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2017 FINALE Issue #68 - December 2017

We asked some church members: Which church event stood out for you this year and why?
I havent been involved in a lot of church One of the outstanding church events was the
activities but the church sermons have been youth camp that happened at the beginning of
the best part. I really appreciate Pastor this year at Kaazi Campsite. I loved seeing
Andrew for the choice of sermons and the way people get to know Jesus. That really touched
they are delivered.
me a lot.
Sometimes some preachers speak to us with
anointing because they say something which And we learnt very many things like how to deal
really speaks to the heart of everybody. with temptations which come our way as youths.
Dr. Shalini Ninan Cherian Mugoofu Innocent

The young adults fellowship stood out The hymn night that happened
for me this year. It is a fellowship that during the Saturday service because
had died out but I am glad it was I find hymns very deep and very
revived. I pray that God gives us the scriptural and I easily connect with
knowledge and the guidance to them in worship because they are
maintain it and to be able to see it grow real, they are not about me, but
to another level. about God.
Prossie Nabweteme Christine Nkumbi

The youth band The childrens

event Victory choir stood out
Belongs to for me because
Jesus. During the it helps me get
worship, I felt the confidence in
presence of God faith and I get
and I loved it. to worship
Mafabi Ronnie Sheena Agnes
The KEY RING is a monthly publication by the Kampala Baptist Church Media Team
that seeks to provide an avenue where men and women can share knowledge and
understanding of the word of God, experiences and encourage one another as the
older perform the act of paralambano to the younger.
Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to you through this publication.
Drop us an email at Visit the church website at

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