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1. Recording & sharing your ideas

2. Guidance on discussion forum – week 1

3. Week 1 overview

4. Learning and creating with iPads in kindergarten

5. Definition of learning types

6. Types of learning and learning technologies

7. Discussion Prompt: learning through inquiry – how would you use ICT for this?

8. Discussion prompt: learning through acquisition – how would you use ICT for this?

9. Discussion Prompt: learning through production – how would you use ICT for this?

10. Discussion Prompt: learning through collaboration – how would you use ICT for this?

11. Discussion Prompt: learning through practice – how would you use ICT for this?

12. Discussion Prompt: learning through discussion – how would you use ICT for this?

13. ICT in primary education analytical survey

14. The 21st century school environment

15. Vignettes in ICT in primary education

16. Discussion Prompt: compare your local experiences

17. Action plans and policies for integrating ICT

18. Creating a lesson plan

19. Using and adapting an existing learning design

20. Exporting your design to word

21. Survey of schools: ICT in education

1. Guidance on discussion forums – week 2

2. Week 2 overview

3. Dimensions of change within the school

4. Major changes

5. School teachers/leaders talking about changes in their schools – Jonathan Bishop

6. School teachers/leaders talking about changes in their schools – Elizabeth Wagner

7. School teachers/leaders talking about changes in their schools – Susan Skidmore

8. Sharing activities: your reaction to leader’s testimonies

9. Guide to discussion prompts about change dimension

10. Discussion prompt: changes in student motivation

11. Discussion prompt: changes in teaching and learning

12. Discussion prompt: changes in educational resources

13. Discussion prompt: changes in school life

14. Discussion prompt: changes in relations between teachers and students

15. Discussion prompt: changes in physical space

16. Beyond the school

17. National and international initiatives and projects

18. Discussion prompt: recommendation to projects or initiatives

19. Student’s perspective

20. Week 2 – Children’s Voice Activity

1. Reading and activities: week 3

2. Guidance on discussion forums – week 3

3. Week 3 overview

4. Learning types

5. Project introduction

6. Geography

7. English

8. Chemistry

9. Health

10. Maths

11. Literature

12. Discussion prompt: share your thoughts in any of the ‘Case-studies’ Forum (Hungary,

UNESCO Book, Australia, iTEC, USA, EUN).

13. Discussion prompt: compare policies encountered with that of your own locality.

14. Teacher perspectives

15. Discussion prompt: post an idea into the ‘Emerging Technologies in Education’.

16. Peer-graded Assignment: summarize the essence of your learning object using ICT

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