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#import SQL Server module

Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking

#replace this with your instance name
$instanceName = �localhost�
$server = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server
-ArgumentList $instanceName
#Add the following script and run:
#specify folder and filename to be produced
$folder = �C:\Windows\temp�
$currdate = Get-Date -Format �yyyy-MM-dd_hmmtt�
$filename = �$($instanceName)_db_$($currdate).csv�
$fullpath = Join-Path $folder $filename
$result = @()
#get properties of all databases in instance
$server.Databases |
ForEach-Object {
#current database in pipeline
$db = $_
#capture info you want to capture
#into a PSCustomObject
#this make it easier to export to CSV
$item = [PSCustomObject] @{
DatabaseName = $db.Name
CreateDate = $db.CreateDate
Owner = $db.Owner
RecoveryModel = $db.RecoveryModel
SizeMB = $db.Size
DataSpaceUsage = ($db.DataSpaceUsage/1MB).ToString(�0.00�)
IndexSpaceUsage = ($db.IndexSpaceUsage/1MB).ToString(�0.00�)
Collation = $db.Collation
Users = (($db.Users | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -Join �,�)
UserCount = $db.Users.Count
TableCount = $db.Tables.Count
SPCount = $db.StoredProcedures.Count
UDFCount = $db.UserDefinedFunctions.Count
ViewCount = $db.Views.Count
TriggerCount = $db.Triggers.Count
LastBackupDate = $db.LastBackupDate
LastDiffBackupDate = $db.LastDifferentialBackupDate
LastLogBackupDate = $db.LastBackupDate
#create a new �row� and add to the results array
$result += $item
#export result to CSV
#note CSV can be opened in Excel, which is handy
$result |
Export-Csv -Path $fullpath -NoTypeInformation
#view folder in Windows Explorer
explorer $folder

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