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Pace2race Institute (www.pace2race.

com) Economics- Introduction

of how men and society
Study of studies human behavior
An inquiry into the choose, with or without the
mankind in as a relationship
nature and causes use of money, to employ
the ordinary between ends and
of the wealth of the scarce productive resources
business of scarce means which
nations which could have alternative
life have alternative uses


Methods of Study Why to Study?

c general to
Economic Systems

particular to the general


Production Possibility Shift in PPC

Pace2race Institute ( Demand

Price elasticity of demand expresses the response of quantity demanded of a

What is Demand? Law of Demand good to a change in its price

demand refers to the quantity of a good or an inverse relationship between price and
service that consumers are willing and able
quantity demanded
to purchase at various prices during a
period of time

Rationale of Demand

Diminishing Marginal utility

Substitution effect

Determinants of Demand Income effect
Different uses Determinants

Availability of substitutes
Price of the commodity Position of a commodity in consumers budget
Level of income of the household Conspicuous Goods Nature of need that commodity satisfies
Tastes and preferences of consumers Giffen goods Number of uses to which a commodity can be put
Future expectations Period

Price of related commodities Speculative goods Consumer Habits
(i) Complementary
(ii) Competing

In point elasticity, we measure In arc elasticity, we measure elasticity

ce elasticity at a given point on a
demand curve.
between 2 points on a demand curve.

Demand Schedule is a series of quantities which

consumer would like to buy at different prices at a
given point of time
When we plot the prices and quantities
demand on a graph it is termed as a
demand curve
Income elasticity of demand is the degree of responsiveness of quantity
demanded of goods to a small change in the income of consumers.

Cross demand refers to the quantities of a commodity or service which will be

When we add up the various quantities demanded purchased with reference to changes, not of that particular commodity, but of
by the number of consumers in the market we can other inter-related commodities, other things remaining the same.
obtain the market demand schedule If we plot market demand schedule on a
graph we get market demand curve
Pace2race Institute ( Consumer Behavior

Marginal Utility Assumptions of Marginal Utility Indifference Map Properties of Indifference curves

It is the additional utility Cardinal measurability of utility

Slope downward to right
derived from additional unit Constancy of marginal utility of money
Always convex to origin
of a commodity Hypothesis of independent utility
Can never intersect each other
Higher indifference curve
Diminishing Marginal Utility Limitation of Dim. Marg. Utility represent higher satisfaction

The additional benefit which a Homogeneous units Indifference curve will never
person derives from a given Standard units of consumption touch the axis
increase in stock of a thing Element Concept

diminishes with every increase Law fails for prestigious goods
in the stock that he already has Case of related goods

Consumer Surplus - Marshall Limitations of Consumer Surplus

Set of Indifference Curves
consumers surplus = What a Can not be measured precisely
consumer is ready to pay - What Affected by availability of substitutes Budget Line
he actually pays. Can not be measured in terms of

money as marginal utility of money a budget line shows all those
changes combinations of two goods which the
In case of necessaries, marginal consumer can buy spending his given
utilities of earlier units are infinitely money income on the two goods at
large their given prices. All those
combinations which are within
Assumptions of Indiff. Curve Analysis
Consumer is rational
the reach of the consumer (assuming
that he spends all his money income)
Capable of ranking all combinations will lie on the
of goods budget line.
If combination A has more
Indifference Curve Analysis commodities then B, then A should
be preferred Consumer Equilibrium
Indifference curve gives same If consumer prefers combination A
satisfaction to the consumer at to B, B to C then he must prefer
every point. It is a ordinal concept combination A to C

Indifference Shedule
Pace2race Institute ( Production

Production Law of Variable Proportions Stages

Production is the organized activity of transforming resources into finished

products in the form of goods and services; and the objective of production is to Law of increasing returns
satisfy the demand of such transformed resources Law of diminishing returns
James Bates and J.R. Parkinson Law of negative returns
A rational producer will always produce

Factors of Production in stage 2 where both the marginal
product and average product of the
variable factors are diminishing.
Land Labour Capital Enterprenuer

The law of diminishing return is the
Nature Gift Human Effort Stages of formation Functions marginal product of each unit of input
Fixed Supply Perishable Savings Initiating a will decline as the amount of that output
Indestructible Mobile Mobilization business increases, holding all other inputs
Passive Inseparable from Investments Risk bearing constant
Different uses laborer Innovations Samuelson
All laborer not
productive Returns to Scale

Production Function Constant Increasing Decreasing
The term production function is applied to the physical relationship between a with the increase in the increasing returns to scale When output increases in
firms input of resources and its output of goods or services per unit of time scale in some proportion, means that output a smaller proportion with
leaving prices aside output increases in the increases in a greater an increase in all inputs,
Richard H. Leftwich proportion than the decreasing returns to
ce Assumptions
same proportion
increase in inputs. scale are said to prevail.

q = f (a, b, c, d .n) Related to particular unit of time

where q stands for the rate Technical knowledge is constant
of output of given Factors of production are
commodity a,b,c,d.n, divisible
are different factors Best available technique is used
(inputs) and services used
per unit of time. Economies & Diseconomies

Cobb-Douglas Production Function Internal External

Technical Cheaper raw material

Managerial Technological
where Q is output, L the quantity Commercial Development of skilled labour
of labour and C the quantity of Financial Growth of ancillary industries
capital. K and a are positive Risk Bearing Better transportation and
constants marketing
Pace2race Institute ( Cost

Economic Costs Outlay & Opp. Costs Short Run Total Cost Curves Total cost of a business is the sum
of total variable cost and total fixed
economic costs include : Outlay costs involve actual cost or symbolically
(1) the normal return on money expenditure of funds on, say, TC = TFC + TVC
capital invested by the wages, material, rent, interest, etc.
entrepreneur himself in his own Opportunity cost, on the other Average Fixed Cost
business; hand, is concerned with the cost of
AFC is the total fixed cost divided

(2) the wages or salary not foregone opportunity
paid to the entrepreneur but could by the number of units of output
have been earned produced.

Direct or Traceable Costs Indirect or non-traceable costs Average Variable Cost
Direct costs are costs that are Indirect costs are not readily Average variable cost is the total
readily identified and are traceable identified nor visibly traceable to variable cost divided by the number
to a particular product, operation or specific goods, services, operations, of units of output produced
plant. etc. Short Run Marginal and Average Cost Curves
Average Total Cost
Cost Function Completely Variable Cost
Average total cost is a sum of

The cost function refers to the
average variable cost and average
mathematical relation between
fixed cost. i.e.,
cost of a product and the various
determinants of costs.
Relationship bet. AC & MC
Completely Fixed Cost
ce MC < AC ---- Average Cost Falls
MC > AC ---- Average Cost Rises
MC = AC ---- Average Cost is Min.

Long Run Average cost Curve

Semi Variable Cost

Constant Technology Changing Technology

Pace2race Institute ( Price Determination

Demand Curve under Perfect Compt. Equilibrium

Equilibrium Price MC Curve = Supply Curve


Where demand meets supply
Shifts in Demand & Supply
Demand curve Long run equilibrium

Monopolistic Oligopoly

Long Run Equilibrium

Kinked Demand Curve

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