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Perl, Subject: Chapter # 3 (Descriptive Question Answers) > CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN Q1: Whyis constitution necessary for a country? ‘Ans: BACKGROUND OF CONSTITUTION: The primitive man lived in small family unit which had its own ene of living ‘a its own rules, Afterwards, the family units merged into tribes to ‘nae , social and defence needs. With the passage of time, population it eres organized themselves into much bigger units within a certain territory. races were based ‘on the basis of language, culture, civilization and trade. ferent countries or states emerged. To run the administration of the state oe Di? ce of institutions came into existence. The individuals were appoint sea institutions. The individuals and institution together formed a system of, The government then formed a =a. les, laws and regulations to determine the power and authority of the gover inter-relationship between government and institutions and the rights “4 Deans. All these are found ina framework called the constitution. Derinmion OF A w. It means a set jaws, rules and regulations which are necessary for running the administration state with an objective that people may lead an indesendent. iplined, ac ful and happy life. Nec CONSTITUTION: for'a constitution can be described by the following points. Dr ion is the supreme law of a country. > Constitution is the sum of laws. > Nobody is above the constitution, Violation of a constitution is a serious crime. Every government is bound to be loyal to the constitution. > Every government performed its duties within the limits of the constitution, 7 The constitution sets the basic objectives and priorities of the government. Constitution shows the feelings and emotions of the people. Allthe laws and policies of a country are made in the light of a country’s constitution. The absence of constitution causes unrest and indiscipline ina country. 1/Pace Perl, Subject: > The powers and duties of the three important institutions, i.e., legislature, administration and judiciary are set in the light of constitu - The presence of constitution checks the excesses of any government institutions. > Constitution protects the rights of citizens. At the time of partition, Pakistan did not have any constitution, so government of India Act of 1935 was adopted as an interim constitution with necessary amendments to it. ‘What are the salient features of the Objective Resolution? \e OBJECTIVE RESOLUTION: Pakistan came into existence on the basis of an ideology. The Muslims of the Subcontinent made sacrifices of their lives and properties to get a piece of I re they could lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam. Just after ir lence, Pakistan faced uncountable problems. Among the major problems, th political crisis and the struggle for power among the political parties. U The Objective Resolution was passed on Ma ails In this resolution, Islam was declared as the foundation of the con: whey Pakistan. The emphasis on the enforcement of Islamic principles wes use the Muslims of the Subcontinent struggled for a separate homeland on thelbasis of religion, a country where they could live their lives according to the teachin ip religion. It was, therefore, necessary that Islam should form the basis of state i \d the government. e SALIENT FEATURES OF THE E RESOLUTION: ‘The Important Points Of The Objective Resolution Are Given As Under: + Sovereignty Of God? It has been; ei in this resolution that sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to political power is a sacred trust which shall be exercised by the representatives of the people within the limits prescribed by Islam, e ions Of Islamic Values: 's and concepts of democracy, equality and social justice guided by Islam ri “e implemented in the country. > Islamic Way Of Life: The Muslims will be provided a better and suitable atmosphere so that they could lead their individual and collective lives according to the principles set in the Quran and the Sunnah. ~ Protection Of Minorities: The rights of the minorities shall be protected. They will be free to act on their religion and culture. 21 Perl, Subject: Provision Of Basic Rights: All the citizens will be provided equal rights irrespective of racial, social, economic or religious discrimination. Federal Form Of Government: It has been explained in the Objective Resolution that Pakistan will be a Federal State which will be run by the elected representatives of the people. Development Of Underdeveloped Areas: All the steps will be taken to develop the under developed areas and they will be brought to the level of developed areas. “ Independence Of Judiciary: The judiciary will be independent in its working and pressure. National Language: Urdu will be the national language of the country) 9 constitution, Au Provincial Autonomy: a ats The provinces will have _ e prescribed limits mentioned in the ‘The Objective Resolution has a great importance in the constitution making process, It has been included as a preamble. the constitutions of Pakistan. It has been made as the part of 1973 constitution by making an amendment in the constitution. « Describe the AI it Dies of the Constitution of 1956? ‘THe Con: IN OF 1956: The co Nn making process was started by the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan after jective Resolution was passed on March 12, 1949. However, Governor General Ke ) Muhammad dissolved the constituent assembly on October 24, 1954, Thus the a ituent Assembly (1947-1954) could not prepare the constitution during seven years. in 1955 the four provinces of West Pakistan were merged into one province known as One Unit. In June 1955, a new Constituent Assembly was elected through direct elections. The newly elected Prime Minister Chaudhry Mohammad Ali gave full attention to the making of constitution and it was made in less than one year. In this way, after being remained without a constitution for almost nine years, the first constitution of Pakistan called the 1956 constitution was enforced in the country on March 23, 1956.

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