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Charlotte Coberley

CTAC 495L2 Capstone Internship Contract

Section 1: Description of agency, community, and project:

GLACURH is a student-run, not for profit organization that works to promote a sustainable,
active, and positive student life experience on college campuses across the Great Lakes
Region. GLACURH stands for The Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence
Halls and it was formed in 1968. The region consists of Michigan, Ontario, Wisconsin, Illinois,
and Indiana. GLACURH is one part of an eight region whole that stretches to other countries
such as Mexico and Australia. The community is constructed of all volunteers-- from the regional
level to the national level, undergraduate and graduate students work to build strong,
encouraging, positive campus communities across the globe for residential college students.

The project I will be focusing on for GLACURH will be to host the 2018 GLACURH Regional
Business Conference at Eastern Michigan University this academic school year. The
conference will be held March 9th through the 11th of 2018 and preparations have already
begun. Each year, a university in the Great Lakes Region hosts the Regional Business
Conference. This year, it will be held at Eastern Michigan University and I will be serving as the
Conference Chair.

Section 2: Timeline
Begin project September 2017
Project will end with the conclusion of the conference March of 2018

Section 3: My specific roles and responsibilities

Participate in one on one meetings bi-weekly and monthly with each committee chair
and entire staff
Participate in biweekly meetings with the GLACURH conference advisors
Maintain daily/weekly communication with the Regional Board of Directors to provide
updates and feedback regarding conference related items
Have monthly video chat meetings with the Regional Board of Directors
Keep up on deadlines and make sure that all details of the conference are being
addressed proactively and efficiently.
Act as the point person on Eastern Michigan Universitys campus for the conference

Section 4: Agency responsibilities

Maintains communication with the greater Great Lakes Region
Provides support and open communication to the conference committee to aid in
conference development
Checks the conference budget monthly to ensure proper use of funds are being
allocated and distributed
Section 5: Signatures

Charlotte Coberley

Rebecca Janes
Conference Advisor

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