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12/18/2017 Why Potatoes Are Not Paleo: Adverse Health Effects | The Paleo Diet




Loren Cordain, PhD, Professor Emeritus (

Posted on August 9, 2014 (

I have noticed in the last few years that many Paleo Dieters believe that potatoes can be
regularly consumed without any adverse health e ects. Part of this misinformation seems to
stem from writers of blogs and others who are unfamiliar with the scienti c literature regarding
potatoes. So should we be eating potatoes or not? The short answer is no. The long answer
begins with my personal experience and scienti c research into the spud.

Back in the early 1980s before I had discovered Paleo, I had assumed that a low fat, high
carbohydrate, plant based diet was the best nutritional plan for good health. Little did I realize
how wrong I was I should have listened to my body. One of my personal experiences at the
time was how bad early morning breakfasts of boiled potatoes made me feel. They simply left
me drained of energy and feeling nervous, agitated and depressed only a few hours after my
morning meal. I lived with it. But later, after poring through the medical literature, I discovered
a novel idea which could explain my symptoms. In the early 1980s a brand new concept called
the glycemic index developed by Dr. David Jenkins at the University of Toronto had just
emerged. It showed us that certain food such as potatoes caused our blood sugar levels to
precipitously rise and then dramatically fall. It was this e ect which made me feel so bad. I ate
potatoes for breakfast, and they caused my blood sugar levels to spike only to fall drastically
below their original levels shortly thereafter. 1/28
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In my mind, the memory of early morning, all potato breakfasts has remained with me over the
years, and I now fully understand how potatoes are one of the worst foods we can eat not only
for breakfast, but as staples in our diets. As with all plant foods, sporadic consumption of
potatoes will have little impact upon your overall health, but if you eat them regularly as the
majority of your daily calories, your health will su er.


In the United States we eat a lot of potatoes. The gure below shows the per capita
consumption (126 lbs) of potato foods for every person in the U.S. in 2007. If we contrast this
total to all re ned sugars (137 lbs per capita) in the other gure below, you can see that as a
country, we eat nearly as many potatoes as we do re ned sugars.

So why am I bringing up this comparison between re ned sugars and potatoes? Lets take a
look at the glycemic indices of various potato foods and contrast them to re ned sugars, and I
think youll get the drift.

From the values in the table below, you can clearly see that almost all potato products have
glycemic indices that are substantially higher than sucrose (table sugar) or high fructose corn
syrup. So, in e ect, eating potatoes is a lot like eating pure sugars, but even worse, in terms of
the harm these starchy tubers do to our blood sugar levels. From this information, you can
clearly see why those potato breakfasts I ate so many years ago made me feel so awful. I may
have just as well been consuming pure sugar or candy bars for breakfast.

Because potatoes maintain one of the highest glycemic index values of any food, they cause our
blood sugar levels to rapidly rise which in turn cause our blood insulin concentrations to 2/28
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simultaneously increase. When these two metabolic responses occur repeatedly over just the
course of a week or two, we start to become insulin resistant a condition that frequently
precedes the development a series of diseases known as the Metabolic Syndrome. Over the
course of months and years, insulin resistance leads to a multitude of devastating health
e ects. The list of Metabolic Syndrome diseases is long: obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and other abnormal blood chemistries,
systemic in ammation, gout, acne, acanthosis nigricans (a skin disorder), skin tags, and breast,
colon and prostate cancers.

Most of the potatoes consumed in the U.S. are highly processed in the form of French fries,
mashed potatoes, dehydrated potato products, and potato chips. Processed potato foods
typically are made with multiple additives (salt, vegetable oils, trans fats, re ned sugars, dairy
products, cereal grains and preservatives) that may adversely a ect our health in a variety of
ways. If these nutritional shortcomings along with their high glycemic response dont make you
wary of potatoes, then the following information almost certainly will.

I have yet to touch upon the most dangerous elements of all within potatoes antinutrients.
More human fatalities and non-lethal poisonings have occurred from eating potatoes than from
any other uncontaminated staple in our food supply.

I can almost guarantee you that if you ask your family physician about dietary saponins in
potatoes and your health; they will draw a complete blank. The same can be said for ADA
trained nutritionists at your local hospital or clinic. Even astute complementary health care
practitioners are usually in the dark when it comes to saponins in our daily food supply. Despite
a mountain of scienti c evidence showing that these compounds can be potent and even lethal
toxins, they are rarely considered as dietary threats to our health.

Saponins derive their name from their ability to form soap like foams when mixed with water.
Chemically, certain potato saponins are commonly referred to as glycoalkaloids. Their function
is to protect the potato plants root (tuber) from microbial and insect attack. When consumed
by potential predators, glycoalkaloids protect the potato because they act as a toxin. These 3/28
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compounds exert their toxic e ects by dissolving cell membranes. When rodents and larger
animals, including humans, eat glycoalkaloid containing tubers such as potatoes, these
substances frequently create holes in the gut lining, thereby increasing intestinal permeability.
If glycoalkaloids enter our bloodstream in su cient concentrations, they cause hemolysis
(destruction of the cell membrane) of our red blood cells.

The gure below shows how glycoalkaloids and saponins in general disrupt cell membranes
leading to a leaky gut or red blood cell rupturing. These compounds rst bind cholesterol
molecules in cell membranes, and in the series of steps that follows, you can see how saponins
cause portions of the cell membrane to buckle and eventually break free, forming a pore or a
hole in the membrane.





Potatoes contain two glycoalkaloid saponins: 1) -chaconine and -solanine which may
adversely a ect intestinal permeability and aggravate in GALLERYbowel
diseases (ulcerative
colitis, Crohns disease and irritable bowel syndrome). Even in healthy normal adults a meal of
mashed potatoes results in the rapid appearance of both -chaconine and -solanine in the
bloodstream. The toxicity of these two glycoalkaloids is dose dependent meaning that the
greater the concentration in the bloodstream, the greater is their toxic e ect. At least 12
separate cases of human poisoning from potato consumption, involving nearly 2000 people
and 30 fatalities have been recorded in the medical literature. Potato saponins can be lethally
toxic once in the bloodstream in su cient concentrations because these glycoalkaloids inhibit a
key enzyme (acetyl cholinesterase) required for nerve impulse conduction. The levels of both -
chaconine and -solanine in a variety of potato foods are listed in the table below. 4/28
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Note that the highest concentrations of these toxic glycoalkaloids occur in potato skins. Fried
potato skins lled with chili and topped o by sour cream and jalapeno peppers would be a real
gut bomb with devastating e ects upon your intestinal permeability. And literally, if you ate
enough of these hors doeuvres, they could kill you.

So the next logical question arises: should we be eating a food that contains two known toxins
which rapidly enter the bloodstream, increase intestinal permeability and potentially impair the
nervous and circulatory systems?

In the opinion of Dr. Patel and co-authors: . . . if the potato were to be introduced today as a
novel food it is likely that its use would not be approved because of the presence of these toxic

In a comprehensive review of potato glycoalkaloids, Dr. Smith and colleagues voiced similar
sentiments: Available information suggest that the susceptibility of humans to glycoalkaloids
poisoning is both high and very variable: oral doses in the range 1 5 mg/kg body weight are
marginally to severely toxic to humans whereas 3 6 mg/kg body weight can be lethal. The
narrow margin between toxicity and lethality is obviously of concern. Although serious
glycoalkaloid poisoning of humans is rare, there is a widely held suspicion that mild poisoning is
more prevalent than supposed.

The commonly accepted safe limit for total (-chaconine + -solanine) in potato foods is 200
mg/kg, a level proposed more than 70 years ago, whereas more recent evidence suggests this
level should be lowered to 60 70 mg/kg. If you take a look at Table above you can see that
many potato food products exceed this recommendation.

I believe that far more troubling than the toxicity of potato glycoalkaloids is their potential to
increase intestinal permeability over the course of a lifetime, most particularly in people with
diseases of chronic in ammation (cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and 5/28
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diseases of insulin resistance). Many scientists now believe that a leaky gut may represent a
nearly universal trigger for autoimmune diseases.

When the gut becomes leaky it is not a good thing, as the intestinal contents may then have
access to the immune system which in turn becomes activated; thereby causing a chronic low
level systemic in ammation known as endotoxemia. In particular, a cell wall component of gut
gram negative bacteria called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is highly in ammatory. Any LPS which
gets past the gut barrier is immediately engulfed by two types of immune system cells
(macrophages and dendritic cells). Once engulfed by these immune cells, LPS binds to a
receptor (toll-like receptor-4) on these cells causing a cascade of e ects leading to increases in
blood concentrations of pro-in ammatory cytokines (localized hormones) . Two recent human
studies have shown that high potato diets increase the blood in ammatory marker IL-6.
Without chronic low level systemic in ammation, it is unlikely that few of the classic diseases of
civilization (cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases and diseases of insulin
resistance) would have an opportunity to take hold and in ict their fatal e ects.

A nal note on potatoes to add insult to injury, this commonly consumed food is a major
source of dietary lectins. On average potatoes contain 65 mg of potato lectin per kilogram. As is
the case with most lectins, they have been poorly studied in humans, so we really dont have
conclusive information how potato lectin may impact human health. However, preliminary
tissue studies indicate that potato lectin resists degradation by gut enzymes, bypasses the
intestinal barrier and can then bind various tissues in our bodies. Potato lectins have been
found to irritate the immune system and produce symptoms of food hypersensitivity in
allergenic and non-allergenic patients.


Loren Cordain, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus

Cani PD, Amar J, Iglesias MA, Poggi M, Knauf C, Bastelica D et al. Metabolic endotoxemia
initiates obesity and insulin resistance. Diabetes. 2007 Jul;56(7):1761-72.
De Swert LF, Cadot P, Ceuppens JL. Diagnosis and natural course of allergy to cooked potatoes
in children. Allergy. 2007 Jul;62(7):750-7.
El-Tawil AM. Prevalence of in ammatory bowel diseases in the Western Nations: high
consumption of potatoes may be contributing. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2008 Oct;23(10):1017-8.
Fernandes G, Velangi A, Wolever TM. Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North
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review. Br J Nutr. 2002 Dec;88(6):587-605.
Friedman M. Potato glycoalkaloids and metabolites: roles in the plant and in the diet.J Agric
Food Chem. 2006 Nov 15;54(23):8655-81.
Hellens KE, Nyman A, Slanina P, Lf L, Gabrielsson J. Determination of potato glycoalkaloids
and their aglycone in blood serum by high-performance liquid chromatography. Application to
pharmacokinetic studies in humans. J Chromatogr. 1992 Jan 3;573(1):69-78.
Henry CJ, Lightowler HJ, Strik CM, Storey M. Glycaemic index values for commercially available
potatoes in Great Britain. Br J Nutr. 2005 Dec;94(6):917-21.
Higashihara M, Ozaki Y, Ohashi T, Kume S. Interaction of Solanum tuberosum agglutinin with
human platelets. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1984 May 31;121(1):27-33.
Hellens KE, Nyman A, Slanina P, Lf L, Gabrielsson J. Determination of potato glycoalkaloids
and their aglycone in blood serum by high-performance liquid chromatography. Application to
pharmacokinetic studies in humans. J Chromatogr. 1992 Jan 3;573(1):69-78.
Henry CJ, Lightowler HJ, Strik CM, Storey M. Glycaemic index values for commercially available
potatoes in Great Britain. Br J Nutr. 2005 Dec;94(6):917-21.
Higashihara M, Ozaki Y, Ohashi T, Kume S. Interaction of Solanum tuberosum agglutinin with
human platelets. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1984 May 31;121(1):27-33. 6/28
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Keukens EA, de Vrije T, van den Boom C, de Waard P, Plasman HH, Thiel F, Chupin V, Jongen
WM, de Kruij B. Molecular basis of glycoalkaloid induced membrane disruption. Biochim
Biophys Acta. 1995 Dec 13;1240(2):216-28.
Keukens EA, de Vrije T, Jansen LA, de Boer H, Janssen M, de Kroon AI, Jongen WM, de Kruij B.
Glycoalkaloids selectively permeabilize cholesterol containing biomembranes. Biochim Biophys
Acta. 1996 Mar 13;1279(2):243-50.
Leeman M, Ostman E, Bjrck I. Glycaemic and satiating properties of potato products. Eur J Clin
Nutr. 2008 Jan;62(1):87-95
Mensinga TT, Sips AJ, Rompelberg CJ, van Twillert K, Meulenbelt J, van den Top HJ, van Egmond
HP. Potato glycoalkaloids and adverse e ects in humans: an ascending dose study. Regul
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Morris SC, Lee TH. The toxicity and teratogenicity of Solanaceae glycoalkaloids, particularly
those of the potato (Solanum tuberosum): a review. Food Technol, Aust. 1984;36:118-124.
Morrow-Brown H. Clinical experience with allergy and intolerance to potto (Solanum
tuberosum). Immunol Allergy Practice 1993;15:41-47
Naruszewicz M, Zapolska-Downar D, Komider A, Nowicka G, Kozowska-Wojciechowska M,
Vikstrm AS, Trnqvist M. Chronic intake of potato chips in humans increases the production of
reactive oxygen radicals by leukocytes and increases plasma C-reactive protein: a pilot study.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Mar;89(3):773-7
Patel B, Schutte R, Sporns P, Doyle J, Jewel L, Fedorak RN.Potato glycoalkaloids adversely a ect
intestinal permeability and aggravate in ammatory bowel disease. In amm Bowel Dis. 2002
Pramod SN, Venkatesh YP, Mahesh PA. Potato lectin activates basophils and mast cells of atopic
subjects by its interaction with core chitobiose of cell-bound non-speci c immunoglobulin E.
Clin Exp Immunol. 2007 Jun;148(3):391-401.
Rauchhaus M, Coats AJ, Anker SD. The endotoxin-lipoprotein hypothesis. Lancet. 2000 Sep
Ryan, C.A. and G.M.Hass, Structural, evolutionary and nutritional properties of proteinase
inhibitors from potatoes. 1981. In : Ory, R.L. (ed.), Antinutrients and natural toxicants in foods.
Food and Nutrition Press Inc., Westport ,CT.
Smith DB, Roddick JG, Jones JL. Potato glycoalkaloids: some unanswered questions. Trends
Food Sci Technol 1996;7:126-131.
Stoll LL, Denning GM, Weintraub NL. Endotoxin, TLR4 signaling and vascular in ammation:
potential therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease. Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(32):4229-45
Sweet MJ, Hume DA. Endotoxin signal transduction in macrophages. J Leukoc Biol 1996;60: 8-26.

About Loren Cordain, PhD, Professor Emeritus

Dr. Loren Cordain is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Health and

Exercise Science at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. His
research emphasis over the past 20 years has focused upon the evolutionary
and anthropological basis for diet, health and well being in modern humans.
Dr. Cordains scienti c publications have examined the nutritional characteristics of
worldwide hunter-gatherer diets as well as the nutrient composition of wild plant and
animal foods consumed by foraging humans. He is the worlds leading expert on Paleolithic
diets and has lectured extensively on the Paleolithic nutrition worldwide. Dr. Cordain is the
author of six popular bestselling books including The Real Paleo Diet Cookbook, The Paleo
Diet, The Paleo Answer, and The Paleo Diet Cookbook, summarizing his research ndings.

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nanoo ( on September 4, 2017 at 8:14 am MST ( said:

Everything is very open with a very clear description of the issues.

It was really informative. Your site is extremely helpful.

Thank you for sharing!

Reply (

Bill on November 4, 2016 at 1:01 pm MST ( said:

Hmm. Sweet potatoes a staple of paleo have a higher glycemic index than most of the items in the table. That, combined with
the characterization that fries are highly processed, calls into account the authors claims.

Reply (

Gail on October 4, 2016 at 3:53 pm MST ( said:

I agree with KevinIf the loose de nition of paleo is whatever they ate back then, then it seems that potatoes are technically
paleo; however, I think what Dr. Cordain is proposing is that white potatoes are not a healthy choice for ANYONEwhether
those on a paleo diet or not on a paleo dietunless, like Batziona (above), there are extenuating circumstances. Peace, love, and

Reply (

Jonathan Klein on August 20, 2016 at 7:50 pm MST ( said:

Potatoes come from South America, correct? Homo Sapiens evolved in Africa. So perhaps it makes sense that our bodies might
not be properly adapted to eating potatoes? Is this a hair-brained theory?

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Rob123 on July 4, 2016 at 7:46 pm MST ( said: 8/28
12/18/2017 Why Potatoes Are Not Paleo: Adverse Health Effects | The Paleo Diet
But there are numerous examples of people living on an all baked/ boiled potato diet for months and months with NO adverse
health e ects. None at all. The most recent being Chris Voigt, who lost 20 lbs, dropped his cholesterol, and lowered his blood
glucose by eating nothing but potatoes for 60 days. According to this article, Voigt should have gained weight, and his blood
glucose should be very high. But none of that happened. In fact the opposite happened. A person eating 20 potatoes a day
actually lowered their cholesterol and blood sugar and lost weight. The real problem is that many people have is that they load
their potato with too many toppings, or worse, they deep fry their potato. But when eaten plain, a potato has protein, carbs,
vitamin C, ber,and other nutrients. Potatoes and beans and rice are ne to eat.

Reply (

on March 15, 2017 at 5:05 pm MST ( said:

Right on ! I practice the Potato Hack every month. Subsisting on nothing but lightly salted potatoes without fat for 3
days. I usually loose 4-6 lbs every time. Have lost over 25 lbs over the last year. Gain back a little, but doable. Keep BS
in check and most of all feel ne, lots of energy and none of the Doctors high glycemic problems at all. And I am close
to 90. Put that in your retorte and tell me why ?!

Reply (

on March 15, 2017 at 5:09 pm MST ( said:

Actually if you read up on something called Resistant Starch you will nd the rest of the story And it goes
a lot further than just eating potatoes.

Reply (

david taylor on May 28, 2016 at 8:14 pm MST ( said:

I eat potatoes fairly regularly. I am now 79 and enjoy perfect health, but then I have always done a lot of sport and exercise. Still
do. Personally, I know a lot of people who eat potatoes and are t and strong. Rice too, but being born in India I have eaten rice
since birth, as with all these diets the human body adapts its digestive and circulatory systems to environment and habit, I mean
starting something new can often lead to problems, If it works why change it?

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Tom on May 19, 2016 at 10:21 am MST ( said:

Im surprised Mr. Loren Cordain, PhD didnt also mention the problem with Acrylamide generation being a health issue,
depending upon both what temperature potatoes are stored and cooked. (see reference below for further info)

Tareke E; Rydberg P.; et al. (2002). Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstu s. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 50
(17): 49985006. doi:10.1021/jf020302f. PMID 12166997.

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PAS on May 15, 2016 at 6:14 pm MST ( said:

According to articles written in journals in 2015 (Journal of Ag. Science, etc.) these glycoalkaloids are also found in eggplants and
tomatoes, and are being shown to be ANTICARCINOGENIC as well. Look at the years on all of the references for this article the
most recent I saw was 2008, and going back to 1984. This article desperately needs updating with new research.

Reply (

BobsYourUncle on April 7, 2016 at 8:41 am MST ( said:

I have been eating at least 3-5 baked potatoes every day for the past 50 years. All systems normal, perfect health and in the best
shape of my life. Sorry, but Potatoes are Awesome, enough said.

Reply (

on June 8, 2016 at 12:45 am MST ( said:

Every day?

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michael ( on March 19, 2016 at 2:25 pm MST ( said:

While you certainly seem to touch on potato anti-nutrients, speci cally saponins as toxic to the human body, you fail to mention
all of the bene ts that they o er. Furthermore, you conveniently forget to mention all the other foods that seem to be okay in a
Paleo diet that also include saponins. It also seems to be relevent that saponins are fed to livestock to cut down on odor because
they bind to ammonia, which contributes to foul smells. Livestock are one of the largest component in a Paleo diet.

Saponins also occur naturally in soybeans, peas, ginseng, herbs, vegetables and yucca.

Saponins are Cholesterol Lowering. If youre working to lower your cholesterol level, eating foods rich in saponins may help. Your
body uses cholesterol to make bile acids needed for proper digestion. When you eat, bile acids are released into your intestines.
The detergent qualities of saponins allow them to bind to bile and prevent its reabsorption. Once bound to saponins, cholesterol
leaves your body in waste. Peter R. Cheeke, Ph.D., from the Linus Pauling Institute, notes that many cholesterol-lowering
medications perform the same role, and over time excretion of bile may help lower your cholesterol. A lower cholesterol level
means less risk of heart attack or stroke.

Saponins have been shown to Improve Immune Function. Eating more saponins may boost your immune function and ght o
fungal infections, according to an article published in ACS Chemical Biology in March 2010. The study noted that saponins cause
death of fungal cells, such as Candida albicans, which is responsible for yeast infections, thrush and many hospital-acquired
infections. Saponins appear to enhance your immune systems ability to ght o viruses and parasites as well. Pharmaceutical
manufacturers often include saponins in vaccines to increase their e ectiveness. 10/28
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Saponins may help preventing cancer. According to an article published in the Journal of Nutrition in 1995, saponins found in
soybeans slow the growth of human cancer cells. These plant compounds may also cause the death of tumor cells, according to
an article published in the journal Phytochemistry Reviews in June 2010. The exact mechanism of these cell deaths varies
depending on the source and dose of saponins. Few studies on saponins used human subjects. Animals and isolated cells in test
tubes are the most common subjects. More research would provide a better picture of the potential role saponins play in cancer
treatment and prevention.

I think if your going to present information, speci cally as a doctor, you should paint the whole picture.

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Wendell on December 31, 2015 at 2:00 pm MST ( said:

This is a well researched article with very good evidence. But the title is Are Potatoes Paleo. You never really answered the
question. The entire article about Are Potatoes bad for you. The answer being yes.
Potatoes were around during the Paleolithic period. What evidence either way do we have that they were consumed?

Reply (

The Paleo Diet Team (

on January 2, 2016 at 11:28 am MST ( said:

Potatoes were around during Paleolithic times, and there is evidence to assume that they were consumed by our
hunter-gatherer ancestors occasionally. You also have to remember that hunter-gatherers or going to place more
emphasis on obtaining the highest ranking (i.e. animal foods) resources within their environment before resorting to
lower-ranking (i.e. plant foods, tubers). It all has to do with optimum foraging theory. Additionally, the potatoes that
we consume today from the supermarket were nothing like wild tubers from the past. Modern day potatoes have
been bred for high starch content, and thus can be problematic for those trying to lose weight, correct insulin/blood
sugar problems, or solve other health related issues. Many of those with autoimmune conditions cannot tolerate any
amount of potato or other plant foods from the nightshade family.

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on March 2, 2017 at 9:33 am MST ( said:

What documents from millions of years ago can you provide as proof?

Reply (

Precious ( on December 19, 2015 at 7:55 pm MST (


I actually do have considerable expertise with

eating the means that is ketogenic, and my health issues were treated by me using
a ketogenic diet. 11/28
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Reply (

Gato on December 18, 2015 at 4:05 pm MST ( said:

What about soaking potato in Apple Cider Vinegar and water before cocking to reduce spike. Is this true or false?

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The Paleo Diet Team (

on December 22, 2015 at 1:20 pm MST ( said:

We have heard of Apple Cider Vinegar as a way of cleaning vegetables, but we dont think it would reduce the spike
you speak of. Sweet potatoes are a better option if you are looking to get your starch x.

Reply (

TeeDee on September 11, 2015 at 8:51 am MST ( said:

This was the most signi cant sentence for me: As with all plant foods, sporadic consumption of potatoes will have little impact
upon your overall health, but if you eat them regularly as the majority of your daily calories, your health will su er.

I cant imagine anyone consuming potatoes as the majority of their daily calories, so I think my once a week, small potato is

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Allan on August 18, 2015 at 2:57 pm MST ( said:

Regarding potatoes, one word comes to mindSugar Bomb! Not only worse than processed table sugar, but
Plants and their immune systems have evolved to synthesize a super group of toxic compounds and proteins that play a critical
role in the plants defense to cope with unfavorable circumstances against microbial invaders, pests and predators including
Harmful toxic compounds such as Saponins and Lectins are far too risky for humans to ingest, except in small quantities to keep
the bodys immune system on its toes.
Dietary Lectins compromise an elaborate collection of dense indigestible macro-proteins capable of recognizing, interacting and
literally (enzymatically) eating right through the intestinal linings of those who would eat the plant, causing local toxic,
in ammatory and infectious responses, along with penetrations of the gut wall. The penetrations of the gut wall allow the Lectins
to damage DNA throughout the body through the peripheral blood.
Lectins are resistant to cooking and digestive enzymes. They can induce dramatic dysfunctions in the precious bacterial
microbiome, which in turn can cause severe diarrheal disease and food poisoning. Lectins can interfere with secretions in human
airways causing chronic in ammation and infection. A variety of other diseases can be induced or promoted by lectins. Some are:
celiac disease, peptic ulcer, IgA, nephropathy, insulin resistance and diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
It is beyond comprehension why any reasonable person would subject their bodies to such risk and harm.
However, (with genetics aside)* the bodys immune system is such an amazing and wondrous gift that, when healthy, can usually
neutralize harmful compounds in small quantities. In fact, it actually needs to be exposed to challenges in order to keep its 12/28
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responses ready and alert. Lections are becoming a valuable asset in scienti c research.
It seems logically and scienti cally valid that even strict Paleo diets should include small quantities of cereal grains (other than
corn, soy and potatoes), as along as they are whole and unprocessed (Chocolate Chip Cookies and wild rice, both of which are
borderline paleo,[see post about chocolate chip cookies])
*Genetics seems to be the most complicated of sciences. Even though we have learned more about genetics in the last few years
than was ever known in all of human history, the science is still in its infancy and valuable therapies and interventions seem
However, that may be about to change in extraordinary and profound ways in the near future. (more on that later)


See generally: Dr. Andrew Weil, BA,MD Harvard),Prof Univ.Az. Why Our Health Matters(2009, Spontaneous Healing(1995),
Healthy Ageing(2005)

Phytochemistry, 2015 Jun 5;117:51-64 doi10.1016/j.phytochem.

Dang L, VanDamme EJ, Toxic Proteins in Plants; Front Plant Sci.

2014;5:397 PMCID:PMC43131498

Nausicaa Lannoo, EJ Van Damme, Lectin Domains at the Frontiers of Plant Defense Front Plant Sci

Sharon N, Lis H Lectins Cambridge, UK; University Press

Wang Q, et al. Identi cation of Intact Peanut Lectins in Peripheral Blood; Lancet. 1998; 352: 1831-1833 (Pub Med)

Freed DL, Lectins Br. Med J (Clin. Res.) 1999, 1985, 280l 584 (Pub Med)

Banwell JG et al. Phytohemmagglutinin-induced diarrheal disease; Dig. Dis. Sci. 1984;29:921-929

European journal of clinical Nutrition, 10/1993; vol. 47, iss 10 (anay)

Cordain L. Toohgey L. Smith M etal. Modulation of Immune Function by Dietary Lectins in Rheumatoid Arthritis; Br. J Nutrition 03-
2000 Vol 83 iss 3

See generally Gary E. Marchant BSc,MPP,PHD,JD, Prof.of Genetics and the Law, Sandra Day OConnor College of Law, Arizona Stat

Reply (

Al e Mueeth ( on August 16, 2015 at 12:08 am MST (

201365) said:

First o , let me say that I owe ALL my weight loss and self con dence due to the Paleo diet. I started about a year ago and at rst I
was a purist, cut out potatoes etc. Now I am a bit more relaxed and guess what, I havent ballooned into a hideous creature.

I have to agree with broncho, have a few cheat meals here and there, trust me, you will be ne.

Great article sir!

Reply (

Broncho ( on August 5, 2015 at 10:08 am MST (

potatoes-paleo/#comment-195707) said:

Most paleo dietitians now a days follow a 85:15 ratio, i.e 85% of time follow paleo diet strictly. That is almost 2-3 cheat meals.
This diet falls short on is some of the micronutrients, namely calcium and vitamin D because dairy products (good sources of the
said micronutrients) are o -limits 13/28
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So what I do is add the essential nutrients in my diet during the cheat days.

Reply (

on September 22, 2015 at 6:32 pm MST ( said:

I have to disagree, with you naming Calcium and D Vitamin D Vitamin is more important, than Calcium, and D
Vitamin, you can get plenty o , by Sun Rays, Eggs, Fat Fish etc And when it comes to Calcium, you can easily get
enough from Broccoli, Fat Fish etc Also, it is not adviced, to take a Calcium Supplement, if youre getting enough,
being that you could get Hypercalcemia, it will ruin your Central Nerve System, and if you have a reduced Kidney
function, or su ers from Kidney stones, you should NOT take Calcium supplements! The Paleo lifestyle, is all about
understanding, where to get the right nutrients, and no, you do not need a cheat plan, to get the right nutrition Also
keep in mind, what the Governments, and lots of other Health places throw out, is a pure proof, that they do not
really know, exactly what the body needs, it is guess-work at best Like in Europe, it is quite common, that we need 60
mg of C Vitamin a day, that is 1 average Orange In America, it is 90 mg In Europe, 6 Fruits or 600 Grams of
Vegetables a day, is a good bid, but place like Canada or Japan, it can be like 9 10 Fruits Now that is a lot of Sugar,
and still people listen to them!? Oh and not eating Cheese, the time-magazine Nature listed an article like last year i
think, with the latest DNA science, that proved, that yes, we ate CHEESE!!! I hate it, when people exclude Diary, yes, it
was di erent back then, but it wasent like Cows didnt get pregnant!!! They still use Raw Milk, in for instance African
cultures, mixed with Blood for more Protein!!! I hate, when people say, that Bacon and Salt arent Paleo, cause it is, it
just depends on how it is made, and what Salt is used, ever heard of the Ocean!? And before some idiot, try to tell me
o , keep also the bigger things in mind, if you think about Paleo, they walked or ran to work, they didnt get their lazy
ass into a car!!!

Reply (

on December 31, 2015 at 12:08 am MST ( said:

I read the same article. Sorry, but you have the timelines mixed up. Paleolithic humans did not eat cheese.
The article is about the Neolithic time-frame. Many thousands of years later. Humans are well versed in
agriculture by this point. Paleolithic->Mesolithic->Neolithic

Here is the key paragraph:

During the most recent ice age, milk was essentially a toxin to adults because unlike children they could
not produce the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose, the main sugar in milk. But as farming
started to replace hunting and gathering in the Middle East around 11,000 years ago, cattle herders learned
how to reduce lactose in dairy products to tolerable levels by fermenting milk to make cheese or yogurt.
Several thousand years later, a genetic mutation spread through Europe that gave people the ability to
produce lactase and drink milk throughout their lives. That adaptation opened up a rich new source of
nutrition that could have sustained communities when harvests failed.

Im not a person who normally says people need to be strict Paleo and if Paleolithic humans did not eat it, its
o limits. Thats too dogmatic.
But Im am pretty strict when it comes to the accurate presentation of information.

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The Paleo Diet Team (

on January 2, 2016 at 11:30 am MST ( said: 14/28
12/18/2017 Why Potatoes Are Not Paleo: Adverse Health Effects | The Paleo Diet

Excellent insight! Thank you for the historical background on dairy consumption and the
development of the lactase enzyme. Interesting stu .

Reply (

on March 2, 2017 at 9:37 am MST ( said:

Paleolithic humans did not eat cheese.

What documents from millions of years ago can you provide to back up your claim?

NONE. The Paleo Diet should change its ridiculous name to the Nutrient Diet.

The Paleolithic era (an o shoot of the cockamamy Theory of Evolution) is an absolute fabrication
that was whimsically concocted out of whole cloth in 1865 by John Lubbock, a politician and a
banker who moonlighted as Indiana Jones an archeologist. Seriously John, where are the historical
records from millions of years ago that con rm such blatant speculation?

Reply (

Pat on June 6, 2015 at 2:47 pm MST ( said:

I believe it. I have su ered from anxiety for 10 years. Started after my father passed away. A couple of years ago a chiropractor
told me to stop eating Patatoes, because of back and joint pain, along with low grade in amation and anxiety. Took me 6 months
to nally give it up, not believing it. Gave it up for a year along with wheat. What a di erence, I felt like a new man. And lost 20 lbs.
no anxiety and very little pain. Fast forward to today. After 6 months of no exercise and Patatoes and bread. Ended up in ER with
a b. Anxiety and severe back pain. Doctors put me on pills for heart beat regulation and an aspirin a day. Now I have to start all
over with the detox. I learned my lesson now.

Reply (

on August 3, 2015 at 12:12 pm MST ( said:

Could be the wheat and not the potatoes. You cant really stop 2 things and then blame both when you feel better.
This is not conclusive at all.

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Ole 15/28
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on September 22, 2015 at 6:33 pm MST ( said:

Sure you can, cause both are In ammatory! Dont be ignorant, learn about what your body cant handle, and
why people do get sick

Reply (

Dan on May 27, 2015 at 7:55 pm MST ( said:

Will the negative e ects still outweigh the positive e ect if I were to eat only 2 T of unmodi ed resistant starch? Of which 80% is

Reply (

james on March 14, 2015 at 2:38 pm MST ( said:

What about the di erence between sweet potatoes and yams?

Reply (

AK on January 5, 2015 at 4:40 pm MST ( said:

I ate 1 baked Idaho potato everyday and experienced the spikes you mentioned above. I also experienced painful bowel
movements and ankle/foot pains. But I continued to eat potato daily due to the ber and potassium. I have since stopped and no
more pains. Thanks for the article.

Reply (

Matt Konig ( on December 22, 2014 at 11:12 pm MST (

paleo/#comment-91858) said:

Wow nothing like an extremely well researched, well written article to reinforce the clear health bene ts and costs of certain

Reply (

Sinder on December 9, 2014 at 12:31 pm MST ( said:

The paleo diet is not just about avoiding gluten its also about avoiding carbs. You can still eat patatoes but keep it in moderation.
Thats what ive been doing and ive been feeling 100% every day. Hope this helps. 16/28
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Reply (

Natalya ( on December 5, 2014 at 12:51 pm MST ( said:

Fascinating article. Found the glycoalkaloids information really intriguing.

Can it be said that freezing potatoes reduces the amount of glycoalkaloids?

Like some of the other commenters, I too was curious as to whether sweet potatoes also contained harmful saponins, but was
relieved to discover that they are from an entirely di erent family and make a great alternative.

Thanks for such an informative post.

Reply (

Aria on November 13, 2014 at 7:48 pm MST ( said:

What about Purple Potatoes? They are suppose to have antioxidants in them but are they bad to have with dinner every night?
Same questions goes for sweet potatoes. Thank you for the help!

Reply (

Batziona on October 26, 2014 at 10:34 am MST ( said:

Dear Loren, I think you might want to revamp this article. While I appreciate the science you present, there is one element you
completely overlook: the huge di erences in human bodies. Without going into massive detail, since I am highly allergic to inulin
and lignin, my ability to digest most vegetables approaches zero. Potatoes, on the other hand, are truly my life saver. I have been
dealing with this problem ever since 8 years old, and I am now 58, so I know of what I speak. In fact, it is hereditary in our family
and no amount of gut and diet tweaking xes the problem. All the tricks in the book making my own yogurt and eating organic
and so forth help, but dont solve the issue. If not for potatoes, I would be ravenous every day. So, the science is cool as long as
the conclusions reached are taken with 20 grains of salt. It is never, ever good to propose across-the-board conclusions. People
need to listen to their bodies, track what they eat, track their reactions, and then reach their own informed conclusions. Thank

Reply (

David ( on October 25, 2014 at 6:50 am MST (



This might not be a 100% t but since you mention Ulcerative Colitis (UC) as one of the issues that can be caused by glycoalkaloid
saponins, maybe it does interest (and especially help!) some people here:

While I am a big believer in Paleo as the only nutrition concept that makes sense, I know that when it comes to ghting illnesses
such as UC we sometimes have to rely also on meds. My ance su ered for exactly 10 years from UC. Those years were plain
torture, not only for her but also for the people that are close to her, i.e. me too. 17/28
12/18/2017 Why Potatoes Are Not Paleo: Adverse Health Effects | The Paleo Diet
Recently, totally out for the blue, we found what seems to be a solution for UC. I decided to write down our story, hoping to help
others. To help more people I also paid money to have it translated a couple of other languages, incl. into English. I hope the
Paleo Diet Team will let me use this opportunity here to share the experience, hoping it can help some others su ering from UC
as well. Of course, theres also reference to Paleo inside. (

If you like it, please share with your friends etc who might be on the same di cult journey and for whom this could be a solution
as well.

Thank you and best regards from Greece,


Reply (

Joe Gomez ( on October 16, 2014 at 1:59 pm MST (


I agree with only one thing, that is that we need to maintain a regular diet in what ever we consume, it is true that consuming
potatoes or any product for that matter in excess with damage your digestive system one way or another, come on people its all
about common sense! the true reason of potatoes and the paleo diet is because potatoes are extremely processed! Like I said is
all about common sense! Potatoes are processed in the extreme by manufacturers all over the world, the demand for them is
beyond limits, farmers as producers they need to have enough to satisfy that demand and the only way to do so is by modifying
their crops to produce bigger and faster products, the problem is that this modi cation involves chemical alterations to them and
when you eat that potato n question well? Yourte eating everything that come with it! simple as that! As for the glycemic part?
Well your body needs sugars natural sugars not processed! so potatoes would be a source, but again all in moderation!
Remember that the word Paleo is short for paleolithic, meaning the period of time when caveman roam the earth, their diet was
NOT the best! this is why their train of though, or better said they brain capabilities to deduce a situation was not the best! We
aquired this with a think called Evolution! lol.
Plus as stated how in the world would a caveman know where a potato, sweet potato, carrot, or anything buried would be?
Cavemen were more gatherers you see, you pick, you taste and if is good you eat! lol when it came to moving food! hunting if
there was people to help they would do it otherwise, any caveman would chose an apple a million times rather than chasing
something all day! Bottom line, have a balanced diet and avoid processed foods and products!

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Chris Foley MD on August 17, 2014 at 5:53 pm MST ( said:

Saponins are not all bad. The vili cation of potatoes because they have saponins is disingenuous at best, and at worst, signi es a
little pharmacognostic ignorance here that is surprising. Licorice root, ginseng, and ashwaghanda all are rich in particular
saponins, and it is these components that are thought to render the. Very valuable to human health. So to say potatoes are bad
because of their saponin content is just plain ignorant. Cmon, Laurin.

Reply (

Jonathan Bojan
on August 20, 2014 at 5:59 am MST ( said:

I dont think thats what this article is saying. I think hes pretty clear that its potato saponins in particular that are the
problem. Hes referencing speci c compounds that can be cross checked apart from the body of saponins as a whole.
The saponins in other plants havent even come into question in this article, so Im wondering why you are bringing 18/28
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them up as a reason to bash the article? It seems youre accusing him of lumping saponins together when thats
actually what youre doing.

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Christina on August 13, 2014 at 5:52 am MST ( said:

I still dont quite understand why not ALL nightshades are excluded from Paleo.

Reply (

Lasita Shalev (

on September 7, 2014 at 10:46 pm MST ( said:

I believe that in Loren Cordains book: The Paleo Answer, he wrote that all the nightshade family has anti-nutrients in
them. In the case of tomatoes, the detrimental e ect is less in some varieties and according to the level of ripeness.
Di erent writers include di erent items. Some recommend using cooked tomato products but the originator of the
Paleo diet doesnt recommend it.

Reply (

Akiva on May 19, 2014 at 12:23 pm MST ( said:

For the chart above, what amounts of potatoes equal the amount of a-chaconine + a-salonine? For example how much potatoe
skins equal the amount 567-1450 mg/kg a-chaconine + a-salonine? Please specify for each form of potatoe. Also I dont
understand, is the a-chaconine + a-salonine measured in mg or kg?

Reply (

on August 20, 2014 at 5:05 pm MST ( said:

There is the rub! The way the table reads, implies, is that 567-1450 mg/kg means that in 1 kilogram of potato skins,
you will nd 567-1450 milligrams of alpha-chaconine + alpha-salonine. BUT, in his 5th paragraph from the end, he
refers to doses in the range 1 5 mg/kg body weight, which is a completely di erent measure.

The swapping of mg/kg of the foodstu with mg/kg of body weight is amateurish.

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on September 16, 2014 at 1:50 pm MST ( said: 19/28
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You seem to be mistaken in your comment. The listing of mg/kg content of salonine in a given potato
preparation does in no way contradict the value that might be harmful to the human body. In fact NOT
knowing how much there is in a given value of potato, there is no way of comparing how a given wt of potato
and their respective solanine content might a ect the body.
Take time to understand you will save time in making incorrect response

Reply (

on September 24, 2014 at 1:40 pm MST ( said:

I agree with the rst poster, the article does state oral doses in the range 1 5 mg/kg body weight
are marginally to severely toxic to humans whereas 3 6 mg/kg body weight can be lethal. This
statement makes me question the table. The paragraph preceeding the table talks about the
concentration in blood and the levels considered to be toxic, making me further question the

Reply (

on February 27, 2015 at 12:07 pm MST (
130996) said:

Maybe its milligrams PER kilogram of body weight as would be expressed in

mathematics doesnt seem confusing to me but I did pass the 6th grade. Also the oral
and digestive absorption rate is not 100% so the discussion of toxic oral ingested
quantity VS lethal blood level is understandable in that light. And as further explained in
his book the margin between what is toxic and what is potentially lethal is disturbingly
narrow. So there could be overlap in levels depending on the individual.

Reply (

on October 14, 2014 at 3:32 pm MST ( said:

Yes I initially paused at this (use of mg/kg in the foodstu s in the table, then mg/kg bodyweight in the text) but on
rereading he is talking about di erent studies and recommendations, and therefore referencing di erent measures
it is not confusing if you read it carefully.

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Kevin on April 17, 2014 at 2:28 pm MST ( said: 20/28
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Before i begin please do not get me wrong, i am starting the Paleo diet myself, and believe that the results of others speak for
themselves. I am confused with what people de ne Paleo Diet as and perhaps someone could shed light on this. If we de ne it
as those foods which were available and consumed by our paleolithic ancestors, how can we then separate some foods out of
that list such as regular potatoes vs sweet potatoes. Both were available to ancestors, and both were consumed. Both are the
same family (Tuber). The only di erence i can see is the modern techniques available to determine the nutritional value (or
presence of unhealthy components) within the speci c foods. Are we applying modern investigative processes to evaluate what
our ancestors should have eaten in order to come up with our de nition for Paleo? I am new to this so my apologies if it
appears argumentative. I thought that anything they ate was an apt de nition of this plan, but the online resources i have
discovered are telling me di erently. Thoughts???

Reply (

Chris Foley MD
on August 17, 2014 at 5:45 pm MST ( said: are spot on. Most if not all of Dr Cordains references are for in Vito studies that hardly reproduce the in
vivo environment of the human gut. There is not one shred of clinical in vivo evidence that a routine meal of potatoes
in the usual serving size would cause a clinically signi cant level of intestinal permeability. Not one study. I am a Paleo
advocate, and I have known Dr Cordain for quite a while. Modest use of potatoes as a carb source will NOT cause
issues. Gluten is another matter.

Reply (

Loren Cordain (

on August 28, 2014 at 12:24 pm MST ( said:


I have known Chris for many years and like and respect him. Here are the in-vivo human and animal studies
(both from direct references and review papers) involving potatoes and gut permeability/and health which
Chris apparently has not read.

De Swert LF, Cadot P, Ceuppens JL. Diagnosis and natural course of allergy to cooked potatoes in children.
Allergy. 2007 Jul;62(7):750-7.

El-Tawil AM. Prevalence of in ammatory bowel diseases in the Western Nations: high consumption of
potatoes may be contributing. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2008 Oct;23(10):1017-8.

Francis G, Kerem Z, Makkar HP, Becker K. The biological action of saponins in animal systems: a review. Br J
Nutr. 2002 Dec;88(6):587-605.

Friedman M. Potato glycoalkaloids and metabolites: roles in the plant and in the diet.J Agric Food Chem.
2006 Nov 15;54(23):8655-81.

Hellens KE, Nyman A, Slanina P, Lf L, Gabrielsson J. Determination of potato glycoalkaloids and their
aglycone in blood serum by high-performance liquid chromatography. Application to pharmacokinetic
studies in humans. J Chromatogr. 1992 Jan 3;573(1):69-78.

Higashihara M, Ozaki Y, Ohashi T, Kume S. Interaction of Solanum tuberosum agglutinin with human
platelets. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1984 May 31;121(1):27-33.

Iablokov V, Sydora BC, Foshaug R, Meddings J, Driedger D, Churchill T, Fedorak RN.Naturally occurring
glycoalkaloids in potatoes aggravate intestinal in ammation in two mouse models of in ammatory bowel
disease. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 Nov;55(11):3078-85.

Keukens EA, de Vrije T, van den Boom C, de Waard P, Plasman HH, Thiel F, Chupin V, Jongen WM, de Kruij B.
Molecular basis of glycoalkaloid induced membrane disruption. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1995 Dec
13;1240(2):216-28. 21/28
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Keukens EA, de Vrije T, Jansen LA, de Boer H, Janssen M, de Kroon AI, Jongen WM, de Kruij B. Glycoalkaloids
selectively permeabilize cholesterol containing biomembranes. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1996 Mar

Mensinga TT, Sips AJ, Rompelberg CJ, van Twillert K, Meulenbelt J, van den Top HJ, van Egmond HP. Potato
glycoalkaloids and adverse e ects in humans: an ascending dose study. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2005

Morris SC, Lee TH. The toxicity and teratogenicity of Solanaceae glycoalkaloids, particularly those of the
potato (Solanum tuberosum): a review. Food Technol, Aust. 1984;36:118-124.

Morrow-Brown H. Clinical experience with allergy and intolerance to potato (Solanum tuberosum). Immunol
Allergy Practice 1993;15:41-47

Naruszewicz M, Zapolska-Downar D, Komider A, Nowicka G, Kozowska-Wojciechowska M, Vikstrm AS,

Trnqvist M. Chronic intake of potato chips in humans increases the production of reactive oxygen radicals
by leukocytes and increases plasma C-reactive protein: a pilot study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Mar;89(3):773-7

Patel B, Schutte R, Sporns P, Doyle J, Jewel L, Fedorak RN.Potato glycoalkaloids adversely a ect intestinal
permeability and aggravate in ammatory bowel disease. In amm Bowel Dis. 2002 Sep;8(5):340-6.

Pramod SN, Venkatesh YP, Mahesh PA. Potato lectin activates basophils and mast cells of atopic subjects by
its interaction with core chitobiose of cell-bound non-speci c immunoglobulin E. Clin Exp Immunol. 2007

Smith DB, Roddick JG, Jones JL. Potato glycoalkaloids: some unanswered questions. Trends Food Sci Technol

Ryan, C.A. and G.M.Hass, Structural, evolutionary and nutritional properties of proteinase inhibitors from
potatoes. 1981. In : Ory, R.L. (ed.), Antinutrients and natural toxicants in foods. Food and Nutrition Press Inc.,
Westport ,CT.

Reply (

Megan on March 24, 2014 at 12:52 pm MST ( said:

I found this on a Q&A page from January 2012 (


Q: Are baked sweet potatoes allowed? I thought not!

A: Yes, sweet potatoes are allowed, specially in the post-workout period if you are an athlete. Sweet potatoes are di erent from
potatoes in that they do not contain several harmful substances such as saponins and lectins, which may increase your intestinal
permeability (if consumed regularly) and rev-up your immune system. But on the other hand, sweet potatoes are high glycemic
index foods and should be restricted if you are struggling with overweight, at least until your body weight normalizes.

Reply (

Nora on March 8, 2014 at 5:32 am MST ( said:

Yes, I have been eating resistant potato starch for the last few months, based on recommendations from more than a few paleo
proponents. Please tell me what you think about this. 22/28
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Reply (

Adrienne on February 24, 2014 at 10:23 pm MST ( said:

I hope Dr. Cordain will address the issue of resistant starch which is one of the reasons some paleos are advocating eating
substances with decent amounts of resistant starch such as: raw potato starch; green bananas; cooked and cooled rice and
legumes; seeds such as cashews and nuts such as pistachios.

Reply (

Diana on February 22, 2014 at 3:40 pm MST ( said:

I agree with Megan. If were talking about potatoes, lets include all the potatoes! Sweet potatoes are not high glycemic.

Reply (

Donna on February 17, 2014 at 5:24 pm MST ( said:

I have always understood that fresh, new potatoes (from the ground, not the can) were lower on the glycemic index scale, that
the more mature the potato, the higher the GI. Is this not true?

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Megan on February 17, 2014 at 5:03 pm MST ( said:

What about sweet potatoes?

Reply (

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