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Cases of Narcotics Abuse Viewed from the Science of Mental Health (Psychiatry)


1. General

With the increasing concerns and concerns of the scientific profession, especially the University or
University of Narcotics Abuse problem, which is now followed up today with a seminar that
addresses the problem of abuse of Narcotics, Psychotropic and other Addictive Substances, it is
necessary to put forward a kind of introduction to become the discussion material in discussing the

The problem of misuse of Narcotics, Psychotropic and other addictive substances is essentially
also a matter of particular concern to medical scholars and more particularly to Masters of Mental
Medicine. (Psychiatry).

For the purpose mentioned above, this paper is submitted to be the material or one of the
discussion material in the event to discuss the problem of Narcotics Abuse, Psychotropic and other
Addictive Substance.

2. Understanding

Medication is a substance that can affect the function of the human body that is when put into
the human body and according to the doctor's instructions. The use of self-medication without any
indication and no medical aim is referred to as substance abuse (drug abuse).

The act or case is a self-defeating act (because it can cause substance dependence, acute
poisoning or death and harm others (because the abuser is able to disturb the order and influence
others to be like him).

In general, drugs or substances that are abused are substances belonging to psychoactive drugs,
ie drugs that can provide changes in mental function (mind and feeling, consciousness, behavior
perception) and motor function.

This substance has the potential to cause dependence, whether physical or psychic or both.In
addition to substances have a certain effect on the human body and one of the effects contained in
the psychoactive and Narcotics is its ability to cause dependence, so this substance is called
substances that can cause dependence (dependence producing drugs), among others:

a. Alcohol for example liquor.

b. Narcotics for example, morphine, heroin, and Pethidine.

c. Cannabis such as Marjuana or marijuana.

Central nervous system suppressors such as Mandrax, Rohypnol, Magadon, Nitrazepan, Sedatin
(Pill BK / dog pills).

Central nervous system stimulants such as Amphetamine, (which in recent days, mixed with other
substances are called Ecstasy Pills and so on).

From the description above it is clear that the substance abuse action has a close connection with
the problem of substance dependence (drug dependence). What is meant by substance dependence
is a condition that forces a person to use the substance in order to gain mental satisfaction or avoid
self from physical and mental suffering (addictive symptoms). In this situation one can not stop the
use of the substance and he may experience dependence on one or more substances.

The healing or treatment of substance dependence is a difficult thing, therefore the preventive
action is a very important endeavor.

Substance abuse (Drugs) in Indonesia is a problem that began to arise since + 26 years ago. This
problem is widespread and widespread, so it is ultimately declared a national problem which in its
response needs to get the attention of all parties. In 1971 formed a Body called BAKOLAK INPRES

Based on the research and observation of various parties got the impression that those who
abuse substances mostly belong to young age.

They are a group that has a high risk (high risk). Adolescence is a time sensitive to all kinds of
disorders. The teenagers need the guidance and concerns of their parents and teachers or mentors
in passing this time in a calm and reasonable manner. This assistance and attention can be given if
we understand their porblems and know the factors that may cause porblems, particularly those
involving substance abuse issues; namely among others the science of mental health.

3. Typical Condition of Youth Period

As a transition from childhood into adulthood, adolescence is a time of great difficulty and gejola,
both for the youth and for the parents. Often because of ignorance of parents about the state of
adolescence is apparently able to cause clashes and misunderstandings between adolescents with
parents in the family or ramaja with the environment.

The above does not help the teenager to go through this period properly, resulting in a variety of
behavioral disorders such as substance abuse, or juvenile delinquency or other mental disorders.
Parents are often confused or helpless in dealing with the development of their teenage children
and this adds to the severity of the disorder suffered by their teenage children.
To avoid that and be able to determine a reasonable attitude in the face of adolescents, we are all
expected to understand the development of adolescence and the characteristics that existed during
the development period. It is hoped that we (adults) will understand the changes that occur in
children and adolescents when they enter their teenage years.

Similarly, understanding and fostering children / adolescents to become healthy individuals in

terms of psychiatric and prevent the form of juvenile delinquency need to understand the process of
growing up from child to adult.

4. Some Typical Characteristics of Adolescence are:

a. Role change

Changes from childhood to adolescence bring about change in an individual. If in childhood he

plays an individual who behaves and acts that tend to always depend on and be surrounded, then in
adolescence he is expected to be able to stand alone and he was willing to be independent.

But actually he still needs protection and the place depends on his parents. The conflict between
the desire to behave as a self-sufficient individual with the desire to remain dependent and
protected, will lead to conflict in adolescents. Due to this conflict, in adolescents arise anxiety and
anxiety that will color his attitude and behavior. He becomes easily irritated, angry, disappointed
and desperate.

b. Excessive fantasy power

Limitations of abilities that exist in adolescent cause he is not always able to meet various kinds of
impulse needs him.

c. Strong group bonding

The inability of adolescents to channel their own desires causes a strong urge to cluster. In the
group, all the strength of him as if collected so that it becomes a great power. Teenagers will feel
safer and protected if he is in the middle of his group. Therefore he strives to be recognized by his
group by equating himself with everything in his group. The loyalty of friends is closely intertwined
and sometimes leads to an indiscriminate act.

d. Crisis identity

The ultimate goal of a youth development is the formation of identity. With the formation of self-
identity, an individual can already answer the question: who, if I can and where I play.
He has been able to understand himself, his ability and his self-sufficiency and his role in his
environment. Before self-identity is formed, there will generally be an identity crisis. Every teenager
has to be able to get through the crisis and discover his identity.

5. Various Motivations In Drug Abuse

Motivation in substance abuse and narcotics is related to motivation related to individual

circumstances (individual motivation) that concerns the physical, emotional, mental-intellectual and
interpersonal aspects.

In addition to the individual motivation that leads to an act of substance abuse, there are still
other factors that have a close relationship with the condition of substance abuse ie sociocultural
factors as below; and this is a deep pressing mood in teenagers; among others:

a. Divisions of the family unit such as divorce, moving families, parents who are absent / rarely at
home and so on.

b. The influence of mass media such as advertising about drugs and substances.

c. Rapid technological change. The escape of religious values and systems and the melting of moral
standards; (this means the need to coaching Budi Pekerti - Akhlaq)

d. Increased idle time. Economic imbalances such as poverty, ethno-racial economic differences,
boring luxury and so on.

e. Being human to others.

The existence of social cultural factors as mentioned above will affect human life and can cause a
certain motivation to mamakai substance. This influence will be felt more clearly in the teenage age,
because in terms of development, adolescents are individuals who are very sensitive to various
influences, both from within and from outside himself or the environment.


Efforts have been made by the government and related parties to prevent drug abuse. One is the
pattern of prevention, eradication, and drug control similar to malaria eradication. Parasites, malaria
can be likened to drugs. Malaria mosquitoes can be likened to drug traffickers and malaria mosquito
breeds as vulnerable places, such as nightclubs and the like. As for, people with malaria (patient) can
be likened as drug addict, victim, or patient (patient).
Patients with malaria (patients) need treatment and treatment while the patient (patient) of
drugs need also treatment / treatment and recovery (rehabilitation). Therefore a potent way that
can be done for patients who are victims of drugs is to seek treatment and repent. Why treatment
and repentance? yes, in addition to treatment also must be converted because religion forbids drug
abuse. In addition, laws in our country prohibit the circulation and use of drugs.

Malaria parasites are destroyed with malaria drugs. Drugs also need to be destroyed in ways, for
example, burned and destroyed in such a way that they can not be used again.

Malaria mosquitoes are also destroyed, for example by insecticide spray (anti-mosquito repellent)
so that it is no longer possible to spread the malaria from one person to another. Similarly,
smugglers and drug dealers must be destroyed by punishment weighing heavily.

For young people or teens wherever you are, here are some tips to keep away from drugs,

1. Learn to say no, either to yourself or to someone else who tries to offer the illicit goods to us.

2. No need to be hooked, spelled out coupler (less association). Precisely inverted, users who will be
narkobalah be coupled and isolated.

3. Do not always want to be considered. For example considered great, considered courageous,
considered slang or considered cool, and so forth.

4. Hang out with good friends, stay away from bad friends. (who your friend today will determine
who you are).

5. Do not ever try. Once a drug try then a lifetime will be miserable.

6. Think about it, drugs will cause suffering. Both for yourself and for others.

7. Fill your days with positive activities. Like exercise, join the activities of youth, extra kokulikuler
and so on.

8. Always remember the advice and messages of parents, to lead us to positive things. Advice and
message of the parents is the light that illuminates the darkness of our path.

9. Come closer and always be in God's way. By strengthening faith and praying diligently.
Instructions for Parents For Children to Get Free from Drug Seduction

Help the kids to always think positively about themselves.

Children involved in the use of drugs and liquors always feel great and have the courage
themselves. They experience a sense of well-being and confidence but that is only temporary and
often leads to drug abuse. In the long term, drug abuse can cause extreme pain and end with terrible

In order for a child to increase his confidence, parents can apply the following:

• Provide positive encouragement and praise each time the child succeeds in doing tasks such as
cleaning the house, becoming a class champion, and helping a friend in trouble.

• Provide time for children. Invite them to talk about anything that is positive, including the life of
teenage world, school, and the existence of his family.

• Always conduct home activities together.

• Give them confidence and responsibility.

Invite them to be directly involved in housework. This will make them feel valued and useful. Not
infrequently drug and alcohol abuse is caused by a lack of communication between parents and their
children. As a result, the child feels neglected and is not noticed by the parents.

Give children information about drugs Children often try drugs because of curiosity as well as
rejection. However, by knowing the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, it is
hoped they will never try it.

What should parents do?

• Utilize information that develops in the community to better understand the abuse of drugs and
liquor. By knowing the progress

abuse of drugs and liquor, of course parents can have more meaningful discussions about drugs and
liquor with children.

• Make the most of the right time to talk about drugs with children, for example with children when
the television shows discuss drug and alcohol issues.

• Remind children of the dangers of drug use. Use a sentence that is easy to remember and
understand by the child when reminding the child. Example: Drugs and liquor can make you dizzy.
Drugs and liquor will make you sick. Drugs and liquor make your appearance unattractive.
• Teach children to say, Not to drugs and liquor. For example, say, No, thanks

• - if offered or reasons like, I want to live healthy. Or change the subject if you feel depressed, like: I
think my friend is waiting. I was late and in a hurry. If all these reasons do not work, you should leave
the place.

Three things that are not released from the problem of drug abuse, namely prevention, care and


Prevention of drug abuse includes:

• Early prevention is addressed to those individuals, families, and groups who have not been
touched by drug abuse and illicit issues, to make individuals, groups and communities alert and
resilient to resist and counter them, if at any time their environment occurs.

• Prevention of vulnerability is directed to groups or communities prone to drug abuse, for example
living in slum dwellings or working in amusement venues so that they can strengthen the self-
defense of persuasion or coercion of others or the urge and desire from within themselves to try

• Relapse prevention is directed against those who have been drug addicts and have followed a
therapy and rehabilitation program to keep from recurrence.

Prevention of drug abuse is done within the family, school, workplace, and the wider community,
through the following activities.

• Religious lectures, Q & A, discussions, and art performances.

• Seek information from newspapers, books, and other media.

Another prevention program is preventive education through the school education curriculum.
Therefore, teachers need special training; leisure time management, and elective activities, such as
hobbies, sports, arts, and recreational activities together.

The creation of a healthy, harmonious, communicative, open, caring, and loving family
environment among members is an essential part of prevention efforts drug abuse. Similarly, the
creation of a healthy and harmonious school and community environment is essential to drug abuse.

The long-term goal of preventing drug abuse is to free the Indonesian nation from the dangers of
drug abuse. Prevention of good drug abuse needs cooperation between government and
community, including non-government organizations.
The number of drug addicts and drug addicts is increasing, but those who understand the therapy
/ rehabilitation program continue to decline. It is caused by the following.

• Programs of therapy and rehabilitation are generally ineffective, as indicated by the high rate of

• Drug treatment and rehabilitation programs / drug addicts generally cost very, between 3 million
and 5 million per month. In addition, it also takes a long time between 6 months to 36 months.

• Drug abuse, based on applicable law, is classified as a crime preventing people from taking part in
a therapy / rehabilitation program.

• Many drug addicts are turning to other substances that do not cause symptoms of sakaw so the
patient feels no need to follow therapy and rehabilitation programs.

The prevention phrase is better than medication, until now it is still valid, but for those who have
already been exposed or become drug addicts, prevention is even better, it is too late. Therefore, for
them the best is the treatment, care and rehabilitation, then prevention in order not to recur again.

The saddest situation of illicit trafficking and drug abuse is the miserable suffering, both physical
and spiritual, suffered by the perpetrators, both physical and spiritual, suffered by the culprit, either
experiencing withdrawal symptoms or while curled up and moaning in pain at the jail, and the
misery and misery of his parents / family.

Drug abuse as an option is a responsible responsibility to bear his sin. However, not all
perpetrators of drug abuse act upon their common sense decision and with good consideration of
bad consequences, in addition, drug abuse burdening parents, family, and the environment.
Therefore, care and rehabilitation services are needed, not only to help the people concerned, but
also to help their families and the environment.

Drug abuse and addiction are also not symptoms that stand alone. And a single cause, but a
symptom that has various as a cause. For example, personality disorders due to efforts to eliminate
physical disorders, such as severe pain prolonged.

The severity of drug abuse varies, ranging from the level of trial and error to the level of heavy
dependence. Therefore, efforts and processes of care and recovery also need to be done vary,
depending on the severity.
The three main stages of the process of treatment and recovery of drug addiction sufferers are as

• Stage of drug-free therapy and physical therapy aimed at reducing and eliminating toxins in the
body, reducing the effects of dropping drugs and treating mental complications of patients.

• Stages of mental and emotional stability of the patient so that the mental disorder that causes the
act of drug abuse can be overcome and the patient can gradually adjust to the situation of care and
the situation of care and the next social situation.

• Phase rehabilitation or recovery of physical, mental and social functioning of patients, such as
schooling, learning to work, and socializing normally with the social environment. (family and wider

Treatment and recovery of drug addicts requires a long time, large costs, adequate facilities and
medicines, as well as skilled nursing staff.

Treatment and recovery of drug addicts involves various professions and skills including doctors,
nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers who have been trained specifically for the
role of treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

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