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Name of Student

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Experiment Title

Experiment Date

Report Submission Date

Steady, Non-Uniform, Open-Channel Flow


This practical experiment was conducted with an aim of investigating the hydraulic jump as a

phenomena that can be utilized in engineering. Data recorded was analyzed using mathematical

expressions and the results interpreted by employing graphical methods. The key parameters

considered in the experiment were the flow rates and depths of flow at specified locations along

the channel. The measured values allowed for the computation of velocities and comparison of

measured vs computed values of y2. The percentage difference as arrived at for 70 gpm flowrate

ranged between (2%-13%), whereas the range was significantly larger in the 30 gpm, in between

(150-187%). The experiment results after analysis showed higher energy loss for th 30gpm

flowrate (1-4 ft) as compared to that of (0.13-0.9ft) in 70gpm flowrate. These results indicated

the need to consider both empirical and practical analysis of the hydraulic jump hand in hand to

obtain a more certain prediction of any hydraulic fluid in and open channel.
Lab Report 0

Table of Contents

Abstract ....................................................................................................................

Introduction .............................................................................................................

Background Theory ..................................................................................................

Materials and Methods............................................................................................

Results ......................................................................................................................


References ...............................................................................................................

List of tables

Table 1 Results for: Q = 70gpm at 5th manometer tap and downstream depth of 0.4*yc

Table 2 Conversion into units ..................................................................................

Table 3 Specific energy values at 70 gpm 5th tap 0.4*yc ........................................

List of figures

Figure 1 Specific Energy Curve .................................................................................

Figure 1 Comparison of computed and measured y2 at 70gpm ..............................

Lab Report 1



Quantify the energy lost due to a hydraulic jump.

Compare observed and theoretical ratios of upstream and downstream depths.

Analyze and discuss about the results.


The hydraulic jump is a phenomena that of a standing wave of water mass in an open channel. It

occurs when a rapid flow transitions from supercritical flow to subcritical flow i.e. when a fast

moving water mass encounters a slower moving mass. A hydraulic jump is commonly used to

dissipate energy, and reduce the downstream velocity in various engineering applications such as

spillways and flood control structures. The figure below shows in a hydraulic jump cross

sectional profile.

Figure 1 Specific Energy Curve (2)

Materials and method

Lab Report 2

a) Set the flume to a mild slope of 0.002

b) Start the pump and adjust the flow to a high rate of 70gpm

c) Put the tailwater gate to its lowest position and measure the normal depth
2 3
d) Calculate the critical depth { = ( ) = }

e) Turn off the pump, install the sluice gate halfway between the third and fourth

manometer taps

f) Adjust the sluicegate so that the lowest depth downstream is approximately 0.4 times the

critical depth. Be careful not to cause an overflow upstream of the sluicegate.

g) Increase the tailwater depth to cause a stationary hydraulic jump to occur beginning at the

fifth manometer tap. Measure and record ymin, y1, and y2.

h) Repeat step (g) with the hydraulic jump beginning at the fourth manometer tap.

i) Repeat steps f-h with the lowest depth downstream of the sluicegate at approximately 0.5,

0.7, and 0.9 times the critical depth.

j) Repeat steps (b) to (i) with a flow rate of 30gpm. Adjust the weir so that the lowest depth

downstream is approximately 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 times the critical depth. If any part of

the procedure is not possible, note the fact on your data sheet.

Results and Discussion

Part 1 (Sample calculations for 70gpm at 5th tap 0.4*yc )

Table 1 Results for: Q = 70gpm at 5th manometer tap and downstream depth of 0.4*yc

ymin (in) y1 (in) y2 (in)

0.890 0.945 3.880

Lab Report 3

Critical depth yc;

= ( )1/3 eqn 1

3 1
= .eqn 2


Q flow rate (70gpm/0.1558ft3/s)

B flume breadth (4.125in/0.3436ft)

g gravitational acceleration (32.174ft/s2)

= = 0.4534 2 1

0.45342 1/3
= ( ) = 0.1875

1 inch = 0.0833feet. Therefore at measured values at 0.4yc (0.1875ft);

Table 2 Conversion into foot units

ymin (ft) y1 (ft) y2(ft)

0.0741 0.0787 0.3232

Computation of y2 from empirical equation;

Lab Report 4

1 8 2
2 = (1 1 + 3 ).eqn 3
2 1

0.0787 8 0.45342
2 = (1 ) = 0.3636
2 32.174 0.07873

Evaluating the percentage difference

(2 2
% = { } 100.eqn 4

0.3232 0.3636
100 = 12.5%

Computation of energy loss;

a) Measured y1 and measured y2

12 22
= (1 + ) (2 + )..eqn 5

1 = 2 = .eqn 6
1 2

1 = = 5.762 1
0.3436 0.0787

2 = = 1.403 1
0.3436 0.3232

5.7622 1.4032
= (0.0787 + ) (0.3232 + ) = 0.7262
32.174 32.174
Lab Report 5

b) Measured y1 and computed y2

1 = = 5.762 1
0.3436 0.0787

2 = = 1.247 1
0.3436 0.3636

5.7622 1.2472
= (0.0787 + ) (0.3636 + ) = 0.6987
32.174 32.174

Part 2 (Calculations for complete data set)

Table 3 Results showing data for 70gpm and 30 gpm (inches)

Q = 70gpm

3rd tap 5th tap

y min (in) y1 (in) y2 (in) y1 (in) y2 (in)

0.4* yc 0.89 0.890 4.435 0.945 3.880

0.5* yc 1.11 1.270 3.665 1.305 3.310

0.7* yc 1.56 1.615 2.850 No jump

0.9* yc 2.00 No jump No jump

Q = 30gpm

3rd tap 5th tap

y min (in) y1 (in) y2 (in) y1 (in) y2 (in)

0.3* yc 0.38 0.420 2.560 0.480 2.285

0.5* yc 0.63 0.675 2.080 0.810 1.745

0.7* yc 0.88 No jump No jump

Lab Report 6

0.9* yc 1.13 No jump No jump

Table 4 Results for 70gpm and 30 gpm in foot units (1 inch = 0.0833ft)

Q = 70gpm

3rd tap 5th tap

y min (ft) y1 (ft) y2 (ft) y1 (ft) y2 (ft)

0.4* yc 0.0741 0.0741 0.3694 0.0787 0.3232

0.5* yc 0.0925 0.1058 0.3053 0.1087 0.2757

0.7* yc 0.1300 0.1345 0.2374 No jump

0.9* yc 0.1666 No jump No jump

Q = 30gpm

3rd tap 5th tap

y min (ft) y1 (ft) y2 (ft) y1 (ft) y2 (ft)

0.3* yc 0.0317 0.0350 0.2132 0.0400 0.1903

0.5* yc 0.0525 0.0562 0.1733 0.0675 0.1454

0.7* yc 0.0733 No jump No jump

0.9* yc 0.0941 No jump No jump

Table 5 Computed y2 values for 70 gpm and 30gpm

Critical depth yc = 0.1875ft (eqn 1 &2)

Formula for y2 (see eqn 3)

Lab Report 7


3rd tap 5th tap

y1 measured y2 computed y1 measured y2 computed

0.4*yc 0.0741 0.0787

0.37990 0.365552
0.5* yc 0.1058 0.1087
0.29867 0.292826
0.7* yc 0.1345 No jump
30 gpm

3rd tap 5th tap

y1 measured y2 computed y1 measured y2 computed

0.3* yc 0.0350 0.0400

0.58704 0.54561
0.5 yc 0.0562 0.0675
0.44961 0.40269

Table 6 Percentage difference (eqn 4)


3rd tap 5th tap

% y2 measured y2 % y2 y2

difference computed difference measured computed

0.4*yc 0.3694 0.37990 0.3232 0.365552

2.84 13.10
0.5* yc 0.3053 0.29867 0.2757 0.292826
2.17 6.21
Lab Report 8

0.7* yc 0.2374 0.24826 No jump

30 gpm

3rd tap 5th tap

% y2measured y2computed % y2measured y2computed

difference difference

0.3*yc 0.2132 0.58704 0.1903 0.54561

175.35 186.71
0.5 yc 0.1733 0.44961 0.1454 0.40269
159.44 176.95

Table 7 Computed energy loss from measured y1 and measured y2 (eqn 5)

Velocity computed as per eqn 6.

70 gpm 3rd tap

Measured y1(ft) Measured y2(ft) Velocity v1(ft/s) Velocity v2(ft/s) Energy loss(ft)

0.0741 0.3694
6.119 1.227 0.8217
0.1058 0.3053
4.286 1.485 0.3028
0.1345 0.2374
3.371 1.910 0.1370
70 gpm 5th tap

0.0787 0.3232
5.7616 1.4030 0.7261
0.1087 0.2757
4.1714 1.6447 0.2898
30 gpm 3rd
Lab Report 9

0.0350 0.2132
12.9553 2.1268 4.8978
0.0562 0.1733
8.0682 2.6165 1.6934
30 gpm 5th tap

0.0400 0.1903
11.3359 2.3827 3.6672
0.0675 0.1454
6.7175 3.1185 1.0224

List of graphs

y2 Computed v y2 Measured
Q=70gpm, Slope=0.002
y2 computed(ft)

0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.2500 0.3000 0.3500 0.4000
y2 measured(ft)

3rd tap 5th tap

Lab Report 10

y2 Computed v y2 Measured
Q=30gpm, Slope=0.002
y2 computed(ft)

0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.2500
y2 measured(ft)

3rd tap 5th tap

depth v specific energy

Q=70gpm, Slope=0.002

0.0000 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000 2.5000
specific energy(ft)

3rd tap 5th tap

Lab Report 11

depth v specific energy

Q=30gpm, Slope=0.002

0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000
specific energy(ft)

3rd tap 5th tap


The energy loss and increased with an increase in flow velocity downstream of the channel. It

was also observed from the results that 30gpm flowrate produced a greater velocity and energy

loss compared to 70gpm flowrate. The hydraulic jump failed to form at some points as the

downstream exit was widened. This indicates that the widening orifice reduced the velocity

differences between upstream and downstream flows thus eliminating the conducive

supercritical- subcritical flow regime needed for a hydraulic jump.


1. Chin, D.A. Water Resources Engineering, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.

2. Sutley, David. An Instruction Manual of Open Channel Hydraulic Experiments for

Water Resources Engineering. Thesis. The University of Alabama, 2005.

Lab Report 12

3. Mays, Larry. Hydraulic Design Handbook, McGraw Hill. New York. 1999.

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