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Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA)

Lesson Plan Format

Grade:3rd Strategy: Inference

Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by this lesson
Missouri Learning Standard RL.3.2
Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central
message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.

Missouri Learning Standard RL.3.4

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from
nonliteral language.

Learning Objectives/Goals
The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting curricular and student
Students will learn how to use and furring to determine the meaning of words.
Students will learn how to use context clues.
Students will learn how to use picture clues.
Students will use context clues and picture clues to infer the meaning of words.

Assessment (type[s] of assessment used throughout the lesson)

Assessment(s) before, during and after the lesson
Day 1
-Before: By having students infer what dacha means from the sentence on the board, I will be
able to assess if they are grasping the task of context and picture clues as tools for inferring.
-During: Inference worksheet for different vocabulary words.
-After: Creating their own vocabulary notecards.
Day 2
-Before: We will go over the words from the previous day on the board. We will also briefly review
what context and picture clues are from the day before.
-During: Students will be raising their hands for words as we go so we can infer their meaning.
-After: As an exit activity, I will have them use this word bank to create their own folktale.
Lesson Structure and Procedures
Sequence of events of the lesson elements. (The before, during and after the lesson, e.g.,
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion)

Day 1
1. I will start this lesson sharing with my students that sometimes when they come across a word they
don't know, they can figure out what it is by inferring. Doing this they're using context clues, it
means using words around the words that they don't know to figure out its meaning. You can also do
this with pictures in the book (As discussed in unit 2).
2. I will also explain that figuring out words by inferring is important to learn because you're not
always in a position where you have a dictionary on hand. By inferring you are able to continue
what you were reading without any distraction.
3. On the board, I will write the following sentence: Once there was a poor farmer and his wife. They
lived with their only child, Luba, in a humble dacha in a clearing on the edge of the deep forest.
4. I will then ask the students what they think the word dacha means. I will then model with them
how to find its meaning using context clues. If they struggle with this I will pull up the illustration
from the book to also give them a picture clue.
5. After working together, I will then have students work on their own. I will then provide students
with an inferring words graphic organizer that they will work on individually.
6. After students are done with the worksheet we will then review it as a class to check our answers.
7. For ending task of the day, I will provide each group with a copy of Luba and Wren and notecards.
Together they will briefly skim the text for words that seem unfamiliar to them and write them on
the notecards with the page number for us to use the next day.
Day 2
1. Before reading the book out loud, I will project the word cards from the previous day on the board
with the emu.
2. I will then explain to students that I need them to listen very carefully, so then when they hear a
word that is on the board we can stop and use what we know about context clues and picture clues
to figure out its meaning.
3. Also, I will mention that the story is a Russian folk tale, so it may be different from her other
Patricia Polacco stories that we have studied so far. I will explain that folktales often have an inner
meaning or a lesson in them for the reader to learn, this is something we will explore more on as we
become stronger active readers.
4. I will then read the book to the class stopping as we go for the words that they had discovered the
day before.
5. As we come to each word, we will stop and infer the word's meaning. A student from that group will
then come up to write the meaning on the back of the note card.
6. By the end of the book we will then have a full word bank of newly defined words for the students
to use in their writing. As an exit activity, I will have them use this word bank to create their own
Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and meet their needs

I will first model with the students how to use context and picture clue in order to infer the

meaning of a word. Also, by stopping every few pages, I am allowing students time to think

about their inferences and not feel rushed. Having them create the cards during the read

aloud, we are able to evaluate throughout the activity their understanding. Finally, by having

them create their own folktale, it gives me incite for the next lesson when we focus on fables

and folktales.

Learning Activities
Opportunities provided for students to develop knowledge and skills of the learning objectives
1) Filling in the inferring words graphic organizer

2) Creating word cards

3) Projecting word cards on the board for students to fill in as we read.

4) Having them create their own folktale.

Resources and Materials
List of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the lesson

Emu Projector
Inferring words graphic organizer
Note cards
Writing paper
Luba and the Wren By: Patricia Polacco

Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction
and student learning
Emu Projector
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences,
- I will make sure that there is an e-book and an audio option for students who may be unable to see/

read the screen.

- Ill provide a digital copy of the worksheet for exceptional students who may be unable to write

with paper and pen.

Classroom Management
Strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior
needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
- By having pre-established seating groups, it will be easy for students to transition to a group work

- We will meet on the carpet for the read aloud as we have practiced all year.
- Moving between group work and individual work, I will have students use hand signals that we

have explicit examples of in the classroom for them to signal to me when they are finished.

Activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and thinking about the
learning objectives by applying their new knowledge in a different way
- For the first day students will create cards till I choose to end the activity, giving no one the

opportunity to finish early.

- Students who finish early on day two will have more time to work on their folktales. If they finish

that early then they can draw a picture to accompany their writing as a way to create picture clues

for inferences in their story.

Follow-up to Todays Lesson

Quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen student understanding
and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated tomorrow or throughout the unit)

As an exit activity, I will have them use this word bank to create their own folktale. If they finish that early,
then I will have them create a picture to accompany it, that gives a picture clue for inference.
Additional Information
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this format that you think is
vital to include in this lesson

For absent students: Since the first day has a worksheet, they will be able to complete that on
their own time. For day two, if they are absent, I will create a worksheet with the words from
the cards on them, that they will be able to infer their definition from the book, and then write
it next to it. They will work on this during quite reading time, with me, so I am able to model
how to infer the words meanings.

( 2013 MoDESE) The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and
activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities, and
facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State
Office Building, Office of the General Counsel, Coordinator Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title
IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480;
telephone number 573-526- 4757 or TTY 800-735-2966; email

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