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1.) In your own words, define health and wellness.

Health and wellness is how you take care of yourself mentally, physically and eating properly.
Also how you feel about yourself and your way of life.
2.) Summarize how the six dimensions of health are intertwined to promote optimal
The six dimensions of health are intertwined because one leads to another so if our physical
health is good then psychologically youll feel better then in turn youll be happier in your social
life because youll feel happy. Then when youre happy you are able to make better decisions in
your environment and be better intellectually and spiritually.
3.) Discuss three types of influence that can shape your behavior in making a health-
behavioral change in your life. Prove an example of each type.
Your physical health can increase the likelihood of disease.
Your social health can have you withdrawal from others.
Your environmental health can cause you to have injuries.
4.) List the nine processes of change and provide an example of at least FOUR.
Consciousness raising
Social Liberation
Emotional Arousal- Example love.
Self Reevaluation
Commitment-Example make plans and follow through with it.
Rewards- Example play a game.
Environmental Control
Helping Relationships- Example rebuild a relationship that may be broken.
5.) What are the 6 stages that persons pass through as they consider and attempt to
change their health behavior?
Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination.
5a.) Do you agree with these steps? (why or why not)
Yes I agree with these steps because I feel that we all go through this at one point if you realize
this or not. I feel like at one point we all go through a precontemplation when knowing that you
need to change but you dont do anything towards it. Then you actually contemplate if you want
to change then you prepare for it have the action then maintain it then finally it ends.
5b.) How do you know if any behavior needs to change?
You know if your behavior needs to change when you are feeling angry, irritable and have a
negative effect on others as well on yourself.
5c.) What is your general plan or approach for deciding to change any behavior?
My general plan when deciding to change any behavior is trying to figure out why am I acting a
certain way and if I have any triggers to make me feel that certain way. When I have figured that
out I try to not let what triggers me make me feel that certain way or eliminate that trigger from
my life.
6.) Besides biological factors, what other reasons were given that may contribute to the
health and longevity gap between the sexes?
Other reasons were males are more likely to have an attention disorder, more prone to lethal
disorders, and more likely to become an alcoholic. Females are more likely to have an eating
disorder, is more vulnerable to chronic diseases and more likely to have depression.
6a. Do you agree with these reasons? Why or Why Not
I do agree with these reasons because you do see females more with eating disorders and
depression more so than men. As well as men drinking more than women and they cant focus
as well as females.
7.) Explain what the phrase "locus of control" means in your life.
In my life locus of control means that Im persistent in what I do and I dont give up. Im not one
to quit when things get hard or feel stressed.
7a. Provide an example of how you use both an internal and external locus of
control in daily situations.
In my life locus of control means that Im persistent in what I do and I dont give up. Im not one
to quit when things gets hard or feel stressed.

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