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Base D r a g and Thick Trailing Edges

Air Materiel Command

ABSTRACT only effect is to reduce the static pressure on the body

The negative pressure originating behind the flat base of pro- base.
jectiles presents a drag component t h a t is consequently termed T h e base drag of projectiles is often quoted to be
"base drag." As illustrated in Fig. 1, the same kind of drag around CDB = 0.2, equivalent to a base pressure
exists for every elongated body the flow around which is sepa-
&PB/Q = —0.2. However, by studying available
rated from its rear side, such as airfoil sections, the trailing edges
of which are cut off or thickened. The same type of drag is also pressure or drag measurements, t h e base pressure is
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found behind certain sheet-metal joints. It is possible to corre- recognized to depend largely upon t h e length of the
late all the various base drags with each other by considering the forebody, t h e ratio of base to body diameter, and the
effect of the boundary layer originating from the forebodies. surface conditions of t h e projectile.
Analyzing competent measurements, simple formulas are found
with which to calculate the drag of tail turrets and blunt trailing T h e base pressure is proportional to the dynamic
wing edges. In the case of thicker sections, such as are used for pressure of the outside flow. Evidently, however, t h e
the blade roots of propellers, the lift is also affected, and the lift- b o u n d a r y layer existing a t t h e end of t h e forebody
drag ratio can be improved remarkably by thickening the trailing
serves as an insulation sheet, reducing t h e effective
edge. At supersonic speeds the base drag approaches the nat-
ural limit as given by zero pressure (vacuum). Depending upon dynamic pressure of t h e j e t - p u m p mechanism. T h e
the body shape, the base pressure assumes an approximately boundary-layer thickness is proportional to the drag
constant percentage of the theoretical limit. originating from the surface of the forebody. Conse-
quently, in Fig. 2, the drag coefficient
CfB = DskJq SB = Cf(S/SB) (1)
y =
coordinate across direction of flow
i length of bodies in direction of flow is chosen as the parameter upon which the base drag is
c = wing chord considered to depend. I n this equation, Cf indicates
h = height or thickness of trailing edge the skin drag of the forebody, which includes not only
d = diameter of the base or supporting rod, respectively
the friction drag b u t also any additional pressure-drag
D = maximum body diameter
s = thickness of the boundary layer components originating from the surface, such as the
V = local velocity within boundary layer drag of driving bands or other protuberances.
V = velocity of flow or flight 2 I n supersonic cases, the wave drag is n o t to be in-
g. = dynamic pressure 0.5p V
= area to which the drag coefficient is referred cluded in Cf, This kind of drag generally does n o t
s noticeably increase t h e boundary-layer thickness,
c f
— coefficient indicating drag due to skin friction and
surface protuberances since t h e equivalent m o m e n t u m is generally carried
CDB = base drag, based upon base area sideways b y t h e respective shock waves. Of course,
CD = body drag, based upon maximum cross-section area there remains some reduction in dynamic pressure be-
CDO = profile drag coefficient, based upon wing area
Ap = static pressure difference hind a shock wave. Between M = 1 a n d 2, however,
B = subscript indicating the base this loss is relatively small—that is, in t h e order of less
In several figures, a " d o t " is used as a subscript, indicating the t h a n 10 per cent—when considering projectile bodies
drag coefficient based upon the frontal area. CDP is eventually with pointed and slender noses. Therefore, b y evalu-
used instead of CDO.
ating supersonic tests, 1 6 ' 20' 21 the wave drag was en-
tirely neglected.
T h e available experiments on projectiles and fuselages
(A) Mechanism of Base Drag (Fig. l b ) , as plotted in Fig. 2, show approximately

B Y EXAMINING T H E F L O W PATTERN a r o u n d and

hind the base of a projectile (Fig. l a ) , it is found
CDB = 0 . 0 2 9 / V C ^
As far as t h e tests were extended, t h e base pressure

to be t h a t of a jet p u m p . T h e j e t — t h a t is, the outer

flow—placed like a t u b e around t h e space behind t h e varies between ApB/q = —0.03 a n d —0.30. F r o m
base, mixes with t h e dead air and tries to p u m p it away. analysis, t h e thickness of t h e b o u n d a r y layer a t t h e end
However, since there is no supply from which additional of a projectile is found to be, roughly,
air can be drawn, t h e p u m p has no delivery, and its s/D = CfB (3)

Received October 17, 1949. valid for small drag coefficients. Consider, for example,
* Dr.-Ing. habil. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. t h e case with CfB = 1, with t h e b o u n d a r y layer extend-

<k\ TVojec-fci le "Body ACD = I - G> (4)
^ry^A/l/ip with Co indicating t h e original skin drag of t h e body
^^AAJJ[/A with d —» 0. Fig. 3 presents measurements on a smooth
and slender streamline body, t h e trailing end of which
h) Fmclaqe wC4k Cut-Off TVeuUVij Enol was cut off in steps. 2 Fig. 4 shows t h e drag increment
A Co, depending on the diameter ratio d/D. Curves,
according to Eq. (4), seem to interpret t h e measured
< &
values sufficiently well.
cjTv/oJPi'wenlionctl SaaiCon wrHt HatBas* All this consideration of boat-tailing assumes, how-
ever, a flow p a t t e r n a t t a c h e d to t h e sides of t h e tail.
I n cases where t h e tail is too short and t h e flow is
E Vo*tut<S+vre*t
separated from its flanks, t h e whole cross-section area
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of the body has to be considered as base and t h e proper

d) AiVfoil Section wtyk Thick TrculiVig EFdqe drag has to be determined according to E q . (2). R o u n d -

6.4 /Calc illation According to Eqvah'on 4*

th d/D»I(AJL/Jt) aW Cj,= 0.066
er She**-Me-M Teint Q.
Li V -D>- v - 7 07

FIG. 1. Several cases of base drag. 0.10 t

o.o2 -1-rtT' $ & . • WLBodyY.T^to'.'Rtfl
• AVA TU510* [ Fuselage "bodies wi±h
o T>VL T*= MO1 ) Cvt-Off End, "Ref %
A •Behrnd Cone + Cylinder atM=|.S6,'Re-f 16 i A

Guidoma "Wojec-fciles at M=i, Tfe-P 10
Aberdeen Cone+CyltWet (H=«|.15('R«m 0.0I EE^^fli'f^ —^
1 1 1
0.1 oh 0.(0 «« 10
CDB Based Upon Base Area F I G . 3. Drag of a fuselage body, the end of which is cut off.

V 0.019
Empirical Function : ^ D * - .77^- ^ J Fusetaqe M y , t 0 =* D; C*.*0J>S
/ Cr— ^ ^ _q x -from IWsurcDi'rtvAbtmonl-&U J,
0.05\ "^—H^^1 f + f r»m Force fleowroweni* 5 ""*

""*' '*" ' "^Jjf A Pressure Measufevnervts Ttef 2

0.1 o,*t 0.6 o.2

$k\n-T>ra.q Coefficient Qfl 0.25 I Equation C^)
P IG. 2 . Drag originating from the base of three-dimensional
bodies, depending upon their skin drag.
ing outside and, around the base for a thickness equal C* = °*y
1 ¥• 0.10
to approximately two-thirds of t h e base diameter. 0.0s A1
Here, it seems t h a t the effect of the "jet p u m p " — t h a t /
is, t h e a m o u n t of negative base pressure—is reduced to /
one-tenth of t h a t near to CfB = 0. 0.10
(B) Effect of Boat-Tailing
I n the case of bodies, such as in Fig. l b , where t h e 0.0S
/ V
base diameter is smaller t h a n the m a x i m u m diameter of
t h e body, the mechanism of the base drag remains essen-
tially the same as in t h e case of Fig. l a . Referring the
M* f
0 0.2 04 06 ot o '•*£&
base drag to t h e m a x i m u m cross section of t h e body D
and with CfB = CD (D/d) \ from Eq. (2), F I G . 4. Base drag behind boat-tailed bodies of revolution.
624 JOURNAL OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S - O C T O B E R , 19 50

base. From measurements on spheres, as plotted in

Fig. 5, it is known that such a rod affects the drag re-
markably as far as Reynolds Numbers above the critical
are concerned. At first, one assumes that the drag is
reduced because a portion of the rear surface of the
« Pendulum Method at *RS 6- 10* sphere and the corresponding amount of base drag is
0.10 o Fovce Meason weirts ,1* s 4- • 10* covered or cut out by the rod. A tentative calcula-
tion, however, accounting for this effect does not
Tewtrcctive CaUvtaKon w»ih: check the actual drag reduction. Evidently, the
flow pattern of the sphere is changed because of the
0J5 tX.Aq,-aa[l-0)j.)*] addition of the rod. The cross section of the ''jet
pump," as described above, is changed from a circular
Doe to Change in RowTb.'fciem to a ring-shaped form, and, as outlined later, the pump
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\ effect is thus improved. Consequently, the partial

flow separation still existing behind the sphere at super-
critical Reynolds Numbers and the corresponding pres-
sure drag are reduced.
The base drag behind projectiles and similar bodies
is different from that of the sphere; the separation is
fixed at the sharp edge of the base. Starting from
d/D = 1, a ring-shaped base area is formed upon de-
creasing the rod diameter. The corresponding flow
pattern can be considered as a two-dimensional one,
and the drag can be properly calculated from Eq. (9).
F I G . 5. Drag of spheres at Reynolds Numbers above the critical,
depending upon the diameter of the supporting rod. At d/D = 0, however, Eq. (2) for three-dimensional
base drag has to be applied. Between this point and
ing the blunt end of a fuselage, for instance, affects the the two-dimensional curve one has to guess as to the
base drag only as far as the round edge is able to lead course of the base pressure. Tentative calculations,
the flow somewhat farther into the dead space. Refer- the thickness of the boundary layer and the effective
ence 2 indicates a reduction of base drag coefficient dynamic pressure of the /'jet pump" being considered,
(CDB = 0.04 to 0.06) by ACDB = 0.005 to 0.010 upon
adding a half sphere to the cut-off end of a fuselage
body. This result applies, however, to a smooth body
only. If one considers a real airplane fuselage with a 0/h
coefficient two or three times as high (CD = 0.1 to 0.2),
U3.5Dj Sx-loS^ Cp=o.oo3; Cf#=0.o3
the effect of rounding the blunt end is expected to be
hardly noticeable.
Besides the experiments in reference 2, there are
also some points included in Fig. 4 measured behind a
tube. A collar was attached to the rear end of this
tube, and pressure measurements were made within the
dead space behind the collar. The tests show that the
theory, according to Eq. (2), also holds true in this
special case with d/D > 1.
The fuselage of a military airplane has a drag coeffi- 0 €
cient of the order of CD = 0.15 when accounting for OX °4> 0,6 ^4Jr
the usual surface irregularities and protrusions. The
base drag caused by cutting off or thickening the trail- -c.f
ing end amounts to ACD = 0.09 for d/D = 1 (case like
Fig. la). In order to accommodate a tail turret, how-
ever, a diameter ratio d/D = 0.5 may be sufficient.
The corresponding amount of drag ACD is less than
0.01, which is comparatively small—that is, in the
order of 6 per cent of the fuselage drag. -0.3
(C) Effect of Supporting Rod
In order to support projectile models in wind tunnels, -ok
a sting is usually used leading from downstream to the F I G . 6. Variation of base pressure due to rear supporting rod.

when considering the "base" of a sheet-metal joint. By

"Boundary Layer I s * i.l a*A .=. 2.6 »Vi. introducing h/s = 0.2/CfB into Eq. (7), the following re-
sults :

CDB = 0.1/</Cf] (9)

This function is plotted in Fig. 8, together with the ex-
perimental points as taken from Fig. 7.

(A) Drag at Trailing Edge of Two-Dimensional Bodies

Fig. 8 presents the available measurements on the
additional drag, originating from airfoils, the trailing
edges of which are either thickened (Fig. lc) or cut
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off (Fig. Id), thus forming a surface equivalent to the

F I G . 7. Drag of a sheet-metal joint; experimental points from base of projectiles. Considering such tests, the value
reference 5. CfB is found from
CfB — 2 Cf{c/h) (10)
suggest a slight increase of the negative amount of base
pressure upon increasing the rod diameter beyond with Cf indicating the skin drag proper to all of the body
d/D = 0.1. Model tests, especially in high-speed and in front of the base—that is, including any super ve-
supersonic wind tunnels, usually employ rods heavier locity effects and the drag of surface roughness and
than according to this permissible ratio. protuberances. For most of the experiments at
Considering the base-pressure coefficient ACD in the smaller CfB values,
upper part of Fig. 6, the variation is not so great as that
of the pressure coefficient. Contrary to Fig. 5, how- CDB = 0.135/^C,fB (11)
ever, there is no decrease of base drag to be expected as At the same coefficient CfBi if one compares Figs. 2
far as diameter ratios smaller than 0.5 are concerned. and 8, the pressure difference behind the trailing edge
of airfoils appears to be at least three times as high as
the base pressure of three-dimensional bodies. This
The flow pattern behind the sharp-edged sheet-metal difference can be understood upon studying the veloc-
joint, as shown in Fig. le, is similar to that past the ity distribution across the wake behind the body.
thick trailing edge of an airfoil section (Fig. Id). In Assume a boundary layer, with a distribution as given
both cases, the corresponding pressure drag is, by prin- in Eq. (5), as arriving at the edge of the base, and the
ciple, the same kind as that originating from the base of character of this distribution may be more or less main-
a projectile. tained upon entering the space behind the base, as far
The general distribution of the velocity across a as the two-dimensional case is concerned. In the three-
turbulent boundary layer is
„ / 7 = (y/s)(l/60rl/7) (5)
The drag of a small body, placed within the boundary CoeffCc»«*\is "based UponfeeiSftArea. V n
layer, is proportional to the effective or average dy-
namic pressure qel corresponding to its height h. 0.6
Cut-Off otThi'ck*n*d
qe/q = 0.7 (h/s)l/> (6)
0.5 • AVA i / c * 1W «"* lO.S^'Ref 6
o Tokyo 0Mrt»Vfoit"Rfrf 7
Consequently, in Fig. 7, the drag of sheet-metal joints, a Munich 24/2 AiVfoiI Tfcf9
similar to that in Fig. le, follows more or less accu- o.± A WL 0018 AiVfoU ftef 8
* Dormer *R<xi Sections Ttef '0
rately the y 3 power of h as far as the range of h/s < x i h e e t - M « t a ( Joints "Re* 5"
1 is concerned. o.s T AVA to-ter Tonnel Tte-f I (
0.155 + MKA T'RpH52 / , R-io c , / M«o.5

CD = 0.18 </h/s (7) Dl 4 .c-.

This trend is proved by many other measurements on
various surface protuberances. 5 0J / A. x x.

With the velocity distribution as given in Eq. (5), the

skin-drag coefficient of one side of a plane plate is
approximately 0.1 o*£f- o.& *$ />0 72 t*<^«
F I G . 8. Drag due to thickened or cut-off trailing edge of airfoil
Cf = 0.2 (s/l); C,B = 0.2 (s/h) (8) sections.

dimensional case, however, t h e boundary-layer m a t e -

a) 1-dimensional ?Laie
rial is transferred from a ring-shaped t o a circular cross
section. In doing this b y velocity and volume, it is
found b y mathematical means t h a t t h e power in E q .
(5) is changed from 1/Q to VV Consequently, the dis-
1>) i-DiWrmawal wM TbrhHibn tribution of t h e dynamic pressure is changed from t h e
y 3 to t h e Vi.5 power of t h e distance or the radius, re-
spectively. Confirming this trend, t h e power in E q .
(2) is y 2 as compared to 1/3 in Eqs. (9) and (11). A t
the same time, the magnitude of the average dynamic
pressure within the b o u n d a r y layer is reduced to
roughly one-third of t h a t in t h e two-dimensional case.
FIG. 9. Flow pattern past various plates. In (b), ApB/q = 0.8. M o s t of t h e difference in base drag is t h u s sufficiently
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I n Fig. 8, most of t h e measurements on airfoil sec-

tions show somewhat higher drag coefficients [Eq.
aozo (11)] t h a n the sheet-metal joints [Eq. (9)]. This
0.115 difference is probably attributable to the flowT p a t t e r n .
K T h e mixing of the outer flow with air from t h e dead
space behind t h e base does not proceed so smoothly as
illustrated in Fig. l a . Instead, t h e p a t t e r n is more
irregular, forming bigger vortices, intruding deeper
into the space once in a while, and carrying away air
particles in lumps. Behind two-dimensional bodies,
the flow usually assumes t h e regular stable p a t t e r n of
the von K a r m a n vortex-street, as illustrated in Fig. 9a.
'tyx>m • Munich 24(5,rlt-M06l'Re49
Because of t h e vigorous and extended up-and-down
o.ooS movement of this street, the exchange of m o m e n t u m
between t h e outer flow and t h e air particles in t h e dead
space is intensified. On the other hand, in t h e case
of t h e sheet-metal joints, a n y larger vortex m o v e m e n t
is slowed down and more or less suppressed b y the wall
0 / 2 3 4 % £ i"- along which the m o v e m e n t takes place. Experiments
c in a water tunnel 1 2 prove t h a t in the absence of t h e
F I G . 10. Profile drag, at CL = 0, of airfoil sections, the trailing
edges of which are cut off or thickened. vortex s t r e e t — t h a t is, with a flow p a t t e r n as illustrated
in Fig. 9b—the drag coefficient of a plate is reduced
from approximately 2.0 to 1.5. This means a reduc-
tion of the negative ''base" pressure from Ap/q «
—1.3 to —0.8. Approximately t h e same ratio is found
in Fig. 8 between the respective two curves (constants
0.135 and 0.10).
T h e base-drag coefficients in Eqs. (9) and (11) are
converted into profile-drag coefficients b y multiplying
t h e m with h/c.
0.10 (h\h ^ 0.135 (h\/% , _
</CD </CD
where CDw = CfB (h/c) indicates the profile drag of t h e
section for h/c = 0. Fig. 10 (like Fig. 8) shows a
transition of the experimental points from one of t h e
calculated curves to t h e other. Obviously, for small
values of h—that is, as long as t h e edge is thinner t h a n
roughly one or one-half times t h e boundary-layer thick-
ness—a regular vortex street does not originate.
I £ i g to /i n*h /e (B) Effects of Trailing Edge on Lift
I n t h e case of wings, thickening the trailing edge not
F I G . 11. Increase in maximum lift due to thickness of trailing
edge. only affects t h e drag b u t also the lift. As evident from

Fig. 11, t h e thick edge works similar to a split flap,

increasing t h e m a x i m u m lift approximately b y

ACL = 4(A/<0 (13)

This effect is in the order of one-third of t h a t of an

ordinary split flap deflected to 90°. Combining Eqs.
(9) and (13), t h e efficiency of a n airplane is given b y

cL .»+4
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FIG. 12. Lift and drag of a 40 per cent thick airfoil with two
For conventional values, such as CL max. = 1-4, CD min. = different thickness ratios of the trailing edge. 14 ^ 4 = 4 ; c =
0.025, and CDw = 0.01, this equation has its m a x i m u m 5.9 in.; Reff. = 5 X 105.
between h/c = (0 and 0.4) per cent. This means,
with h/c = 0.4 per cent, t h e ratio CL maxJCD min. is with the constant y = 1.405. As shown in Fig. 13, this
a b o u t the same as a t h = 0. Four-tenths per cent is upper limit is never likely to be encountered b y a n y base
considered permissible, and the corresponding thick- pressure in t h e subsonic field. A t supersonic M a c h
ness of t h e trailing wing edge of any airplane is found Numbers, however, the theoretical limit comes down
to be between y 8 and 1 in., depending upon the size of remarkably. A series of base-pressure measurements
wing and plane. carried out on projectiles and similar bodies suggests a
T h e effect of a blunt trailing edge on the lift-curve certain percentage of the theoretical a m o u n t
slope is similar in relative magnitude to t h a t upon t h e
m a x i m u m lift.7- 8 This effect m a y be i m p o r t a n t in t h e L>DB — 0.5 Co 0.7/M2 (16)
case of control surfaces. Of course, this drag is true only for a certain boundary-
Fig. 12 suggests another application of t h e thick layer thickness—that is, for a specific value CfB as used
trailing edge. T h e lift characteristics of a 40 per cent in Fig. 2 and E q . (9). I n the case of Eq. (16) the cor-
thick section are remarkably improved above CL = 0.4 rect subsonic value of CDB is in the order of CDB =
when using a thick trailing edge; the m a x i m u m lift/ 0.25.
drag ratio is increased, by some 100 per cent. Such Experiments recently published in reference 19 con-
sections—that is, profiles with high thickness ratios— firm t h e hypothesis as expressed in Eq. (16). Further-
are employed a t the blade roots of propellers. I t ap- more, these tests are remarkable because t h e y are t h e
pears to be favorable, in this case, to manufacture t h e only known ones extending through the speed of sound.
trailing edge with h/t in the order of 20 per cent. I n I n t h e vicinity of M = 0.9, t h e tests show a minimum
this way, the minimum drag is not necessarily increased. in the order of CDB = 0.08. Considering t h e flow
T h e flow past thick sections is usually somewhat de- p a t t e r n proper for this M a c h Number, the low
tached from the trailing edge. Consequently, thick- base-pressure difference can be explained when as-
ening this edge means filling out the dead space. T h e suming t h a t between McrU. and M = 1 most of t h e
experiments in reference 14 lead one to assume a slight drag is caused b y flow separation. Correspondingly,
reduction of drag with h/t = 10 per cent or h/c = 4 t h e effective dynamic pressure of the "jet p u m p " mech-
per cent, for a 40 per cent thick profile. Such sections anism is highly reduced. I n order t o account for
m a y be especially advantageous in the case of turbo- CDB = 0.08, it is sufficient to assume in Fig. 2 a fore-
prop engines, where the combustion air usually is t a k e n body drag-coefficient CfB = 0.15. T h e flow p a t t e r n
in between and around the blade roots. changes rapidly, however, when approaching M = 1.
Here, the loss of dynamic m o m e n t u m , as equivalent
(4) B A S E D R A G AT S U P E R S O N I C S P E E D S to the drag of t h e forebody, is evidently shifted from t h e
b o u n d a r y layer into t h e outer space. W i t h most of t h e
At first there is no fundamental change to be ex-
m o m e n t u m being carried away from the body by means
pected in the mechanism of the ''jet p u m p " because
of pressure waves, the dynamic pressure is not remark-
of approaching and exceeding the speed of sound. T h e
ably reduced to a n y extent around t h e base, and, as
negative base pressure finds a n a t u r a l limit, however,
done before when evaluating t h e experiments of refer-
as t h e condition of vacuum is reached. T h e so-defined
ence 1 in Fig. 2, only the "skin d r a g " of t h e forebody is
m a x i m u m amount of base-pressure and base-drag co-
to be considered as affecting the base pressure.
efficient is a function of the M a c h N u m b e r .
W h e n t h e subsonic base drag of a n y body is known,
1.42 it is possible to estimate t h e course it will take when
QDB max. — (15)
(-) - yM2 approaching t h e upper theoretical limit [Eq. (15)].
\ Q / max.
(4) At supersonic speeds the base drag is related
06 _L to the maximum possible pressure differential, which
Q* \ Mafttwwwt PotsibU Beu« Dt-ag; C M m M = ' £~ is that between vacuum and the ambient pressure
OS (Fig. 13). The supersonic drag behind any body can be
estimated (Fig. 14) when the subsonic coefficient is
0/t known.
"Base Prtwure
y Bed mot Cones *Reff6 REFERENCES
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Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - DAVIS on February 7, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.1750

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-0.6 "08 "to "A2 -M.


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