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ClassPad II Help Series Casio Education Australia - supporting Australian teachers

au Author Charlie Watson

Date April 2015
CP142 Integration Basics CPII OS 02.00.2000.0000

Enter the expression 3 x 2 − 2 and tap For a definite integral with respect to x
EXE. Classpad completes the syntax and tap the Definite button and enter the
The dialogue box opens. returns the indefinite integral. limits of integration (use 1 as the lower
Select the expression. and 3 as the upper).
For an indefinite integral with respect to Note that you still need to remember to
Tap Interactive, Calculation, . x, simply tap OK. add the constant of integration. Tap OK.
ClassPad II Help Series Casio Education Australia - supporting Australian teachers Author Charlie Watson
Date April 2015
CP142 Integration Basics CPII OS 02.00.2000.0000

To speed up definite integrals that take a

long time, you may choose to evaluate An integration template can be found on
them numerically – select the Numeric the Main2 keyboard.
option in the integration window (you
Classpad completes the syntax and may also choose to lower the tolerance Integration with respect to any variable
returns the value of the definite integral. setting). is possible.

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