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Sri Kurnia Sarip

Question : Give an example of Transitivity!

Answer : The exampleof transitivity!

Rhino went to the zoo

Rhino went to the zoo

Participants Processes Circumstances


2. Candra Puspitasari
Question : What is the strengths and weaknesses of context of situation?

Answer :

3. Hilmi Salam
Question : Can we establish register to find the meaning of spesific words in discourse

Answer :

4. M. Zidni Ilman Ahdillah

Question : Give explanation about everyday lexis and prestige lexis, and example?

Answer :
5. Azka Iftiani Rais
Question : Do you think that context include to semiotic unit?

Answer : Yes, I do
Because semiotic is the study of meaning-making, the study of sign process
(semiosis) and meaningful communication. In some way, context is the
information surrounding the information. Without context, information can
be misinterpreted; with context, information can be understood.

6. Jefi Fauzan Anantasa

Question : Can we analyze the text from nominalization and what does it represent?

Answer : Yes, we can. For example it represent by metafunction such as ideational

relates to field, interpersonal relates to tenor, and textual relates to mode.

7. Akhmad Nurcholis
Question : How we connect three consideration;field, content word, and situational?

Answer : If field (topic) is changed, it gives very significant impact on the text.
Actually in the content words used. Where in a technical situation we find a
heavy use of technical terms (it is written for experts). And in everyday field
is more familiar to us: the lexis tends to consist of everyday words
(it is written for beginners).

8. Faiz Maulida
Question : Is there any way to construct nominalization?

Answer : Nominalization is the use of a word which is not a noun (example a verb, an
adjective or an adverb) as a noun, or as the head of a noun phrase, with or
without morphological transformation (affix, suffix, prefix). For example the
process of producing a noun from another part of speech by adding a
derivational affix (example : the noun legalization from the verb legalize).
9. Veny Nur Aini
Question : What is the role of the genre in the context of situation?

Answer :

10. Yullia Ayu A.

Question : Text in social media belongs to written or spoken language? Since they have
Features in both written and spoken language?

Answer : text in social media depends on the context of language that is used. If the
text is used in chatting, I think that is spoken language but it on written form.
Because that language is more using slang words than standard words. So,
actually slang words relate to spoken language

11. Widya Yuliani

Question : What is the impact of field,mode,and tenor to communication act?
Answer : - The impact of field to communication act: The language use relate to the
focus or topic of an activity.
- The impact of tenor to communication act: We know how we use
language relate to interpersonal aspects of situations.
- The impact of mode to communication act: We are able to know how the
language will be used according to the dimensions of situation in mode,
spoken language and written language.
12. Mujib Abdillah
Question : How useful the context of situation in stimulating communicative meaning?

Answer : Context of situation is very important in interpreting the text. Sometimes to

grab the meaning of the text, it doesnt enough to only see the element of
the text (words by words) but we have to use context of situation in order to
help make sense the text.

13. Dewi Faticha

Question : How is context and register related to translation?

Answer : Halliday stresses the need for a look into the context in which a text is
produced while analyzing and/or interpreting a text. He points out that the
really pressing question here is"which kinds of situational factor determined
which kinds of selection in the linguistic system?" (Halliday, 1978:32;
original emphasis). Translation in this view is a contextual thing; a cross-
cultural communication, communicative act that attempts to render the exact
contextual meaning in such a way that both content and language are readily
acceptable to the readership. On the other hand, in processing a sentence to
translate it, we should consider its register context in which the sentence

14. Eka Septiana

Question : Explain more about abstract noun and logical noun!

Answer : Abstract noun is a type of noun that refers to something with which a person
cannot physically interact. A noun is person, place, or thing. Logical noun is
turning verbs into noun.

15. Maesaroh
Question : What is the meaning of interactive staging?

Answer :
16. Ika Lasmiatun
Question : How do tenor and culture realize in written language?

Answer : Writing an essay for university is the example to realize tenor and culture
in written language. There we would typically find ourselves alone, not in
face-to-face, aural or visual contact with our intended audience. Language
would be being used to reflect on some topic-the lecturer does not want to
read a commentary on our actions, feelings, and thoughts of our essay
writing process. Written situations in our culture call for rehearsal: we draft,
edit, rewrite, and finally re-copy our essay. Finally, for most of us writing is
not a casual activity: we need peace and quiet, we gather our thoughts, we
need to concentrate.

17. Ever Nicolas

Question : Give brief explanation about high and low affective involvement?

Answer : Affective involvement refers to the extent to which we are emotionally

involved or committed in a situation. For example, friends or lovers are
obviously affectively involved, whereas work associates are typically not.

18. Nugroho Dimastoro

Question : What is the formula of lexical density diagram?

Answer : the formula of lexical density diagram is number of content carrying lexical
items divided (:) into number of lexical items in text times (x) with
100 %. So it can get the total result of lexical density.
19. Leila Nurul Amali
Question : Is there any semi-formal language in tenor? If there is, give the example!

Answer : No, there isnt. In tenor, there is no semi formal language. Language use will
vary quite significantly from the informal to the formal situation.

20. Nunung Fitriyani

Question : Is there the example of spoken and written style of nominalization paten?
If no, what is the effect if we do not use that pattern?

Answer : yes, there is.

Example 1 (spoken language) :
I handed my essay in late because my kids got sick.
Example 2 (written language)
The reason for the late submission of my essay was the illness of my

21. Opini Ala Samodra

Question : How do schematic structure extend in speech? And give example!

Answer :
22. Isnayani Tabiul M
Question : Which one is easier to learn written or spoken language? Why?

Answer : Every second language is more difficult to speak than to write.

Teachers do not have enough time to teach you how to speak in class.
The only person to person practice can help (if the native speaker corrects
mistakes). Every language has sounds (pronunciations) that are not part of
your native tongue (language). That means that you have trained your mouth,
tongue, lips, teeth, nose, and throat to make your native language sounds.
Some of the sounds in a second language are completely new to you, so your
mouth, tongue...... is not programmed (able) to make the right sounds.

23. Ahmad Arinal Haq

Question : Give more example of synoptic structure!

Answer : The definition of synoptic is something that makes up a brief summary or

shortened version.
An example of synoptic is an outline of a scientific research paper that gives
key points; a synoptic outline. For example, if we read the journal we found
the keyword in the journal, the keyword its means as sypnotic of the journal.

24. Hanna Istifadah

Question : Could you give other examples of frequent contact!

Answer : The example of frequent contact: A woman who spend her time to be
housewife. She is able to communicate with her child a day.
25. Imaddudin Abil Fida
Question : Give brief differences between contrasting lexical density and grammatical

Answer : Contrasting lexical density includes of content carrying words such as noun,
the main part of the verb, adverbs and adjectives; and non-content carrying
words include prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs and pronouns.
Contrasting grammatical intricacy relates to the number of clauses per
sentences, and can be calculated by expressing the number of clauses in a
text as a proportion of the number of sentences in text.

26. Sola Gratia Deo Wiyana

Question : Explain more about continuity and elements! Give example!

Answer :

27. Gabiella Anindya R.

Question : Explain the differences among immediate feedback, rapid feedback, and
delayed feedback by giving example!

Answer :
Immediate feedback : sitting down to casual chat with friends, where
there is both visual and aural contact.
Rapid feedback : modern communication modes (such as email, chat
rooms, fax, etc)
Delayed feedback : radio broadcast (with one-way aural contact, but no
immediate feedback)
28. Oktianti Dwi Aryani
Question : Give example of pragmatic and magical function!

Answer :

29. Simon Putra Junior

Question : Can we find the feature of prestige lexis in spoken language!

Answer : No. we can not. Prestige lexis only exists in written language.
We can find the feature of everyday lexis in spoken language.
The language that we use in a spoken situation typically be organized
according to the turn-by-turn sequencing of talk: first, you speak, then I
speak, then you speak again.

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