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Carolina Gonzalez

English 5M
Rhetorical Analysis Brainstorm

Part 1
Rhetorical Analysis written in English 1
Consisted of depicting another writers opinion
Faced constraints of not knowing how to write a rohotircal analysis
Didn't know how to express those ideas without expressing own opinions
Couldn't use impersonal style
Had to carefully evaluate the tools original author used
Former professor and my peers on that class were meant to read and use my writing
They could see how I depicted the writers tools and use towards their own opinion
Could also learn from my mistakes

Part 2
The major chosen is Nutrition (Natural Science)
Writing in that field consists of being straight to the point, very formal, stats, different
language, data
Personal opinion is not important
No playful language and being wordy

Part 3
Paper from part 1 would not be good paper to turn into chosen major
My language is too playful and lacks being straight to the point

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