grammar – document with exercises from a hachette publication.
Adjectifs qualificatifs-difference between masculine and feminine adjectives.
Activity 2 Showed a slide (jeu de l’oie) – students answered various general
Week 3
1Grammar – a continuation from the week 2
Adjectifs qualificatifs- plurals of adjectives and the positions of the adjectives
O Level class Week 1
–Video clip on grape harvest in france in French language and a comprehension
on grape harvest.
Activity 1 –played the video clip and explained new words used in the clip
Activity2- questions related to the video clip was dealt with in writing and orally.
Activity 3 – question words ( mots interrogatifs ) were taught.
Activity 3 –Students read the comprehension and did an exercise.
Home work- Students were asked to write a dialogue between a journalist and
villager related to grape harvest.
Activity- formation of negatives were discussed- ne verb pas, n’ verb pas
Spellings were tested with related to days of the week and months of the year.
Activity – students did Grammar exercises on passé composé
Activity students were ask to describe what they were wearing orally.
Week 2
Activity 1-Document on the comparatives with adjectives and adverbs (Hachette
Activité 2 Home work – production écrite – êtes- vous très différents(e) des
personnes de votre entourage ? (Frère sœur amis parents, voisins) students were
asked to write using comparatives.
Activity 3 students answered several general questions orally.
Week 3
Activity 1. Document related to comparative with a noun and a verb. (Hachette
Students did a production écrite related to comparatives – comparez vos
habitudes de vie, vos loisirs avec vos amis

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