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University of Newcastle
A limited number of copies of the following FAUSA publication are available to interested IN UNIVERSITIES AND CAE!>

Price Introduction
(surface postage paid) Given the context of enforced amalgamations for the profession in question; subject units are not
between some universities and CAEs, the question studied for their intrinsic value. Staff are appOinted
A Critical Response to the TEC Working Party on the Supply and of the existence of real differences between the two for their teaching ability and their professional expe-
sectors in terms of academic ethos, function, and rience; they are not required to undertake research,
Demand for New Teacher Graduates in the 1980s: Merv Turner (1980) $6.00
impact on students, is particularly pertinent. and with some notable exceptions, few do so.
Initial Submission to Academic Salaries Tribunal General Review (1980) $10.00 The characteristics typical of Australian colleges Collis and 8iggs 3 have analysed the matriculation
and universities are summarised in the CTEC requirements, sequencing of courses, degreestruc-
Final Submission to Academic Salaries Tribunal General Review (1980/81) $7.50 Report for the 1982-4 Triennium. ' This general pat- tures, and teaching and examining procedures of
tern was established in the sixties, following the universities and colleges in terms of their SOLO
Martin Report,2 in which advanced education and Taxonomy, and argue that the university structures
Submission to 1981 Academic Salaries Tribunal General Review university functions were defined and allocated to are higher up the taxonomy and make more com-
(May 1982, July 1982) $4.00 e.a. the two different sectors. In North America, on the plex and higher level cognitive demands on stu-
other hand, the advanced education function is in dents than do CAE structures. Biggs4 compared the
Benefits from Basic Research: Some Results from a Hindsight Survey effect shared between the universities and the eqUi- motivational patterns and learning strategies used
valent of TAFE. Now that CAEs have grown well by college and university students and found that
of ARGC Projects in 1970 (1981) $2.00
beyond their original remit to the pOint where they students conformed to these expectations. College
duplicate some university functions, it is worth ask- students were more pragmatically motivated, and
Submission to the Inquiry into Tenure by the Senate Standi~g ing if they implement these functions any differently more likely to use a strategy involving the rote repro-
Committee on Education and the Arts from universities. If such differences do exist, there duction of selected parts of their coursework, while
- November 1981 (full set) $8.00 would be obvious implications, for example, for allo- university students were more intrinsically moti-
(without attachments) $4.00 cating teaching responsibilities in advanced educa- vated and more likely to read widely around course-
tion or university sectors of amalgamated institu- work in order to deepen their understanding of
tions. content. Organised study skills were related to aver-
- March 1982 $4.00
Functions of universities and colleges age and above average functioning in both univer-
Submission to the Inquiry into the Tertiary Education Commission (1982) $4.00 Essentially, universities are discipline oriented. sity and college students, but excellent perform-
Their major function is to promote the study of a ance was related to organised study skills in CAE
diScipline in depth; to extend that discipline through students only; excellent university students were
Summary of Evidence - Tenure Inquiry (a 40 page ~ummary of the not so much organised as highly intrinsically moti-
full transcript of evidence heard by the Tenure Inquiry) research; to teach both the reasons for and the fruits
$4.00 vated. Achievement motivation was actually higher
of that research; and to train others in the ways
appropriate to researching that discipline. Courses in CAE students only; excellent university students
Response to recommendations of the Tenure Inquiry (1982) $2.50 are deSigned to build successively on each other. were not so much organised as highly intrinsically
Staff are appointed and promoted for their expertise motivated. Achievement motivation was actually
Response to Ralph Report on Management Education (1982) $2.00 in a discipline, in adding to that diSCipline through higher in CAE students in the first year, but it then
their own research, and in teaching and otherwise rapidly declined and by third year was well below
publishing from their expertise. The government of that of university students; an organised approach
Student Loans - Submission to Senate Standing Committee (1982) $2.50
universities, and the protection to academics to study likewise declined from first to third year in
accorded by tenure and academic freedom, make CAE students but remained high and stable in uni-
FAUSA Policies and Attitudes Handbook (1983) $4.00 versity students. In general, college students were
sense only in that context staff need protection to
carry out their research, and to publicise their find- five times more likely to claim that they were dissat-
The Crisis in Basic Research (1983) $1.50 ings, to allay the fear of sanctions if their findings are isfied with their performance. These findings were
unpalatable to the government or to other estab- least marked in Arts and SCience, and strongest in
Higher Education in Crisis (published by Higher Education Round lished interests. Professional training in areas that Education.
Table) (1983) $4.00 require an in-depth, enquiring, orientation arose as In this paper, we look at differences between college
a natural extension of the university ethos. and university students in what have been termed
In addition back copies of most issues of "Vestes" and the FAUSA "Newsletter" are available; Colleges of advanced education are vocationaJly deep and surface approaches to learning.
price on application, oriented. Their major function is to mount Courses
that supply a community need for tertiary trained
For further information and orders, write to: professionals, the demand for which may change Approaches to Learning
The Office Manager with market forces. Consequently, courses are The distinction between meaningful and rote learn-
FA USA monitored in each state by a higher education ing is an old and familiar one: it underlies a rather
33 Bank Street board, or its equivalent, and coJlege governance is broader distinction - between deep and surface
SOUTH MELBOURNE. VIC. 3205 Australia designed to be responsive to ministerial influence. approaches to learning - that is applied to the kind
Courses are designed to make a suitable package of learning undertaken by tertiary students. 5
Following are some aspects of these approaches: Desirability Deep approach = intrinsic motivation + meaning In the university sector, students from all faculties
It seems almost unnecessary to say that the deep strategy + achievement motivation + organising are high on deep approach, with Science students
Learning quality approach appears to be more academically desir- strategy. also scoring high on surface. In the college sector,
A deep approach implies that the student deliber- able. The evidence bears this out very strongly. The students from aJi facuities are lower on deep, with
ately attempts to make learning as meaningful as deep approach leads to better learning, whether Surface approach = instrumental motivation + Education and Science students high on surface.
possible, that he or she is intrinsically interested in "better" is defined in terms of complexity of out- reproducing strategy + achievement motivation The interesting switch here is for Education stu-
the subject matter, purposeful and organised in stu- come, a satisfaction, 9 self-rated performance in Results dents, who not only drop on deep, as do Arts and
dies, prepared to read beyond the set references comparison with peers,9 or examination results. 10 In general, universities students tended to be higher Science students, but who quite drastically increase
and to relate what is being read about or lectured On the other hand, to the student concerned, a on deep, and lower on surface; while CAE students on surface. This finding has important implications
about to previous relevant knowledge, to search for surface approach may be the more desirable if it that are addressed later.
analogies and applications, and so on. tended to be lower on deep and higher on surface.
achieves personal goals with minimal pain, regretta- This finding is, however, equivocal because there
ble though others might deem such an approach to Figure 2 shows a similar analysis for year of study.
A surface approach involves the interaction by the are strong faculty differences on the surface
student to learn the necessary minimum, with as be. This example emphasises that to change a stu- approach, and the faculty mix differed between col-
little effort as possible, consistent with sufficient dent's study behaviour it will be necessary first to try leges and universities. The data are therefore pres-
to get him or her to re-order priorities. A second and Deep FIG 2
marks to achieve his or her purpose. This is ented first by faculty (Figure 1). It should be noted Approach
accomplished by restricting learning to what is more positive sense in which a surface approach that an analysis of variance showed reliable differ-
judged to be essential (e.g. "in the exam") and then may be useful is where accurate reproduction of ences between institutions on the deep approach,
to reproduce that as accurately as possible, or in a facts and details is academically important, as it is in but no faculty difference; institution and faculty 87
way thought to be approved ("giving the examiner most undergraduate science courses; 11 as will be effects, as well as their intereaction, were all highly
what is wanted"). Also included in the suriace seen below, university science students do indeed significant on surface. This picture is presented in
approach is a concentration on detail and fact, tend to utilise both deep and surface approaches. Figure 1. 86
rather than the attempt to see "the big picture". Ideally, then, students should have recourse to both
strategies, and the wit to judge when which is the
Deep FIG 1 85
Situation-dependence more approapriate.
Some learning environments tend to elicit a deep,
and others a surface, approach. Didactic teaching, The Present Study 84
emphasis on accurate recall of trivia, a heavy Responses from over 2,000 students in fourteen
emphasis on final examinations in an anxiety-
arousing context, and the lack of opportunity of
tertiary institutions were collected to obtain norms
for the Study Process Questionnaire (SPO).12
Respondents were necessarily volunteers, with a
o 83
pursuing particular subjects in depth, are some
characteristics of tertiary teaching that have been wastage of about 60%; fortunately, however, the
86 82
associated with a surface approach. Such teaching wastage rate was the same in universities and CAE's
alerts the student to the importance of "getting by", so comparisons between them are valid. Complete
which then duly becomes the intention. A student details of the sampling and administration may be
obtained elsewhere. 13 85
may adopt a deep approach to the major subject,
and a surface approach to the subjects that are Deep and suriace level approaches were obtained 80
unimportant except as fillers forthe degree pattern; from the SPQ scale scores. This instrument nor-
or a student may adopt a deep approach only 84
mally yields six scale scores: instrumental motiva-
towards those aspects of the major subject of inter- 79
tion (M1), intrinsic motivation (M2), and achieve-
est; or he or she may adopt a deep approach only ment motivation (M3); reproducing strategy (81),
when "in the mood", which may not be often. meaning strategy (82), and organising strategy
Individual differences (S3). When these scores are factor-analysed two 61 62 63 64 65 66
A student's approach to a particular learning epi- factors emerge, identifiable as deep and suriace: Surface
82 Approach
sode is not, however, entirely attributable to the
immediate teaching environment. Students have
Table 1
Ptincipal componems analysis; with vatimax rotation of spa o University
preferences for one or the other approach, and tend scale scores 01 2,141 college and university students. D CAE
to emphasise that preference across different learn- Factor 1,2,3 First, Second, Third year
ing episodes and even different subjects. 6 These Deep Surface of undergraduate course
preferences are partly due to motivational factors- Instrumental Motivation .01 .80
what a student in general wants from his or her Intrinsic Motivation .79 -.13 University and CAE Undergraduate Course on Deep and
studies (a piece of paper, the satisfaction of curios- Achievement Motivation 52 .54 Surface Approaches
Reproducing Strategy -.17 .81
ity, an ego-trip on high marks; any or all of these)- Meaning Strategy .86 -.13
but also to intellectual and cognitive ones. To use Organising Strategy .73 .14
the deep approach students need to be: intelligent, Percentage Variance 37% 27% There are strong institutional differences on both
already knowledgeable in the area, able to concen- deep and surface, and strong year effects on deep,
trate for long periods without being easily dis- but none on surface. The interaction between year
tracted, able to organise themselves and their In obtaining deep and surfacescores, we decided to and institution is not significant on either deep or
resources planfully, and so on. Some students are give each significant factor loading a weighting of surface. The institution effects are clear, and similar
not capable of, or interested in, meeting some or unity because of convenience and because this will to those in Figure 1. The year effect on deep is
most of these requirements. However, it is possible be in keeping with projected use (the correlation University and CAE Faculties/Schools on Deep and Suriace interesting and counterintuitive. The third year stu-
to help students change from a surface to a deep between factor scores and unitary weight scores is Approaches dents are lower on deep than first and second years.
approach, given appropriate conditions. I .94). Thus: 5
Even in universities, students are not more oriented The positions of three universities and one CAE are Education Students from all the universities scored relatively
towards a deep approach by their final year than in plotted. Students from one university (1) stand out This faculty is perhaps the most interesting with Iowan the suriace approach with students from six
the first year, but rather the contrary; this is the more as high on deep and Iowan surface; students from respect to institutional differences. The picture is CAEs exceeding the universities on the surface
surprising given the degree of attrition that has the remaining institutions form a cluster. It should clouded, however, because of the preponderance score. One CAE with a concurrent programme (9)
taken place, with the more likely retention of stu- be painted out that CAE Arts students were enrolled of concurrent (Oip.Teach.lB.Ed.) courses falling in scored Iowan suriace and moderately on deep.
dents with a deep approach. Possibly this reflects a in courses in Fine Arts, Drama and the like. the CAE sector, and end-on (Dip.Ed.) programmes Three CAE end-on programmes were Iowan deep
cynicism that is felt towards the middle of the final in the university sector These two types of pro- (15,9,11) and one university (3). Two concurrent
year, when students' main thoughts are to get out Science CAEs have now merged (10, 11) and are now one
gramme are therefore depicted separately (concur-
and into the work force, apart from the minority who rent are double-edged in Figure 5; end-on, programme; these two institutions were as high as
will be staying on for higher degree work. Alterna- single-edged). the universities on deep, but also high on surface.
tively, a number of highly idealistic, though not ter- However, 11 also offered an end-on programme,
ribly adaptive, students might have been eliminated the students of which scored the lowest of any on
through exams and assignment pressures over the Deep FIG 5 deep. While several universities offer concurrent
first two years of study. Approach programmes, unfortunately none figured in the
present sample in sufficient numbers to enable a
In the remaining results the data refer to the facul- 88 useful comparison.
ties and programmes of individual institutions. Only
those institutions are retained where numbers are
sufficient to be meaningful statistically. The institu-
87 As a matter of interest, it might be pointed out that in
Figure 5, two institutions, a CAE (concurrent) and a
tions are referred to by code number, to preserve 86 university (end-on), are currently billed for amalga-
anonymity. The same numbering is preserved mation. Individual t-tests were conducted on deep
through all figures. and surface approaches in these two institutions,
and the university students were significantly
Arts 84
higher than the CAE students on deep, and signifi-
83 cantly lower on surtace.
Deep FIG3
Approach 82
Implications and Conclusions
In view of the larger numbers involved, the most
81 stable generalisations should be drawn from the
91 analyses comparing institution types, rather than
80 individual institutions, as represented particularly in
Figure 1.
It is clear that there are highly significant differences
80 78 between CAEs and universities in the extent to
which students report using deep and surface
88 ~~'Ti--r--r--ri--r--r~--'i--Ti--r--r 77 approaches to their learning. Given the functions,
aims, staffing and course structures within each
58 W 00 61 ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ 76
Surface type of institution, these differences are in line with
expectations. With faculty held constant, universi-
87 Approach
o University
~ ~
~ ~
00 61 ~ ~
, i
64 65 66
ties appear to develop, or attract, students with a
D CAE deep approach to learning, and CAE students with
86 Surface a surface approach.
Deep and Surface approach mean scores for Science Approach
students in particular institutions o Uni-end-on Such a pattern is not necessarily inappropriate. A
D CAE-end-on deep approach to learning is important in many
Students from one university (2) are high on both professions, particularly where the student plans to
84 deep and surface, compared to the others, with
ICJI CAE-concurrent become involved in research. However, it may well
students from two CAEs falling lowest on deep (9, Deep and Surface approach mean scores for Education be that surface learning in CAEs is adequate atthe
students in end-on and concurrent programmes in parti- pre-service stage of professional preparation. A
8). There is a middle band of students from five cular institutions
institutions on deep, but they show a spread on deep approach may follow when the "smorgas-
surface, with students from one university (3) being bord" of courses at the CAE becomes integrated
the lowest on surface. Unfortunately there were insufficient numbers to with practical experience. 14 Such a hope underlies
compare the two types of programme within the the thinking behind the "3 + E + 1" degree structure
one institution, so strong conclusions cannot be currently being adopted in many CAEs (the
drawn about the effects of type of programme. numbers refer to years of fulltime study, and the "E"
However, some general observations may be made. for professional experience). There is, however, no

Deep and Surface approach mean scores for Arts students

in particular institutions

6 7
.~-------- .. ---~ .. - - . - - .. -

evidence that this deepening of approach with figures to the bottom right; i.e. from deep to surface 7 J. Biggs, and B. Rihn, 'The effects of intervention on 12. J, Biggs, Student motivation and study strategies:
experience actually does take place. If anything, the approaches, given the diminution of resources and deep and surlace approaches to learning', in J. Kirby, Handbook for Teachers and School Counsellors,
(ed.), Cognitive Strategies and Educational Perfor- ACER, (in preparation).
evidence is the other way; the "socialisation" of consequent staff freezes, and given too, that most mance, Academic Press, New York, (in press).
teachers begins when, as freshly qualified gradu- amalgamations have been conducted in an indus- 13. op. cit
ates, they enter their first staff room and are told to tria! atmosphere with guarantees preventing re- 8. F. Marton, and R. Saljo, op. cit.; J. Biggs, 'Individual
"forget that academic nonsense; you're in the real trenchment. Such a situation can only mean that differences in study processes and the quality of learn- 14. Collis and Biggs, op. cit.
world now." 15 staff, within and across the advanced education and ing outcomes', Higher Education, 8, 1979 pp. 381-394,
15. A.R. Crane, 'The Occupational Socialisation of
Alternatively, it might be argued that a deep university sectors, will have to "retrain"; their teach- Teachers', The South Pacific Journal of Teacher Edu-
9. J. Biggs, 'Learning strategies, motivation patterns and
approach is unnecessary in some professional ing loads wil! increase; their involvement in research subjectively perceived success', in J. Kirby, (ed.), Cog- cation, III, 3, 1975, pp. 57-64.
practice. In the case of CAE science gradates, for will inevitably decline. mtive strategies and educational performance, Aca-
example, many would be heading for a "hands on" demic Press, New York, (in press). 16. As evidenced by periodic claims by manufacturers
These data certainly do not encourage much opti- and employers in the daily press.
career in agriculture and industry, where the mism about the likely effects of university-CAE 10. R. Schmeck, 'Learning styles of coliegestudents', in R.
emphasis would be on the application of existing mergers. They do, however, act to define a goal for Dillon and R. Schmeck, (eds.), Individual difference in 17. G. Butland, The rationalisation of resources for higher
knowledge and techniques in fairly standard set- such mergers: if amalgamations are to proceed, cognition, Academic Press, New York, (in press), education in the Hunter Valley, NSW Government
tings: the need is to know the broad area well efforts must be made to keep students functioning Printer, Sydney, 1978; P. Correy, Teaching for tomor-
enough to keep things going. Indeed, some indus- 11. R. Schmeck, op. cit. row: Continuity, Challenge and change in teacheredu-
at a deep level, where that is indicated as both cation in New South Wales, NSW Government Printer,
trialists have complained about the deep approach academically and professionally desirable, as it
displayed by university graduates: they ask too Sydney, 1980.
surely is in the case of Education. It is to be hoped
many questions, don't know enough about the that the decision-makers involved in making the
details of the immediate context, and want to try out best of this very bad job will make their decisions on
new ways of doing things rather than sticking with academic grounds rather than on those giving pre-
the system as it exists in the present firm. 161n short, eminence to industrial and political considerations,
many employers require a surface rather than a or to personal empire-building. Thus, one alterna-
deep approach. tive, since universities are currently encouraging a
It is Education that gives rise to most concern, deeper approach to learning, is that the university
where the difference between university and col- sector should, for educational reasons, and wher-
lege sectors is most marked. While there are some ever appropriate, teach undergraduate (UG1) and
CAE students in concurrent programmes who postgraduate awards leaving UG2 and UG3awards
score reasonably well on the deep approach, none to the advanced education sector. If that is not to be
do in end-on programmes, and almost all CAE stu- the case, then academics from both types of institu-
dents are high on surface, whether end-on or tion should work to promote a deep approach to
concurrent. learning, regardless of which staff do the actual
teaching. It remains to be seen, however, whether
These data, and those of the earlier study, J are of industrial and political factors will not in the event
particular relevance when considering the recom- prove to be those used in decision-making.
mendations of two fairly recent Committees on
teacher education in NSW, 17which, if implemented,
would effectively restrict the preparation of teachers
to the advanced education sector. A likely result of
this would appear to be that the bulk of teachers References
entering high schools by the late 1980s would be 1. Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission, Re-
likely to be uninterested in their subject matter, port for 1982-4 Triennium, 1981, Vol. I, Part 2, para. 2.9.
prone to use reproductive, short-term learning
strategies, and dissatisfied and disillusioned with 2. Tertiary Education in Australia, Report of the Commit-
their own learning experiences as students. tee on the Future of Tertiary Education in Australia,
Government Printing Office, Canberra, 1964.
It is hard to imagine a teacher with a preference for
the surface approach teaching in a manner that is 3. K. Collis, and J. Biggs, Matriculation, degree struc-
likely to stimulate a deep approach in his or her tures and levels of student thinking, Australian Journal
of Education (in press).
students. Given, too, that deep or surface learning
strategies are acquired at least as early as high 4. J. Biggs, 'Student motivation and study strategies in
school, and possibly even earlier 18, the decision to university and CAE populations', Higher Education
locate teacher preparation in this or that sector Research and Development, 1,33-55, 1982.
could have resounding effects on the development
of deep or surface approaches in students. Such a 5. F. Marton, and R. Saljo, 'On qualitative differences in
learning!: Outcome and processes It: Outcome as a
decision should surely be made on education function of the learner's conception of the task.' British
grounds, not industrial or political ones. Journal of Educational Psychology, 46, pp, 4-11, and
The same point applies to enforced amalgamations pp. 115-127, 1976.
between universities and colleges. It is difficult to
conceive how any effective amalgamation could 6. P Thomas, and J. Bain, 'Consistency in learning strate-
gies', Higher Education, 11, 249-259, 1982.
result in anything but a slide from the top left of our
8 9

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