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Collocated versus non-collocated control


Jan Swevers
September 2008

Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Some concepts of structural dynamics
Collocated versus non-collocated control
This lecture is based on parts taken from Vibration control of active structures (2nd
edition) by A. Preumont, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Some concepts of structural dynamics

Equation of motion of a lumped parameter system (i.e. discrete system)
Vibration modes
Modal decomposition
Transfer function of collocated systems
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Equation of motion of a lumped parameter system

Consider the following system:

Equations of motion:

M 0 0 x1 c c 0 x1 k k 0 x1 f

m 0 x2

c 2c c x2

k 2k k x2 = 0

0 0 m x3 0 c c x3 0 k k x3 0
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

The general form of the equation of motion for a (non-gyroscopic) discrete

flexible structure with a finite number of DOFs:

M x + C x + Kx = f

M , C, and K: mass, damping and stiffness matrices (symmetric and semi

positive definite)
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Vibration modes
Free response of the undamped system :

M x + Kx = 0

If one tries a solution of the form x = i eji t , i and i must satisfy the
following eigenvalue problem:

(K i2 M )i = 0

the eigenvalues i2 are real and non negative
i are the natural frequencies
i are the corresponding modes
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Define the matrix of all mode shapes as:

h i
= 1 2 . . . n

Due to orthogonality conditions:

T M = diag(i )
T K = diag(i i2 )

i are the modal masses (modes can be scaled such that the i s are equal
to one).
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Modal decomposition
Let us perform a change of variables from the physical coordinates x to modal
coordinates z:
x = z
M z + Cz + Kz = f
Left multiplying by T , and using orthogonality relationships:

diag(i )z + T Cz + diag(i i2 )z = T f

If matrix T C is diagonal, the damping is said to be normal: the modal

damping is defined as:
T C = diag(2i i i )
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

In case of modal damping, the modal equations are decoupled:

z + 2z + (2 )z = 1 T f
= diag(i ), = diag(i ), = diag(i )
Frequency domain interpretation: dynamic flexibility matrix
 2 1
X = M + jC + K F = G()F
Z = diag T F
i (i2 2 + 2ji i )
X = Z = diag T F
i (i2 2 + 2ji i )
X i Ti
G() =
i (i2 2 + 2ji i )
with i the i-th column of .
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

If the structure has NO rigid body modes, we can evaluate the system for
= 0:
X i Ti
G(0) = K = 2
i i

If we consider only frequencies < b << m , we get:

m n
X i Ti X i Ti
G() +
i (i2 2 + 2ji i ) m+1 i i2
m m
X i Ti 1
i i
+ K
i (i2 2 + 2ji i ) 1
i 2

The static contribution of the high frequency modes to the flexibility matrix is
called the residual mode, denoted by R.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Structure with r rigid bodies (i = 0, for i = 1, . . . , r):

r m
X i i T X i Ti
G() 2
+ 2 2
i (i + 2ji i )
i=r+1 i

X i Ti
R= 2
i i
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Transfer function of collocated systems

What is a collocated system?
Dynamics are described by the diagonal elements of the dynamic flexibility
matrix (for undamped system):
r m
X 2i (k) X 2i (k)
Gkk () = 2
+ 2 2
+ Rkk
i (i )
i=r+1 i

Gkk is real and :

dGkk ( 2 )
d 2
i (k) is the k-th element of the i-th column of matrix i .
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

In contrast to the resonance frequencies, the anti-resonance frequencies do

depend on the actuator location.
There will be just one anti-resonance between two consecutive resonances.
For non-collocated actuator - sensor systems, the numerators of the various
terms in the modal expansion of Gkl () become i (k)i (l): they can be
positive or negative, such that the above properties are lost.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Pole/zero pattern of a structure with collocated actuator and sensor (a)

undamped, (b) lightly damped

Nyquist and Bode diagram of a lightly damped collocated system

Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

each flexible mode introduces a circle in the Nyquist diagram

more or less centered on the imaginary axis which is intersected at = i
and = oi .
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Collocated versus non-collocated control

Collocated actuator and sensor pairs for lightly damped flexible structures
leads to alternating poles and zeros near the imaginary axis.
SISO control systems based on this: very robust (root locus techniques)
This property does not hold for non-collocated control: root locus may
experience severe alterations for small parameter changes, e.g. pole-zero
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Pole-zero flipping
Root locus: locus of the solutions s of the closed-loop characteristic
1 + gG(s)H(s) = 0
when g goes from 0 to
(s zi )
G(s)H(s) = k Qni=1
i=1 (s pi )

Any point P on the locus is such that:

X n
i i = 180 + l 360
i=1 i=1

with i and i the angles of the vectors joining the zeros zi and poles pi to
P respectively.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Departure angles from poles and arrival angles at zeros before and after
zero-pole flipping:

Pole-zero flipping may occur in two different ways:

There are compensator zeros near to system poles (notch filter): if the
actual poles of the system are different from those assumed in the
compensator design, a pole-zero flipping may occur.
Some actuator/sensor configurations may produce flipping within the
system alone, for small parameter changes. This is not possible if the
actuator and sensor are collocated.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Collocated control

Y (s) s2 + 20 s + 02
G1 (s) = =
F (s) M s2 (s2 + (1 + )(20 s + 02 ))
D(s) 20 s + 02
G2 (s) = =
F (s) M s2 (s2 + (1 + )(20 s + 02 ))

M s2 (s2 + (1 + )(20 s + 02 ))
k m b
02 = , = , 20 =
m M m
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

The approximation for G2 (s) is valid for low damping << 1: the far away
zero will not influence the closed-loop response.
When the mass ratio is small, numerator and denominator of G1 (s) are
almost equal (except for M s2 ): pole-zero cancellation
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Consider a collocated lead compensator:

Ts + 1
H(s) = g , ( < 1)
T s + 1
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

The lead compensator always increases the damping of the flexible mode
For several flexible modes:
always as many flexible pole-pairs as flexible zero-pairs
pole-zero excess remains 2: angles of asymptotes remains 90 deg
lead compensator increases the damping of all flexible modes, but
especially those having their natural frequency between the pole and the
zero of the compensator
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Consider the same lead compensator, applied in non-collocated control


The pole-zero excess is 3: the flexible modes are heading towards the
asymptotes at 60 deg in the right half plane
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Even with small bandwidth, the gain margin is extremely small.

Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Pole-zero flipping in the structure

Consider the first system:

M 0 0 x1 c c 0 x1 k k 0 x1 f

+ c + k k x2 = 0
0 m 0 x2
2c c x2

0 0 m x3 0 c c x3 0 k k x3 0

In Laplace form (with c = 0):

M s2 + k k 0 X1 F

k ms + 2k k X2 = 0

0 k ms2 + k X3 0
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

This yields:
X1 (s) s4 + 302 s2 + 04
G1 (s) = =
F (s) M s2 (s4 + (3 + )02 s2 + (1 + 2)04 )
X2 (s) 02 (s2 + 02 )
G2 (s) = =
F (s) M s2 (s4 + (3 + )02 s2 + (1 + 2)04 )
X3 (s) 04
G3 (s) = =
F (s) M s2 (s4 + (3 + )02 s2 + (1 + 2)04 )
with 02 = k/m and = m/M .
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Poles: p
p (3 + ) 5 2 + 2
2 =
0 2
G1 has two pairs of zeros, independent of the mass ratio
For = 0, the poles and zeros of G1 cancel each other.
For > 0, the poles and zeros alternate on the imaginary axis (collocated
G2 has one pair of zeros, G3 has no zeros.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Evolution of the poles with the mass ratio :

The zeros do not depend on .

There is a pole-zero flipping in G2 at = 1.
02 (s2 + 02 )
G2 (s)
M s2 (s2 + 02 ( 1+
2 ))(s2 + 2 ( 5+ ))
0 2
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Effect on Bode plot : A pole-zero flipping near the imaginary axis produces
a phase change of 360 .
i=1 (j zi )
G(j)H(j) = k Qn
i=1 (j pi )
Pm Pn
The phase of GH for a specific value of j is given by: i=1 i i=1 i , with
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Relation to the mode shapes

Evolution of the zeros of a simple supported beam with a point force actuator
at 0.1l
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

As the sensor moves away from the actuator, the zeros migrate along the
imaginary axis.
When the sensor reaches 0.2l, which is the nodal point of mode 5, the
fourth zero becomes identical to j5 .
The third zero crosses j4 at 0.25l, node of mode 4.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Relation to the mode shapes: non-minimum phase systems

Evolution of the zeros of a beam when the sensor moves away from the actuator
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

While the imaginary zeros migrate along the imaginary axis, every pair of
zeros that disappears at infinity, reappears symmetrically at infinity on the
real axis and moves towards the origin.
Right-half plane zeros are non-minimum phase zeros.
Non-minimum phase zeros do not cause difficulties if they lie well outside
the desired bandwidth of the closed-loop system.
They put severe restrictions on the control system if they interfere with the
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Difference between collocated and non-collocated systems.
Influence on stability and robustness properties, pole/zero location.
These properties play a role in feedback and feedforward control design.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Assignment 1: Collocated versus Non-collocated

control and effect of pole-zero flipping
Control of three mass-system of slide 3
Data: M = 1kg, 0 = m = 1rad/s, c = 0.005N s/m.

Input: Force on first mass

Task: Design a lead-compensator with phase-margin larger than 30o , and
maximal bandwidth for following systems:
System 1: = M = 1.2 and Output: position of mass 1 (collocated)
System 2: = M = 1.2 and Output: position of mass 2 (non-collocated)
System 3: = M = 0.5 and Output: position of mass 1 (collocated)
System 4: = M = 0.5 and Output: position of mass 2 (non-collocated)
Discuss the results based on bode-diagram and root-locus plot.
Collocated versus non-collocated control [H04Q7]

Assignment 2: Pole-zero flipping in simply

supported beam
Reproduce figure of slide 30 for the following beam: l = 1m, b = 0.02m,
h = 0.005m, = 7500kg/m3 , E = 210 109 N/m2
Position of actuator: xa = 0.1m
Useful formulas:
Moment of inertia: I = 12
Eigenfrequencies: n2 = (n)4 ml


Mode shapes: n (x) = sin l
P i (xa )i (xs ) ml
Frequency response function: G(s) = i=1 (s2 +i2 ) with = 2
and xs the position of the sensor
Discuss the results
Hint: Calculate zeros of G(s), based on approximation with finite number
of modes

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