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Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291

Effect of soiling on photovoltaic modules

Reinhart Appels a,⇑, Buvaneshwari Lefevre a, Bert Herteleer a, Hans Goverde a,b,
Alexander Beerten a, Robin Paesen a, Klaas De Medts a, Johan Driesen a, Jef Poortmans b
ESAT/ELECTA, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
IMEC vzw, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium

Received 1 December 2012; received in revised form 18 May 2013; accepted 2 July 2013

Communicated by: Associate Editor Bibek Bandyopadhyay


In the past, the phenomenon of dust deposition on the glass cover of photovoltaic modules has been studied mainly in the Middle
East, but little is known about the phenomenon in Central Europe. This paper focuses on the magnitude of the problem in Belgium
(Köppen climate classification: Cfb). A variety of measurements were performed to determine the effect of dust settlement on the power
output of photovoltaic modules. The physical properties of the collected dust were examined using a scanning electron microscope
(SEM). A potential solution for the phenomenon, namely the usage of special coatings on the cover glass, was investigated. The results
show that the problem of dust settlement on photovoltaic modules in Belgium is not as severe as in the Middle East. Nonetheless the
problem exists and results in a constant power loss between 3% and 4% for the optimal tilt angle in Belgium which is 35° and with periods
of regular rainfall. Please note that these results do not reflect a one year energy loss, further experiments are needed. Rain seems to have
little cleaning effect on smaller dust particles (2–10 lm), but on bigger particles (pollen, approx. 60 lm) the cleaning effect is clearly vis-
ible. The use of special coatings on the glass have a potential reduction in power loss caused by dust settlement. However, at this
moment, the extra cost associated with these coatings is not justified for photovoltaic modules in Belgium. Cleaning panels should only
be done when soft tap water or demineralized water is available.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Air pollution; Dust; Energy efficiency; Environmental factors

1. Introduction in the effects of dust deposition on solar panels increased.

Mohammad and Fahmy (1993) studied the effect of the
Especially in residential use, little attention is given to physical properties of dust (mainly particle size), and the
the efficiency of, and environmental effects on, installed influence of the amount of dust on the output of a solar
Photovoltaic Modules (Appels et al., 2012). About 7 dec- panel. In another paper (Mohammad and Fahmy, 1993)
ades ago, Hottel and Woertz (1942) noticed a decrease in the same authors summarized the results of the study on
performance of 4.7% after 2 months of exposing thermal the influence of particle size on the reduction of transmit-
collectors with a tilt angle of 30°. Garg (1974) (India), Say- tance. Their work showed that smaller particles have a
igh et al. (1985) (Kuwait) and Nahar and Gupta (1999) far greater effect than larger particles on the transmittance
(India) observed an increase in the amount of deposited of glass. Goossens et al. (1993) studied the effect of wind
dust with decreased tilt angle. They concluded that solar speed on the deposition of dust in Israel and concluded that
panels subjected to desert conditions should be cleaned even the slightest turbulence in the atmosphere has an effect
daily. Later, after 1990 (Mani and Pillai, 2010), interest on the movement of dust particles because of their extre-
mely small inertia. Adel (2001) investigated dust deposition
⇑ Corresponding author. on 9 glass panels with different tilt angles in Egypt. He
E-mail address: (R. Appels). measured the transmittance every day for 30 days, using

0038-092X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
284 R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291

a pyranometer, investigating the behavior of the decrease scanning electron microscope. An other interesting result
in transmittance with respect to time. Hegazy noticed that from Zorrilla-Casanova et al. (2012) is the seemingly sym-
the speed of decrease in transmittance decreases with time metric losses caused by dust throughout a day, indicating
and eventually reaches a saturation point. Hassan et al. that the losses have an angle dependence. Although in
(2005) came to a similar conclusion that the decrease in 1980 Shelby et al. (1980) reviewed the weathering resistance
transmittance reaches a point of saturation after 30 days of different types of glass, the effect of special new types of
of exposure. The power output of the PV panels reduced glass, such as glass with a self-cleaning or an anti-reflection
33.5% to 65.8% for an exposure of respectively 1 and coating (based on nanostructured glass packaging (Sakhuja
6 months. Elminir et al. (2006) (Egypt) used 100 glass pan- et al., 2012)), and their potential are unknown.
els with different tilt angles and measured a dust deposition
of 15.84 g/m2 (0°) and 4.48 g/m2 (90°). Kimber et al. (2006) 2. Methodology
measured a linear increase in the losses at a rate of
0.0011 kWh/kWp/day between rain showers. A linear This part of the paper will detail the methodology
increase in the losses was also modeled for Madrid (Spain) employed to investigate the dust deposition on tilted glass
by Ransome and Sutterlueti (2012) who determined that samples. First, the spectrometer set-up will be presented.
the soiling behavior dominates the cost in regions with long Next, the experimental verification of the relationship
periods without rainfall. El-Nashar (2009) investigated the between the decrease in transmittance and the decrease in
seasonal effect of dust deposition in Abu Dhabi, where dur- output power will be highlighted. Followed by some sam-
ing the summer months frequent sandstorms occur. He ples were examined using a scanning electron microscope
concluded that the dust deposition on glass tubes, used in (SEM), to identify some components in the dust. Next
a solar desalination plant, caused a monthly drop in trans- the effect of some prototype coatings are investigated and
mittance of 10–18%, advising a weekly cleaning to get the finally, the set-up to determine the effect of dry residue is
maximum annual water production. Rahoma and Hassan introduced.
(2010) came to similar results after a nine-year measure-
ment period of aerosol optical depth measurements in Hel- 2.1. Transmittance of natural dust deposition
wan (Egypt), although they only measured the dust in the
air, not the dust deposition, which is the focus of this The influence of the settlement of dust on the output
paper. Tests (Vivar et al., 2010) in Madrid (Spain) and power of solar panels was determined in an indirect way.
Canberra (Australia) concluded that CPV systems are First we collected dust using a set-up containing 4 identical
more sensitive to soiling than flat panels, reaching optical normal glass samples exposed to the elements at different
losses of up to 26% for CPV systems after 4 months of tilt angles (0°, 30°, 60° and 90°). The set-up was placed
exposure. Pavan et al. (2011) determined in Italy that the on the rooftop of the Department of Electrical Engineering
influence of soiling was higher for a 1 MW PV power plant (ELECTA/ESAT at N 50.9°, E 4.7° (Woyte et al., 2003)) at
on sandy soil, with 6.9% annual losses, compared to an KU Leuven. Two such set-ups were used where one was
annual loss of 1.1% for compact soil. Stridh (2012) simu- shielded from the rain. The transmittance of the glass sam-
lated that cleaning of PV power plants has an economical ples was evaluated every 2–3 weeks, consistently measured
value for the south of Europe (Murcia, Spain), but proba- right after a rain shower, using a spectrometer (Avantes
bly not in the North (Helsinki, Finland), especially consid- AVASPEC-2048-2-USB2). The transmittance measure-
ering snowfall.Andrews and Pearce (2012) developed a ments were performed with the set-up shown in 1. The
methodology for predicting losses based on readily avail- measurements were performed on the spectrometer set-
able meteorological data, especially for snowfall. Ibrahim up, where a 180° measuring probe was used together with
(2011) discovered a reduction by 2.78% per day of Isc and a 500 W halogen lamp light source. The set-up was
a decrease by 0.863% per day of Voc due to accumulation designed in such a way that it measures the spectrum of
of dust. Although a cleanliness monitoring system has been the light passing through a predefined surface, where the
introduced by Garcı́a et al. (2012) and the influence of the glass samples can be mounted.
loss distribution has been investigated in Lee et al. (2012), The transmittance in function of the wavelength (Tk) for
many questions still remain, and we are especially inter- a glass sample (Tk,G), a glass sample contaminated by soil-
ested in the influence of the dust settlement on photovoltaic ing (Tk,G&S) and the soiling (Tk,S) has been determined as:
modules in Belgium. Z
Although Qasem et al. (2011a); Qasem et al. (2011b) did Ik
Tk ¼ dk ð1Þ
similar research in Kuweit (Köppen climate classification I 0k
(Jordan et al., 2013): BWh) with the type of dust of that T k;G&S ¼ T k;S  T k;G ð2Þ
area, Zorrilla-Casanova et al. (2012) included the effect of T k;G&S
rainfall in Spain (classified as BSh under the Köppen cli- T k;S ¼ ð3Þ
T k;G
mate classification), the research described in this paper
goes a step further by comparing a set-up shielded by rain With I0k the measured irradance in function of the wave-
with an unshielded set-up using a spectrometer and a length for the setup without a medium, Ik,G the irradance
R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291 285

Fig. 1. Set-up for transmittance measurements. Fig. 2. Set-up used to measure the I–V-curve using artificial dust
distributed between two plexiglass plates.

in function of the wavelength for the setup with the cleaned

glass sample and Ik,G&S the irradance in function of the P MPP ;G&S
P MPP ;S ½% ¼  100% ð4Þ
wavelength for the setup with the, by soiling contaminated, P MPP ;G
glass sample. It goes without saying that, even though the
With PMPP,S the maximum power available due to soiling,
lamp is connected to a voltage stabelizer, it takes some time
PMPP,G&S the maximum power measured on the contami-
for the illumination to saturate.1
nated glass, and PMPP,G the maximum power measured
for a cleaned sample (0 [g/m2]).
2.2. Transmittance of artificial dust deposition
2.3. Physical properties of the collected dust
Secondly the relation between the dust deposition and
output power was determined. For the two different types Some glass samples where examined using a scanning
of solar panels (a Sanyo HIP-210 NKHE1 and an Euroso- electron microscope to identify the source of the collected
lare PL160) were artificially contaminated with different dust.
types of dust (white sand (250 lm), clay (68 lm) and
cement (10 lm)). As shown in 2, the dust was weighed 2.4. The effect of special coatings
accurately and applied on a reference glass sheet with a
sieve before placing the glass on the solar panel. For differ- The effect of special coatings to enhance the reflection
ent amounts of deposited dust the I–V curve was registered and self-cleaning properties of the front glass of solar pan-
and the decrease of the maximum power point was calcu- els was investigated. A set-up containing coated glass sam-
lated. For this experiment natural sunlight was used. The ples with a tilt angle of 35° was used to collect natural dust
measurements were done as fast as possible on a clear and the transmittance was evaluated after three weeks of
day, removing the glass sheet before and after every mea- exposure.
surement for calibration. In the same way small glass sam-
ples (identical to the ones used to collect natural dust) were 2.5. Cleaning aspects
artificially contaminated with the same dust that was used
on the solar panels. For different amounts of deposited Finally the effect of dry residue of different types of
dust the transmittance was measured using the set-up of water were measured in the same way as explained earlier,
1. These results together with the I–V curves lead to a rela- where glass samples are sunk in a wooden frame, as shown
tion between the decrease in transmittance and output in Fig. 3, leaving a gap of respectively 1 mm, 3 mm and
power. The power decrease was determined by: 5 mm between the top of the glass and the wood. The
set-up was placed horizontally, to allow vaporization of
the different amounts of water with their constituent parti-
This can take a few hours for a new lamp and quickly droppes to about cles and the transmission of light through the glass is mea-
half an hour for a frequent used lamp. sured. Different types of water were poured onto the glass
286 R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291

that after 5 weeks of exposure, the decrease in transmit-

tance saturates. This means that for the optimal tilt angle
in Flanders Belgium (approx. 35°) the transmittance
decrease saturates between 3% and 4%. Saturation, how-
ever, was not yet observed during the short measuring per-
iod for a tilt angle of 0°. The dotted line of 4 displays the
case where the glass samples were shielded from the rain.
The effect of rainfall on the transmittance is very clear
when comparing the samples with and without roof in 4.
The deposition of dust continues when the glass samples
cannot be cleaned by the rain, resulting in a continuing
Fig. 3. Sketch of the set-up to allow evaporation of the different water decrease of transmittance. The conspicuous decrease of
solutions. Set-up placed horizontally. transmittance between 35 and 58 days of exposure to dust
and given enough time to evaporate. When evaporated, the in the dotted line of 4 is caused by the high concentration
glass samples were cleaned on the bottom side and the of airborne pollen (approx. 60 lm in size) in that period,
transmittance was measured. corresponding with the beginning of Spring in Belgium. 4
Before the start of every experiment, all samples where also indicates that dust deposition is a greater problem
cleaned and measured. These measurements were used as for lower tilt angles.
a reference.
3.2. Transmittance of artificial dust deposition
3. Results and discussion
The values for the observed decrease in output power of
Five experiments were performed. First, the collection the two solar panels and the decrease in transmittance of
of natural dust on glass samples and the influence of the the glass samples with increasing (artificial) dust deposition
cleaning effect of rain is discussed, second, the effect of arti- are comparable. 1 shows the results for the measurements
ficial dust with different particle size on the cover glass is where white sand (250 lm), clay (68 lm) and cement
investigated, followed by an examination of the physical (10 lm) were used. 5 visualizes the transmittance of 1. Sim-
properties of the collected dust using a scanning electron ilar results were found by Jiang et al. (2011), where an
microscope, next the effect of some special prototype coat- other measurement technique - making dust airborne in a
ings are examined and lastly, the dry residue of different test chamber - was used. 1 shows that transmittance and
types of water are measured. power decrease are approximately the same. The small dif-
ference (<2.5%) is most likely caused by measurement
3.1. Transmittance of natural dust deposition errors: first, the used method to distribute the dust is unli-
kely to give a perfect equal distribution of dust and sec-
The full line of 4 shows the decrease of the transmittance ondly, the measurements were performed with natural
for the glass samples that were subject to rainfall. It shows sunlight which has the tendency to fluctuate, even on a

Fig. 4. Transmittance over time (measured from 01/03 to 28/04 2011). Please note that the lines only connect the measuring points. The real transient
behavior will most likely be (irregular-) saw-toot like.
R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291 287

Table 1
Transmittance and power decrease for sand, clay and cement. Abbreviations: Transmittance (T), Power (P) and solar panels Sanyo (S) and Eurosolare (E).
(g/m2) White sand (250 lm) Clay (68 lm) Cement (10 lm)
T (%) Pmax (%) T (%) Pmax (%) T (%) Pmax (%)
0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
10 98.95 98.22 99.92 90.03 91.84 90.30 81.59 79.08 80.94
20 95.98 95.16 94.54 79.97 80.62 79.64 59.39 59.35 60.22
40 90.82 90.23 90.90 60.44 61.14 62.88 46.52 48.76 47.56
60 84.97 85.26 86.24 51.58 51.23 52.79 33.34 35.84 34.32

Fig. 5. Transmittance for artificial contamination by white sand, clay and cement.

clear day and it is not easy to perfectly reproduce the same blanket of fine dust particles is not removed by rainfall. This
degree of dust deposition on the glass samples and the PV experiment reveals why the transmittance never reaches
modules. The bend in 5 for white sand and clay is most 100%, not even after rainfall. 9 also reveals local spots on
likely caused by clustering of dust particles, where extra the glass surface where bigger dust particles accumulate.
added dust particles pile up on each other, adding more A possible explanation is that resin particles, probably from
mass per square meter, without an associated decrease in pine, particles carried by the wind end up on the glass sur-
transmittance, as confirmed by Beattie et al. (2012). face and trap dust particles. Another possibility is that
water droplets evaporate and leave behind dust deposits.
3.3. Physical properties of the collected dust
3.4. The effect of special coatings
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to
examine the dust that was collected on the glass samples. Prototype coated glass samples with three different types
6 and 7 shows that, a glass sample that was shielded from of coatings were examined: an anti-reflection coating (AR),
the rain, was littered with pollen (approx. 60 lm in size). a self cleaning coating (SC) and a multilayer coating (ML)
A bigger magnification reveals that between the pollen a consisting of both AR and SC. These glass samples were set
blanket of particles ranging from 2 to 10 lm can be found. up in a similar way as in 3.1. The glass samples were
8 and 9 shows the image of the surface of a glass sample that exposed to atmospheric conditions during 3 weeks (from
was not shielded from the rain and reveals that the same the 5th of April 2011 to the 28th of April 2011). 2 shows
blanket of particles that can be categorized as ‘inhalable the results for the transmittance measurements. The
coarse particles’ (Case et al., 2008) or particulate matter decrease in transmittance is least when ML coating is used.
(PM) between PM2.5 and PM10, is present on the surface The measurements show that the coatings improve the self-
of the glass, but that the pollen have been completely cleaning properties of the glass samples. The saturation of
washed away by the rain. These glass samples were taken the transmittance was, however, not observed due to the
inside right after a rain shower which means that the limited time of exposure. The economical potential of this
288 R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291

Fig. 6. SEM image of the surface of a glass sample that was shielded from Fig. 9. SEM image of the surface of a glass sample that was not shielded
the rain (30° tilt angle). from the rain (30° tilt angle).

Table 2
Results transmittance measurements for the coated glass samples (3 weeks
Type of coating Transmittance decrease (%)
Regular glass 2.63
Anti-reflection (AR) 1.75
Self cleaning (SC) 1.30
Multilayer (ML) 0.85

Fig. 7. SEM image of the surface of a glass sample that was shielded from
the rain (30° tilt angle). Identification pollen: (a) pine, (b) maple and (c)

Fig. 8. SEM image of the surface of a glass sample that was not shielded
from the rain (30° tilt angle).

solution depends heavily on the extra cost that comes with

the use of the coatings. This however is unknown during
the writing of this paper as these coatings are not yet avail-
able on the market. Fig. 10. Transmittance decrease due to dry residue after evaporation.
R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291 289

Fig. 11. Transmittance of glass samples with dry residue of hard tap water.

3.5. Cleaning aspects 42° f2). The soft tap water used came from Beringen, in the
North-East of Belgium (10° f to 15° f). Looking at 10,
Note that the distribution of dust (or other particles) on demineralized water gives the best result, closely followed
the PV module will not be homogeneous. There are many by osmosis water. The negative slope of the ‘osmosis
reasons for that, like for example (a) the turbulence on water’ line cannot readily be explained. However, the mea-
the edge of the PV module is bigger than in the center, surement error of our system is larger than the difference
which has a big impact as explained in the introduction, between the demineralized water and the osmosis water.
(b) at the top of the module the cleaning effect of rain will The vaporizing process was executed in our lab, which is
be less than at the bottom, due to the effect of rain striking not a controlled dust-free environment. The uncertainty
combined with rain run-off on the module, but on the other of the measurements was not accurately determined. The
hand, (c) the bottom of the module could see more dirt striking curve of rainwater is most likely caused by the cap-
deposit than the top, because it is exposed to more dirt, dis- turing of airborne dust particles when falling from the sky.
solved in the rainwater run-off, and (d) depending on the Although the previous experiments indicate that rain has a
tilt angle of the PV module with a mounting frame, there cleaning effect on solar panels, at first rain will deposit air-
may be some stagnant water at the bottom of the module, borne particles, making the panels dirtier. With continuing
increasing the effect of local soiling. rain, the precipitated airborne particles are removed by the
For this experiment, different types of water were cho- cleaner rain droplets. Of course, in reality, there will never
sen and poured on glass samples, sunk for 1 mm, 3 mm be a time where 5 mm of water stays stationary on a PV
and 5 mm, as shown in 3 and allowed to be vaporized panel and evaporates, but over the years, the repeated dust
before measuring. 10 shows the results of the transmittance deposition and evaporation of water results in a similar
measured for every case. The types of water employed effect and hence long term measurements are needed to
were: (a) hard tap water, (b) soft tap water, (c) rainwater better understand this process. Manual and automatic
captured at the start of a rainshower, (d) demineralized PV cleaning services are offered by emerging companies.
water, namely water where all ions are removed, (e) osmo- Whether or not these services are cost effective, special care
sis water made by using the reverse osmosis process, (f) should be taken when using, for example, an automatic
some ammonia dissolved in demineralized water, and (g) sprinkler system to clean panels for two reasons. First,
some detergent dissolved in demineralized water.Osmosis when sprinkling water with a high amount of dissolved
water, ammonia and detergent are often used by firms spe-
cialized in cleaning solar panels. Leuven, a city close to the
center of Belgium, is known for its hard tap water (34° f to 2
French degrees.
290 R. Appels et al. / Solar Energy 96 (2013) 283–291

particles on non-hydrophobic glass,it can leave a small modules. In: 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
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up over time. Secondly, the small amount of water stuck Beattie, N.S., Moir, R.S., Chacko, C., Buffoni, G., Roberts, S.H., Pearsall,
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4. Conclusion Khaled Abdel-Moneim, M., 2006. Effect of dust on the transparent
cover of solar collectors. Energy Conversion and Management 47 (18–
19), 3192–3203.
The results presented show that the effect of dust depo- El-Nashar, A.M., 2009. Seasonal effect of dust deposition on a field of
sition or soiling in Belgium and by extension for the Köp- evacuated tube collectors on the performance of a solar desalination
pen climate classification: Cfb is responsible for a constant plant. Desalination 239 (1–3), 66–81.
power loss between 3% and 4%, which saturates after j.desal.2008.03.007.
approximately 5 weeks of exposure. Please note that these Garcı́a, E.L., Montes, C., Linares, A., Molina, D., Pı́o, A., González, O.,
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ing of photovoltaic modules will have virtually no effect Garg, H., 1974. Effect of dirt on transparent covers in flat-plate solar
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pings, fallen leafs, chemicals, growth of moss, etc. which Hassan, A.H., Rahoma, U.A., Elminir, H.K., Fathy, A.M., 2005. Effect of
were not studied here. Rainfall seems to have a limited airborne dust concentration on the performance of pv modules.
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