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Duende and the nature of Ascension, some of my views.

By Devon SeaMoor.

The nature of Ascension, to me, in this moment, anno

2017 November, its an ongoing exploration, research
and making of steps. In our 3D condition, as human
beings living on planet Earth, we shape our reality by a
paradigm that exists due to physical form and the
manipulation of it, by our attention and intention.
If we hold all that is part of imagination, thought,
definition and views, the work of our spirit and if we call
all that is tangible to our senses, our physical presence,
our spiritual work becomes valuable and meaningful
when it merges with the world in which our senses are
alive and awake, consciously used and experienced.

The world of our spirit, or the calling of it, if you will,

becomes manifest, when its creations and achievements
are felt or touched by our senses, in a way that they
appear to be a bridge between the world of spirit and the
physical world. In other words, our senses seem to be the
tour-leaders of our personal expedition or safari-trip,
creating our dreams come true while living on planet

If you agree with me that our senses are connected to our

physical form and the awareness of it, we need to be
conscious in our physical body, in order to reach that

Not in the sense that we identify with the physical body,
to be clear. The body is an instrument, or called in
gratitude: a temple for the human spirit-being.

On a spiritual level, we may experience our physical form

as limitation, due to the concept of time and the density
of the 3D world that determines the slowness of
manifestation in form, on planet Earth. We all have to live
with the pain of being restricted in a physical body, as
spirit-beings. Once the part of us that observes our
spiritual and physical acrobatics is awake, limitation
dissolves. For we will have found our freedom of choice,
our creative toolbox as well as the manuals how to use
the tools. In our energetic playground, our aura, our
etheric body.

In this condition we will have (found) proof of our own

creative powers as human beings. To me, that is the
nature of Ascension. Rising from the ashes of the past, a
phoenix reborn if you will. It is the capacity to transcend
and the practice of transformation and transmutation,
with the heart as the centre, or the source.

The position of the heart in our physical body is in the
centre between our mental abilities and our instincts.
In itself, that position of the heart is a way-shower to me:
the bridging of our instincts and our mind is in the power
of the heart. To me, love is the most strong, mysterious
and transformative power.

As I perceive it, love is at the base of creation as an ever

moving energy that is allowing living beings, from mini to
maxi size, the experience of life and growth, evolution.
Life and love are both the two sides of one hand to me.
The reverse of love is evol. Evolution can and does
happen in a physical and non-physical level.

I think that human beings on planet Earth, although living

with a veil, at times a self-made veil, have the capacity to
enter freedom of choice and expression and to transcend
the limitations of the conditions on planet Earth.

One great help is, that we begin to awaken with planet

Earth, in fact our entire Solar System, with a turning point
around Dec. 21st 2012 The end of time as we know it
according to the Mayan prophecy. As I perceive it, this
process has begun, though its a fruition of thousands of
years making efforts to bring change and its clear to me
that for everybody its a different experience, that

Every human being has a unique path and journey. In our
trials and errors, walking our path, we find keys,
spotligths, roadsigns, a rock to stumble upon too, at
times. Sharing our experiences is like revealing the facets
of a diamond that represents all of humanity.
The meaning of vulnerability, to me, begins to have
deeper meaning, nowadays.
Its not being weak, its about being courageous to see
the shadow side in myself and welcome the truth in it as
a friend. The more we connect in truth, the more we
shine. At times, a little polishing is welcome. My shame
for a rusty part inside of me is negligence of maintenance
now. Once I know its there, Ive got a choice: what to do?

If we can find the space inside where freedom of choice is
a felt presence each moment of our days and nights, a
great sense of relief and peace enters. An expansion of
presence. I agree with Drunvalo Melchizedek, the teacher
of the Flower of Life knowledge, that no soul is ever lost,
only delayed.

Regarding the NOW, as I perceive it, I'm in the NOW or

present moment, when all my attention is focussed or
centred on, for example, what a friend tells me in an
urgency. That attention feels like Im present in my
senses, body, mind and heart. Thats how it feels to me
to be fully present. To me, the NOW is more a verb, a
dynamic state of being. Empty and full both.

For when my creations unfold, artistically or otherwise,
my presence is one part of it, another part is my soul-
purpose, my calling in other words, plus another part,
an embodying of the flow of life force energy, as
inspiration, the foundation of physical manifestation.

That manifestation is impermanent always: first the

conditions are right to bring into manifestation and then
the conditions change, so that manifestation ceases to
manifest. Like a fire dying, leaving cold ashes.

My physical body is made of non-physical elements.

Buddhism is made of non-buddhist elements. If that goes
for all religions, dogma is a manmade concept.
I'm stationary, physically present in all that, but
energetically I'm part of the circulation-network of that
energy, moving through all living bodies. Through all that
whirling of energy that matters and all that matters not,
we are the changers and the changed, part of a creation
process, trans-forming old paradigms, entering the
freedom of expression by living our own truth.

That's when one may feel that one becomes Oneness or

that Oneness becomes one, or the dance becomes one's
body and one's body becomes the dance.
Shine in life and love. Duende ol!


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