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Ideas for Edmodo

A. Sharing an article and discussion

1) A learner finds an article that interests them and posts the link to Edmodo, along with a short
paragraph explaining why they think its interesting and an opinion related to the topic.
2) Others then read the article and respond to the original poster with their own ideas and
3) The discussion continues until it has been exhausted.

B. Ss creat their own listening task

1) A std find sa youtube clip or podcast in English. (This will require listening closely to a number
of such clips, in order to find a suitable one)
2) They post a link on Edmodo, along with some questions about it.
3) Other ss then watch/listen to the clip and answer the questions.

C. Spot the mistake

1) A std finds an article they like and they post the link along a summary of it. The summary,
however, must have 5 wirng pieces of info (tell them to make it hard and not mistakes that are
easy to spot straight away)
2) The rest reads the summary and the article, and once they’ve identified the errors they reply
to the post with their answers. Everyone should do it as thefirst person to post won’t necesarily
get it right.
3) The initial poster corrects the others’ answers.

D. Error correction

With all the langage they produce in these activities, you can post error correction activities (i.e. gap

E. Sharing Quizlet FCs

1) After presenting a new set of language or after every unit, make a student or two in charge of
creating their own quizlet flashcards.

2) Once they’ve created their study set, they should share it with the rest by posting it on Edmodo.

3) You could create a rota so it’s fair. Make them responsible for their owb learning and teach them
study skills. Don’t spoon feed the quizlet FCs to them.
F. Extend the language you presented

After an open cloze we did in my Prof 1 group, we exploited the language a little further by working
out meaning form context. Some of the phrases we worked with were nautical idioms. For HW I told
them to look 2 more nautical idioms, post them on Edmodo alongside a difnition and an example
sentence for each. That way they extend the language seen in class and have a record. On Edmodo :)

G. Pen pal project (With teens)

1) Connect with other teachers in the world. You can do this by joining a group/community on
Edmodo for EFL teachers. Alternatively, connect with teachers you already know from other schools
you’ve worked at and use Edmodo.

2) Create a joint class that includes both groups of learners.

3) Teachers can take turns to provide activities such getting to know you activities (they can create
their own short videos introducing themselves, podascts, etc, discussion topics for students to chat
about while teachers moderate. Teachers may also decide to put students into small groups for a
book discussion or to collaborate on a writing project.

Many things can be done with this, but haven’t really tried it out yet.

H. Ss create their own podcast.

See Emma’s lesson plan on storytelling

Other possibilites are to record a class discussion, share book reviews or conduct interviews

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