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The Importance of White Sisterhood

White women in particular are hungry for a true sisterhood. Blacks have it, Mexicans have
it, Jews have it, white women need to have it again.

~Lana Lokteff

Through out western Europe white women and children are being abused by non-white men. If our
men speak out trying to protect us they are lambasted as, “evil, racist, hateful” and they may even be
arrested. In this post I will discuss the importance of white sisterhood but first let’s address the elephant
in the room.
“White women have privilege therefor it is racist for white women to have a sisterhood”
Do white women have privilege? Lets use the U.K as an example. In Greater Manchester 38,000 crime
reports went unfilled including rape. This is an example of how non-whites are allowed to get away
with crimes that whites would never get away with.
In Rotherham 1400 girls “were” being exploited by Pakistani men but police in Rotherham and dozens
of other cities fail to protect these girls to this day. This is an example of how non-white men are
effectively allowed to use our children as they please.

In many cases the cops will even try to punish white girls who are being abused. For example, a man
named. Ahmet Kurtyemez, reported a 16 year old girl that he had been abusing for calling him a slur.
Without hesitation the cops tossed her in front of a jury for hate speech. Luckily she was not found
guilty but the fact that she could be put on trial and the fact that anyone would even consider doing
tthat says allot about how “privileged” we are in our own homelands.
The final example is honestly the worst. In West Yorkshire a man was given a lesser sentence because
his victims weren’t white. This case shows how white women in the U.K don’t have the same
protections from sexual violence as non-white women and girls. If so, then how are we privileged?
If our children and us will receive less protection then what should we, as white women, do in
Many such as libertarians would argue that we should embrace individualism and look past racial lines.
This is foolish because it isn’t like some strong knight fighting against the dragon. Instead it’s like a
drunken peasant bumbling into battle against an army. Humans are naturally tribal so when an
individual fight a group he/she is doomed to fail.
So what should we as white women do in response?
If we want this to stop we have to come together as white women and amplify the voices of women
who have been abused. To throw away the delirium of individualism and recognize the power in
numbers. No single one of us can do it alone so we need to stick together for the sake of ourselves and
our loved ones.
3 Reasons for a pro-white women's movement

It isn’t anything new that the left is, as always, fear-mongering about how pro-white men hate women,
want to enact white sharia, yadayadayada. This tactic falsely connects the idea of love for your
European heritage with misogyny and connects the people who don’t care if we are raped by migrants
with the defense for our rights. Just look up terms like, “white femininity”, “white women”, or even
just “Becky” and you’ll see what movement is against white women.
However, there are sadly kernels of truth. When a British woman tried to speak out about being raped
by a non-white migrant she received floods of non-empathetic and even hateful responses. Telling her
that it was her own fault because she used to be a left-winger.
While there were plenty of people who were supportive are we really surprised that victims are afraid
to speak out. This sort of environment will only push these women away. What would help these
women would be a female focused movement. It would also bring in more women and balance to pro-
white advocacy. This is what the essay will be about.
First, white women will be better at bringing other women into the movement. This is because women
relate more to other women then they do to men. Having a pretty, young, white girl (example; Lauren
Rose) would have far greater reach among women. This (theoretically) would be even more the case
with a movement focused on women.
Second, women bring a balancing element of femininity to the movement. One of the reasons the Alt-
right is burning is because it is a disorganized movement that does not hold it’s members accountable.
This has led to the the Alt-Right becoming a mess of male aggression. That isn’t to say that male
aggression is inherently bad but that there needs to be a balance of the sexes.
Men tend to be more aggressive, assertive, and authoritarian while women are more, nurturing, kind,
and emotional. Women bring a sense of warmth and comfort while men bring a sense of safety and
Finally, the victims of anti-white sexual violence should have their voices heard. Thousands of women
and girls have experienced sexual violence at the hands of non-white men. Society at large and
sometimes even their own families push them into the shadows to protect the status quo. Alba Familia
would provide a platform and support system they need!
In conclusion, I believe that a women’s movement is crucial to the advancement of pro-white interest.
The interest of white women is an inseparable part of white interest.
Forgiving our White Sisters

When I was 14 I wasn’t very political which isn’t surprising for a girl that age. Even less surprising was
the fact that I adored YA especially Twilight. During that time I would watch video after video
on booktube reading every trendy book I could get my hands on. Twilight, Hunger games, Vampire
Academy, all the basic crap.
Anyway, one channel that I used to watch was called NuttyMadam. She responded to Kristen Stewart
cheating on Robert Pattison in tears. I angrily watched a youtube video by TYT where they mocked her
for caring. I watched their other videos and in months I was the typical S.J.W.
The point of this story is to give an example of just how much a persons views can change. I used to
believe in white privilege but now I believe in preserving the white race. However, what do we do if a
prominent inter-sectional white feminist leaves the left? Do we throw them under the bus? In this essay
I will show why we should forgive them.
First of all, we can’t allow our emotions to lead us. It’s easy for us to hold onto anger for a woman who
held up a sign saying, “Refugees Welcome”, but we need to be smart about this. We can’t afford to hold
grudges. Do we want to come off as cold and unforgiving?
I ask this because this how we may be received. The media will already portray us as brain-washed
servants of our men. Presenting ourselves in such a classless manner will only help the left.
White women need to feel that they have a sister hood where they can feel safe and supported. If we
want to draw more women in we need to be welcoming to our sisters. If we don’t want to push them
away we need to be willing to forgive.
Finally, we should be understanding of our sisters. In our current situation, schools, mass media, the
arts, etc, feed these ideas into our heads of just how evil our people are. Therefor most of the women
who come to our side will be from the left.
In conclusion, we need to forgive white women who leave the left unless they caused direct harm to
3 Ways to Build a White Sisterhood

In my last few posts I’ve spoken about the need for a white sisterhood. What I have yet to write about
is how we should go about doing this. Here are three ways we can work towards building a white

#1; Create private online chats

Private chats would allow thousands, maybe even millions of white women all around the world to
connect with each other. This would create a sense of kinship between white women. These private
chats would form the foundation of our community.

#2; Create in person meet ups

Building off my last point, the next step would be to have in person meetups. This could be at a public
place without politics like going to restaurants or at a place of residence. The point would be to make
time to relax with like minded women. This will make these women know they’re not alone and can
still have female friends. This brings me to my third idea.

#3; Supporting each other

This may seem obvious but it is crucial so I need to bring it up. If we want to build a white sisterhood
we need to be in solidarity with each other. This can be done in a variety of ways.
For one thing, it is important to buy from white owned small businesses regardless of the owners
gender. This is to put money into white households. Doing so would put more resources into our
growing community.
Another example would be to help protect and care for white children. If your kids are going to public
school than families can take turn driving kids to and from school. Alternatively, we could have
someone pursue an education degree young so the kids are taught out of class.
These are just a handful of ideas but I think they are all good ideas to start out with. I won’t pretend to
have all the answers. Frankly, no one person does which is why it is a good thing to have so many
points of view in the pro-white movement.
Should Women Be In The Movement?

Recently, there has been a debate over whether or not women have a place in the pro-white movement.
On one side you have people who argue that women shouldn’t be in politics. That we need to stay at
home having white babies. The other side argues that women are strategically important to the
movement. I believe women are crucial to the pro-white movement’s success.

We need white women’s’ vote.

Look, you can have whatever view you want on women’s suffrage. In our current situation women
have equal rights to men and we should use this to our advantage. Lets say we have 30% support in
Armenia and around a 50/50 gender split but only men vote. Than we will have around 15% support.
Our enemies will use the female vote against us so we shouldn’t handicap ourselves.

This is not a purely political movement.

This is not just a policy based movement it is a socio-political movement. As you obviously know we
are not just trying to enact policies but also to change culture. This is where women come in.

Division of labor within the movement.

I’m not going to argue that men should have no place in the designing the future cultures of our people.
Rather, I am arguing that we need a division of labor. Men should focus on gaining power, holding
marches, etc to institute policies to suit our ends. Women on the other hand should focus on instilling
our values into our movement, writing persuasive novels and other forms of artistic media. This may
give us more time to achieve our goals. If men focus on policies and women focus on culture than we
can have both done well rather than both the poorly because men would be overwhelmed by it all.
We can bring in more women.
When white women hear white men go on about how feminism is so bad for society or how non-white
men are such a threat to their women white women roll their eyes. They see you as basic basement
dwellers. White women have been conditioned to not see white men as their men but rather as their
oppressor. They see the idea of themselves as your women as you saying you own them. That they are
just a prop for your hatred of non-whites.
If a white woman is pushing our ideas then they may be better received. If being pro white comes with
so much misogyny than why would pretty young white girls want to be in the movement? Anecdotally
speaking, I was drawn from the left to the right far more by women like Lana Lockteff than men like
Richard Spencer. Looking at it from an ex-sjw’s perspective I would have been convinced much
sooner if there had been more women.

Women are less intimidating.

We are less intimidating than our male counterparts. This is for several reasons but the main reason is
that we have smaller frames than our male counterparts. Lets face it; no one is scared of a 5’5 white

We need victims to speak out.

This will force society to face the problems of non-whites in Europe especially Muslims. If we don’t let
women into the movement than we would be pushing the majority of victims away. This not only
handicaps the movement but also makes us yet another group that ignores the voices of white women
who get raped by migrants. If that is to be the case then how can you call yourself pro-white? In order
to live up to our own standards than we must give these people platforms to speak out about their

In conclusion,
We need women in the movement in order to be successful because the uses of women are just as
important as the uses of our male counterparts
How Many Babies Should White Women Have?

Since my blog is focused on white womanhood/sisterhood it was only a matter of time before I address
this question, “How many white babies should I have?” This is what I like to call the R.Q or, “The
reproduction question.” So, how many kids should you have? Let’s do the Math.
Lets say you have a white couple named Matt and Amy. Here are four scenarios you should keep in
1. Matt and Amy have one child, Shaun. When you look at the next generation there is only one
person standing where two people once did. In a population this causes the group to shrink over
time until it dies out. Population; 3,543.000 Sex Ratio: 50/50 1,771,100×1=1,771,100
(generation two) 885,200×1=885,200 (generation three)
2. Matt and Amy have two children, Shaun and Mary. When you look at the next generation there
is an equal number of people as in the last. This is good but leaves a group stagnant.
3. Matt and Amy have three children, Shaun, Mary, and Sarah. When you look at the next
generation there are three people where two once stood. This may seem ideal but lets look at
that example from before. Population; 3,543.000 Sex Ratio: 50/50 1,771,100×3=5,313,300
(generation two) 3,542,200×3=8,220,950 (generation three) This is good but not enough. We
need to be ready by 2050 at the latest. While three would be ideal once we secure the homelands
but for now it’s not fast enough.
4. Matt and Amy have four children, Shaun, Mary, Sarah, and Jack. When we look at the next
generation we have twice as many people in the next as in the first. Lets look at the example
again. 1,771.100×4=7,084,400 (generation two) 3,542,200
Four is the ideal number because it allows our group to grow to quickly putting to much stress on the
Plans Of Alba Familia

We are raising the Europeans of the future!

~Lana Lockteff

I’ve been posting for nearly a week now yet I haven’t explained how Alba Familia would go about
serving the pro-white movement as a whole. In this essay I will go into detail about the plan step by

The first few steps of the movement will be taken here. Alba Familia’s foundation will be built. The
final website for Alba Familia. It will have membership with a vetting process and interviews.
Membership will come with the following, private chat for members, market place for selling and
purchasing products, and a dating section where men who have been accepted into Identity
Evropa/Generation Identity will be allowed to post profiles where local women can have their pick.
The goal will be about 1/3 of the female population (15% of the overall population) in the following
1. The United Kingdom; 10.1 million
2. The United States; 48.0 million
3. The European Union; 76.1 million
Overall this number would be about 134.2 million members. While this may seem absurd but as sexual
violence and terrorism rise more and more it will become more intolerable. As this happens more white
women will become disillusioned and look for somewhere to find support.
It will also, be the time that the first few waves of the sisterhood will come in so there is a lot of work
to be done.

This will be the main birthing period. In this time the member will each bear/adopt at least 4 children.
This will be around 536,000,000 white children.
1. United Kingdom; 40.4 million
2. United States; 192.0 million
3. European Union; 304.8 million

This will be the most crucial part for white women to play. This will be the time that our children are
being raised. It is primarily our job to make sure that the children are instilled with our values. We will
be raisin the men and women who will either save or destroy our race.

This will be the final years of Alba Familia. The children will reach voting age and we will be able to
expel Muslims from our homelands.
Should We Use White Female Tears?

I’ve spoken before about how I used to be a feminist but not the views of feminism. Don’t worry, I
wont turn into a generic anti-feminist. The topic of “white women’s tears” or weaponize white female
victim hood is interesting to me from a strategic standpoint.
The left, especially non-white feminist, portrays white
femininity as inherently threatening to non-whites. That it
enables white supremacy and violence against non-whites. The
idea of, “white woman tears”, is that the supposed victimization
of white women enables violence and allows white women to
get a free pass to be racist.
These primarily non-white feminist fear white men as much as
they hate them. They see white men as the core of their
oppression and white women as the excuse to hurt non-white
men especially. If this is true than is it so surprising that they
fear, "white woman tears"?
Whether or not Feminist want to admit it men naturally desire to protect their women. The more these
our men are forced to see what is being done through out Europe the more they will struggle to fight
their instincts. Feminist don't want this because they are afraid that it will lead to genocide.
As I bounced all this around in my head my questions swirled. Should they be afraid? Better yet, is it a
good idea from our perspective? I believe that we should at least consider this option and here are my
arguments for it.
Isn't that manipulative?
To put it frankly, yes. It is manipulative to put a strong focus on the victims. It manipulates the feelings
of the average person but it may need to be done. If we play this holier-than-thou game we're are only
hurting ourselves. I know it sounds dirty but sometimes you have to roll in the mud to get things done.
The safety of our children and our very existence is on the line.

What about lynching?

This argument only works if there is no rape epidemic in Europa. So, is their a rape epidemic? Lets
look at a few examples.
In the U.K Muslim gangs use thousand of white children
as sex slaves and drug mules. They are being groomed,
drugged rapped, and the police refuse to stand up for
these girls in the overwhelming majority of cases. These
children as well as the disabled and other vulnerable
people are being used as cattle but feminist won't talk
about this will they?
Another example would be a small town in Sweden (link
below) where police tell women not to come out at night
because of sexual violence. This is yet another case where the police refuse to do their job because the
victims are white. Where ever these migrants go they bring floods of sexual violence along with them.
While this may seem morally grey it could be a great tool to get rid of the real problem of Muslim
rape culture.
What is European Delirium?

The rejection and condemnation of one’s European heritage. Also the belief that white
societies exclusively need multiculturalism.

In the western world many fall victim to the left’s Delirious ideals. Shame for being white,
multiculturalism, mass migration, etc. These beliefs can be grouped under the umbrella term, European
Delirium. This is because they are attached to the same source known as Critical Theory which
originated at Frankfurt University.
I will be talking about the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory later on but for now I will talk about
delirious norms born out of The Frankfurt School.
1. They will act as if their nations have committed unforgivable crimes and that white identity will
always be repulsive and evil. This is known as white guilt.
2. When confronted with things like overall white pride and various European ethnic prides they
will become fearful and suspicious. The will deny that their country has a culture and will only
recognize the worst of of their nations history. They will accuse pro-whites of wanting to kill
any one who isn’t white. This is White Fright.
3. “Islam is a religion of peace”, they will argue even though Muslims overwhelming support for
Shariah is well documented Whenever cases of systematic sexual trafficking of young girls or
terrorist attacks they will always say #notall but will not extend this to isolated cases of white
supremacy. This is Islamic protectionism.
4. “We should all come together”, they will cry. They will say their nation is “too white” and will
push for more and more migration and than will celebrate minority status. This is
5. “We all bleed red! We are all the same”, they will ignore the cultural and biological difference
between the races and genders. This is egalitarianism.
These ideas seem innocent but the real world effects are devastating.
Can White women be in a universal sisterhood?

Should we give up on the universal sisterhood?

In modern society many white women have fallen for the delirium of
universal sisterhood. They tolerate anti white attacks against our
femininity. They tolerate taking the blame for things that have nothing
to do with them. They accept being seen as tools of white supremacy
and a threat to non-white men.
Why do our sisters support POC feminist? It is because they have been
fooled into believing that we live in a white
supremacist/capitalist/patriarchy. In their minds they think they are
these great allies fighting beside their sisters for a more equal world.
It is sad, honestly. When you think you are in a universal sisterhood you
believe women have your back regardless of racial lines.
This is a delirium that only white women fall for. All you need to do is
research the views of feminism on white womanhood. Though, just
hearing this would make lefty white women claim that I am being over-
dramatic. That white women are welcomed in the movement. That the
universal sisterhood is about standing by each other. If is this the case
than I have one question,
If you were in need would your non-white, “sisters”, help you? Would They even care? Nope.
The greatest example of this reality is a British MP named Naz Shan.
She re-tweeted a person who says that the girls in Rotherham should
shut up. This is an example of how feminist of color have no empathy
for white women and girls who are victims of trafficking. If you are
still thinking that I’m being over dramatic let me ask you something.
Which non-white activist have spoken out against the systematic
sexual violence of indigenous European women?
There isn’t one is there? Why do you think that is?
The reason why there isn’t an example is because they don’t see ally-
ship as a two way street. The demand that we devote our lives to
making theirs better. You would think they would have our backs then
as well right? Nope.
Thousands of young white girls are being sexually abused in the U.K and there
is no march for them. Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe because
of Muslim men. No talks about rape culture. They couldn’t care less if we and
our children are raped. So, why should you call them your sisters?
What is the solution? Establish the Feminium. Feminium is derived from the
Latin word Femina meaning woman. On it’s own Femina is pretty universal.
The suffix ium (ee-um) means “from Latin”. The literal definition of Feminium is, “women of Latin”,
but I use it to mean, “Women of Europe”. The Feminium would entail world wide solidarity among
white women. Non-white women (#notall) will never have our backs so why should we have their’s? It
is time we see that we will never be part of a universal sisterhood and stick together.
The Beauty of White Womanhood

We are the women who inspired the men who built these nations.

Whiteness is beautiful. Our music, our literature, our art, and especially our
women. No race of women have our variety of beauty. We have a unique, refined
sense of femininity past down from our ancestors. This is the beauty of The
White women (pure-bloods specifically) have more variety than women of any
other race. Blonde hair, green eyes, red hair, blue eyes. Angular Slavic faces, the
curvy Armenian frame, the elegantly slim Nordic women. So much variety in a
pretty porcelain wrap. You can see the envy of us in mountains of weaves and
Korean plastic surgery. Even just on the surface you can see the beauty of
To match our beauty is our refined femininity. We embrace feminium when we
make time to focus on nurturing weak family members. We embrace feminium
when we choose a white man for more than superficial qualities. We embrace
feminium when we strive to care for our loved ones.
The final point is the most important though, white motherhood. This is the core
of feminium. The first duty of a white woman is to bear white children. The
second is to care for their loved ones especially children. The third is to
Feminium is an inspiring and beautiful force that can raise thousands, even
millions, of men to their feet. Feminium is crucial to the survival of our species. If we want to preserve
our people we need to work to embrace the values that helped to get us where we are today.
Thigher Culture; The United Kingdom

In the underbelly of British society is an open secret of slavery

and sexual abuse. Muslim men line up as a little white girl
(possibly as young as twelve) is lured into the back room.
Little girls are being groomed into beliving that grown men love
them so that they can be passed around dozens, even hundreds, of
men. Once these monsters are done the girls are thrown away like
trash. If they want it to end they will have no where to go and
even if they do escape the men may find them anyway. This is a
nation wide system of modern slavery but it is shooed under the
rug. These are five facts you need to know about British Thigher culture.
Fact #1; Over one million girls may have been abused. In 2015 labor MP
Sara Champion stated that up to one million girls could be being abused at that
time. It has been two years sense than so it may be even worse than that.
In 2017 Champion stated quote, “there is a national problem with Pakistani men
abusing white girls”. This received heavy backlash such as MP Naz Shah who
wrote a 44 word essay condemning her. Shah later faced backlash of her own
when she re-tweeted someone who said the victims should shut up.

Fact # 2; 84% of offenders are Muslims. A report by a center-left counter extremism think-tank
found that more than 8 out of the of all abusers are, “Asian”. For future reference, when Western
European governments say, “Asian”, they mean Muslims.
Now, lets compare crime and population rates. Muslims make up about 6.3%
of the British population. The closest whole number is 14 (84 divided by 6) so Muslims are 14x more
likely to sexually abuse children than the general population. Muslim men are 28x more likely than the
general public.(see corrections at the end)
One of the Pakistani researchers who conducted the study stated,
“We didn’t want there to be a pattern of people from our ethnic demographic
carrying out these attacks. But unfortunately we were proven wrong, The
crimes are committed in this country; these grooming crimes are not
committed in Pakistan. They are committed in this society, and it is the
conditions of this society that are encouraging people to commit crimes like
Unsurprisingly, he attempts to blame the U.K for these crimes even though
this problem does exist in Pakistan. He just won’t own up to the depravity of
his culture.
Fact #3; The children are used as drug mules. Thousands of children are
being used as drug mules by, “county lines”, gangs. They are lured using non-
white children into the gangs where they are turned into class A drug dealers.
Children as young as 12 are being used as drug runners while even toddlers
have been used as drug mules. Being forced to carry drugs inside them to be
shipped to dangerous clients. This issue is closely tied with sexual slavery
and underage girls’ bodies are sometimes used to pay off debts to other
The county lines work by taking over a home owned by a vulnerable person,
such as the elderly, to use as a base for drug sales. This act is known as,
“cuckooing”. This allows the 720+ gangs to expand even into the rural areas.
These are the few homogeneous places left in the U.K.
Fact #4; Police turn a blind eye and may even punish the
victim. Considering the staggering numbers and mountains of evidence
you’d think the state would do something about this. To an extent you would
be right. Recently, there has been some progress but that does not fully
negate the fact that there are still cases of cops turning a blind eye. There are
even cases where cops try to go after the victim.

Fact #5; It is still going on. As the years go by the number keeps going up.
Town after town is getting pulled i until the entire nation is consumed.

Here are stats from Rotherham (Credit to Millennial Woes),

The men in the photo
One million girls are being abused
Rotherham victims should shut up
84% of abusers are muslims
Muslim population is growing
White kids being used as drug mules
Victims being punished
Cops being silent
Thigher Culture; The Aryan Fetish

For the last few decades our ancestral homelands have seen an unprecedented
amounts of Muslim migration. With this comes with a surge of rapes on white
women. Sweden, once a peace loving white society is now the capital of rape.
The U.K, with an underground slave trade of white girls hidden in plain sight.
If your here you probably already know all this but did you know that this is
based in medieval slavery? These are three facts you should know about the
Muslim obsession with Aryan women.

#1: The fetish goes back to Muhammad. While the fetish may seem new
it actually goes back to the time of Muhammad. At his time Byzantine was
seen as the most prosperous empire in the region. Muhammad used the
allure of blonde-byzantine women to entice men to Jihad.
Arabs and Turks portrayed Byzantine women as devious Fitna, women
who entice men into lust-full chaos. They claimed that these women love
sex more and are the most shameful women. This, they claimed, caused
adultery to rampant. They claimed that even the nuns threw themselves to
the priest. In reality, Byzantine women were shy and chaste as were most
women at the time.
This fetish was used as a rallying cry for Turkish men to invade the
Byzantium. This expansion led to the first crusade. Sadly, the crusade was
a failure and over one million women/girls were enslaved.
It is important to understand this lest you mistake their feelings for us as admiration and love. They
view us in the same way a trophy hunter sees a rare deer. We are nothing but a show of status to them.
Objects to be used and discarded. If you think I am being paranoid just look at how the act. Look at
how our daughters are treated! Look at how our sisters are treated!
#2: Colored eyes/hair fetch a higher price in the slave trade. In 2014 footage
from an Isis slave market surfaced. In the video Muslim men negotiate prices for
Yazidi slave-girls. One of the things that could raise the price was green eyes. The
price of a slave-girl with green eyes was $500. For comparison, the price of a
Scarlet Macaw is $1200. It cost $700 dollars more to get a parrot than a human
#3 Thighers think they have a right to non-Muslim women. Muslim men are
taught from a young age that non-Muslims are less than them. That non-Muslim
women deserve to be raped and Muslim men have a right to own them. Considering
this, is it really surprising that there is a rape epidemic. Muslim views of white women are built upon a
thousand years of slavery, rape, and murder. These men will never see us any differently from how their
prophet saw us. This needs to be kept in mind when dealing with Muslims, especially the men.
Historical context
Slave market
Muslim men can rape non-Muslim women
Beautiful Machines: Sex and Happiness

In the late 19th century white women galvanized around the label, "feminist",
in demand for complete equality with white men. By the 1930s women had the
right to vote and now have become more free than even the men of the past.
With this in mind you would think that women would be happier, right? Nope.
Sense the 70s women's reported happiness is on the decline. Why is that? Well,
here are six facts about societies effects on white women's sexuality and
#1 We are more promiscuous than past
generations. According to a study done by Roper
shows that views on pre-marital sex have
drastically changed. In 1972 about 49% were okay
with it and 46% were against it. Now, about 73% say it is okay while 29%
say it's wrong. That is a 24/17% change! White women are less likely to
wait for sex until marriage which has an adverse effect on our long-term
love life.
A study conducted not long ago showed that 42% of all people who did not
have sex before marriage reported having a great marriage but only 35%
who did said the same. This 13% difference shows that you have a better
chance at happiness with a long term partner if you did not have sex before marriage.
2#: We are less family oriented. According to the pew research foundation U.S.A
marriage rates have dropped to about 50% of all adults over 24. This is about 65%
of people with a bachelor’s degree. 55% of those with some, but uncompleted,
collage education. 50% for those with no collage education. In the 1990s the
numbers were, 69%, 67%, and 63% respectively. This isn’t just an issue of finding
the right one. The same study claims that 14% of unmarried adults don’t even want
to get married.
3#: Sexual promiscuity is tied to mental health problems. According to a
variety of sources gathered by Psychology Today show a correlation between
sexual promiscuity and mental instability. My guess is that the mental health
problems are the cause not the effect. This is based on the fact that many child
victims of sexual abuse are overly sexual as adults. Regardless, this shoots a
hole into the idea that showering yourself in sex brings any level of happiness
beyond the heat of the moment.
4#: Inter-racial marriage is on the rise. According to
the pew research foundation about 17% of all marriages
are inter-racial. In 1967 it was just 3%, by the 1980s it was twice that at about
7%. By 2015 it has risen to 17%. To break this down by race, it has risen 13%
for blacks, 7% for whites, 1% for Hispanics, dropped 4% for Asians. Breaking
it down by gender, white women are 2% less likely than men to marry out.
Breaking it down by education, whites are 1 % more likely to marry out if they
have a bachelors degree than if they have some collage education. Whites are
1% less likely to marry out if they don't have any collage education than if they
have some. Luckily the miscegenation rate among whites in all categories is
low (no more than 12%) these stats are on the rise.
5#: Fatherless homes on the rise. In the 1950s less than 10% of all white
children (in the u.s.a) were born to unmarried pairs. In 2010 it jumped to
about 36%. While this is not as bad as what you see in the black community
this is no excuse. Our people used to have an almost non-existent wedlock
birth rate and now over a third are!
6#: Women's happiness is declining. Now we have returned to the main
point of the post. Over time women have reported less happiness. So many
white women waste hours on hollow online gesture for the attention of
faceless views. We spend our whole lives studying because we believe that
money and fleeting relationships will make us happy. In the end those who
don't realize the errors in our world view end up alone.
What is the solution? We need to look to our fore-mothers and the roles they played in society. They
dedicated their lives to their families and communities. They held themselves up to a higher standard of
virtue and gained life-long happiness. This doesn't mean we can't have any hobbies, ambitions of our
own. We must throw away the delirium of independence and recognize that we are nothing without
white men and vice versa.
Pre-marital sex
Pre-marital sex link 2
Marriage rates
Promiscuity and mental health
Inter-racial marriage
Fatherless rate
A Letter to The Feminium:Individualism

On December 9th 2017 I started this blog with the intention of reaching
out to my sisters. This post will serve as an overview of arguments I have
in favor of white identitarianism. I know that most of my sisters see
women like me as the new Eva Braun but I plead that you give me your
ear for just a moment.
Whites are the only individualist
This feels obvious to me but looking back at my old views it sadly isn’t to
most of our people. Ask yourself, which of these thing do you typically
hear? White interest or Black interest? Asian pride or White pride? Group
identity is a basic function of human instinct and is present in most
groups of people. When you bring up identity to the average American
only white people won’t be hyphenated. African-american, Asian-
american, Hispanic-american, etc.
This isn’t just the case with what people literally call themselves. For
example, A reporter named Faith Goldy claims that people will often
seek out neighborhoods where the majority are their ethnicity. In the
west we see this every day with ethnic enclaves. Just think of your local
china town.
With this in mind what makes you think that you can integrate people on
mass? You may believe that our values are preferable to say, Pakistan’s
values, but that may not be what the person believes. If someone grows
up in a completely different nation than of course they wont. If they will
be minorities indefinitely than they can be integrated because they have
no choice. When they are not, however, this leads to a tricky situation to
say the least.
Muslim men are the perfect example of this. In the U.S Muslim men are
no more than 0.5% of the american population. When gay marriage is brought up they just give a fake
smile and go along with it. They will play by our rules because, as a minority, they have no choice but
to comply.
In the U.K Muslims make up about 8% of the population and 87% of all child molesters. White girls
are systematically groomed, raped, and sold as sex slaves.
In Sweden Muslim men gleefully gang rape white women. They film the crime laughing taking turns
on her. Sometimes with as many as 20 participates.
These are wide spread problems in Europe because they are a rapidly growing
portion of the population. This means there is fading pressure for integration.
This problem will only get worse as Muslims become a larger and larger
portion of the population.
No one man can fight an army. Every other group is raised from birth to think
in terms of collectives. To have a sense of identity beyond just them. Whites
on the other hand are taught to think in terms of the individual. That any bit of
collectivism from us is essentially throwing open the doors of the gas
chambers. What a foolish handicap! No matter how exceptional you think you
are you can’t compete with a collective.
This isn’t simply about us, it is about our children and the lives we will leave behind for them.
A Letter To Feminium; Who has your back?

On July 1st 2015, a white woman named Kathryn Steinle was shot three
times by an illegal named Jose Zarate. On November 30th 2017 he was
acquitted for all charges except illegally owning a gun while being a
felon. This sparked debate as many argued that Kate’s killer got off easy.
Personally I think he is guilty but lets get to the point of this post.
Where are her sisters?
If this had been a black woman who was shot by a white man the streets
would be overflowing with protesters. Black men would set fire to the
streets. Her mother would be surrounded by black women as she sobbed
into the camera. The case would never leave the political arena.
This is an example of how there is currently no white sisterhood.
Because of this cases where white women are victimized receive little to
no outcry for the most part. White women can be raped or even killed by non-white men but their faces
will just fade into the background. Feminist would like us to forget these women because their cases go
against inter-sectional narratives such as systemic white supremacy.
We can’t allow this to happen. With every white woman who doesn’t get justice for
the crimes committed against her a precedent is set. Rotherham sets the precedent
that it is acceptable to sexually enslave little white girls. The response to
Rotherham sets that even a twelve year old can consent to trafficking but can never
be a good mother because of it. Kate’s case sets that shooting a white woman three
times isn’t always murder.
What is the solution? We need to make our voices heard. When white people are
attacked our men should be in the streets. We should be flooding social media. We should never let the
case leave public discourse. We should mark a day focused solely on raising awareness of the sexual
enslavement of indigenous European girls. We need to fight for policies that are in our interest. Above
all else we need to support each other. If we don’t then no one else will.
Beautiful Machines: Obesity

In the media people like Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer preach that you can
be healthy at any size. It doesn’t matter if you look like a Holocaust survivor or
Tess Holiday we are all beautiful! This has even gotten so bad that feminist are
nagging doctors for telling them to lose weight! While this may seem silly these
claims can be dangerous to young white girls. Here are three facts about
#1: Women now weigh as much as men. In the U.S.A
women weigh, on average, about 166.2 ibs. Men weighed
about 166.3 ibs in the 1960s. Granted, men have gained 30
pounds while women have gained about 22ibs. In th 1960s
women only weighed about 140ibs. Women are gaining weight faster than men at
about 18.5% vs 17.6%.

2#: Obesity by race and gender. A study by shows the

following data;
Among adult women
Black; 82% (over-weight) 56% (obese)
Hispanic; 77% (over-wight) 44% (obese)
White; 63% (over-weight) 32% (obese)
This means that one out of every three white women are obese and barely a
third are of healthy weight.
Among our daughters
Black; 36% (over-weight) 20% (obese)
Hispanic; 37% (over-wight) 20% (obese)
White; 29% (over-weight) 15% (obese)
It is not as bad but with maternal influence these girls may go down the same path
3#: Obesity shortens your life span.Now this one is a bit obvious but lets look
at the specific data. According to the U.S.A national institute of health of health
obesity can cut your life span by up to 14 years! This is a sobering example of
just how wrong feminist like Lena and Amy really are. They are telling young
girls that stuffing yourself is okay even though it will literally kill you!
What is the solution? First of all we need to make ourselves
good examples for young girls. Many white girls are being
tricked into unhealthy life styles to make feminist feel good
about them selves. We need to show these girls that confidence
shouldn’t come from lying to yourself about your own health. It should come from self
Obesity rate by Sex
Obesity rate by race
Obesity shortens your lifespan
Obesity cost nation wide
Why I will never, “mix out”

As a child I thought a lot about the kind of person I wanted to marry. His
personality, his face, his career, his face. I would like to say I was wise
beyond my age but I honestly wasn’t. While I didn’t think in terms of race
the man I imagined was white. With ice blue eyes and fair skin. I didn’t
think about it in terms of race because I wasn’t raised with an attachment to
my heritage.
As I entered my teenage years I became attracted to my male peers. White,
Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. I didn’t really care about the race of the men I
wanted to be with. I was to shy to give up my virginity (which got me
dumped a few times) but this doesn’t change the fact that I used to
participate in miscegenation.
When I got older though I began to see the anti-white propaganda in the media.
At first I went after it as feminist nonsense. Over time I recognized that it went
beyond just feminism. Islam, anti-white violence, mass migration, etc, it all
exploded at once with the Cologne sexual assaults on new years of 2016. By the
end of that year I came to understand the realities of race and the beauty of my
I am a woman of Spanish, Swedish, and English decent. My Spanish ancestors
were force under a caliphate by the moors for 100 years of oppression. After that
first 100 years the Iberian peninsula fell into civil war for 700 years. My
ancestors fought and died for generations until the moors were forced out. This liberation led to the
birth of the Spanish empire. One of the most powerful empires the world as ever known.
My Nordic ancestors were the first Europeans to find the Americas. Centuries before Christopher
Columbus was even born! They were fierce warriors that were feared across Europe. They were even
the founders of Russia.
My English ancestors created the ideas of human rights, capitalism, the
modern justice system, an modern democracy. If it wasn’t for my ancestors I
wouldn’t have the rights and luxuries I have today.
In short, I will never mix out because of love and responsibility. I love my
people. I love the art. I love the music. I love the foods. I love my heritage, my
culture, my identity. I recognize that as a white woman I have 40,000+ years
of legacies to carry on my shoulders. If I mix out I will contribute to the
destruction of my people.
I will not mix out because I don’t care who you are. I don’t care about your
personality. I don’t care about your accomplishments. Nothing can make any
man worth throwing away my heritage for.
I am proud to be a European woman. I love my whiteness and will pass it down to my own daughters. I
will always be loyal to my people and I have nothing to apologize for.
The road to demographic victory

We can still save our people.

In the past I have posted essays discussing the need for white women to have at least three or four
babies with a white husband. In this essay I intend to use math and data to find the minimum
percentage of white women needed to save the white race.

Part one: Moor Poppulation

First, lets get into the Moor population projections. I am going to divide this into three parts, high
migration, low migration, and no migration at all. This will allow me to analyze the different scenarios.

1#; Zero Migration (2016-2050)

If migration stops completely the Moor Population will grow from 4.9% to 7.4%. In the U.K, it will
grow from 6.3% to 9.7%. In France, it will grow from 8.7% to 12.7%. In Germany, it will grow from
6.1% to 8.7%.

2#; Medium Migration (2016-2050)

If migration was minimized but not eliminated the Moor population will grow from 4.9% to 11.2%. In
the U.K, it will grow from 6.3% to 16.7%. In France, it will grow from 6.1% to 17.4%. In Germany, it
will grow from 8.7% to 10.8%.

3#; High Migration (2016-2050)

If we go full speed ahead the Moor population will grow from 4.9% to 14%. In the U.K, it will grow
from 6.3% to 17.2%. In France, it will grow from 6.1% to 18%. Finally in Germany, it will grow from
8.7% to 19.7%.

Overall growth
United Kingdom; The Moors will grow by 3.4% to 10.9%.
France; The Moors will grow by 3.9% to 11.9%
Germany; The Moors will grow by 2.6% to 11%

Part two: Percentage break down

Currently the population of the region is 520.800,000 people. The following table will show the
percentage break down.
10.00% 52M 10.00% 26M
20.00% 104M 20.00% 52M
30.00% 156M 30.00% 78M
40.00% 208M 40.00% 104M
50.00% 260M 50.00% 130M
60.00% 312M 60.00% 156M
70.00% 364M 70.00% 178M
80.00% 416M 80.00% 208M
90.00% 468M 90.00% 234M
100.00% 520M 100.00% 260M
Overall Divided by sex
As you can see in this table 10% of the population is equal to about 52 million people. This may seem
like a lot, and it is, but keep in mind that in order to win the 2016 election Trump had to get over 63
million and he got that in two years. I’m not saying it would be easy but it isn’t impossible.
If each of these women had about three or four children (birth rate of 3.0+ to 4.0) than they would give
birth to 208 million people who would be adults by 2050 to 2055. What would that amount be in 2050?
This table will show the break down the percentages in 2050.
10.00% 53.8M 10.00% 26.6M
20.00% 107.6M 20.00% 53.2M
30.00% 161.4M 30.00% 79.8M
40.00% 212.2M 40.00% 106.4M
50.00% 266M 50.00% 133M
60.00% 280.4M 60.00% 159M
70.00% 334.2M 70.00% 186M
80.00% 424.4M 80.00% 212.8M
90.00% 498.2M 90.00% 239.4M
100.00% 538M 100.00% 266M
Overall Divided by sex
Compared to the percentage with out these births this is a little under 40%. Even at this amount it
would be possible to take power in the European Union.
In this next table I will show you the pro-white and Moor percentages when you include these
theoretical births.
10.00% 74.2M 10.00% 37.1M
20.00% 148.4M 20.00% 74.2M
30.00% 222.6M 30.00% 111.3M
40.00% 296.8M 40.00% 148.4M
50.00% 371M 50.00% 185.5M
60.00% 445.2M 60.00% 222.6M
70.00% 519.4M 70.00% 259.7M
80.00% 593.6M 80.00% 296.8M
90.00% 667.8M 90.00% 333.9M
100.00% 742M 100.00% 371M
Overall Divided by sex
The pro-white population; 208M (25% to 30%)
The population of Moors would be as follows,
High Migration; 75.6M
(around 10%)
Low Migration; 57.9M
(5% to 10%)
Zero Migration; 35.8M
(Less than 5%)
In conclusion, When we look at these percentages it is clear that we can save Europe if we can reach at
least 20% of European women. However, 30% would be ideal. This is because it would be 40% to 50%
of the population by 2050.
When looking at these numbers it is important to see how important it is to have a white sisterhood.
This will allow us to gain enough female support to save our ancestral homeland from the Islamic
Reaching out to our sisters

We need to connect to our sisters if we want to save our race.

If we want to save our people we need to reach out to

our sisters. Most white women are not political but
are more inclined to be against us. We need to get
them to see that our movement is the one that is inline
with the interest of white women. That we have our
own interest. How do we do that. There is certainly no
single answer to this question so here are ten ways we
can reach out to other white women.
#1; Having a kind demeanor. Something I have
noticed is that nationalist women have a loyalty that
you don’t see in other circles. This is a great thing that is crucial to our
survival. The problem is that when it comes to women who are of the left we can become venomous.
This is understandable considering what we are up against but it’s also counter-productive.
For white women who are not in the movement we are fascist psychopaths. This may seem silly but
this is what people learn from the media. If we have a kind, welcoming demeanor it will make it harder
to misrepresent us. This is because the image women will see us exemplifying would be one of
sisterhood. Not of hatred.
#2; We need more female activist on T.V. Our views are advocated for almost exclusively by men. On
it’s own this isn’t a bad thing but is a handicap in our current political climate. When men are the only
ones going on T.V and debating the left it gives the illusion of a, “boys club”. This isn’t the kind of
image that is in our favor if we want more women on board.
If we have more women debating against the left it may help to pull more
women in. These women who represent us will serve as figures for young
women to look up to. People these women can relate to. Women that want to
create a sense of community that white women are yearning for.

#3; Celebrating White women of history. This can be number of ways but
regardless of the method the point would be to put white women of history
into the spotlight. This would link learning about our heritage with learning
about, “empowered women”‘s achievements through out European history.
Strong women of history are in high demand right now so we should use this
to our advantage.

#4; Discussing the history of European

beauty. Building on my last point we need to find
ways to make learning about our heritage enticing to young women. Another
way we can do that is by discussing the history of European beauty. Beauty is
important to young women would be interesting to young women. More so
than a lot of more excursively politics focused content. We can use this as a
gateway to learn more about our history. In order to learn about how women
dressed in 850ad you have to learn about how women were seen at that time.
This turns into a rabbit hole of information.
#5; Start more female-focused businesses. If we look at marketing for
female oriented products have a clear left-wing slant. Forced diversity,
Feminism, yada-yada-yada, the usual crap. This helps pressure white women
into conformity. The outlets that are the center for pop-femininity pushes the
left-wing idea of a woman as the ideal. If we want to take influence away
from them we need to replace them.
We need to create our own cosmetics and
general beauty products. For one thing we will
be putting more money into the pockets of pro-
white families. It will also create new jobs for
our people and build a financial foundation for
our community.
#6; Create women’s Events. This will give new women a chance to
introduce themselves and make connections with other women. These can
be offline or on depending on the situation. It could even include women
from all over the world! What the events could be depends on the
situation but there is who knows how many possibilities.
#7; Youth groups. This can and should be applied to both sexes but lets
focus on women for this post. Young girls are very sensitive to the opinions of others and need female
companionship. These groups will keep girls from feeling isolated and giving them like minded girls to
lean onto.
#8; Discuss issues that feminist don’t want to talk about. Certain women’s
issues like Migrant men harassing native women are unspeakable for fear of
racism. Namely, situations where a white woman is victimized by non-white
men. If white women speak out about it they are shamed as racist. They have to
fear the ire of society. The more women there are speaking out though, the
harder it will be to shame white women into silence.
Recognizing these problems will drive more white women to our side.
#9; Target women/girls in need. The best way to do
this is to help single mothers. One way we can help
them is by watching the kids. This will give the mother more time to work to
make sure her kids are fed. Another thing would be giving food and clotting
to these women and their families.
Churches used to play a huge role in helping those in need but sadly this is
not the case anymore. Nowadays churches do very little leaving a hole in the
community. We can fill that hole and help to bring our communities back

#10; Create an app to connect women. Pretty much everything has an app
these days. If you want to connect with people efficiently create an app is one
way to do it. This app would have forums, a market place, and other features .
This would make our community available with the tap of a finger no matter
where you are.
These are ten things I think can help us to reach out to other white women. I
think that all these ideas can help but this is not an exclusive list.
Feminium App; Home of the white sisterhood

In my last post I left off with the idea to create an app to serve as infrastructure for the white sisterhood.
This will help us to reach out to young women and gather pro-white women together. In this post I will
get into some features that could be for this app.

#1: Vetting. Before you can use the app you will fill out an application. This
application will appear on the screen when you open the app. Once you fill out the
application you will receive an email within seven business days. This email will
be sent once we have conducted a background check. You will not be required to
release your name publicly but you will need to give your name so that we can
verify and vet all applicants.

#2: Accessories. Once you have been accepted you will be

able to access your account. When you enter you will be met with four options
on a menu. Market Place, Chat, Library, and Accessories. The Accessories
menu will serve as a collection of small features. The following features will
be available.
1. Video Hosting| Upload videos to the site.
2. E-book collection| Read books you have purchased from the Market
Place or checked out of the library.
3. Inbox|Personal messaging
4. Profile| Your personal profile.
5. Events calendar| Alerts for upcoming local events.
#3: A Market Place. The market place would host products sold by members
only. When you enter you will be given to options, buy and sell. If you choose
buy you will be met with a menu of options for what you can buy. Once you’ve
selected the category you will see a collection of products in that category.
Shipping will be handled by the shop keepers.
If you choose, sell, it will open up to a template selection screen. You will be
given dozens of free (or cheap) templates for your shop. Once your template has
been chosen and customized you will be able to upload pics and bios for your
#4: The library. The library will be filled with books submitted by the authors.
Once you check a book out you will have a month to read it. Once this month
has passed you will have the option to renew your month no more than twice. If
you want to have the book permanently you can find it in the Market Place.
#5: Chat. This would be the main feature of the app. This would be a message
board with text/video/audio chat rooms. You can remain anonymous if you so
choose. This will allow our members to connect and speak with one another,
This is just the basic features that I plan on having in the app.This is subject to
change but here are my first ideas.
The Skeptic Community is burning

The Skeptic Community is on fire. After Rage after Storm was chased off
of you-tube Kraut and Tea waged war on the Alt-Right. He made a series of
videos attempting to debunk race realism. Needless to say this wasn’t
received well. Things quickly took a turn for the worse.
He was exposed as participating in a doxxing campaign along with people
like Based Mama who I’ll briefly touch on in a moment. Kraut and Tea had
a melt down and even attacked a woman who had been helping him. He
removed all his videos after apologizing.
Getting back to Based Mama, the Skeptic Community has been trying to
start a convention called Killroy. Killroy was a cartoon character who was
drawn all over the place by WW2 soldiers from the u.s.a. The hope was to
create a con where everyone would be free to express their views.
However, when James Allsup asked for a panel on western civilization he was
struck down. One thing led to another and Killroy is in shambles. To
summarize, The Skeptic Community is finally dying.
Many of us have come from The Skeptic Community so it feels like the end of a
chapter in our history as a civilization. The center is collapsing as people are
running to either side. We are the alternative to inter-sectionalality. We are the
alternative to Islamic presence. The alternative to feminism. The alternative to
modernity. Our people are on the brink of extinction so we must act quickly.
If we want to save our people we must go after The Skeptic Community. As
they eat each other alive we must bring their supporters to our side. If we want to do this we must focus
on the kinks in Skeptic armor.
For example, The Skeptic Community often discuss the problems with Islam. They
correctly point out that Islam is not compatible with our values. They are highly
critical of mass migration. They point ou the horrors of Islam but have no solutions.
The best solution they have is cutting immigration. As pointed out in, “The Cruel
Fate of Kekistan”, even if you cut immigration this will not prevent the growth of
If we want to bring these people in we need to focus on solutions. Not just when it
comes to race. We need to get them to see that we are the best alternative to the status quo.
Policies To Secure The White Race

In my post, “The road to demographic victory“, I discuss the number of white women we need to
secure our people. In this essay I will get into the specific policies that will secure our nations.
#1: Remove hate speech laws. This will allow people to freely critisise Islam. Hate speech laws are
used to prevent people from seeing Islam for the violent cult that it is. If we remove these laws we will
be able to freely expose Islam. To show what is wrong with Muslim migration.The more people learn,
the more will come to our side.
#2: Ban immigration. End all immigration to European nations for sixty years. This will halt the flow
of migration into Europe. This will give us time to re-homogenize our nations. We will have three
generation to complete this.
#3: Establish the right to return. This will serve as an exception to the immigration ban stated above.
You will need the following to be accepted.
Note; E refers to a specific ethnic group in Europe. The nation thy want to move to.
E=Ethnic European | N= Non-Indigenous
x= 25% to 49% y=50% to 74%
Z= 75% or more |w= less than 25
Yes E = Z | N=W No E=W | N=Z
E=X|N=X E=X | N=Y
E = Y | N =W E= X | N=Z
After this policy is established we need to encourage whites to come to Europe from the former
colonial states. This will bring more young, fertile, whites to our nations. One way we can do this is by
running a campaign to portray Europe as a land of opportunity for white people. We must bring in as
many whites as possible.
#4: Pro natal policies. Once we have secured our boarders we need to focus on raising birthrates in
our nations.
1. When two people of indigenous European heritage get married they will be given a $100,000
loan. For each child they have 25% of the money they need to pay back will be cut.
2. Eliminate taxes for homes with an indigenous new-born. For every white baby born the parents
will be given tax exemption for one year.
3. Ban the foreign purchase of non-luxury housing. Any home worth less than 1,000,000 will only
be available for domestic purchase.
The obvious objection to this is how we could going about paying for this. Here is how.
#5: End government assistance. Non-whites often exploit our tax dollars through government
assistance. This is why Migrants prefer to go to welfare states like Germany rather than non-welfare
states like Poland. Ending government assistance will remove one of the main incentives for Muslims
to stay in Europe.
#6: Distance ourselves from the Islamic world. If we want to save our race we need to recognize that
the leading Muslim nations want us dead. Once we recognize this we can distance ourselves from the
Islamic world.
1. Buy Oil from Russia. The main economic dependence we have to the Islamic world is oil. If we
get oil from the Russians instead this will cut away our economic dependence on nations like
Saudi Arabia.
2. Become more aligned with India. India is the fastest growing nation in the world. As India
grows so will it’s military. This will make it a good replacement for the middle east.
3. Ban the foreign funding of Masques. Saudi Arabia funds masques all over the west. Banning
this will cut away their influence in our nations.
4. End the United Nations. Destroy the United Nations and create a new coalition that excludes
Muslim nationds.
5. Full Embargo. End all trade, tourism, etc to the Islamic world.
#7: Restrict Islamic practices. The most important thing to preserving our race is eliminating Islam
from our lands. Here are a few ways we can do this.
1. Ban religious attire. Preventing Muslim women from holding themselves to Islamic standards
will be humiliating. They will feel as if they are walking down the streets naked. Even if it is
just the neck this sense of exposure will make it harder for women to practice Islam.
2. Ban public displays of religion. This will force Islam behind masque doors.
3. Ban Masques and the Quran. This will be the last step to banning Islam. This will make it
impossible to practice Islam in Europe.
#8: Forced removal of Muslims. This is the last step to securing our homelands. The armies of Europe
will be integrated together. The integrated military will round up and remove all Muslims.
These are the policies that can secure our race in my opinion.
Thigher Culture: The Fitja Case

The Fitja Case is easily one of the darkest cases of sexual violence against white women. The case was
so bad that even the mainstream media had no choice but to speak out about it. I believe this story is of
such significance that it needs to have it’s own essay. I will be writing an essay on the general Thigher
Culture in Sweden. For now, here is what you need to know about The Fitja Case.

What happened?
In August 2016 a white woman was gang raped by up to twenty Muslim men in a suburb known as
Fitja-a Muslim dominated area-on a stairway where anyone could here what was going on. They
allegedly filmed the attack laughing while saying things like, “whose gonna get her first”. They also
beat her bloody for fun. They forced her to stay by threatening her with a knife.
After the attack she tried to find help but was turned away. The people she went to told her that she was
disgusting and that they didn’t want to have a art in her problems. This is a Muslim dominated area so
I’m not surprised. Even a public train guard turned her away.

What was the verdict?

The court acquitted five men for participating in the gang rape. The court argued that sense the videos
couldn’t be found there isn’t sufficient proof that the rape. A few witnesses came forward but the court
chose to believe the men who claimed it was consensual. They claimed that the bruises are not
necessarily caused by rape so they were ruled out. As if white women love being beaten and passed
around by Thighers.
Her defense lawyer believes she was not given a fair trial due to drug use. This probably plays a role
but I think we all know the primary reason why they were allowed to get away with it.

What was the response?

For once, Swedish women took to the streets to demand that the government take rape more seriously
led by a medical student named, Camilia Ludgen. Granted, they don’t see the Muslim men are the
problem but they are taking steps in the right direction. They are calling for better trained lawyers and a
stronger focus on rape in Sweden.

In closing,
While they have yet to see who the real problem are they are starting to see that their nation leads the
world in rape. Once they see this reality they will be one step closer to solving the problem. We must
get them to see that the rape problem isn’t with men in general. Not with white men. Rather, the men
with the rape problem are Muslim men.
The case
The Verdict
The reaction
Making White Babies

With the coming new year I think it is a good time to talk about white babies!
We have members of both sexes so it is time to produce babies! In this post I
will dive into how we can bring our people together sexually.
Scarlet Kiss would be a mobile dating site exclusive to pro-white advocates.
Before you can use the site you will go through a vetting process. This is in
order to weed out infiltrators.
Once you are accepted you will be asked a series of questions based on the 16
personalities quiz.
This quiz will serve as the first step to building your profile. The second step
would be a questionnaire that would go through your, hobbies, employment,
education, etc. The final step would be to customize your profile page. From
here you will have access to a list of compatible people as well as search for
people around the globe.
You will be required to pay a monthly fee in order to use the site. This is
because we will likely not be able to find advertisers in order to maintain the
Brides Abroad Aria would be a mail-order-bride service aimed to get white
women to Europe. Like with Scarlet Kiss you will need to go through a vetting
process. This is crucial with BAA because white women as young as eighteen could be sent overseas to
nations they have never been to. We need to make sure that these services are not used to abuse young
white women.
If you’re a man you will be required to pay a monthly fee in order to use the
site. In order to maximize the number of women on the site women will not be
required to pay. You will go through the same process to build your profile as
with Scarlet Kiss.
Once your profile is complete you will scheduled to have private chats on the
site with women who match your profile. If things work out BAA will have
people who will help you bring the woman over seas.
These two sites could play a huge role to securing our people by helping in the
creation of new white babies.
The Little Silver Pocket Watch

Once upon a time there was a woman named Olivia Turner. Olivia and her family were struggling
farmers with little to their name. One, cold, December mourning Olivia was at the market when she
found a new little shop with little hand-made trinkets. At the front of the shop a little woman with soft
blue eyes and graying hair sat at a little desk.
Olivia didn’t recognize the woman from town but payed her little mind. Instead her eyes were fixed on
a little silver pocket watch. It had a long silver chain and an acorn carefully carved onto the from. It
was a beautiful little trinket. Perfect for her son.
“How much for this? I don’t have a lot.” She asked, hiding her embarrassment at how little money she
had. The woman’s eyes lingered on the watch.
“Who is it for?” She chirped, pulling it from the little brown box it had been sitting in.
“My son, his name is Joseph.” The woman grabbed Olivia’s wrist and placed it in her hand.
“I’m sure he’ll love it dear.” She muttered. “Make sure to tell him to take good care of it. It was my
husband’s lucky watch.” She declared. When Olivia heard this she chuckled a bit. Regardless, she
nodded respectfully.
“So how much do you want for it?” She asked but received no response. The shop keeper’s voice rang
off the walls as she hummed to herself. Shooing Olivia away.
“Go buy bread with that money. Your son is probably starving dear!” With out another word Olivia
hurried out the door.
On Christmas mourning Olivia’s two children dashed down the stairs of the farmhouse. Each child was
given a single gift. For the girl, a pretty french doll with a little pink dress. For the boy, a little silver
pocket watch.
Seasons pass and Olivia became old and sickly. Her daughter had past years ago, as a child, but her
son sat at her side. On the night stand next to him sat the little silver pocket watch. She smiled up at
him. letting out a cough before she spoke.
“Take care of that little pocket watch. It is a lucky little thing.” She joked. He smiled back. Agreeing to
he request.
She died in 1912.
Two years later Joseph was torn away from his family as the war begins. Into the trenches. German
bullets rain from the sky upon french soldiers. The two sides clash on as Joseph watches from the
trenches. The little silver pocket sitting his pocket.
When the war finally ends Joseph returns to his family. After the war Joseph is honored but struggling.
Spending his nights in the pubs before stumbling to bed. On Christmas mourning he gives each child a
single gift. For his daughter, a doll from Germany with pretty red braids. For his son, a little silver
pocket watch with an acorn carved onto the front.
When David grows up he flees to America. As Nazi march the streets of Paris David’s sister marries a
German soldier while David watches from afar under the eyes of the new world. He spent his days in
the new world in construction. Like his father and grandparents he fathers two children. A boy named
Ethan and a girl named Isabella.
With out hesitation he puts France behind him. On Christmas mourning he gave each child one gift.
For his daughter, a plastic barbie doll with a painted smile. For his son, a little silver pocket watch
with an acorn carved onto the front.
With out hesitation, Ethan sells the little pocket watch. The woman he sells it to gives it to her son. He
loves it for a while but forgets it as he grew bored of it. Ethan dreamed of climbing to the suburbs but
with every step he fell three steps back. He manages to father two children. A boy and a girl who look
nothing like their father.
On Christmas mourning he could only give them each one gift. For the daughter, a little brown doll
with stringy hair and a painted smile. For the son, a little brown doll with stringy hair and a painted
Why would migrants value our culture? Traditions are not simply consumer holidays or complaining
about the good old days. Traditions are what connects us to the history of our nation. People on the left
will try to argue that migrants can be mass integrated into our cultures or even that our cultures don’t
exist at all. This is a foolish delirium. Some can be integrated, sure, but the vast majority wont be. Why
would they care about our traditions?
Thye have no connection to the people who developed these values. Their ancestors didn’t fight to
preserve these nations. European cultures don’t belong to them and they know it. They will never
respect our culture on mass so it is foolish to believe otherwise.
We are the only ones who can preserve our heritage. We are the only ones who care about our values.
We need to keep in mind that these nation were the ultimate gift from our ancestors. They must be the
ultimate gift to our own children. We must preserve our heritage.

I hope you have a very white Christmas!

A Letter to The Feminium:
Unleash Your Inner Becky

Who is Becky? Becky is that kind of white girl. Becky is the white girl that
always tells the wrong jokes. That would never date a black guy. That drinks the
tears of starving children. That cares about her heritage and wants to preserve it.
In summery, Becky is the kind of white girl that doesn’t cry when you call her
racist. She isn’t trying to impress you because there is something more at stake
to her than your approval. Becky is an unapologetic white identitarian.
Women are highly receptive to peer pressure. We all remember crying in the
high school bathroom at least a few times. When a political movement is pushed
by all the female celebrities, both online and off, it can be
hard to go against it. It can be nearly impossible to break out of that mindset. It
is easier to be loved for believing a lie than it is to be hated for telling the
truth. It is hard to lose the respect of former friends.
We can’t afford to believe a lie. We can’t afford to believe that a beautiful,
multiculti society can work while our sister and children are being raped by
Muslim men. As the left is waging demographic war against us.
As our sisters bury themselves in beer and failed relationships. Trying again
and again in vain until they are used up old cat ladies.
As our middle aged men kill themselves to the glee of the left. We can’t
waste time worrying about being tarred as monsters. We are running out of time. If we fail our race, we,
will go extinct.
We must make our brothers and sisters open their eyes to the burning civilization around us. To come
together against the enemies form outside and inside.
If caring about by heritage, if loving my people, if simply wanting to survive makes me a Becky than
fuck it, I’m proud to be a Becky.
A Letter to The Feminium: A White Romance

With inter-racial relationships I decided to discuss why I don't support miscegenation. If you want to
mix out it'sup to you. If you are willing to hear me out than read on. Here are three reasons I don't
support miscegenation.
1#: Your children may not adopt your heritage. Culture is a set of values,
art, music, etc that is passed out through the generations. From mother to
daughter. From father to son. When the mother and the father are from the
same culture than these ideas are passed down to the children.
If your child is half-black then whose culture will they inherent? I would love
to say both but that is not the case. If we look at examples of people who are
half-black in the public eye. Whether they be actors, or activist, or sports stars
we can see that they do not embrace their white heritage. In fact, they often
fight against our existence. They try to de-legitimize our culture, our heritage,
our existence as a group.
I wont claim that these people are out to get us from the moment of birth because that is ludicrous. My
point is that half-white children are far less inclined to inherit your culture.
2#: Your children will have no tribe. As any psychologist will tell you that
humans need a tribe. Like other primates, humans have evolved to develop
strategies and work together in order to survive. This has made us an animal that is
emotionally dependent on socializing with others. When we have a tribe we are
able to live more fulfilling lives.
Many in the moderate right would argue that we can be united by civic
nationalism. United by shared pride and values. This ignores the fact that a
person's values come from their culture. In a multi-cultural society people's values
are divided typically on ethnic/racial lines. If this isn't true then do this for me. Name me one multi-
cultural nation where civic nationalism is successful.
The U.K, Sweden, Germany? You mean where the indigenous women are facing a rape epidemic at the
hands of migrant men? India, China? Where minorities are killed for their faith? The United States?
When was the last race riot? 2016? If you can name one that'll at least be some evidence in favor of
civic nationalism.
In no nation can you find a positive example of civic nationalism so when can we recognize that it is a
failure? A sweet Canadian fantasy that will never reflect reality. According to Professor Gadd Sadd
(professor in evolutionary psychology) humans show a greater sense of subconscious empathy when
the person being harmed is of the same race. This is called in-group preference.
This preference is the cause of the racial divides we see all over the west. These divides are rooted our
minds beyond removal. This is not as simple as how you were raised so what makes you think you can
scrub it away?
If you choose to mix out who will your children's tribe be?
3#: You will be helping to destroy your race. This is easily the most
important reason of them all. The more children born to biracial couples
the less that are born to white ones. As we can see from Latin american
nations like Brazil that miscegenation is one of the main tactics to
reduce our numbers. What will happen if our populations keep being
reduced indefinitely? Extinction. All the blood, all the war, all that it
took for you and I to be born will be for nothing. We will fade into the
backlog of history.
We as individual white women must consider the consequences of our
actions. If we mix out we will have nothing to give to our children. We
will have thrown away our heritage. Our people. We will have nothing
beautiful left to give for the sake of a, "good time".
Thigher Culture: Sweden

In a back ally in Stockholm the soft sounds of a woman's sobs can be heard. A Nordic woman sits on
the cold grown pulling her clothes back on. The men circled around her laughed and joked as they
leave her in tears.
Sweden is known as the feminist nation by critics an patriots alike. Sweden's Parliament is evenly
divided between the sexes. Not calling yourself a feminist is like an American saying they support Jim
crow. Women have the same rights as men. They have equal power so you would think it would be a
woman's paradise. Sadly, reality doesn't always meet expectations
Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe with over 60 per 100,000. This is the second highest rare
of reported rapes in the world. It is important to keep i mind that rapes are less likely to be reported in
many third world countries like the Congo. Not mention the differences in moral standard like how
consummating a marriage to a nine year old isn't considered rape in some nations like Iran. Because of
this I can't claim that Sweden has the second highest rate of actual rapes. In Europe on the other hand,
these problems don't exist when comparing.
The main problem is that most rapist in Sweden are committed by non-indigenous men. About 77.6%
of all rapes in Sweden in 1996 were committed by men of a migrant background. After this the
Swedish Crime Prevention Council refused to release stats showing the ethnic breakdown. These stats
are old but we have no reason to believe that they have changed sense then. Especially considering the
fact that they suddenly refuse to release the data.
A Swedish officer named, Peter Springare, spoke out about the crimes which nearly got him
imprisoned for, "inciting hate". He called out politicians for turning a blind eye to the abuse. In a
facebook rant he said,
"Half of the suspects, we can't be sure because they don't have any valid papers. Which in itself usually
means that they're lying about your nationality and identity. "
"The highest and most extreme violence - rapes and shooting - is dominated by criminal immigrants."
"This is a different criminality that is tougher and rawer. It is not what we would call ordinary Swedish
crime. This is a different animal. "
"I'm so fucking tired. What I will write here below, is not politically correct. But I don't care. What I'm
going to promote you all taxpayers is prohibited to peddle for us state employees."
"Here we go; this I've handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault,
rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police,
drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment."
"Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again
Christopher... what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed,
Mahmod Ali, again and again."
He stated that he is speaking out because there is no longer anything that can be done to him. If we look
at what this cop has said it is clear why the Swedish government is keeping the data closed. If this were
to become common knowledge than anti-migrant sentiment would surge. Hate speech laws are simply
away to protect the migrants who rape our women and children.
Another problem is the fact that Sweden has the unique problem of stranger rapes being more common
than in relationship rapes. About 63% of all rapes in Sweden were committed by someone the victim
didn't know. For comparison, in the U.S.A about 80% of all rapes were committed by someone they
knew. That means you are 3x more likely to be raped by a stranger in Sweden than in the U.S. This is
even worse in the U.K, where 90% of all rapes are committed by someone the victim knew. This means
you are 6.3x more likely to be raped by a stranger in Sweden compared to the U.K.
Amnesty International claimed the following,
"The unequal power relations between men and women continue to be fueled by deeply rooted
patriarchal gender norms that are reproduced within the so-called private spheres of family life and
sexual relationships."
This claim not only ignores the fact that most Swedish rape victims but also the fact that women are
more free in Nordic countries than most of the world. Claims like this are meant to shield the criminals
and silence white women who are being abused. This tricks people into thinking that supporting the
feminist status quo in Sweden will somehow make things better.
Whether you are looking at the issue form outside Sweden or from within it is clear that Swedish
women are facing a rape epidemic. Not only that but we know where the problem lies. The state
systematically ignores these crimes and punish those who speak out against it out of fear. Fear that their
multi-culti experiment will lose favor with the public. Regardless of how much they fight it more and
more people are becoming aware and we need to do what we can to keep that momentum going.
Sweden rape rate
77% are Migrants
Migrants are the majority of rapist
U.S.A stranger rape rate
U.K Stranger rape rate
My Goals For 2018

With 2017 at it’s end it is time to address my goals for the coming year. This year
was a quite a year to say the least. From terrorist attacks, to Charlotte, a lot of
things have gone wrong. On the other hand, with the destruction of the Skeptic
Community and the exposing of Hollywood there are good things to be found as
well. Here are the goals I intend to accomplish in 2018.

1#: Create the Feminium App.

By the end of 2018 i want to have created the Feminium App. This will help to bring more women into
our movement.

2#: Write at least 250 articles on my blog

I started writing my blog early this month and this post will be the 30th post. By the end of 2018 I want
to write at least 250 articles on my blog.

3#: Write, Thigher Culture; The Rape of Europa

This book will expose that not only is there a rape epidemic being waged against white women but also
the fact that European nations are complicit in it.

4#: Write, The Family

By the end of the year I want to write my first novel, The Family. It is a story about a young
Scandinavian girl who is bred and sold into sexual slavery. This will show what kind of society Western
Europe will become if we don’t change course.
In conclusion
To say good by to this year we should remember the mistakes we have made through the years and
figure out how to avoid these mistakes in the future.

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