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Phys Educ V01 151980 Prlnled ~nG r e a t B r ~ t a ~ n

from textbook or classroom treatments of the topic

which place unduestress on theterm ‘centripetal

Misconceptions in force’. One can imagine that pupils exposed to this

approach to circular motion might easily acquire the
idea that ‘centripetal force’ is a special force which
physics amongst magically comes into being when an object is made to
go round a circle. If one has learned Newton’s third
South African law in the form ‘Action and reaction are equal and
opposite’-meaningless verbiage unless one defines
students ‘action’ and ‘reaction’, as Newton d i d - o n e may well
not be able to apply it correctly tothe simplest of
cases in which particles interact with each other.
In another sphere it is but a small step from the use
of the term ‘waveform’ to describe the kind of trace
one sees on an oscilloscope screen to conceiving of the
displayed signal itself as a wave, with a wave-
length-an idea that seems to gain firm support from
That many school and university students find certain the fact that as one raises the frequency of a periodic
physical concepts difficult to grasp is not news. That signal and does not fiddle with the controls,the
certainmisconceptions are widely shared amongst ‘wave-length’ duly diminishes. (Thismisconception
such students is not news either, but the teacher who concerning the nature of an oscilloscope signal
hasto cope with those holding the misconceptions appears to be widespread in South Africa; I trust that
may have both a negative and a positive reaction. On it is purely a local phenomenon.) If in the teaching of
the onehand, a given misconceptionrepresentsa quantitative electrostatics students are not encouraged
hurdlehe may be expected to help thestudent to estimate or even think about the amounts of charge
overcome. On theother,thenature of the problem that might be found on charged objects in the
represented by the misconception may, if he is lucky, laboratory, and potential difference is defined for them
mean that its origin is identifiable; and if that is the in terms of the ‘work done on 1 coulomb’, they might
case, he may be able to dosomething about it. come to hold very peculiar beliefs about the orders of
In certain cases plausible hypotheses for the origins magnitude of such charges.
of misconceptions may suggest themselves quite
readily. Suppose, for example, that in a pupil’s
experience of elementarymechanicsemphasis has Misconceptions test
been laid on the application of F = ma to only the These are some of the misconceptions that colleagues
moststereotypedproblems or laboratory situations, of mine atRhodes University and I have noticed
while negligible attention has been paid to the correct amongstour first-year students overtheyears.My
identification of forcesacting on realobjects in a experience as examiner in physicsfortheSouth
variety of circumstances. It is to be expected that such African Joint Matriculation Board had indicated that
a pupil would be out of his depth the moment he is similar misconceptions were held by many of the
required to give even aqualitative account of the candidates for that examination. After living with the
motion of some realobject in terms of the forces problem for a while, I finally decided that while one’s
acting on it, and that he might have strange notions guesses about the origins of these difficulties might be
about those forces. If students tend to include among correct, it wasdesirable to obtain some quantitative
theforcesacting on an object in circularmotiona information about how widespread they really were.
special ‘centripetal force’, thispractice may derive This would haveanumber of advantages. Besides
providing experience in the none-too-thoroughly
explored field of misconceptionsresearch,sucha
Hugh Helm is an associate professor in the project might enable one to pin down certain miscon-
Department of Physics and Electronics, Rhodes ceptions more precisely and thus provide insights into
University, Grahamstown,South Africa. He obtained their nature; it could also help todramatise the
his M S c at the University of Cape Townand his PhD problem and so arouse wider interest in it. Further,
at Rhodes University. He has published papers and more detailed investigationscould follow, leading to
books in the $elds of psychoacoustics, ionospheric confirmation, modificationor
abandonment of
physics and physics education.He is currently a hypothesesconcerning
origins and
to a better
moderator in physical science (physics section) for focused
eradicating and countering
the South African Joint Matriculation Board and a misconceptions.
member of the Education Committee of the South So it was that I came eventually to administer a
African Institute of Physics. misconceptions test to our own first-year students and

$01 00 0 1980The l n s l ~ l u l e o Physics

0031-9120~80~020092+03 f
to follow this up by giving an expanded version of the concepts or topics of fundamental importance.
original test to pupils and teachers. I decided that this
‘first-order’ misconceptions test should be made up of
multiple-choice questions. What was appealing about Reliability
this form of test wasthatcommon or suspected Although each question had four optional answers, the
misconceptionscould be used asdistracters in the answer list attachedtothe test provided for five;
questions so thatthe relative popularity of such candidates were asked to choose the additional option
misconceptions could in some sense be measured. (A if they felt they simply did not know the answer to the
similar technique had previously been used (Doran questionconcerned.This was intended to reduce
1972) in investigating misconceptions in science guessing and to allow for the possibility that the topic
amongst school pupils; compare also an investigation dealt with in a question had not yet been studied by
of the concept of resistance recently reported in this the candidate.
magazine (Johnstone and Mugho1 1978).) Such a test To ensure that the test had face validity at least, I
could easily be administered to alargenumber of submitted it to my colleaguesfor scrutiny, inviting
subjects. No one,least of all myself, would pretend them to check its questions in respect of relevance to
that this approach constitutes the best way of estab- their purpose and freedom from ambiguities of
lishing the existence of misconceptions
amongst wording. In theseways I hoped toproduce a test
students or the firmness with which they are held. consisting of questions which would evoke responses
Other investigators, notablyWarren (1971,1975, properlyrelated to thecandidates’understanding of
1976) and Viennot (1974,1975), have used free- the chosen concepts or topics.
response tests and interviews with considerable The original test was given to physics IA (physics
success in the investigation of misconceptions in major) students at Rhodes University at the beginning
mechanics; for example. I felt that the advantages of of their course in 1975. It was composed of all but
such approaches could for the moment be sacrificed questions 8, 12, 15, 19 and 20 of the test shown here
in favour of quickly obtaining some quantitative in abbreviated form. Discrimination indices (c.f. Ebel
information from a large sample. 1972) were computedfor each question fromthe
The list of misconceptions featured in the test was responses of the Rhodes group. Although such indices
not intended to be exhaustive; it simply reflected some are of limited usefulness in this context, an appreciable
of those of which my colleagues and I had been negative value for a discrimination index might mean
painfully aware. Thus the domain of the test included, that the question concerned was defective. None of the
besides the misconceptions already listed: questionsproved to be anomalous in thisway.I
(a) the belief that linear momentum is only therefore decided that the items of the original test
conserved in elastic collisions; formed a reasonable basis for a test to be used in a
(b)misunderstanding of theconnection between larger-scale investigation amongschool pupils and
kelvin temperature and gas behaviour; teachers.
(c) the belief that onlythe kinetic energy of the Apart from this I made no attempt to establish any
‘molecules’ of a solid increases when the temperature measure of the reliability of the test (c.f. Ebel 1972,
of a solid is raised; Thyne 1974). Elsewhere I have discussed the problems
(d) misconceptions or confusion about e m f . and in this connection in detail (Helm 1978); suffce it to
potential difference; say here that
(e) difficulties with current conventions (in South (a) the test is criterion-referenced rather than norm-
Africa the superstition prevails in certain quarters that referenced, and it is generally agreed that traditional
the‘electron current’ convention is bothup-to-date techniques of item analysis areinappropriateto
and somehow ‘right’, and this is reflected in most of its criterion-referenced tests;
school textbooks); (b) the concept of internal consistency is, I believe,
(f) the belief that a current-carrying conductor in a of dubious relevance to the kind of misconceptions test
magnetic field experiences a force as aresult of an I have drawn up; and
interaction between the field of a conductor and the (c)afundamental difficulty in thisconnection is
external field; thatthereappearsto be no establishedtheoretical
(g) the belief that the e.m.f. induced in the basis for misconceptions studies.
secondary of a transformer results from the coil being Lack of ameasure of reliability means thatthe
cut by magnetic field lines jumping in and outof it; standarderrors of themeasurements of miscon-
(h) the belief that the source of energy released in ceptions obtained with the test are notknown.
nuclear fission is the loss of mass or the destruction of The enlargedtestwas eventually given to 460
matter. school pupils and 65 teachers, and an account of the
Besides questions concerned with these points and results was published in SouthAfrica in due course
others mentioned earlier in this article, several others (Helm 1978). The chronology of the administration of
were included to test knowledge or comprehension of the test to these groups is as follows. Thetestwas

The test
some of thequestionsare
reproduced in full. Inthecaseofothers,thecorrect
responses and the most popular distractors are shown.)
The diagram shows a stationary trace on the screen of a
oscilloscope which is connected
microphone. Which one of the following quantities is a
suitable label for the quantity x?
(a) wavelength of the sound
In the arrangement shown, block B slides on a smooth ( b ) period of the sound.
table. The force F acting on B is exerted by (a) block A,
( b ) the earth, (c) the string, (6) the pulley.
(2) A man pulls sideways on a string which is attached
to the leg of a table. The reaction to the force exerted by
the man is exerted by (a) the string, (b) the table, (c) the
earth, (6) the floor.
(3) .- .
(1) (2) Thediagramshowsanelectron in auniform electric
Particles (1) and (2) are a long way from the rest of the field. At the instant shown, itis moving in the direction of
universe butquiteclose toeachother.Themass of the arrow S. The direction of the electric force on it is
particle (1) is half that of particle (2), andthetwo given by (a) arrow(l), (b) arrow (2), (c) arrow (3),
particles exert gravitational forces on each other. If the (d)arrow S.
arrow above represents the force exerted by (2) on (1) in
magnitudeanddirection, which O N E of the following (11)A model Van deGraaffgeneratorwhose main
arrows represents the force exerted by (1)
(a) + (b) + (c)+ (4 -
(4) In the following account of the forces acting
on (2)?

on a
dome has a diameter of 100 mm is producing sparks in
thelaboratory.Theamount of chargepresent on the
dome just before a discharge takes place is of the order
of(a) C or less, (b) IO-’C, ( c ) 1 C, (6) 10’ C.
block resting on a table, which step is FALSE?
(a) A block at rest on a smooth table has two forces
acting on it, viz theearth’sgravitationalforce on it,
downwards, and the force of the table on it, upwards.
(b) The block is in equilibrium.
(c) From Newton’s third law,it follows that ...
(d) . these two forces must be equal and opposite.
( 5 ) A stone on the end of a string is swung round and
round in avertical circle. Atthetopmostpoint of its Aproton(charge 1.6 X C) movesfrompointA to
orbit, the forces actingon it (excluding air resistance) are point B in theelectric field shown. If thepotential
( b ) thegravitationalforce of theearthandthe difference between Aand B is 200 V, theelectrical
downward pull of the string potential energy lost by the proton equals
(c) the gravitational force of the earth, the downward
pull of the string and the centripetal force 1.6 x 1 0 - 1 ~
(6) the gravitational force of the earth, the downward (a)
pull of the string and the centrifugalforce.
(6) Two toy cars collide on a table. Which O N E of the ( b ) 1.6 X lo-’’ X 2005
following statements best
condition under which the momentum of the two cars
will be conserved in this collision?
(a) The resultant force exerted by external objects on (13) Whichone of the following statementscomes
the cars is zero during thecollision. closest to a correct definition of the e.m.f. of a battery?
(c) The collision is elastic. (c) Thepotential difference between itsterminals
when it is delivering no current.
(7) ‘Thevolume of a given mass of an ideal gas kept (d)The amount of energy per unit charge converted
constant pressure is proportional to
the kelvin from chemical to electrical formwithin the battery.
temperature of the gas’. The above assertion is:
( a ) a statement of Charles’ law (14)
(c) adeductionfromtheexperimentallydetermined
behaviour of gases
(d) consequence
a of
theway in which kelvin
temperature is defined.
(8) Which ONE of the following statements is correct?
When the temperature of a lump solid of matter is raised,
( a ) only the kinetic energy of the molecules increases
(c) both the kinetic energy and the mutual potential
energy of the molecules increase A high resistance voltmeter is connected between points
(6)the kinetic energy of the molecules increases while P and Q in the circuit illustrated here. The battery has
their mutual potential energy decreases. negligible internal resistance. Switch S is open, as shown.

given first to 334 standard 9 and 10 (approximately
equivalent to 0-level and first-year A-level) physical
The reading on the voltmeter is (a) 0 V, ( b ) 1 V, (c) 3 V, science pupils from five ‘white’, English medium
(4 4 v. schools
administered by theCape
(15) Department in the Eastern region of the Cape
Province (one school from each of five towns), and to
126 standard 9 and 10 physics and physical science
pupils from two private schools (‘public schools’ in the
UK sense) from this region. Later, 65 of the delegates
An electron, travelling from 0 to P via R,, will lose
to the sixth national convention of ‘white’ science and
(c) the same energy asit would in travelling via R , . mathematicsteachers held in Durban in July1975
(6) twice as much energy as it would in travelling via took the test. The circumstances in which they did so
R,. are worth describing. At the beginning of an extended
seminar on issues in the teaching of physics at high
school,Idistributed the test tothose present, who
were then given adequate time in which to complete it.
The remainder of the seminar consisted of an intensive
discussion of the content of the test with the teachers;
their contributions to this suggested that, carelessness
apart, their recordedanswers to thequestions were
Thediagramshowsthecrosssectionofacurrent- determined by the extent of their understanding of the
carrying wire in auniformmagnetic field which is
directed upwards. The conventional current direction is underlying physics rather than by possible obscurities
into the paper. The direction of the force experienced by or ambiguities in the wording of the questions.
the wire is given by arrow ( b ) 2, (d)4.
(17) The reason why the wire in the previous question
experiences the force is best given by which O N E of the Results
following statements:
( a ) Thechargecarriers in the wire all experience Table 1 summarises the performance of the different
forces, because they are charges moving in a magnetic groups on the test. It is clear that theschool and
(b) The magnetic field of the wire interacts with the
university groups performed in broadly similar fashion
external magnetic field. on the test. On a number of questions (1-3,5-9, 11,
15-20) only aminority (in some cases a very small
minority) of the candidates was able to select the right
answer; moreover, in the case of nearly all these
questions, certain incorrect options were very popular
Thediagramshowstheend viewof a long, current-
with the candidates.
carrying solenoid. The magnetic field of this solenoid is As might have been expected (and hoped!), the
virtually confined to the space inside it. The current in percentages
the numbers of teachers
the solenoid is increasing at a steady rate. A wire loop S, answering the questions correctly were on the whole
just inside the solenoid, has ane m f . of 2 V induced in it. substantially higher than thoseobtained from the
The e m f . induced in wire loop T which surrounds the
solenoid, will be approximately equal to (a) 0 V, (b) 1 V, other groups. However, detailed examination of table
(c) 2 V, (6) avalueimpossible toestimate, since not 1 shows that only in the case of one question (12) did
enough information is given. as many as 80% of this group select the right answer;
(19) WhichONE of
followingexperimental that in a number of cases (questions 5, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18
techniques can most successfully be used to reveal the and 20) there was a strong similarity in performance
wave-like behaviour of electrons?
(a) Passing a beam of electrons through a crystal.
between the teachers and the other groups; and that
(b) Measuringtheenergiesoftheelectrons in the for several of the remaining questions (1, 2, 6, 7, 11
photoelectric effect. and 15) 51% or less of the group selected the right
(c) Deflecting an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube answers while an appreciablenumber selected the
by means of an electric field. fallacious options popular with other groups.
(4 Deflecting an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube
by means of a magneticfield. number of these teachers were well qualified and
(20) Which O N E of the following statementsbest experienced, and all of them were interested enough in
explains the release of energy in nuclear fission? the cause of improving science teaching to attend a
(a) Matter is converted into energy. convention for science teachers. As the
(b) Mass is converted into energy. consisted of teachers from three
South African
(c) The energy associated with the orbiting electrons provinces and represented a wide range of ages and
is released.
(d)The internal energy of the system is less after the levels of experience, this incidental sample of teachers
reaction than before it. could perhaps be regarded as a random sample of the
morededicated ‘white’ physical science teachers in

Table 1 Percentages of groupsselecting particular b Question
options. Correct answers are marked with asterisks. no (33) (65)
Only the more popular options are shown. The total or 320) or 446)
number in a group is given at the head of the column. 1 a 39 49 41 47 15
( 1 4 standard 9 pupils from one of the CED schools b 42 41 32 39 37
did not attempt questions 6 , 7, 9 and 13-20 inclusive *C 15 9 25 13 48
because they had not yet covered thismaterial in 2 *a 9 12 21 15 51
b 73 56 56 56 32
class.) RU indicates physics IA students at Rhodes
3 a 79 62 68 64 34
University: CED, Cape Education Department; PS, *d 14 23 24 23 63
privateschools; TS, combinedperformance of the 4 a 3 17 14 16 9
schools group: T, performance of the teachers *C 67 57 43 53 59
5 *b 6 12 8 11 29
C 36 29 44 33 20
South Africa. In the light of this it can fairly be said d 30 27 30 28 31
that the performance of the group must give rise to 6 *a 30 25 22 24 48
C 36 50 48 50 32
concern about the state of our physics teaching.
7 a 52 32 22 29 28
Assuming that the results of this investigation do C 12 11 16 13 26
point towards the existence of widely held *d 9 8 18 11 43
misconceptions or widely experienced difficulties in 8 a 30 31 30 54
schoolphysics in South Africa, onereturnsto the *C 26 40 30 29
hope expressed at the beginning of this article-that if d 30 17 26 17
the origins of proven misconceptions can be identified, 9 a 88 86 76 83 80
something can be doneabout removing them. Of *b 6 5 14 8 17
10 *a 36 31 28 30 57
course, such a possibility depends on the educational
b 21 28 29 28 20
context. In South Africa a significant feature of this 11 *a 15 16 21 17 43
context is the use of a limited number of textbooks on d 6 12 21 14 23
which many teachers lean very heavily and which e 70 51 24 44 25
may influence or be influenced by the content of 12 a 16 24 18 5
examination papers. (When I once asked a co-author *b 41 42 42 80
of a much used text in physical science why he and his d 16 18 17 8
colleague had included a certain unsatisfactory kind of 13 C 58 40 40 40 40
*d 15 46 34 43 46
problem in themechanicssection of their book, his
14 a 6 15 8 13 20
answer did not surprise me: ‘When we looked through *d 64 50 56 52 71
the past examination papers of the . . . Department of 15 *C 10 10 10 43
Education, we found that questions based on this type d 39 60 45 26
of problem came upin all but one of them’.) 16 b 21 40 32 38 18
In such a milieu it is to be expected that if certain *d 36 44 56 47 65
misconceptions or errors of commission or omission 17 *a 18 20 37 25 32
appear in textbooks and examinationpapers,they b 58 43 35 41 55
might be reflected in pupil and teacher performance on 18 a 24 7 22 11 28
*C 6 15 9 13 18
asuitably designed test. As far as my owntest is d 39 43 56 47 34
concerned, this has proved to be the case. Questions 1, 19 *a 23 19 22 58
2, 6 , 8, 9, 17 and 20 featuremisconceptions to be b 16 17 16 11
found in South Africantextbooks and examination d 27 14 24 5
papers, and thosetaking the test showed decided e 19 35 24 20
preferences for the corresponding distracters in these 20 a 17 19 17 20
performance on
other b 8 12 9 37
C 24 23 24 5
questions, such as numbers 3, 5, 7, 11 and 15, may be *d 11 6 10 22
related to textbook treatments of the topics concerned
which are either superficial or unintentionally
misleading as a result of misplaced emphasis (e.g.
repeated use of the term ‘centripetalforce’).

It would be satisfying to infer from all this that
solutions the
to problems posed by these
misconceptions lie ready tohand.The ‘plausible

hypothesis’ that the triumvirate of teachers, textbooks requires the student to make use of the conservative
and examination papers is responsible, especially the character of the electric field, on which the definition
first of these, seems to find a good measure of support of potential difference rests.
from the results of the test, and theremedy is obvious. Some additional evidence on this point has become
In that case
one might say that the
results available from results obtained in 1976 and 1977 with
commented on here are of direct relevance to South adiagnostictest on potential difference which was
Africaonly, although they may have their parallels given to sixth formers and university students in the
elsewhere. But it is surely notas simple as this. United Kingdom andSouth Africa. Among its 31
Anyone who has listened at length to students giving questions were the original questions 12 and 15 of the
their own accounts of physical phenomena will know misconceptions test and a ‘concrete’ question on the
that some, at least, of the misconceptions featured in conservative aspect of the electric field. Thelatter
my test are symptomatic of very deep seated showed two different paths connecting the same two
misunderstanding. It is altogether too much to hope points in a field and askedfora comparison of the
that this kind of misunderstanding can be eliminated amounts of work done by the field on acharged
for future generations simply by correcting textbooks particletakenalongthesepaths.A total of 244
and examination papers and somehowensuring that students took this test. Of the 152 who answered my
teachers say more of the right things than they used original question 12 correctly, only 53 were also able
to. to pick the right answer to the original question 15.
Two problem areas highlighted by the test, namely 153 students answered the new questioncorrectly,
difficulties with force exerting agents (questions 1 and whereas only 53 of them chose the right answer to 15.
2) and with potential difference (questions 12 and 15),
can be used to illustrate this point. To answer
questions1 and 2correctly, one needs to be able to Ways forward
identify the agentsexertingforces on the different In these and other cases the misconceptions revealed
elements (e.g. block or man) of the system concerned. by students’ responses may be calling attention to a
Without this kind of ability one cannot successfully general mismatch between students’ intellectual
applyNewton’ssecond law to the prediction of the development and the demands made upon them by the
motion of the elements of such a system, or work out content of their courses. In Piagetian terms such
themagnitudes of importantforces acting within it pupils may be using ‘concrete’ ratherthan ‘formal’
(e.g. the tension in the string in questions 1 or 2). With reasoning patterns. In such cases removal of
the aid of suitable examples and of rules for identifying misconceptions would require not only accuracy of
agents, teacher and textbook might help pupils to get exposition of the spoken and printedwordbut also
parts of this story right; but if such pupils are wedded careful
attention to educational
the context.
to Aristotelian notions of force, they are likely to be Understanding of difficult, abstract concepts needs to
defeated bythe subtleties associated with under- be built up with the aid of plenty of hands-on
standing a system composed of interacting elements. experience, reinforced at the right time with proper
Clearly it is important to lookfor evidence of such conceptual language.
‘Aristotelian notions’ (loose talkabout ‘the force of the In the light of all this it may now seem that theview
object’ is one clue) and to try to counter them. expressed at the beginning of this article-that one
There may be another, more fundamental source of might be able to ‘do something about’ misconceptions
difficulty in this area, namely that in their present state one
has identified-is too naively optimistic
of intellectual development, certain pupils or students altogether. Yet there are things onecan do.Some
are constitutionally unable to grasp thecomplexities of misconceptions in physics can be linked to or
suchproblems. The answers to thequestions on reinforced by errors in textbooks, ill conceived
potential difference lend some support to this idea. A examination questions or carelessness in exposition by
fair number of pupils gave the correct answer to what teachers, and such failings can and should be attended
was in essence a straightforward plug-in problem on to. As to the deeper problem raised above, solutions
the relation W = qv (question 12) but could not cope can be framed only in the most general terms. But we
with the application of the same relation tothe can assert that what we need is experience, experi-
potential difference between two points in acircuit mentation and evidence; and concerning thelast
(question 15). The difficulty with thelatterquestion mentioned, I submit that there is still a need for
may arise from lack of familiarity with the use of this information on misconceptions, obtained by a variety
‘formula’ in the new context, but it is worth noting that of means. Widely held misconceptions may be telling
whereas question 12 represents an application of W = us something immensely importantabout ourselves,
qv which can be handled in a ‘concrete’ way in the our studentsand our methods of instruction.The
Piagetiansense (c.f. Collea et a1 1975),question15 music critic Hans Keller has often pointed outthat
cannot be so handled-it calls for a more subtle the best kinds of musical analysis can help us
appreciation of potential difference. In particular it continued on p105

cause.Therefore, in terms of bulk solids, theforce

. acting on a solid is proportionai to the deformation it


produces-this is Hooke’s law for solids. The
\ L ” explanation of thermalexpansion in terms of the
, K
asymmetry of thepotentialenergycurve is clearly
and concisely given by Cooper (1976).
Although students should be madeawarethat
equation (2) is the basic statement of Hooke’s law, it is
not suitable for characterising the elastic properties of
\ a material. This is because the force constant k in this
\ equation depends on the dimensions of the material.
\ For instance, a small helical spring will have a smaller
\ force constant than a big spring. (Strictly, the elastic
\ properties of a helical spring depend onthe shear
l modulus and on Young’s modulus.) For thisreason
L Hooke’s law for materials is stated in terms of
Potential energy

Figure 1 Potential energy curve C is an algebraic sum of

- Young’s modulus,a parameter which is independent
of the dimensions or shape of the material.
positive potential energy curve A due to repulsive forces, and
negative potential energy curve B due to attractive forces References
Cooper R F 1976 Phys. Educ. 11 289
- 25.2 Farrell C J 1976 Phys. Educ. I I 390-1
v,= - R Kittel C 1966 Introduction to Solid State Physics 3rd edn
where the energies are in units of electron volts. (Chichester: Wiley) pp99, 105
Solving the equation Tabor D 1975 Phys. Educ. 10 487

2.4 X 104exp(-Rl0.3) - -=
R O’
one finds R = 228 pm. Now Kittel (1966) gives the
ionic radii for Cl- and Kt to be 18 1 pm and 133 pm,
respectively. Therefore, point R, in KC1 crystal would
be reached by squeezing the ionstogether to a
distance much less than the sum of the two radii.

continuedfrom p97
Hooke’s law to ‘understand our understanding’ of musical
It now remains to relate the potential energy curve to masterpieces. The concerned physics
teacher will
Hooke’s law. This can perhaps most easily be done by surely find that understanding his students’miscon-
stating Hooke’s law in the form. ceptions will enable him to promote their
understanding of vital concepts.
F = -kr (2)
where F is the force that tends to restore a particle to
its equilibrium position, r is the displacement of the References
particle from its equilibrium position and k is the force Collea F P, Fuller R G, Paldy L G and Renner J W 1975
constant. From equations (1) and (2) the student who Workshop on Physics Teaching and the Development of
has been introduced to calculus can easily verify that Reasoning (American Associationof Physics Teachers)
Doran R L 1972 J. Res. Sri. Teach.9 127-37
V(r) = +kr2. Ebel R L 1972 Essentials of EducationalMeasurement
(New Jersey: Prentice-Hall)
Equation (3) is that of a parabola. Since the potential Helm H 1978 South African Journalof Science 74 285-90
energy curve forthe atoms is parabolicnear the Johnstone A H and Mugho1 A R 1978 Phys. Educ. 13 46-9
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