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December 16, 2017

Barry Telford, CEO

Sodexo Canada
Head office
5420 North Service Road, Suite 501
Burlington, ON L7L 6C7

RE: Kim Hanna-Rosa, Director of Essentials Services

CC: Kath Power, Vice President Corporate Affairs

She:kon! Skennenkwa ken?

Thohahente yontiats. Kanien'keh:ka n:'i nok wakenthen. Tsi Kenhtke


I bring you greetings in the original language of the lands on which, you head
office currently resides. My name is Thohahente. I am Kanien'keh:ka of the
Turtle Clan from the community of Kenhtke sometimes called Tyendinaga. My
ancestors are from the village of Tionderoge, in what is called New York State.

I am writing about an act of one of your employees that is complete conflict with
your stated code of ethics and the very foundations of your organization. Kim
Hanna-Rosa posted a comment on a Go Fund Me for Delilah Saunders, an Inuk
woman who is critically ill and requires a liver transplant. Her comment was
cruel, untrue, and racist. Reading Hanna-Rosas online presence I think she has
a problem with people of colour and the poor. I have considerable skill at reading
and understanding the subtle language of racism. I have years of research
experience and teach classes on how to identify and combat racist discourse.

Here is her post.

White people must not be commenting in this way about Indigenous Peoples. It
demonstrates white privilege and supremacy. When I read your corporate profile
I cannot reconcile these words with someone who would work there in a
management position.

Lets unpack her words.

The family is once again exploiting Lorettas murder for their own gain. How
exactly does this work? How do you gain anything by advocating for Missing and
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls that will somehow enhance your life
financially? That is the only kind of gain that could possibly fit here. Delilah is
on the National Advisory Board for the National Inquiry into #MMIWG. I dont
believe it is a position she takes for fun or pleasure.

The kid is a drunk, ruined her liver and because her sister was murdered, her
liver transplant is newsworthy. This is disgusting. No one denies Delilah has
struggled with addictions. The trauma of the Residential School system, chronic
state-imposed poverty, and the loss of a sister by murder at the hands of two
white people put Delilah firmly in the realm of intergenerational trauma and
direct trauma covered in the research of Dr. Amy Bombay at Dalhousie

There are 1000s of people in Canada that need a liver, and this drunk makes
mainstream media. Jesus Christ So disgusted in this family.

This comment attacks the family of Loretta and Delilah Saunders as if it is

somehow personal. They have lost one daughter to murder. They are losing
another to a preventable illness that is a by-product of colonialism and systemic
racism. This is hardly a situation deserving disgust.

Your company needs to set an example. This post is beyond all standards of
decency. There is no room in working for corporate wellness with attitudes like
this. You must terminate this person immediately.

:nen ki whi

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