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SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL, INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 Correlation between Level of ICT Literacy, Level of ICT Facility Availability and Level of ICT Utilization at Teacher of Vocational High School in Malan: Dwi Prihanto AbstractToday information and communication technology (ICT) has grown rapidly. It was driven by the strong currents of globalization, where ICT with interactive and dynamic nature is necessary icons in a variety of community life, including activities at educational institutions. In curricula, teachers are required to have a wealth of information, and find out how ICT can support and / or deliver the students to live, learn, and work in a global era. To achieve this purpose can not be separated from a variety of factors, among which is the level of ICT literacy and high availability of ICT facilities for teachers. The main purpose of this study are: (1) describe the level of ICT literacy of teachers (X1), the level of availability of ICT facilities for teachers (X2), and level of usage of ICT as a tool for teacher learning (Y), (2) reveals the relationship of ¥ XI ; (3) reveals the relationship X2 to Y; and (4) reveals relationships simultaneously XI and X2 to Y, at SMK Malang regency in the year 2009. Quantitative research is a descriptive correlational study population were applied to 163 teachers in the Program of Electrical Engineering at SMK Malang Regency, which was held in the year 2009. All members of the Population have the opportunity to fill in the form of a questionnaire instrument, the data is processed amounted to 130 that were taken randomly. ‘The conclusion was that: (1) teachers have a high level of ICT literacy, but the level of availability of ICT facilities is still low, so the level of usage of ICT as a learning tool is still in the moderate category, (2) There are Positive and significant correlation between the level of ICT literacy of teachers with level of usage of ICT as a tool for teacher learning (3) There are positive and significant Correlation between the level of availability of ICT facilities for teachers with the level of usage of ICT as a tool for teacher leaming, and (4) There are positive and significant correlation between the level of ICT literacy of teachers and high availability ICT facilities for teachers simultaneously on the level of usage of ICT as a tool for teacher learning. This means that the higher the level of ICT literacy and high availability of ICT facilities for teachers, the higher the level of usage of ICT as a tool for leaming vocational school teachers in the District of Malang. Suggested: (a) to increase teacher ‘ownership and usage of ICT facilities as a tool for learning, (b) Schools need to foster and ICT literacy for teachers, for example through training on ICT literacy, or learning within teacher working groups (KKG), (c ) Schools need to prepare an adequate ICT facilities with classes that require the facility needs of ICT as a tool for learning, (d) It should be a policy of school in order to and availability of ICT fa as a tool for learning. The second component ment supporting the success of ICT- jased learning. Keywords: ICT Literacy, ICT Facility, ICT Utilization, Teacher of Vocational High School. INTRODUCTION The development of information and ‘communication technology (ICT) in recent years made rapidly progress. Growth was driven by strong currents of globalization are coming from. developed countries, where computers and the Internet with a dynamic character is a facility that has dominated the various activities of life, including activities in environmental education and leaming. Characteristics of the community was known by the term knowledge-based society, meaning that community which mastered the knowledge have the opportunity to utilize the information and make the information as an added value in life. The phrase implies, especially for the Institute of Education Workforce Education (LPTK), recently ICT education and ICT-based INT-A3-5 SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL, INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 leaming context for educational institutions in Indonesia is required. In the process of learning, ICT serves as a leaming tool, and in the field of human resources (HR), ICT acts as a ‘competency standards of teachers. Means for teachers ffom various disciplines and from various levels of education are required to have the capability of ICT as a leaming tool in Amnestied subjects, and as a means of colleagues communication and or communicate to students associated with the task of leaming. Jung (2003) stated that ICT can provide a more flexible and effective professional development for teachers. ICT can change the way teachers teach and useful in supporting a more student- centered and to develop collaborative activities. Regardless of any support, in implementing ICT-based leaming concept, the key fo success lies on the shoulders of teachers, ‘The teacher is obliged to utilize curricular ICT strategy as a basic of learning in the classroom. ‘Success of the transformation of ICT in learning lies in the professionalism of teachers. A teacher is a key element in improving the quality of ‘education because one of the essential requirements for the realization of quality education is one where the implementation is done by the professionalism of teachers as ‘educators can rely on. Profession is a job which calls a person's life and performed in full-ime and held-to-date. In an “industrial” education will not experience any product changes throughout the teacher as a "designer products" do not want, to change the product The implementation of _ICT-based learning must be supported by the availabilty of ICT facilities. Therefore, in the government regulation number 19 of 2005 on standards established infrastructure and facilities must use ICT-based facilities. Permendiknas number. 24 of 2007, related facilities and_ infrastructure standards, at least in a school should be available "in the form of multimedia-based learning facilities: computer, printer, TV, radi learning CDs, and player VCD / DVD. In the year 2008 procurement of computers in schools conducted on a large scale, although previous 70% CMS already has a computer lab. The availability of ICT facilties it has the support of the government in an effort to improve the quality and public access to vocational education services. This policy priority assistance computer facilities and internet services for secondary vocational education and targeted to all vocational schools in Indonesia in 2009 is connected to the Internet network. Anas (2008: 17) and Chaeruman (2008: 4) explains that leaming strategies that take advantage of ICT, by prioritizing the use of ‘computers and the internet as. an. interactive learning media, can be exercised more than three basic modes of communication, that: (a) ‘communication between teachers with students, () communication between students with learning resources, and (ec) communication ‘among students, This is identical to the standard-setting Pustekkom (2009:16) about the utlization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers, classified into 3 (three) parts, namely: (a) the utilization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers, (b) the use of ICT as a tool teacher-student interaction, and (c) the use of ICT as a tool for students, One of the advantages the computer as a learning tool is the multimedia support in it. ‘Multimedia applications in learning can provide high-level concepts and skills, which have linkages between elements are difficult to be taught and leamed through textbooks and other learning media. The advantages of multimedia applications in leaming is the abilty to explain a concept that may require students to explore the concepts and principles contained in the material that it faces, so it is relatively more rapid build students’ understanding of the _ structure, because the integration of components such as sound, text, animation, images, and video functions to optimize the role of senses in receiving information into the system memory. For private vocational school which stil has limited computer facilities, not an obstacle in implementing ICT-based learning. Because the meaning of ICT-based leaming does not have to provide a number of computers in each classroom as a medium of learning. In one class. there is only one teacher's laptop which supported the existence of LCD projectors, and even then had to implement ICT-based leaming. For example, in a learning activity, the teacher gives an explanation through the LCD display Projectors, further enrichment of the students were given the task to find information in the digital library that is in school or on the internet, providers that are outside the school. The task the students were sent to teachers via e-mail facility and / or presented / collaborated together classmates, INT-A3.6 SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL, INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 Essentially, the use of ICT should start with socialization grammar rules that are clear, to avoid a fatal mistake in its application. According to the head of the Surabaya City Diskominfo Facebook is considered to interfere with the utilization of labor productivity of civil servants, , so that is blocking on working hours. (Thobias, ‘2010: 1). Blocking access to social networking site Facebook in various local government offices received support from the central goverment (Seputar Indonesia, 2010:1). In response to this prohibition, the executive of Facebook, Chris Kelly admitted surprised and confused why many governments prohibit access to Facebook. This suggests that the Usefulness of ICT development in government institutions have not managed appropriately, in order. Ought up can be applied as a means of effective communication between departments that would help in work activity, (Mubarok, 2010: 1). This condition is an obligation of the educational institutions to improve it, so that ICT facilties are already available, can be used in just-in-order. ‘As good as any curriculum planning and the abundant availability of hardware and online learning facilities that can be accessed via the Internet, will be less mean if not followed by a sustainable development of the ICT literacy of teachers. This proved that now stil lack effective use of ICT facilities online, and stil dominant conventional learning in vocational schools, especially in districts and rural areas. This is consistent results from Budhirianto (2007: 25) against 840 respondents in West Java, it was concluded that the existence of ICT was dominated by urban communities, and/or high- income communities. For people in rural areas or on low incomes and stil less touched. Mio! (2007: 1) reported that most teachers at all educational levels stil indicated lack of mastery of ICTs. From teacher training ever held in Unnes, there are still many teachers who do not know how to use the mouse. Further mentioned, about 60% of teachers of elementary school junior high and senior high school are not familiar with computers, especially educators in rimland and rural areas. Survey Results Yuhetty (2007: 8) on the use of Internet by high school teachers in Semarang (N = 198), was 76.9% claimed never use the Intemet. Further questions about the use of edukasi-nef, as much as 92.1% claimed never utilize edukasinnet. Based on these survey results, most likely also occurs in other areas. As with the ICT Center of SMK Negeri 1 Malang Regency, on June 22, 2009 through httpulictkbmig. informed that in order to avoid inter-regional disparities quality of education in the district of Malang, it is necessary to build Client ICT Center at each school in Malang region. This information indicates that the ICT infrastructure of schools in the district of Malang is stil in its early stages is and will be developed. Hence the need for studies on the level of utilization of information ‘and communication technology (ICT) for teachers in an effort to prepare a generation who live, study and work in a global era. Dikmenjur’s Program, through vocational ‘education in recent years has sought to promote ICT optimally, but have not been able to keep ace with the rapid growth of global information. This situation requires the efforts of various terms to help provide reinforcement. Empowerment of the various potentials that exist in educational institutions should receive attention. In addition it is necessary to immediately sought an empowerment which pioneered the small scale, but have a huge impact on access to ICT for the long term, the development of ICT literacy among teachers. Without the development of ICT literacy, the growth and utilization of ICT in education environment tends to be slow even will not be developed, The definition of literacy by Wickert and Cope, writien in Stevenson (2003: 51) mentioned vocational literacy is the abilty to perform a number of literacy and mathematical task nature with all its ability to competently ‘cover the composition of the level of skill with prose document and quantitative literacy domain. Medium muttiiterasi is the addition of uniformity and the combination of significant meaning-making model, where the text ‘associated with audio-visual literacy, behavior in hypermedia multimedia and electronics to focus ‘on the reality of the addition of local diversity and global relations. Daniel (2002: 46) describe the existing nine units for teacher professional development programs in the field of ICT literacy, among Which include: (@) Word Processing, (b) spreadsheet, (c) Presentations, and’ (d) Information "and Communication (Internet) ‘While Lowe (2000: 4) says there are seven key INT-A3-7 SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL, INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 dimensions of ICT literacy, namely: (1) the general use of information and communication technology, (2) the use of computers and the Internet, (3) the use of computers and skills in the context of work, (4) computer use in the context of non-employment, (5) development and personal computer skills, (6) benefit from the use of computers, and (7) receipt to use computers among current users. Based on the concept of ICT literacy, ICT literacy can be generalized that have involvement with the activities of learning, especially learning for yourself and gain understanding. Level of understanding in conducting a number of ICT literacy is associated with strength and individual effort in seeking-out or trying to improve its capacity in the field of ICT. Thus the level of understanding ‘among individuals will be different, influenced by the extent to-which the efforts made by each individual to obtain ICT skills. So the level of ICT literacy that became the foundation here is the integration of the application of cognitive and technical skills in self‘teachers which includes: (@) access, (b) manage, (0) integrate, (d) evaluate, and (e) creating ICT. Furthermore, the level of ICT literacy are reviewed in this paper include ICT skills in the areas of: (1) Presentation (Presentation Software), (2) preparation of documents (Word processor), (3)- tabulation calculations (spreadsheet), and (4) ‘operation on the Internet / intranet. To reveal the response of vocational schools to use ICT as a learning tool to provide suggestions for improvement to establish a systematic and programmed strategy in the field Of ICT literacy, including revealing the availabilty of ICT facilities for teachers, we need a real review in the field through research that can be obtained objective answers regarding the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming too! for vocational school teachers in Malang Regency. ‘The main problem in this research is to find an objective answer, the relationship between the level of ICT literacy of teachers and availabilty of ICT faclties for teachers to the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool vocational school teachers in the district of Malang. From the principal problem is further stated purpose of this study are: (1) describe the level of ICT literacy of teachers (X1), the level of teacher availabilty of ICT facilities (X2) and the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool vocational school teachers in Malang (Y), (2 ) reveals the relationship between X1 to Y, (3) Uncover the relationship between X2 to Y, and (4) reveal the simultaneous relationship between Xt and X2 on Y. The result is expected to provide benefits as an input-related level of ICT literacy of teachers, the level of availability of ICT facilities, and the level of utilization of ICT as a learning tool, so as to improve the quality of ICT based leaming, particularly for vocational school teachers in the district of Malang. For Principal, particularly the Head of CMS in Malang, this study as an input in formulating policies related to the availabilty of ICT facilities as a tool for teachers in order to improve the performance of teachers to implement leaming in school. Next to the Malang District Education Office, this study ‘can be used as recommendations and study materials in order to develop ICT infrastructure, ‘especially in vocational school in Malang, METHOD Design Research This study used a descriptive correlational design. According Arikunto (2006: 35) is a descriptive research study aimed to describe the situation based on the data, while the correlational research is research that aims to discover the presence or absence of relationship and if there is a relationship, how high the relationship and meaning whether or not the relationship. So the study design was a descriptive correlational research design that aims to describe the studied variables and then looking for relationships that exist between the variables studied. The variables in this study include: (1) the level of ICT literacy teacher (X1), @) the level of availability of ICT facilities for teachers (X2), and (3) the level of utiization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers (¥). The relationship between the variables are then configured in Figure 1 INT-A38 SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL Figure 1 Schematic Design Data Analysis and Testing Hypotheses INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 ‘Sample Targets in this study are all subject teachers who teach in Electrical Engineering (Mechanical or electrical and electronics engineering) Vocational School (SMK), both public and private in Malang Regency, such as those in Table 1 NO NAMA SMK Guru pada Pogram Studi Teknik Elektro Produkt Adatf___Normatif__Jumlah 1.___ SWK Negeri Singosari 6 7 5 18 2 SMK Negeri 2 Singosari 5 7 5 17 3__ SWK Negeri 1 Kepanjen 5 6 5 16 ‘4 SMKBrantas Sumberpucung 4 6 5 15 5___SWK NU Sunan Gini Kepanjen 4 5 4 13 6 __SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen 4 6 4 14 7___SWK Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegh 3 5 4 12 8 SMKTuren 5 6 4 15 9 SMKPGRI Singosari 4 6 4 14 10 SMKAlMalarif Singosari 4 6 5 15 11 SMK Penerbangan Singosari 4 6 4 14 48 cy 4 163 Noting the relatively small population, fe 163 teachers, and allows the writer to reach in obtaining or collecting data, then all members of the population used as research subjects (study population). Data Collection Techniques In conducting the research begins with data collection activities. The steps are as follows: (a) ‘The first step in taking care of the research permit application letter, (b) The second step, the writer stepped into the arena of research, which begins with research permits submit copies to the Office of Vocational Secondary Education Office located in Malang Regency Kepanjen City, (c) The third step, the researcher met the principal of SMK targeted research, convey the purpose of research, notes, and lists the names of teachers (based on data monogram) which is used as respondents, (D) In the fourth step, to coordinate the plan-related meetings with groups of teachers who assisted by Wakasek or Wakasek curriculum and student. Next step is distributing the questionnaire to the respondent and provide a general explanation on how to fil, (e) At the end of the meeting the researcher with the respondents or that represent an agreement of _ repayment questionnaire, namely the span of a week after the questionnaire diterimakan.dan (f) The fifth step, researchers collecting data. After the data is collected, then performed the data tabulation and data analysis. Data Analysis Techniques Descriptive Analysis Descriptive analysis aims to answer the first research objective, namely to find a picture or description about the level of ICT literacy, level of availablity of ICT facilities, and the level of ICT utilization in the study subjects, Results, Descriptive analysis is presented in tabular format, then do the percentage calculation of the category level to get an idea of how much the number of teachers who have levels: high, high, moderate / sufficient, low and very low in relation to the level of ICT literacy of teachers, the level of availabilty of facilities ICT for teachers, and the level of utlization of ICT as a tool in teacher learning. Sudijono (2008: 453) provides a benchmark for determining the rating of "Score Ideal" into 5 (five) categories, namely: (1) high, (2) high, (3) moderate, (4) low, and (5) low once Requirements for Data Analysis To answer the second research objective, third and fourth through inferential statistical analysis, that is parametric in the form of correlation (regression). Before conducting the analysis and INT-A3-9 SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL, INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 testing hypotheses, must first be some examination of the data analysis requirements, among which are: (a) must not occur mutticollinearity, (c) normality test, (d) linearity test, and (e) homogeneity test. Descriptive Analysis From the results of descriptive analysis of teachers’ ICT literacy level (), level of availabilty of ICT faciities for teachers Q, and the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers (Y). Data frequency distribution of teachers’ ICT literacy level () then consulted with the ideal score categories and presented in a range of frequency distribution shown in Table 1 Based on the results of these consultations, it was revealed that the majority of variable data ranges from 104 11 132 with a frequency of 60 or by 46% and high Uncategorized. So it can be interpreted that ICT literacy level of vocational school teachers in Electrical Engineering Program in Malang Regency in 2009, categorized "Hig! Tabel 1. Ringkasan Distribusi_ Frekuensi Literasi TIK Guru Kelas Persen- variable data ranges from (81-112) with a frequency of 63 or 48% middle category.So the level of utlization of ICT as a leaming tool vocational school teachers in _ Electrical Engineering Program in Malang in 2009, can be interpreted terkatagori "Medium." Inferential analysis Before performing inferential statistical analysis, test has been performed the data analysis requirements, which include: the test requirements of multcolinearity, normality test, linearity, and homogeneity tests. This is needed to detemmine if the data analysis to test the hypothesis worth continuing, Based on the results of the test requirements of data analysis, concluded that: (@) the results of the test requirements of multicollinearity, it was concluded there were no muiticollinearity problems in regression models, (©) the results of normality test, shows the data ‘on each of the variables used in this study categorized as normal, ( c) linearity test results, concluded that regression models can be used to predict the dependent variable, and (d) homogeneity test results, can be interpreted that the data "homogeneous". No. interval tase Frelaensl Kategori Tabel 4 Ringkasan Analisis Korelasi Parsial 7 BS aw 7 Taso Hubungan antar Variabel_rhitung — rTabel 8 a Tingkal LiterasiTIK 0,708 0.176 2 RE sex Kelersediaan — fasiias 0,505 0.176 74 z Tk a 4 25% eas * Based on the summary results of partial 2a cortelaion analysis in Table 4, oblained by the Taal — 100% 130 correlation coefficient between the level of ICT In the same way, the frequency distribution of data availabilty level of ICT facilities for teachers () then consulted with the ideal score categories in the form of frequency distribution range, which is shown in the Table 2. Based on the results of these consultations, it is known that most stretches of data variables (47- 77), with a frequency of 60 or by 46% and is in the low category. So it can be interpreted that the level of availability of ICT facilities for vocational school teachers in Electrical Engineering Program in Malang Regency in 2009 categorized "Low The result of the frequency distribution of the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers (Y), shown in Table 3. Based on the results of the consultation, the majority of literacy of teachers by level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool Vocational Teachers in Malang Regency of 0.706. and the correlation coefficient between the level of availabilty of ICT facilities for teachers with the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool vocational school teachers in Malang district amounted to 0.505, Tabel 5. Ringkasan Analisis Regresi Ganda R Adjusted — R Std. Error of the R___ Square Square Estimate 854" 729724 12,86642 ‘The results of multiple correlation analysis between the independent variable levels of ICT literacy of teachers () and high availabilty of ICT facilities for teachers () simultaneously with the dependent variable levels of utlization of ICT as. INT-A3-10 SEMINAR ON ELECTRICAL, INFORMATICS, AND ITS EDUCATION 2011 a learning tool teachers (Y), R values obtained registration of 0.854 (see Table 5.) Tabel kasan Analisis Data Ujit (Simultan} Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta Sig 1 (Constant) 1,554 4.831 322748 0,543, 048 «610 11.238 .000 0,386 058258 6598 .000 Xp Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis in Table 6, obtained by the regression equation: Y = 1.554 + 0.543 + 0.386. From this equation, can be explained that if the level of ICT literacy of teachers and availability of ICT facilities for teachers (and) each increased by one unit, it will be followed by increased utlization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers (Y) equal to the value of regression coefficient each independent variable Donations predictors useful to know how much contribution (contribution) of each independent variable, There are two types of contributions, namely the relative contribution (% SR) and the effective contribution (% SE) (see Table 7) Tabel 7. Sumbangan Prediktor Variabel Penelitian Prediktor SR% SE% x 67% 48.79% x2, 33% 24.35% Jumiah 100% 73,14% ‘Sumbangan Based on Table 7, the contribution of predictor variable levels ‘of ICT literacy of teachers by level of utilization of ICT as a learning tool teachers, obtained results relative contribution of 67% and the effective contribution of 48.79%. While the contribution of predictor variable levels of availability of teachers with ICT. facilties utilization rate of ICT as a learning tool teachers, obtained results relative contribution of 33%, and and the effective contribution of 34.35% Donations or coefficient of determination predictor of = obtained yield was 0,729 (72.9%). 73.14%, meaning that 73% of the variable level of ICT literacy of teachers and availability of ICT facilities for teachers to contribute effectively to the level of utilization of ICT as a learning tool vocational school teachers in Malang district, while 27% are caused by other variables that are not observed in this research, DISCUSSION Based on the results of descriptive analysis, revealed that teachers in Electrical Engineering Program SMK Malang regency in the 2009-2010 school year has mastered the level of ICT literacy in the high category, 46% of total respondents was 163. These results indicate that teachers already have a high ICT skills, particularly in the areas of (a) preparing a presentation, (b) preparing documents, (c) perform calculations-tabulation, and (d) perform ‘operations on the Internet, The high level of ICT literacy among teachers in this study, was excavated on a basic level of ICT components and reasonably have been mastered by most teachers, especially for teachers who have attended training KKPI. ‘The description of the high level of ICT literacy, when projected to the level of utilization, it tums out the description of the level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers still in the moderate category, or by 48%. This shows that the high level of ICT literacy of teachers, yet, descriptively followed by high levels of utilization of ICT as a learning tool, From the results of correlational analysis which concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the level of ICT literacy of teachers by level of utilization of ICT as a leaming tool teachers, with a correlation coefficient of 0.706, indicating that the high level, of ICT iitersi will be followed by high levels of utilization of ICT as a tool leaming. If the results of studies in the field of ICT utiization rate was. not high, it means that still needed improvement ICT literacy for teachers. ICT Iteracy instrument here has not revealed the skills of teachers concerning: (a) INT-A3-1I

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