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G(1''ib\ 19 \.

Ax b\S 'Yl
(yo name) .. ..\-
C\1:t::ec \-\ ::fur( C-A__
(yollr street address)
011 ll11A-'2h\ m1 SqIttD
(city, slate, lip code)
~L\lli\ =x do,3:8 I

MONT ANA -:---,b~~,-,-=-,,-,-t~-:--__ JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT,

(number of district in which your county is located)
\fLO; s <~ C' ,,\a dL COUNTY
(name 0/your county)

1)e-fl1- ~

) Cause No. c_ D V ~ LO\ to : 54l

\" CA I{"(L LO(\ \'L=(.t" \tyn~, )
Plaintiff, )
vs. )
V\ff'j R~,5l'V' CLod , )
Q.lf'=\'h',c-. ~ h\ 5:"V\ D rc\
Jth" \)01_."':l 2- ':j = Defendant. ~

COMES NOW L>..r""""- P.-k~I'><="" the Defendant in this cause of action and responds to the

Complaint filed in this matter as follows:

1. These paragraphs in the Complaint are true. I admit them (list the paragraph numbers that

are true):

Answer Page I
I IIl~
2. These paragraphs in the Complaint are not true. I deny them (list the paragraph numbers
that are not true):

\tJ !Uf{(Lf!'6 ..
2 OJ 2.\) 22) 7?>\ 2Y 1 2.5, 2.1G) ot]
3. These paragraphs in the Complaint are partly true and partly not true. I admit the parts that
are true and deny the parts that are not true (for each paragraph that is partly true and partly
not true, list the paragraph number and tell the Court what is not true):
A. Paragraph No. L
Everything in this paragraph is true except for (state the part of the paragraph
that is not true):

lA%b u.:x:..:s. :-u.bJcc\cd :\J) C In'l \d :&'f \l...U.._('\\ G tl<~-e.. 0-0::"'\

drec\:('.l !fl:nG.!2O d.\ (-ecA o.rrvJ, ()1.w,','Y'<'X'e ~t Dfthe llX~

"" ,S c.;rcy:lt.Lc\ C£ 3'£0~ rJs i \ aCDi A=l2u'''):_'<XV,.."J Cy(\-tN~
t\ lehA:::0 1 ,v\a.',v-mf£ 1,i::Q-,:> Ai ed\ -b~cJ ('rI€..Qcth-i 0...

I{e -S~deV\.tc.\ \e,A..A.)~so..r0 Uo(~ ~ I I1lT,

B. Paragraph No, _
Everything in this paragraph is true except for (state the part of the paragraph
that is not true):

C. Paragraph No. _
Everything in this paragraph is true except for (state the part of the paragraph
that is not true):

Answer Page 2
October 2015
D. Paragraph No. _
Everything in this paragraph is true except for (state the part a/the paragraph
that is not true):

4. I do not know whether these paragraphs in the Complaint are true or not true. I deny them (if

you don't know whether a paragraph is true or not true, list the paragraph number here):

I assert the following Affirmative Defenses pursuant Rules 6 and 12, M. R. Civ. Pro.:

XC-<lY'Id. Aff\r("\C<.-\-\ V <..1)e_X:.n2C-' Ptu aPepDt')D;:';> iN -tv\"<"CQ"lLf<a,LI):\ W

-!>(XC\ ~>,{pi\ I\ a!vY\&\}c\ ryve 1,0 (U..
~ f'le.nj E4 ,

~$ ~(V fi:tioW b~ 3x !c.rE:,e.s· De ~M ,\ re:e (vc';;?-tb.. D"}h -r \> gro?:'-ar:t\k

AlCh .I,)f.(·Oro G'a\ ~frh"",M fr\=brmamJ-e.. d~?e~) .~ bece)nle \?n.'1tX">ibml~

-Yb( c,,;_-, d?e o~di\"(01 )("(lj .\)€b~ 'N;.~ ~ (\7 O=th~ ~1f?1 a££~J~
~e'~") "6..:)-< r!, \I -\)M \ctC<-'Y'.a1Joo (\ ¥ 're·\\~{:\1.a±±belf a ce. py-~ be

c..c ~~) til b\=€.?n-i"\-tx VV=:CSE',o\ c.\2.! 00. \::.? I rx, ~C::$.e1"h n I "-fut; Y\a'Iv{\] t'f, w:h:e
QA>ln~ =1h-e.. C\t-ii'Bcrli\)( &OO'Yses (i.e=( 00\- ~)\ 11 a+-AC<hw.1kf 1.:aYl"'tu-,trdq

(lN~ !Nch'\oo~\{ll.b'H) at-b~tra:D~e. M~E"'5 \1)\\\ '()-e.. \'(?\~\'( ~~au:;.o

0...-1-" ~(_dtt:£:,~ i:::f o.i:'5c: ...ou-e {j . ~ ~ ~I ~~'-n~ 1>-~~+\ve.o.e~
't.r~6-k '=:.e<:O .....-e. ~t:::>LO., -h-:V"D<..~-1v-,<.... (.,ou.J"~~ tot ~"7:('_OC)e.v'1 u..:.\\\ be Page 3
9' ! o..S5ec-'cc~.
(Your :;nature)

(Print your name)


State of Montana )
: 55
County of \ f'1..L)) S cu:rl- Chr'L )

~ {YlTnAa A \e bl Lx:-V--- , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says as follows:
I am the Defendant in the foregoing Complaint. I have read the foregoing Complaint and the
facts ofthe matter contained herein are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief.

L1dMn!'" aACjr)jSVY\

Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this~ day of 'Sep+e.mbe¥" ,20j_J_.

(Signature of notary)

t-ev Y I l ov Y\'J z..
(Printed name of notary public)
Stale of Montana
R8$iding at Helena, Montana Notary public for the state of H-ont~
My Commission Expires
March 31, 2018 Residing at: Be.tenC\, "lvicrotQ...V"'C\.
My commission expires: Mq,xch ~II 8D \~

Answer Page 4
October 2015

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