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Lesson Plan 2

Teacher Candidate Alena Volkhina

Date/Time of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level Preschool Age (3/4)
Cooperating Teacher Classroom Number 4

Name of Lesson Rainy Day Experiment

Content Cognition
area(s)/developmental Language
domain(s) addressed Communication
Brief description of the lesson Tell students that today they will be learning about the weather.
Have students make predictions about whether or not it will rain today. Ask them to
identify what the sky looks like on a rainy day.
Then, tell students that they will have the chance to observe a rainy day in class today.
Model the experiment for the class.
Complete Types of Clouds worksheet

This lesson is: A new concept/activity

This experiment is done on a rainy day, so children learn about nature. They learn how to
describe why rain falls from clouds.
5 minutes introducing the topic
Timeframe 15 minutes demonstrating the experiment and discussing it with the class
5 minutes filling out Types of Clouds Worksheet.
Objective(s) of the activity Students will be able to understand why rain falls from clouds. Students will be able to follow
multi-step directions. Students will be able to make predictions.
Connections to standards NYS Early Learning Guidelines:

Domain II Social and Emotional Development

Lesson Plan 2

C. Interaction with Peers

Domain IV Cognition and General Knowledge

B. Critical and Analytic Thinking: Children compare, contrast, examine, and evaluate experiences,
tasks, and events.
L. Scientific Thinking: Children collect information through observation and discussion. They use
vocabulary to explain why rain falls from clouds.

Domain V Language and Communication

E. Comprehension
F. Expressive/ Oral Language
G. Listening Skills

Language Objectives -communication skills, expressing their ideas and listening to their teacher.
-vocabulary: cumulus, stratus, cirrus (types of clouds)

Resources/materials needed: Clear jars

(Include any worksheets or Blue food coloring
sources of evidence for Shaving cream
childrens learning you will use Water dropper
during the activity) Types of Clouds worksheet

Technology inclusion (if

Procedures (step by step) Have students make predictions about whether or not it will rain today.
Ask them to come to the window and look outside.
Ask them to identify what the sky looks like on a rainy day.
Lesson Plan 2

Rainy day Experiment modeling

fill the jar almost to the top with water.
can place a heavy figurine inside the jar to create the illusion that the person will get
rained on.
ask students what they think clouds are.
Explain that clouds are tiny water droplets that come together in the sky. Tell the
students that there are various types of clouds such as cumulus, stratus, and cirrus.
Show my students the Types of Clouds worksheet to give examples of what these clouds
look like. Read the descriptions to the students.
After this discussion, fill the top of your jar with shaving cream. Explain that these
represent clouds.
Then, tell the students that when the water is too heavy for the clouds to hold, it begins
to rain. Drop about 5 droplets of blue food coloring on top of the clouds, and watch what

Independent Practice
Upon completion of the experiment, tell the students that they will have a chance to practice this
experiment tomorrow. And give each child a Types of Clouds worksheet to complete in class
Ask students questions about the types of clouds, why the rain falls from clouds.

Method of assessing childrens Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Childrens

understanding of Before the beginning of the Learning Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) experiment ask children To assess student learning, I will Ask them questions about
(Be sure to include any tools, questions about clouds and document students predictions the experiment, what each
rubrics/checklists and/or rain. and comments in a running step represented. For
worksheets you will use for record. example: What was the
Lesson Plan 2

assessment(s) At the end of the experiment each shaving cream? What did
student will fill out Types of the blue food coloring
Clouds worksheet. represent?
How did the clouds form?
What types of clouds they

Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners
instruction/instructional identified delays or To support English language learners, I will use visual clues as
modifications disabilities well as extensive labeling and print during every element of the
I will use visual clues as well as experiment
extensive labeling and print
during every element of the
Follow up/Extension activities Have students make predictions about what causes thunder and lightning. Observe their
predictions to plan for future lessons.
Any additional information
that would be helpful for the
observer to know

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning

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