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CS (rMtN) EXAM, 2010


PCiper I

j Time Allowed : .Three Hours J J Maximum Marks : 300 J


Each question ·is printed both in Hindi and

in English.

Answers m] be· written in the medium

specified in the Admission Certificate. issued
to you, which must .be stated clearly on . the
cover of the answer-boo!< Ln the spq.ce
provided for the purpose. No marks will be
given for the answers written in a medium
other than that specified in the Admission
Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1
and 5 which are compulsory, and any three
of the remaining questions selecting at least
Qne question from each Section.

The number of marks carried by each

question ts indicated at the end of the
&1FT ci : 31'jdwr cw fi!;;;JJ MJOfN ~ m-fEf c5 f4aft V"' fff
ur1T ~I

1. Answer any three of the following (each answer should

be in about 200 words) : 20x3=60

(a) "The fragrance and colour which is enshrined in

Article 141 of the Constitution of India is destined
to uphold the Rule of Law in the interest of justice
and people of India." Do you agree ? Give reasons.

(b) Whether right to vote is a fundamental or a

statutory right ? Justify your statement with the
help of relevant case-law on this subject.

(c) "While certainty of law is important in India, it

cannot be at the cost of justice." Critically examine
this statement in the context of 'curative petition'
in India and also refer to relevant case-law.

(d) The doctrine of separation of powers in its classical

sense, which is functional rather than struclura1,
cannot be applied in any modern government.

2. {a) New frontiers of criminal justice have been spelled

out from Article 21 of the Constitution, which
provides that no person shall be deprived of his
right to life and personal liberty except according
to procedure established by law. Discuss and refer
to decided cases. 30

1. f.:l ""i f<'l ful (1 it ~ f<t><=i11- rfR ill <>m c{l f->J QO ( Q ('il <t> <>m
wrqrr 200 ~~~ it tiRr "'-'II~QO) : 20><3=60

(<f>) "'lffi<f ill ~ ill 3'l::J>'<i§<:: 141 it -;;lt ~ trr am:

Q fd <8 If4 C1 ~, ~ "'4 I'"! a:fR 'lffi<f qit '21H C11 ill ft;o it -
~ '8UiC1 ~11'8'1 Cfit 1l'"lkl <iFIIQO {@)l c€t f-1f.?"'-'IC1
<t><:<ll t I" Cf<IT 3!fCf ~ fll';'""IC1 ~ ? CfiRUI '*'lliN I
("&)- citz ~ CJlT 3'lf~ Cf<IT "QO<t> ~ 3'lf~ ~ <if
f% "QO<t> Cfil "i;:{] 3'lf~ ~ ? ~ f4 ti '4 ~ '§;fi 'I C1
frjUJ>Oj'i(r:<j "Fcif~ Cfit f!l';I'4C11 ~' 3'l'f.'t Cfi~ ill ~ it
<::ctl #i c{\ f'i1 QO I
("ll) "'>~iii fch 'lffi<f if "Fcif~ Clit
f.:l fN C1 C11 '""IQ fC'I '£"I ~, ~
"'4 I"l Cfit chl 1"1 C1 ~ ~ m
'8 'bell I" '1ffi<f it 'U >I QIU
<llf-.':1&>1' ill ~ it, ~ q;~ CJlT fi1JR'i1"'-'!"li({"(Cfi
~ chlf'>l Q0 a:fR <1m W ti*l'
IC1 f.:luJ>:j'i( "Fcif~ CJl[
Qctictl '4t ~MQO 1
(tf) 3'l'f.'t 3'11~1<! if 'IIRfl<ff ill ~:<j&Cfi{U[ ill
f'd;s:iC1 Cfit, -;;lt ('{<::"'-'!"ll({"(<b ill iii'>~ I<~ S!<t>l'"lt({"(Cfi ~,
fCfiBJ '4t 311~&> {l'('f)({ it ~ ~ Fch<!l "fT fl<t>iil
~ I ~ chlf.JJ !!> I

2. (<f>) ~ ill3'1~<:: _21 ill l>JU, f.JJB?i dq<i~ fCfi£11

">f>lT ~ fc!; fchBl ~ oqfu; c6t-, d f! it> mur <n <~ <"b
{C(d~C11 it ~ l>JU B'ltfllii Qf<t>"''i ill 3'lj'81{ 1ft
ci f-q <1 fc!; "'I '>111!>1 Ij , 3'1 «1 :<! I ~, ~ "'4 14 Cfit
"'1{ Bl'"llalr Cfit +'l!'!ii'!ll ~ii FCfi"'l ">f>lT ~ I ~ ~ _
~ cQ M !!> -afu: fct f.:! f.?"'-'! <1 f.:l of4j CJlT t;ct 1ct I c{\ M !!> 1 30

h<-tYl''N-K-MBA 3 [Contd.]
(b) Locus standi IS necessary for challenging an
administrative action, through a writ petition. IIow
has it been liberalised in case of public interest
litigation ? Comment on the statement that "PIL is
not a PILL against all the ILLS." 30

3. (a) Critically examine the role of the Supreme Court

of India in the maintenance of minimum standards
in public life and polity. Opine on how much of it is
enforcement of the rule of law and how much of it
is judicial activism. 30
(b) In recent times the role of Governor in the
appointment and dismissal of Chief Minister has
been impugned and it is said that the Court has
assumed the role of the Governor and the Speaker.
Comment. Refer to recent cases where the
Supreme Court has directed to take composite floor
test and report to the Court. 30

4. V\'rite critical notes on the following 20x3=60

(a) "The power to destroy the Constitution is not
included in the power to amend the Constitution."
(b) "It is the religious teaching, not the teaching of
religion which is prohibited under the Constitution
of India."

(c) "The doctrine of excessive delegation is a judicially

tailored principle."

C-DTN-K-MBA 4 [Contd.]
(~) ftz '41Rlct>l ~ ~ ·u fcfiUl 5PIIIfiHCfi cnr<f <it
1"1'kfl ~ ~ fu-Q: 'Wt ~ ~ .an~· Cj)f ~
a:J ICl !! '4 Cfi t I ffiCfi ~ :J>Cb<::il"l Ii>tl ~ 414 cl if,
~Bcbl fcti<.=~ 5!ct>!'l ae:rU~d fcti"ll TfliT t ? Cf>2f"l" fcf>
"-.:IT.~-~- ~ '!!'ll~<n ~ f<'I{><>G: ~ <@- •i'lctl -;:fflT
t" 1:R f<!cqufl <ilf->~Q; I 30

3. (Cf>) "fficp- ;:;fl <'F'l ~ {I""< d "'l if 4:_-"l ct '""I 4 H chl ~ ~

if 'qiUf ~ d 'ciOI ct l1 "'41 «< I C'l '4 <@- "ifilct>i "Cf>T
<:141ctl'iFli("'"ICf} ~ cfilf-.ill{ I ~ U f<h<'HI 'lWT
f<:Wi fl '"'l d !! II B "1 Cf>f 51<"! rl"l t
3ih: fctict "'I 'lWT
"'41f'"l"-h Bbh'"ldl Cf>f t,
~ 1:R 314"'11 l:f(f 5!Cf>2
cfil~Q;I 30
(~) ~ ~ fl'"l"l if, !!l§!l -q;ft <@- frt~Rh am: 4<.::~ i'f
{1""<41<:1 ct't 'ljf"lCf>l 1:!{ ~ fc.!;Q: ~ ~ .am: itm
%I ~ C'PlT tfcf> "'41 '41 C'l '4 -Oj {I'>"'"~ 4 IC'l .aih: ~
<tf. "i{'"l"-hl ~1{01 Cf){ W t I fccqofl <i>lMQ; I ~ ~
<R q 14 ct~i Cj)f :::; ct2i .(5I <il f->1 l{, f,Jj"' if :::; 'ciOI d q "'41 «< l<''l q
-Oj f.l<!/1 ~ t' "fcti BfWJ>:T ~ ~ fcfi"ll ~ .
3ih: "fcti "'41'"11C1"l <if ~d fcti"ll ~ I 30

4. frt""''fclf-€id 1:R fl41ctl'i'l"li{"JOjCfi f<!tqfUI"ll f<;"jf.(ij(Q; : 20x3=60

(Cf>) "~ Cj)fm~ "-h{~ ct't "~'Rt> i'f ~m-==r <it

-;:rrr Cfi{~ <tf !! IRfi !! II fil <1 -;:fflT t
!' '
(~) "'lilTff ~ ~ ~ ~' 'tHfl!ct> ~ !>lfdfii<&
%, ~ -fct; ~ "Cf>T ~ I"
('T) "~ !>lflll<il'JH "Cf>T fB<>&id "'41MC!id:
Cf){ s;{i +<~ feb """I ~an fB <>s:i<1 t r"

C-DTN-K-MBA 5 !Contd.]

5. Answer any three of the following (each answer should

be in about 200 words) 20x3=60

(a) "The fundamental principles of International law

arc passing through a serious crisis and this
necessitates its reconstruction." Do you agree with
this statement ? Give reasons.

(b) What do you understand by the principle of

'Continuity of State' in the context of succession of
government ? Pinpoint the major areas to be
addressed to improve upon the existing position
relating to State succession ru1es and practice.

(c) Comment on the statement that 'WTO' is the main

organ for implementation of Multilateral Trade
Agreements and is the third economic pillar of the
worldwide trade and commerce.

(d) A reservation, which purports to exclude or to

modify the legal effects of certain provisions of the
treaty in their application to that State, is accepted
-in practice, -if it is compatible '\Vith object and
purpose of the treaty. Discuss the practice of
different nations and opinion of ICJ regarding
admissibility of reservations to the conventions.

C-DTN-K-MBA 6 [Contd.]
5. f.p•o:Jf0ful<1 i'f it fq;<t"i fit;:r % ~ iflf"'Q; (!Ol~'Cfi ~
<.1'1"1'1 200 'il<l i'f ~ "'l~t!;) : 20x3=60

(Cf>) "a:i<1U!'{l<!i ~ % 4lf<.'1Cfl f<:J;;s::ifl -rNR: fiCflc i'f it

jii\{ W ~ afu: ~ Cfii{OI 3"'1Ci1 :J/'If.'i"'ful qij-
311<H<!Cfl<11 ~ I" cp:rr 3lT'i ~ q;2f.""f it flQ"'fl ~ ?
Cfll{u I "'d I~Q; I

(<9) '8%1{ % 3'd{"'d"'l % ~ i'f, '<:1"'4 <fit f.i:(f1{<'11'

% fu ;;s::j <1 it 3Tl'J cp:fT '8 4 ~ <'t ~ ? IJ """! 3 'd {CI d"'l
R "l G'i afu: Ufu it Bl<il f.:~m <1 d4 H ft.:>:ffi1 ii ~m<:
~ % ft;ro: "&"[ Q ~ ey;rr <it Fa! <'~1'<1 <Wf;-<fti'fl
4d l ~ t!;, M "'1 chl <1 {Cfl VjFf 0 qij- )illi"U1 ~ I

(<r) ~ "Cfl~ 'R fc:UJoil <hlf->1q; fcb ''

"'~G~l;q 04141{ Cfl{l{f cfiT Cfii"""Tf.:qfl Cfl~)l % ~
:!@ ~ ~ afu: fcb ~ fct'i<104141 'OlliGI{ afu:
<'llfDI"""l CflT f1l:fHI ~ ~ ~ I

(bf) itfiT ~. <?lJ1l ~ ~

f->!BCfl1 311'<1"-"1 <R1 <:!"""! 'R
m~ % "¥9 FcJ ~1"~ ~ % M~ ~ cfiT
F-"!Cfll<'1 "'IQ{ Cfl{"'ll <IT 3'14 "1>{"1<::<1 Cfl{"'ll m, urn- %
31 jf!R ~lCfli{ 'Cf){ ffi >Jt 1ct1 ~, 7ffi:: ~ ~ m~ %
3 ~ >< <l am: 11<•i'l >Jt "'1 % W2f '§>fi 'I <1 m 1 31M ld"' 41 'R
m <tt ~,Cfl,4<11 it ~ FcJF'"i?l ~ <tt ttRr
afu: ~.m.~. % l'Rf 'R ~ ct>lMQ> I

C-DTN-K-MBA 7 [Contd .J
6. (a) The traditional definitions of International law
with its restrictions to the conduct of States inter se,
in view of developments during the last six decades
cannot stand as a comprehensive description of all
the rules now acknowledged to form part of
International law.

Elaborate with examples those developments

which are not covered by the exclusive rules
governing the conduct of States. 30
(b) Discuss with illustrations the law and the practice
of various States in relation to non-recognition of
governments. 30

7. (a) Normally the States are reluctant to resort to the

International Court of Justice mainly due to
political factor; the general conditions of
international relations; the greater suitability of
other tribunals; a flexibility of arbitration In
comparison with a compulsory jurisdiction and
difficulty in getting enforcement of the decisions of
the court. However, the court has made a
reasonable contribution in settling disputes.

Critically evaluate the working of the court

specially in contentious cases. 30
(b) How would you react to the statement that TRIPS
abrreement on the one hand is a historic act but on
the other hand it failed to achieve the goals of
improving trading powers and trade issues of the
least developed countries? Comment. 30

C-DTN-K-MBA 8 [Contd.J
6. (C!i) aii'Hf~l"l qiT 41{4RCf> ~. '(I~ it 4'({XI'(
311'G'(on "<R >~fct•hn flfi:i1, ftl0<Pl W: ~'ll<ii it c:.1u"'l
~ ~ <it e:'l!lrt
~' ;:;:ror &'$1 ""'1"@ ~ flCf><ft
~, <F<i~ifq; ~ f.w{i it ecfl;:ll=uchfl cro1"'1 <it a:ror
ai<Hf~f1"l fm~ C!iT ~ 'lWT f'f~Cf>R Ri"ll "lli11 ~ I
3<;1!,({01 ll*W1 q;@ ~ d-'1 f<'lCf>IBl CJiT f<'lf<iR'"!::fCf>
tJ>f'H! <hlRil({ -;;iT {l'i>ll it 311'G'(UI q;r R«i'1U I q;-G
~ 3H«i f·Wfl it iiTU llfct41f<i1 ""'1"@ ~ I 30
(<SJ) 3~1l,\(Oj'j CJiT 5lftli1 Cf>{cl ~' fl'(Cf>IU CJiT !JI;:q(1f ""'1" ~
it el<il~ if fclfil?! u~ <tT Fclfq ~ "001 1R ~
<.hlf:ilq: I 30

7. (q;) BI!JI;:q<J; ~ al<id!fl"l «il'41i.1"l C!iT 31Tw:f ~ if

31R~Cf> ~ ~' :!&<! ~ it •uwi1fctCf> Cbi'(Cf> it
Cf>I(U I; 3P."f Cf>I'!:UI ~ aid<f~n<l flkl~ <fit flll11 =<i
<;><lit!, a:p;f ~ qiT ~ a:IT'ioiC!i 34~(11,
3'1 f.1 c.u4 3'if't.!Cf> 1ft:i1t <tT tJ>i.1 '11 if ~ C!iT
<.1'<'1l <.11 q '1 aiR «il"ll i.1 '4 it f"loY<l'i C!iT J>!Cf d"'l >1T'"<1
q;-G if Cf>kH { i ~ <'1"'11 m-ot 'n: '41' fcl Cf I~ it R q 20 rt
if r<:j I <Ill i.1 "l ;a :!f~ <i lfI ' I<; H ft::<rr ~ I

;:q I<ll i"'ll it "CflT4- fi 'i'.ll i.1 "'1 C!iT *1''11 ctl 'CH I'icfq; '"[r l i Cf> "'1
cfilf"l({, f<'l~'iCf>{ llfctfclil't.!I<"'""!Cf> '""II'""!@ if I 30

- (<Si) 3IT4 ~ C!i'!H it >!fu fcfi"B llCf>R !>lfctf<tAI Cfl{iJ fci;

'f?Lfl i'MI( ~ am: cit~ Qoful,\lf~q; "CflT4 ~. 4{~
~ am: ~ "'{'1<1'""1 f<'ICf>fB<i ~ qiT Olli4R '<lf<t><li
'fit 3?! <1 q;G 3fu: Oll Iq I{ ~ it ~ CJiT >ll"'"?f q;-G
if fC! lh('l "®" W ? R: Uj ui) chlf->t \{ I 30

C-DTN-K-MBA 9 [Contd.]
8. Write short notes on the following : 20x3=60

(a) Exclusive Econon1ic Zone

(b) Laws relating to aircraft hijacking

(c) Statelessness

s. f-lCJf<?!ful<l <R ~ R:UJIUJ41 ftlf.e:H!: · 20x3=60

(q;) 3W"lJ'Ch 3'!lffiCh ~

("&) Cllg4H i;i{J\fct>ll "H ~ ~

(Tf) {1&<1fCI\ft'ldl


1';!.OJfrp , 300

JJc0ib m JS'i{} 3ik 3iiJJfJ c:.)•il -4- ur:rr tf 1

JJ:t;;ff <5 :TrR :mt J:TTm -q fc1& JrFt tiWe

Bi?Jibr ;;ctii@ 3/Nfb uJ~r-rcr -4- M4J TJC:lT Et,
3ik ~ J:TTm C!5J ?<J<e 3i'tii!3i :T<R-!Jroib <5
1J<If 9"10 <R 3itd>n PlliJre ?WFr r« Fcbm J!Ht
t:Jt/Se 1 JJiJ:tJ-rm- r« 31Ct1Rsm m&~J.f <5 31RtRw
3RT Fcb:ffl J.fl&IJ.f -q fc1& TfV :TrR fR ibtt 31m
;rcff {Mi) I

m ?f\!9.'./1 1 3ik 5 3/Hcll<f tf· I iS/Ict>'"t JJN'J" i'f

it Jlc0ib '8i05 "# <Pl'T-W-<517 f!C5 m g""lib'<
Fcb<iJ- cfFr JJN)- <5 :TrR ;:fJIJte 1

JJriJib m <5 fc1e H4<1 31m w::r <5 3i?r # Fc!:£?

TfV tf I

Note : English version of the Instruc tions is printed on

the front cover of this questio n paper.
CS (MAIN) EXAM, 2010

Ser ial No. ( 0 4 01 ) (c-D TN -K- MB B J

Pap er-I I

(Tim e Allo wed : Thre e Hou rs) (Ma ximu m Mar ks : 300)


Each ques tion is prin ted both in Hind i and

in Engl ish.

Answ ers mus t be writ ten 1n the med ium

spec~(ied in the Adm issio n Cert ifica te issue d
to you, whic h must be state d clea rly on the
cove r of the answ er-b ook in the spac e
prov ided for the purp ose. No mark s will be
give n/or the answ ers writ/ en in a medi um other
than that spec ified in the Adm issio n Certi ficate .

Cand idate s shou ld attem pt Ques tion Nos. 1 and

5 whic h are comp ulsor y, and any three of the
rema ining ques tions selec ting at least one
ques tion from each Secti on.

All ques tions carr y equa l mark s.

G!fFf it . 3!J;~ 'N 2-..-'1 l,f>qj--(j < ~ V!Ff- 'ffl" * fi)gf:J :rso
'RN 'ffg- I

l. Answer any THREE of the following (answer to each

question must not exceed 200 words). Support your
answer with the help of legal provisions and decided
cases : -

(a) Distinguish common intention from abetment and

criminal conspiracy.

(b) "Right of private defence is available only against

of1ences." Discuss.

(c) "Defence of'Vo!enti-non-fit injuria' is not available

when the rescuer is injured in an act of rescuing."

(d) Discuss the principle of Res-ipsa-Loquitur. Refer

to recent cases.

2. (a) "ln order to constitute a public nuisance there must

be an act or an illegal omission, and it is not
necessary that the act should be illegaL" Explain
the offence of public nuisance with the help of
decided cases. 20

2 (Contd.)
<9l"S- ''iF '

I. f-'l'''i R1 ful o if if \4; 4f <fR -if> d tH <fl f5l Q I \1 <:-Il Cfi 'r<'l

"CfiT dtH 200 ~I&Gl it "lit\{ ~ "il'il "'lffil'> I ~ dtH

<Ft f<'ifuct> ~til ~ fc)f.1~'1d -if;-ffi ~ @1'1<11 it qf1~

~ cfii f;:j QO I
(m) "g I \\4 c \1 RWRT "CfiT ~ -if; Cl <1 mm -if; 14 !');jj;
t't d4<1«U ~ I'' ~ cFlf51QO I

(IT) "'4\(:fc."\ ~-fi'lz <i"JJ'"{41' "CfiT !>!fi1<11G 'd"v. B'14 d4M«U

~ mw. ~, ~ %<$ I 'i "Cffffi %s I'i qi'r fsli<:rr if 3I"T"6i'l

m U\TQ, I " ~ <FJ~ Q> I

('iT) ~ \1 '11 c r (t<.:f \; q <:II i"'il f.tCl S, <:) -if> Ff1 &: i d "l<: ~
eNf51 Q0 I 1m'! -if; f.1 uftj'j (<tm) "CfiT ~q 1<11 <flf;:j QO I

2. (ct>) ""fitct> ~<J~i'f<r ll f6ct ·~ -if; ~ \4; ff! ct>T<f "CfiT '4T

\4; >Jl ;;f<l;u C'ftq "CfiT m11 "i I <1 ~4 Cfi ~ , 3Tf< '41' 3li'Hl1 Cfi

~ ~ fi'l> 'Cf>T1f ;;f<l;u tft' m11 '1 @ ll; I " ~ ~"<:!"

-if; mu <Fr, fuf.1~'1~ct -if;-ffi '!i'r <:lill4ctl it, f4hc

<t>lf51t:; I 20

3 (Contd.}
(b) 'A' and 'B' were both security guards posted out-
side the home of a senior army officer, Mr. X. They
often used to exchange hot words with each other
in context to the other. On the day of Holi festival
both of them had a verbal exchange due to the fact
that both wanted to go to home early for festival,
that led to altercation between the two, both of
them instantaneously aimed their revolvers at each
other respectively. 'C' who was also on duty with
them intervened and pacified both of them. Both
lowered their weapons respectively. The moment
'B' noted that 'A' had lowered his revolver, he
immediately fired at 'A' and killed him. On being
tried 'B' was awarded death sentence. However,
on appeal the High Court acquitted 'B' on the plea
of self-defence. The State intends to go in for
appeal in the Supreme Court against the decision
of the High Court. Advise in the light of the case·
law on the subject. 20
(c) Discuss the law relating to criminal intimidation.
Refer to case law. In what way is extortion different
from criminal intimidation ? I 0+ I 0=20
3. (a) What test has the Supreme Court prescribed to
understand 'the rarest of the rare cases theory'
while inflicting Capital Punishment ? Can one
argue that Capital Punishment in any case is against
society? 20

4 (Contd.)
(1:Cf) 'q;' m-..: '1:Cf' ~11 4\q;j<m1· <R <:;<P a:\1:"6 ~11
3lfu<FI f1 >QT '>:!' "<F '<R "<F iS! I!" { (l 'i I<I fil>m 1TliT 'm I
i't 3lifi<1{ <:;<P ~ q;r lHJllliVl <!,-<& i'f-i'f ifi{d ~
o:r 1 -mm ,<TI$1{ <F ~ "tf{ a'i~ ~ '!iiD-~oft ~
l'illil<t>l <t>l<"l m ~ ~'11 lft ,<1'1!"1{ <F ~ '*·~ <R
"11'"11 ~It'd q I 'If!~ 'fli1fi'l¥4 d"i~ ~ ~ m
~ 1 -;r-r mriT "t tJ>{"<i lft 3N-ft-3N-ft \1:<u<ea:{ <:;<P
~ 'R DR ~ I 'lf' ;:;fi d 'i ~ ~ lft "W 'R ~,
"f ~ iS! i1 l"l fil>m 3lh: -;r-r mriT cR VThf fil>m I mriT
"f ~-~ ~ ~ 'l'{ ~I ~ lft '1:Cf' "f
~ ~ 'q;' "f 3N-ft \):q I c-a: { ~ 'l'{ "<fi W, '3 fl Oj
1<"<1 "F' "tf{ ~ "~<''T <fi 3lh: d fi <F'l "lR if l1R
~ 1 :!'f><:'ll i1ct'"l 'R '1:Cf' <R f t 'liT <is I~"'' ~
1FlT 1 q <~ 3141<1 ~ 'R. ~ "'li<H<'i4 "t 3IR"f sd<l «rr
"<F ~ 'R '1:Cf' cR ~"':!<Rl 'l'{ ~ I (1-sq 'liT
<F Piof<l <F
\;{1<;1 '3~i1 "'ll'"lli14 fcH!Ji, ;;J-e~<i'l "'"ll41i14
if 3l'fr<1 <F ~ "'f.t 'liT WI W 14 "14 'R PI oW"'

(7T) ~ ~ if fi<S!.fu<J foifu 'R ~ <t>"tl'i!Q; I

PI ufq ~1 foifu 'liT t< <m11 ~ l'i! QO 1 a "1 q 'i foRr \! <t> 1< if
3ll4<1fu<t> ~ if ~ l?r<rr % 7 10+10 20

3. (<F) ~ <ts" ~ lil>l4, ~'P, "'fiT '41 3Jf'<l<l4 ~<1'1 t1' cR

<.i 11 'i/1 Oj <F ~ '3 -e~d '1 -4141<14 "t 'f41 'ftt<RUT fl1:ct "\4;m W 7 'fln 1f1r ~ rorr "ff B if> d I ~ ~
~ <ts" 14->4'1 '41 fB>:lfu if " 111 "l 14., Jl: ~ % ?

5 (Contd.)
(b) Do you find it is necessary to convict the accused
both under Section 304-B and Section 498-A of
Penal Code ry Refer to recent cases. 20
(c) Mr. A, a chronic heati-patient was drawn into a
political debate and in the course of arguments his
adversary looked at him fiercely and said that
"'people like him should be hit till they are dead".
Hearing this 'A' suffers a heart attack and dies on
the spot. Discuss the liability of his adversary.
Argue for the State also. I0
(d) 'A', a minor girl leaves her parents House because
of ill treatment and lives with 'B', her friend. Can
he (8) be prosecuted for kidnapping 'I I0
4. (a) The editor of a weekly published a series of articles
directed against the business of the plaintiff alleging
how the wealth of the vast empire was built up
by having recourse to the unlawful and
questionable means involving tax-evasion, import-
export rackets, foreign exchange violations and
how the investigations into the operations of the
organisation were bogged down. In an action for
defamation, the defendant put up the defence of
fair comment on a matter of public interest. The
plaintiff brought evidence to show that the
defendant had to tender an apology to the plaintiff
in an earlier defamation case and that the present
publication was motivated by malice. Discuss the
defence of fair comment in the light of the facts
of the case. 20

6 (Contd.)
· (<.C~) <'flTI 3Wf ~ <il <{s fiffi<H <t\ urn 304-<fr 3lh:
urn 1ft <f; 3lUR ~IS\ fu Off 4i Fi I 3li'W14i
4 9 8-tr, <iT-iT
w F ? m <F <Fm' 'PT 6"11<11 «'lliilc;: 1 20

~ '<F'' t!,4i ~{1'1 ~-~ i'im, t!,4i {l"!·{lR\<t> <nG-1'1'11<;.

if '15 'I'TI 3lh: mf- fc1 d ¢ <F <f'J { 1'1 3 fl4i 9 Rl i If\ "t
3 fl <til ~ if '>R "4'<: ~ 3lh: <P61 f<f; "3W[ ~
<'JlliY ~ W ~ C1"P "'T<: %oft i!I@Q> ~ C1"P lR '1
~ I ' ' 'l'fl Cfi'1 ~-rit 1ft '<p' <iJ ~ 1TRf 4iT <fru
"'lST 3lh: qg "Zffi "f.:ffi '1T lR Tf':rT I 3 '84i 9 fc1 i If\ <'F
<:ll?lcil '1T ~ <t>'lRQ> 1 {l""<l <t\ s.T<: n m mf
< Q> I I0
t!,4i 3l ij "l {4i <1 s. <FI 'q; ' <it
<i d TCI <F 4i I ( 0 I 3f'f.t "llill-1't<n
<f; ~ ~ "4'<: ~ ~ '<9' <F m2.1 {t<<fl i 1
<'flTI dJY t< { o I <f; fRtr, '3 <14' I (<9 4iT) ~ f<.t>m
UfT fl<tidl i ? 10
4. (4i) t!,4i fllldlffi<t> <f; fi41<;ct> "! t!,4i ~ <F <t>liliSll{ <il
f.1 Qll'i I or-ff "4'<: ~ <t\ t!,4i "f<.ilMI S!ct>lfVId <t\, ~Bi'i
~ f<.t>m 'I'TI '«I f.'F "4'<: ci i1 '1 , 311 11 Id f.1 llfd ~c
it1"1'11ilt, ffi111 ~ 3!fc1sti'"loTi Bffia RlUR<i<ff tr,ei ifiqc:~uY
fllt<:fl ~ 3l4'11i'fi{ f<Rr \li'fil{ B <t>lilciil{ <f; R~IIM
fiJlill""ll <f; tl"'. 'PT f.1'"lfo1 fct>m Tf':rT ZIT 3fR f.'F B>!6'1
<t\ BT't>1113ll it "ltq 4Sdl<1 <il f<Rr \l'til{ <:<IT ~
Tf':rT ZIT I '"ll '1 t< If.1 <f; ~ Cfi I f<"l I { it, \l R\ <"l I Gi "t ffi<f>
fficr <f; '"ll4i'l it '3Nd cl<til R:"'1uf1' 4iT \lfc1'11<i W
f<.t>m 1 <n<lt "! ~ R; <i1l OJ <f; R1tr, m~ e1"' OJ -.:m f<f>
~ <f; t!,4i 41 '1 t< I f.1 <f; ~ if \l fa C! I <;l <iJ <n<l'i <f; aWt
41q;-, 4i'14'1 LTtt ..rr 3\'R f<f> C!\1">11'1 \lct>l<~l'i ~ n
SiR<1 m 1 ~ <f; nUiT <f; li<t>IQI it, '3Md t't"Fl-R:"ioll'
<f; \lRIC!I<; '1T ~ <tlf-ilc;: 1 20

7 (Contd.)
(b) We must use our properly so as not to cause
discomfort to another's use of property. Yet a
temporary discomfort is not actionable. Explain
the law. 20

(c) Discuss the liability of hospitals under the

Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Refer to decided
cases a:so. 20


5. (a) On breach ot contract only such loss can be

recovered as was in the contemplation of both the
parties at the time of entering into the contract.
Discuss. 15
(b) The very object of taking a surety is defeated, if
the creditor is required to postpone his.reinedies
against the surety. Explain the liability of the
surety. 15

(c) \Vhat do you understand by a Promissory Note?

Discuss. 15
{d) Mere cessation of trading does not result in
dissolution of a partnership. Rights and liabilities
need to be settled between the partners.
Explain. 15

8 (Contd.)
(<er) tri't 3l'Fft tl q Ri "FT "'kl "l \C1 i1:ft '"h '11 311 q ~l:i 'fi ~
% f"* d<Jif; 'fii{UI f<Rl'1 3F<[ <i'f 31'1-;'1 tj'qRJ Cf>T 'l\tflJiiC1
* <.:t 1l ~m "'1 it 1 <n.<j; fi'F.< ...,"1 31 "'~ 1R1 * *
3t~UT '11<;4l'l:i "'1tf ~I ~ tRE! ll f<mr <i'f +;qrs<:
<611\i'i Q, I 20

(11) ~""l,lifill th::~ ~. 1986 # 31UFr 31f4ctlctl

# GIP'k4 'R Tfiff <F)f'i'l Q, I fi-1 f.1 IV~ ct ~ cpj i'l ili(11
m <ftf'i'IQ, 1 20

5. ('!>) <i fi-1 <; I '>i7f 'R '11ft i'lTf.'r Cl ~i1 qi1 UfT tl 'fi cfl ~,
if; Cl C1

uiT Ff> <l'fCJ <;I i'fi {OJ oF M l:i <it-;fi '181 'fi I {1' # mR ll
>fi I Tfiff <611\i'i <:!> I 15

(<er) -.;rfi1"1, <'t"T 'PT 3ltl M1 '3~ ~4 tt fi-1'hC1 it "'I{! I ~'

~ <'! "'i"Gn: oF fc'fQ, lJfu-"1 # fi-1 '1 <&: '3 q ~ II} ~
'."Jf"d 41 i'fi ( '1 I <Ill Cl ~ l:i i'fi it I ~ qi1 ~ lOJctl <i\ fY rsc:
<"f>IM"" I 15

(l"f) 3WT Clil'1-"Bf (9tfl:ttl {1 ~) ~ 'FIT fl'"l'fl8 ~ ? Tfiff

<t'ilf'i'll!; I 15

(«) c<JI 4 I ( qi1 "if;-Cf('[ fll"ll f?Q "FT 'I ft o lll"l '""! P fl <; I f1 "FT

fi-1 "' C: '1" "'1tf iTaT ~ I "1 pf) <;I {)' "# ~ ~ 3fR
~l@aiT Cf>T f%<11<1 fit;(H<l i'fi {'11 3ll'1~lli'fi iTaT ~ I

9 (Contd.}
6. (a) The Competition Act is designed to prevent
monopolies and unfair trade practices against
smaller competitors and consuming public.
Elucidate. 30
(b) Public Interest Litigation has been a significant tool
in protecting the environment. Discuss with the
help of cases. 30
7. (a) An impartial and independent conciliator assists
the parties in resolving their dispute amicably.
Discuss the provtstons of law relating to
conciliation. 30
(b) Distinguish between 'Foreign Award' and
'Conventional Award'. Discuss the procedure for
the enforcement of 'Foreign Award' with the help
of case law. 30
8. (a) Examine the legal recognition of 'Digital Signature'
and explain the procedure for its registration under
the lnfonnation Technology Act. 30
{b) The principle of' passing off' in an action has been
ex tended to the usc of 'false trade description'.
Explain the conditions for a successful passing off
action and the defences available to the opposite
party. 30

10 (Contd.)
6. (<F) 9fi141fiictl ~ ctit -rnz "'R\c,1fii4'i m :;rcr..wfi
"1 '1 <ll <f> fcl <i«li l!>'fi Ifu 'f' I {1 ~ '1 I"1 Ifi;J ill &{lq Iftq; Cll "1 i' I {)

<tf ~ <f> fc1Q, ill '"IIlli JFlT %I ~ <rKf CfiT fcl WI <:'i<fq;
~f'15C: <F)f'ilc; I 30

(<.C~) ffi'f' ~ ::fF" 4<Ill 011 q 101 fcl , "1 q;r ma'PT 'fi{ rr if ~
>ti'"'~'I"f mtr-1 W, %1 <Fm <Ft m<l<ii"ll B w ~
--r:r-rrf <F)f'il l!> I 30

, 7. (<F) 'l»i<FI(l

<F fcli11?i ctiT 41i<1<l''iof
Nd"l ~t''f'l{ 'd'iif>f fi$1Qctl 'fi{d! %I ~<1&
~ B '!<'~~l'i if f.l5q!ff
v •. ~ Pcrfu <f; ~m ~ ~ <FlNll, 1 30

(<.C~) 'fil~'lfl <i'i'liC:' 3ft<: 'qj{qftq; <i'i'liC:. <f; <fRr ~

<ti f;;j \.!. I ~ Pcrfu '!iT Iii i' I<I d I B 'fil ~ \1\) t:j 'ill C: ' <f>
'1'ffi"1 <f> fi:rl:; 'fi Izlfu ff.r ~ --r:r-rrf if>l fi;J l!> I 30

8. (q;) '4i if>"'ll t' fd !Iff<::' <Ft Pcrfuq; "'l-l@ q;r 'lita'PT <tll'il"'
3\'R ~'i'l'i I \il~fiiq';l ~ <f> ;m."Ff 'dlil~ {fi;J<:-?_'il'i
<f> fi:rl:; q; 14f<l fu CfiT f4 tsC: <FJ RiJ l!> I 30

('-'f) q;l'(qJ{ if ~ it-n' <f; fB<Jijij qiT 'fiiv:IT '11J<l fclq{OI'

<f> '3 q<fl>l <T<fi fil '"'[<1 f4>'l I Wl1 i I e 4i<1 "'!ill ~
if> I ;[q I { <f; fi:rl:; ~ <JiT 3ft<: f<li't W <rei 'f' I { CfiT


Serial No. (..___ _ _ _ _) (c-DTN-K-MBB J

Sl I< '"I- ~-II

( 'i"lr'ii : 3oo)

'lFir <t dn < dift wm it ff:r& ~ rn&<!.

fill"' Cfi 1 "r-il Iii 3fTTN; '1 lm r:r;r it FiPH Tf1H #,
3th w wm CfiT <'4 r;c: "'"il ''~ " n < 1 fi'IC/i <F
T'f-yrso TIT 31Til'>d f.:!f!rsc Ffl--t TIT P/>211 ;Jil'f/
i'/l.fiJ i.!. t rFiw- r:r;r TIT '3!01f«Jd wm <t 3/Rifht>
3RT PI> if! wm it ff:r& 11<:; "n < TIT <i'r<f 3I'Cf>

'1Ift firifit I

rrFr B (6111 1 3th 5 31f.1 'llli ~ 1 •u<tt "'~·ir if

it li ,i} Cfi (i! us if Cfi1:r- it- Cfi1:r ~ VFf '!J;'fCfi <:
,'4; ~tff rf/"'1 ~'fr <t " n < <f) fill <!. 1

Note: English version of the Instructions is printed on the

front cover of this question pape1: .,

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