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Frisian languages

This article is about the Frisian languages, as spoken in 1.1 Speakers

the north of the Netherlands and Germany. For other
uses, see Frisian language (disambiguation). Most Frisian speakers live in the Netherlands, primarily
in the province of Friesland, since 1997 officially using
The Frisian /ˈfriːʒən/ languages are a closely related its West Frisian name of Fryslân,[5]where the number of

group of Germanic languages, spoken by about 500,000 native speakers is about 400,000 An increasing num-
Frisian people, who live on the southern fringes of the ber of native Dutch speakers in the province are learning
North Sea in the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark. Frisian as a second language.
The Frisian languages are the closest living language In Germany, there are about 2,000[6] speakers of Sater-
group to English languages, and are together grouped into land Frisian in the Saterland region of Lower Saxony;
the Anglo-Frisian languages. However, modern English the Saterland’s marshy fringe areas have long protected
and Frisian are unintelligible to each other. Rather, the Frisian speech there from pressure by the surrounding
three Frisian languages have been heavily influenced by Low German and standard German.
and bear similarities to Dutch, Danish, and/or Low Ger-
In the Nordfriesland (North Frisia) region of the German
man, depending upon their respective locations. Addi-
state of Schleswig-Holstein, there were 10,000 North
tional shared linguistic characteristics between the Great
Frisian speakers in the 1970s.[1] Although many of these
Yarmouth area, Friesland, and Denmark are likely to have
live on the mainland, most are found on the islands, no-
resulted from the close trading relationship these areas
tably Sylt, Föhr, Amrum, and Heligoland. The local cor-
maintained during the centuries-long Hanseatic League
responding North Frisian dialects are still in use.
of the Late Middle Ages.[4]
Frisian-Dutch bilinguals are split into two categories:
Speakers who had Dutch as their first language tended to
maintain the Dutch system of homophony between plural
and linking suffixes when speaking Frisian, by using the
1 Division Frisian plural as a linking morpheme. Speakers who had
Frisian as their first language often maintained the Frisian
system of no homophony when speaking Frisian.[7]
There are three varieties of Frisian: West Frisian,
Saterland Frisian, and North Frisian. Some linguists con- Speakers of the many dialects of Frisian may also be
sider these three varieties, despite their mutual unintel- found in the United States.[8]
ligibility, to be dialects of one single Frisian language,
whereas others consider them to be three separate lan-
guages, as do their speakers. West Frisian is strongly in- 1.2 Status
fluenced by Dutch, and, similar to Dutch, is described as
being “between” English and German. The other Frisian Saterland and North Frisian[9] are officially recognised
varieties, meanwhile, have been influenced by German, and protected as minority languages in Germany, and
Low German, and Danish. The North Frisian language West Frisian is one of the two official languages in the
especially is further segmented into several strongly di- Netherlands, the other being Dutch. ISO 639-1 code
verse dialects. Stadsfries is not Frisian, but a Dutch di- fy and ISO 639-2 code fry were assigned to “Frisian”,
alect influenced by Frisian. Frisian is called Frysk in West but that was changed in November 2005 to "Western
Frisian, Fräisk in Saterland Frisian, and Frasch, Fresk, Frisian". According to the ISO 639 Registration Au-
Freesk, and Friisk in the dialects of North Frisian. thority the “previous usage of [this] code has been
The situation in the Dutch province of Groningen and the for Western [10]
Frisian, although [the] language name was
German region of East Frisia is more complex: The lo- “Frisian”.
cal Low Saxon dialects of Gronings and East Frisian Low The new ISO 639 code stq is used for the Saterland
Saxon are a mixture of Frisian and Low Saxon dialects; Frisian language, a variety of Eastern Frisian (not to be
it is believed that Frisian was spoken there at one time, confused with East Frisian Low Saxon, a West Low Ger-
only to have been gradually replaced by the language of man dialect). The new ISO 639 code frr is used for
the city of Groningen. This local language is now, in turn, the North Frisian language variants spoken in parts of
being replaced by standard Dutch. Schleswig-Holstein.


The Ried fan de Fryske Beweging is an organization 2.1 Old Frisian

which works for the preservation of the Frisian language
and culture in the Dutch province of Friesland. The
Main article: Old Frisian
Fryske Academy also plays a large role, since its founda-
tion in 1938, to conduct research on Frisian language, his-
tory, and society, including attempts at forming a larger In the early Middle Ages the Frisian lands stretched from
dictionary.[5] Recent attempts have allowed Frisian be the area around Bruges, in what is now Belgium, to the
used somewhat more in some of the domains of educa- river Weser, in northern Germany. At that time, the
tion, media and public administration.[11] Nevertheless, Frisian language was spoken along the entire southern
Saterland Frisian and most dialects of North Frisian are North Sea coast. Today this region is sometimes referred
seriously endangered[12] and West Frisian is considered to as Great Frisia or Frisia Magna, and many of the areas
as vulnerable to being endangered.[13] Moreover, for all within it still treasure their Frisian heritage, even though
advances in integrating Frisian in daily life, there is still a in most places the Frisian languages have been lost.
lack of education and media awareness of the Frisian lan- Frisian is the language most closely related to English and
guage, perhaps reflecting its low class, rural origins and Scots, but after at least five hundred years of being sub-
its lack of prestige[14] Therefore, in the social sense it is ject to the influence of Dutch, modern Frisian in some
considered more than a dialect than a standard language, aspects bears a greater similarity to Dutch than to En-
even though linguistically it is a separate language.[14] glish; one must also take into account the centuries-long
For L2 speakers, both the quality and amount of time drift of English away from Frisian. Thus the two lan-
Frisian is taught in the classroom is low, concluding that guages have become less mutually intelligible over time,
Frisian lessons do not contribute meaningfully to the lin- partly due to the marks which Dutch and Low German
guistic and cultural development of the students.[5] More- have left on Frisian, and partly due to the vast influence
over, Frisian runs the risk of dissolving into Dutch, espe- some languages (in particular Norman French) have had
cially in Friesland, where both languages are used.[11] on English throughout the centuries.
The Frisian language has existed for more than 2000
years. Genetically, the Frisian dialects are most closely
related to the English language. However, historical
2 History events have caused the English and the Frisian languages
to diverge, while Dutch and Frisian have converged. The
linguistic distance to the other Germanic languages has
also altered in the course of history due to different de-
grees of linguistic contact. As a result, traditional ge-
netic trees do not give an up-to-date representation of
the distance between the modern Germanic languages.
Old Frisian,[15] however, was very similar to Old En-
glish. Historically, both English and Frisian are marked
by the loss of the Germanic nasal in words like us (ús;
uns in German), soft (sêft; sanft) or goose (goes; Gans):
see Anglo-Frisian nasal spirant law. Also, when followed
by some vowels, the Germanic k softened to a ch sound;
for example, the Frisian for cheese and church is tsiis and
tsjerke, whereas in Dutch it is kaas and kerk, and in High
German the respective words are Käse and Kirche. Con-
trarily, this did not happen for chin and choose, which are
kin and kieze.[16][17]
One rhyme demonstrates the palpable similarity between
Frisian and English: “Butter, bread, and green cheese is
good English and good Frise,” which is pronounced more
or less the same in both languages (Frisian: “Bûter, brea,
en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk.”) [18]
One major difference between Old Frisian and modern
Frisian is that in the Old Frisian period (c.1150-c.1550)
grammatical cases still existed. Some of the texts that
are preserved from this period are from the twelfth or
thirteenth, but most are from the fourteenth and fifteenth
Old Frisian text from 1345. centuries. Generally, all these texts are restricted to le-
galistic writings. Although the earliest definite written
2.4 Compounding 3

examples of Frisian are from approximately the 9th cen- Perhaps the most important figure in the spreading of the
tury, there are a few examples of runic inscriptions from Frisian language was J. H. Halbertsma (1789–1869), who
the region which are probably older and possibly in the translated many works into the Frisian language, such as
Frisian language. These runic writings however usually the New Testament [19] He had however, like Hilarides,
do not amount to more than single- or few-word inscrip- focused mostly on the vernacular of the Frisian language,
tions, and cannot be said to constitute literature as such. where he focused on translating texts, plays, and songs for
The transition from the Old Frisian to the Middle Frisian the lower and middle classes in order to teach and expand
period (c.1550-c.1820) in the sixteenth century is based the Frisian language.[19] This had begun the effort to con-
on the fairly abrupt halt in the use of Frisian as a written tinuously preserve the Frisian language, which continues
language. unto this day. It was however not until the first half of
the 20th century that the Frisian revival movement began
to gain strength, not only through its language, but also
2.2 Middle Frisian through its culture and history, supporting singing and
acting in Frisian in order to facilitate Frisian speaking.[14]
Main article: Middle Frisian
It was not until 1960 that Dutch began to dominate
Frisian in Friesland; with many non-Frisian immigrants
Up until the fifteenth century Frisian was a language into Friesland, the language gradually began to diminish,
widely spoken and written, but from 1500 onwards it be- and only survives now due to the constant effort of schol-
came an almost exclusively oral language, mainly used in ars and organizations.[19] It is especially written Frisian
rural areas. This was in part due to the occupation of its that seems to have trouble surviving, having largely dis-
stronghold, the Dutch province of Friesland (Fryslân), in appeared in the 16th century, it continues to be barely
1498, by Duke Albert of Saxony, who replaced Frisian as taught today.
the language of government with Dutch.
Frisian, Dutch and English are the three main languages
Afterwards this practice was continued under the of the education system in Friesland (‘Fryslân’). The
Habsburg rulers of the Netherlands (the German Em- province of Friesland is located in the north of the
peror Charles V and his son, the Spanish King Philip II), Netherlands. It has almost 650,000 inhabitants and a
and even when the Netherlands became independent, in surface area of 3,350 km2 . The land is typically flat
1585, Frisian did not regain its former status. The reason and about half the surface is below sea-level, protected
for this was the rise of Holland as the dominant part of by a huge dike from the North Sea. The administra-
the Netherlands, and its language, Dutch, as the dominant tive territory of the province of Friesland coincides rea-
language in judicial, administrative and religious affairs. sonably well with the geographic area where the Frisian
In this period the great Frisian poet Gysbert Japiks language is spoken today. The Frisians were one of the
(1603–66), a schoolteacher and cantor from the city of Germanic tribes in contact with the Roman Empire as at-
Bolsward, who largely fathered modern Frisian literature tested [20] by the historians Pliny and Tacitus. The conti-
and orthography, was really an exception to the rule. nuity of the people and their language is contested be-
cause of extensive flooding of the area in post-Roman
His example was not followed until the nineteenth cen- times. Frisian is an Indo-European language that can be
tury, when entire generations of Frisian authors and po- dated back to the early Middle-ages when older forms
ets appeared. This coincided with the introduction of the of Frisian, English, Dutch, German and other closely
so-called newer breaking system, a prominent grammat- related varieties branched into different West-Germanic
ical feature in almost all West Frisian dialects, with the languages. These common origins are the reason why
notable exception of Southwest Frisian. Therefore, the Frisian is sometimes referred to as the closest relative of
Modern Frisian period is considered to have begun at this English.
point in time, around 1820.

2.4 Compounding
2.3 Modern Frisian
Frisian and Dutch differ in that one exhibits homophony
The revival of the Frisian Language comes from the poet of linking and plural suffixes, whereas the other does not,
Gysbert Japiks, who had begun to write in the language as and that the presence of a homophony relation has been
a way to show that it was possible, and created a collective shown to have consequences for speakers’ intuitions about
Frisian identity and Frisian standard of writing through linking morphemes. From a more general perspective, it
his poetry.[19] Later on, Johannes Hilarides would build is known from the literature that homophony is a driv-
off Gysbert Japik’s work by building on Frisian orthog- ing force in language change. Homophony may have far-
raphy, particularly on its pronunciation; he also, unlike reaching effects; we feel justified in speaking of different
Japiks, set a standard of the Frisian language that focused systems, though we use this term, perhaps naively, to de-
more heavily on how the common people used it as an ev- scribe a difference with respect to homophony. Thus we
eryday language.[19] imply that the presence or absence of a homophony re-

lation between two suffixes may imply a “system” differ-

ence. The findings from a study find that the plural suffix
is distinguished from the linking suffix by most Frisian-
Dutch bilinguals during Frisian speech production. Two 3 Family tree
types of Frisian-Dutch bilinguals could be distinguished:
Those with L1-Dutch who predominantly maintained the
Each of the Frisian languages has several dialects. Be-
Dutch system when speaking Frisian, illustrating interfer-
tween some, the differences are such that they rarely ham-
ence from Dutch on Frisian, and those speakers with L1-
per understanding; only the number of speakers justifies
Frisian who mostly maintained the Frisian system when
the denominator of “dialect”. In other cases, even neigh-
speaking Frisian. In general, Frisian-Dutch bilinguals
bouring dialects may hardly be mutually intelligible.
distinguish plural endings from linking suffixes when they
speak Frisian but not when they speak Dutch. Hence it The Germanic branch of the Indo-European languages
has a large number of speakers, approximately 450 mil-
must also be concluded that bilinguals are able to apply
two distinctive systems of compound formation in their lion native speakers, partly due to the colonization of
speech production. many parts of the world. However, the number of differ-
ent languages within the Germanic group is rather lim-
Frisian-language signs
ited. Depending on the definition of what counts as a
language there are about 12 different languages. Tra-
ditionally, they are divided into three subgroups: East
Germanic (Gothic, which is no longer a living language),
North Germanic (Icelandic, Faeroese, Norwegian, Dan-
ish, and Swedish), and West Germanic (English, German,
Dutch, Afrikaans, Yiddish, and Frisian). Some of these
languages are so similar that they are only considered in-
dependent languages because of their position as stan-
dardized languages spoken within the limits of a state.
This goes for the languages of the Scandinavian countries,
Swedish, Danish and Norwegian, which are mutually in-
telligible. Other languages consist of dialects which are
signs Hindeloopen in Friesland (Netherlands) with the
in fact so different that they are no longer mutually in-
West Frisian name above and the Dutch below
telligible but are still considered one language because of
standardization. Northern and southern German dialects
are an example of this situation.[16]

• West Frisian language, spoken in the Netherlands.

• Clay Frisian (Klaaifrysk)
• Westereendersk
• Wood Frisian (Wâldfrysk)
• Noardhoeks
• South Frisian (Súdhoeks)
sign in Niebüll in North Frisia (Germany) with the Ger- • Southwest Frisian (Súdwesthoeksk)
man name above and the North Frisian name below • Schiermonnikoogs
• Hindeloopen Frisian
• Aasters
• Westers
• East Frisian language, spoken in Lower Saxony,
• Saterland Frisian language
• Several extinct dialects
• Wangerooge Frisian
Bilingual • Wursten Frisian
sign in Ramsloh, Saterland (Germany) with the German • North Frisian language, spoken in Schleswig-
name above and the East Frisian name below Holstein, Germany.
4.2 Comparative sentence 5

• Mainland dialects The English translation in the 1662 Anglican Book of

• Mooring Common Prayer:
• Goesharde Frisian (Hoorning)
• Wiedingharde Frisian Our Father, which art in Heaven
• Halligen Frisian Hallowed be thy Name.
• Karrharde Frisian Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the
For ever and ever.] Amen.
This is a small portion of the Frisian Family Tree.
(NB: Which was changed to “who”, in earth to “on earth,”
• Island dialects and them that to “those who” in the 1928 version of the
Church of England prayer book and used in other later
• Söl'ring Anglican prayer books too. However, the words given
• Fering here are those of the original 1662 book as stated)
• Öömrang
The Standard Dutch translation from the Dutch Bible So-
• Heligolandic (Halunder) ciety
• Extinct dialects
• Strand Frisian Onze Vader die in de hemelen zijt,
• Eiderstedt Frisian Uw naam worde geheiligd;
Uw Koninkrijk kome;
Uw wil geschiede,
4 Text samples
gelijk in de hemel alzo ook op de aarde.
4.1 The Lord’s Prayer Geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood;
en vergeef ons onze schulden,
The Lord’s Prayer in Standard Western Frisian (Frysk):
gelijk ook wij vergeven onze schuldenaren;
en leid ons niet in verzoeking,
Us Heit, dy't yn de himelen is
maar verlos ons van de boze.
jins namme wurde hillige.
[Want van U is het Koninkrijk
Jins keninkryk komme.
“en de kracht en de heerlijkheid
Jins wollen barre,
in der eeuwigheid.] Amen.
allyk yn 'e himel
sa ek op ierde.
Jou ús hjoed ús deistich brea. 4.2 Comparative sentence
En ferjou ús ús skulden, • Saterland Frisian: Die Wänt strookede dät Wucht
allyk ek wy ferjouwe ús skuldners. uum ju Keeuwe un oapede hier ap do Sooken.
En lied ús net yn fersiking, • North Frisian (Mooring dialect): Di dreng aide dåt
mar ferlos ús fan 'e kweade. foomen am dåt kan än mäket har aw da siike.
[Want Jowes is it keninkryk en de krêft • West Frisian: De jonge streake it famke om it kin en
en de hearlikheid oant yn ivichheid.] “Amen” tute har op 'e wangen.

• Gronings: t Jong fleerde t wicht om kinne tou en [7] “Logging into the proxy: NetID (Rutgers University Li-
smokte heur op wange. braries)".
Retrieved 2015-10-30.
• East Frisian Low Saxon: De Fent/Jung straktde dat
Wicht um't Kinn to un tuutjede hör up de Wangen. [8] “Bookmarkable URL intermediate page”. Retrieved 2015-10-30.
• Dutch: De jongen aaide/streek het meisje langs
haar/de kin en kuste/zoende haar op de wangen. [9] Gesetz zur Förderung des Friesischen im öffentlichen Raum
- Wikisource (German)
• German: Der Junge streichelte das Mädchen ums
Kinn und küsste es auf die Wange. [10] Christian Galinski; Rebecca Guenther; Håvard Hjulstad.
“Registration Authority Report 2004-2005” (PDF). p. 4.
• English: The boy stroked the girl around the chin Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-10-20. Re-
and kissed her on the cheeks. trieved 2007-11-23.

• Swedish: Pojken strök/smekte flickan på hakan och [11] Fishman, Joshua A. (2001-01-01). Can Threatened Lan-
kysste henne på kinden. guages be Saved?: Reversing Language Shift, Revisited :
a 21st Century Perspective. Multilingual Matters. ISBN
• Danish: Drengen strøg/aede pigen på hagen og kys- 9781853594922.
sede hende på kinden.
[12] Matthias Brenzinger, Language Diversity Endangered,
• Norwegian: Gutten strøk/kjærtegnet jenta rundt/på Mouton de Gruter, The Hague: 222
haken og kysset henne på kinnet.
[13] “Atlas of languages in danger | United Nations Edu-
cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”. www.
5 See also Retrieved 2015-10-28.

[14] Deumert, Ana; Vandenbussche, Wim (2003-10-27).

• Frisia Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present. John Ben-
jamins Publishing. ISBN 9789027296306.
• Frisian Islands
[15] Rolf H. Bremmer Jr, An Introduction to Old Frisian.
• Frisians
History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary (Amsterdam &
Philadelphia, 2009)

6 References [16] (PDF)

6.1 Notes 00463528e89b97127d000000.pdf. Missing or empty
|title= (help)
[1] West Frisian at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
North Frisian at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) [17] “English to Frisian dictionary”.
Saterland Frisian at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
[18] The History of English: A Linguistic Introduction. Scott
[2] Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel,
Shay, Wardja Press, 2008, ISBN 0-615-16817-5, ISBN
Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). “Frisian”.
Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolution-
ary Anthropology. [19] Linn, Andrew R.; McLelland, Nicola (2002-12-31).
[3] Laurie Bauer, 2007, The Linguistics Student’s Handbook, Standardization: Studies from the Germanic languages.
Edinburgh John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 9789027283672.

[4] Gooskens, Charlotte (2004). “The Position of Frisian in [20] AILA Review 21 (2008), 87–103. doi
the Germanic Language Area”. On the Boundaries of 10.1075/aila.21.07gor ISSN 1461-0213 / e-ISSN
Phonology and Phonetics. 1570-5595 © John Benjamins Publishing Company 88
Durk Gorter and Cor van der Meer
[5] Extra, Guus; Gorter, Durk (2001-01-01). The Other
Languages of Europe: Demographic, Sociolinguistic, and
Educational Perspectives. Multilingual Matters. ISBN
6.2 General references

[6] “Gegenwärtige Schätzungen schwanken zwischen 1.500 • Omniglot links to various Frisian resources
und 2.500.” Marron C. Fort: Das Saterfriesische. In:
Horst Haider Munske,Nils Århammar: Handbuch des • Tresoar - Frisian Historical and Literary Centre
Friesischen – Handbook of Frisian Studies. Niemayer
(Tübingen 2001). • “Research”. Fryske Akademy.

7 External links
• The Frisian foundation

• Frisian-English dictionary
• [PDF]Hewett, Waterman Thomas, The Frisian lan-
guage and literature

• 'Hover & Hear' Frisian pronunciations, and compare

with equivalents in English and other Germanic lan-
• Frisian: Standardisation in Progress of a Language
in Decay PDF (231 KiB)
• Description of language including audio files

• Frisian radio
• Radio news in North Frisian

8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
• Frisian languages Source: Contributors: Brion VIBBER, Mav, Uriyan,
Zundark, Jeronimo, Andre Engels, Eob, Youssefsan, Walter, Rmhermen, Toby Bartels, PierreAbbat, Branko, NTF, Michael Hardy,
Tridesch, DopefishJustin, Chuck SMITH, Kosebamse, Kricxjo, Jimfbleak, Docu, DaMatriX, John K, Rob Hooft, Tobias Conradi, Guaka,
Timwi, Wik, Zoicon5, Timc, Grendelkhan, VeryVerily, Bjarki S, Secretlondon, Donarreiskoffer, Robbot, Josh Cherry, ChrisO~enwiki,
Aliter, Baldhur, Naddy, Gantlord, Hippietrail, Saforrest, Spellbinder, Ruakh, Agendum, Theodoor Westerhof, Graeme Bartlett, Djinn112,
Mintleaf~enwiki, Meursault2004, Chardon, Everyking, Bkonrad, Varlaam, Jaan513, Avala, Pne, J. 'mach' wust, Quadell, 1297, Josquius,
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agami, Spearhead, Jpgordon, Circeus, .:Ajvol:., Man vyi, Gunnernett, Jumbuck, Eric Straven, Ish ishwar, ProhibitOnions, Stephan Leeds,
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8.2 Images
• File:Bilingual_signs_German-Frisian,_police_station_Husum,_Germany_0892.JPG Source:
wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Bilingual_signs_German-Frisian%2C_police_station_Husum%2C_Germany_0892.JPG License: CC-BY-SA-
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arne List
• File:Brokmerbrief.jpg Source: License: Pub-
lic domain Contributors: <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='
1,<span>,&,</span>,zveld=richthofen'>K.O.J.T. von Richthofen, Friesische Rechtsquellen, Berlin: Nicolai 1840.</a> Original
artist: Osbrond (scriba)
• File:Flag_of_Germany.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
• File:Fries_hindeloopen.JPG Source: License: CC BY-
SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Wolfhardt
• File:Frisian.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: 01E ext2015
• File:Frisian_languages_in_Europe.svg Source:
Europe.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from
this: <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Blank map of Europe.svg'
width='26' height='20' srcset='
map_of_Europe.svg.png 1.5x,
map_of_Europe.svg.png 2x' data-file-width='680' data-file-height='520' /></a> Blank map of Europe.svg (by Maix). Original artist:
ArnoldPlaton, png: Hayden120
• File:Niebüll.JPG Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Con-
tributors: first upload in de wikipedia on 22:38, 12. Jun 2005 by Timt Original artist: Timt
• File:Roomelse.JPG Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Blautosk
• File:Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: File:Wikipedia-logo.svg as of 2010-05-14T23:16:42 Original artist: version 1 by Nohat (concept by Paullusmagnus); Wiki-

8.3 Content license

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