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ADMIT CARD THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, BANGLADESH Headquarters | Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Founded 1048 istered unde Act of 883 (Racogresby the Got of Sangadexh) (Prepared byt Examen Contin and Approved by he Counc dad 8.82) ADMIT ue ‘nose Shuteetie Ho. 8 eo. 1 te Ranacame Merrgorane rami ‘Secton Ato commanas en tet Satuntny of ovcrSeptonter 20 ae Examination C2 Won, Contoher of Examinations | {in space provided below the car detata shold wrt his name and fall ‘Postal aazress conecty and logy) RTO. ‘ RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF CANDIDATES IN THE EXAMINATION HALL Cancate shoul sry observe these les _ (Prepared by the Examination Committee and approed by the Gouncit dated 59-62 4. Before entering the examination hall the candidate must leave ouiside ai! books, notes or papers he may have with him, and may’take with hie ito the hall only his Admit Card, pen and penholder, nd the instruments mentioned in Rute 10 2. Acandidate is permitted to enter the examination hal five minutes before the ‘examination is due to commence. But vill aot receive the question paper unt the time fixed for the commencement athe examination. No candidate wil be ‘admitted to the examination hall who is more than half an hour late 3. A candidate is required to write his Studentship Numbor/Swidentshin ‘Application Reference Number. Roo! Number, the subject, and the date of the ‘examination inthe spaces provided for these purposes on the cover ofthe main answer-book and the supplementary answerbooks, ithe later is used. Ifthe otails are not correctly filled in, the answer-book wil be rejectes 4. The name of the candidate must not appear anywhere in the answer-book. 5. The answer should be numberd so as to correspond with the number of the question and f any question is divided into parts should also be numbered 8. If more than one snswor-book is required, a candidate will be supplied with an _2dational answer-book callod the supplementary answer-book. In such 2.6330, the main answer-book should be numbered, ‘T and each succeeding supplementary answer-book numbered serially a8 2,"F ote. 7. The hand-wrting should be distinct and legibe. Marks will be deducted i the answers are not easily veadable, No credit wil be given merely for writing lengthy answers No page shouldbe tom off or othannse datached trom the answors ook Nothing should be writen on the question paper or bioting paper. 40. Mathematical tables, when permited to use by the candidata, wil be supplied by the Offcerin-Charge, but the candidate must bring his own drawing instrumants and side-uies. 41. Candidates must not speak during the examination except to the invigiator ‘whose attention should be drawn by raising the hand. Any candidate detected in helping another or attempting to obtain unfair assistonce oF using untairmeans is liable 1o be expeied from the examination hal. The-nstiution reserves the right o ake any action in such casos as may be deemed proper. 42. No candidate will be permitted to leave the examination hall without finaly Giving up his answer-book until an hour has elapsed from the time of commencement of the examination. In case of uigent necessity, a cancdate may, with the special permission of the invigiator temporarily leave the examination hall, but during such time he wil be undr the surviance of a person deputed By the nvigiator for that purpose. 43, They may be given the usual warning when the tie for closing the examination approaches. The examination wil be closed precisely on time and no grace time will be alowed. +14. Question should not be copied from the question papers on the arswer-book before they are answered. Only the question number need be entered on the margi ofthe page of the answer-book 15, The instructions printed on the both sides of cover page of answer-book should bo read carefully and must be obeyed. 48, Candidates should write the answers in Engish and English only. Question answered in any other language shall not be examined oe EXAMINATION CENTRE CHECK THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS. BANOLADESH Hasaguarters : Raerea. Dhaka 1000, Bangucesh Fence in DAB Regseerod unser Act 20 of 1800 (Reoogrised bythe Gov. of Bangixteai) {Prepared bythe Exarunatian Comantiae and Approved by tue Counel dled. 9.62) PTO. @ | have passed the Section ‘A’ Exaenination in WR ROB Nene 2. Lam-appenriag inthe Section 1 Examinatin for the frst time: 3. at appeared inthe Section Examina0n i 20h al one 4. Tish to appear inthe Section ‘8 Exarination of Aaliowery scts pe BO INSTRUCTION FOR ATTESTOR: 1. The signe cn te form should party svar the form and party photographs, 2. Wile attesting the miesior has to corsplola the following ceric: lenses FI Ne. - havoihave nat met the student atleast quarerty and have seedinat seen his plan ‘Pty and te to time grogress. The student (Name, PROGR. NO. 8) ooo ne hawboae ing the following type of euldoor ei induor wars Up a satisfaction: ‘Signature of atestor NB. - Candidates must write retecence to Exemption (s} secured by them by dint ot ‘Data of ouldoor end indoor works which have Bean porfermed/supervised by the candidate are tobe mentioned here. No. B. B OFFICE COPY. ‘This form duly completed song wih the certfcates at the back has to be submitted trough the respective lec conte on or before the Sth January or Sih of July for ‘March or Septenber Examination respectively. ‘THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, BANGLADESH Headquarters Ramna, Dhoks-1000, Bangladesh Founded in 1948 Reoistored under Act XI. 1860, (Recogrised by the Govt of Bangladesh) (Prepared ty the Examination Committe and Approved by the Counci dated 5.9.62) ‘APPLICATION FORM FOR SECTION ‘A’ EXAMINATION 1.4 wish 1 appear in the SECTION ‘A’ Examination MarchiSeptember 20 at conre The name cf the Conte are Dhaka. Chitagong, Ktuba 7 2.| have paid my all arrears ard curent ‘subscription and hhere is no subscription ue frome, 3.1 am sencing enclosed Bank O-at bearing No. Date, ofthe - Bank for Tk Payable to he Inston of Engineers, Bangladesh, Dhaka 2s Examination feos, 5. Please send the result of Examinaton in MarchiSeptomiber 20 to the aderess given on th FUL NER on - Studeriship No S! ‘and Date Cente rn Ofical Desigration ..... Name ofthe Employer . Designation of the Employer Offical Address nn. Cendidate's Signature er Date Checked by the Cente 7 (a) Signature (0) Date (©) Cent's Seat EB : EXAMVET0 (10.00) PTO. a et th RO NO, non = 2 |am appearing nthe Section Examination forthe fet ie 12 last appecredio the Sacto W Exarinaton a 0D No, ine 4. wsh to appear inthe Section BY Examination of... ‘The signature onthe foam should pty caver the fom and pay photographs. While atesting the attest Ras to comple the folowag cereale | i a acme ara ‘haves nol met fe student least quate and have Saardnot swan hi plan oF ‘sty and ti te tne progress, The sudont Mame: a has been doing the folowing type of ouldoor and indoor weeks Up to satfacton : ‘Signature of atestor NB. - Candates must wre relrence to Exemprian (5) secured by them by dint of ‘hair quaifleations. Lattet NO oo Date... * Data of outdoor and indoor works which have buen perfornedsuparvised by the candidate ae fo be mentioned here,

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