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1. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I am Wirasa as
moderator will guide the debate today. Today we are going to discus the debate with the
motion This House Would be Legalized Prostitution. Now, I would like to introduce
the member of affirmative team. There are Puspa as first speaker, Risma as second
speaker, ayu as third speaker, and Devi as Reply Speech. Next, the members of negative
team, their are Nila as first speaker, sintha as second speaker, cahyani as third speaker,
and Deo as Reply Speech. First, I would like to invite time keeper to give limit time for
speaker to speech. For the time keeper, the floor is yours. first speaker of affirmative
team. For the first speaker of affirmative team, the floor is yours
2. Thank you time keeper. Now, I would like to invite for the first speaker of affirmative
For the first speaker of affirmative, the floor is yours
3. Give applause for first speaker of affirmative. She said her views in terms of economic.
Now, I will invite the timer to report the time spent by the first speaker of affirmative
team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
4. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the views of first speaker of negative. For the first
speaker of negative, the floor is yours.
5. Give applause to first speaker of negative. She said her views in terms of health. Now, I
will invite the timer to report the time spent by the first speaker of negative team. For the
timer, the floor is yours.
6. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the views of second speaker of affirmatif. For the
second speaker of affirmative, the floor is yours.
7. Give applause for second speaker of affirmative. She said her views in terms of law.
Now, I will invite the timer to report the time spent by the second speaker of affirmative
team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
8. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the views from second speaker of negative. For the
second speaker of negative, the floor is yours.
9. Give applause for second speaker of negative. She said her views in terms of human
right. Now, I will invite the timer to report the time spent by the second speaker of
negative team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
10. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the views of third speaker of affirmative. For the
third speaker of affirmative, the floor is yours.
11. Give applause for third speaker of affirmative. Now, I will invite the timer to report the
time spent by the third speaker of affirmative team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
12. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the views of third speaker of negative. For the third
speaker of negative, the floor is yours.
13. Give applause for third speaker of negative. She said her summary of her group
argument. Now, I will invite the timer to report the time spent by the third speaker of
negative team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
14. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the reply speaker of affirmative team. For the reply
speaker of affirmative team, the floor is yours.
15. Give applause for reply speaker of affirmative. Now, I will invite the timer to report the
time spent by the reply speaker of affirmative team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
16. Thank you timer. Now lets we hear the reply speaker of negative team. For the reply
speaker of negative team, the floor is yours.
17. Give applause for reply speaker of negative. Now, I will invite the timer to report the
time spent by the reply speaker of negative team. For the timer, the floor is yours.
18. Thank you timer. Ok. Give applause for a very good argument from each group. Thats
all about our motion today. I hope this debate be useful for everyone. Thank you so much
for your attention. See you in next debate and have a nice day.
Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I am Puspa as first speaker
of affirmative. I will give you our motion today. Our motion today is This House Would be
Legalized Prostitution
The definition of motion is;

1. Legalized is Legalization (also spelled legalisation) is the process of removing a legal

prohibition against something which is currently not legal. Legalization is a process often
applied to what are regarded, by those working towards legalization, as victimless crimes,
of which one example is the consumption of illegal drugs (see drug legalization).
2. Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual relations or sex acts in
exchange for payment or some other benefit.
From the motion we will give our themeline that has affirmative team absolutely agree that
prostitution should be legalize. Then our parameter today is that we just talk about prostitution in
my country Indonesia.
I am as the first speaker I will deliver my argument from economic view. Risma as
second speaker who will deliver my argument from law view, and the last Ayu as third speaker
rebuttal and summary of our argument.
Prostitution be the worlds oldest profession. Prostitution should be legalized because the
government is using to much tax money to try to stop a problem that is not being solved. This tax
money can be saved or can be used to create jobs which will help the economy, provide better
school equipment which could help young students have a greater chance of getting a job and
maybe one day change the future for young people in Indonesia. People should be able to have
sex with anyone they choose as long as they're doing it safely and wisely. So, prostitution would
be supported economic growth.
Thats all about my argument, I return back the time to moderator.
Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and
gentlemen. I am nila as first speaker of negative. The main problem with our oppositions case
is their theme which states Prostitution should be legalized because the government is using to
much tax money that theme is wrong because when people visited prostitution area, they were
spending a lot of money. Legalized prostitution, if taxed, would boost the citys tax revenues, but
that is not the same as economic growth. The economic activity would still be occurring
whether it was legalized or not. Prostitution may be the worlds oldest profession, but that
doesnt necessarily mean it can boost a citys economic growth. Thats all my reason. I will
continue to give my arguments from health view.
There exists a belief that legalization will reduce the transmission rate of HIV. However,
legalization will actually exacerbate the problem in the status quo. First, simply as a result of the
expansion of the illicit market we will see a net increase in the transmission rate of HIV.
However, the transmission rate in a legal environment may be even worse than that is the illicit
Even if a prostitute is being tested every week for HIV, she will test negative for at least the first
4-6 weeks and possibly the first 12 weeks after being infected. This means that while the test is
becoming positive and the results are becoming known, that prostitute may expose up to 630
clients to HIV. This is under the best of circumstances with testing every week and a four-week
window period. It also assumes that the prostitute will quit working as soon as he or she finds out
the test is HIV positive, which is highly unlikely. This is not the best approach for actually
reducing harm. Instead, in order to slow the global spread of HIV/AIDS we should focus our
efforts on abolishing prostitution. So, prostitution would be increase HIV/AIDS.
Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I
am Risma as second speaker of affirmative. The main problem with our oppositions case is their
theme which states prostitute is being tested every week for HIV that theme is wrong because
HIV/AIDS could be prevented. For HIV/AIDS prevention to succeed, the conditions of risk have
to change. The context - legal, social, economic - of sex work has to change, with repeal of
criminal laws, access to visas and work permits, freedom of movement and association, and
occupational safety and health regulations, to reduce the imposition of risk from above. Until
then, it will be heroic, strong individuals that can insist on safe behaviours, leaving those who are
less heroic, those who are more timid and afraid, to suffer the consequences of the context of
risk. Ok, that all my reason.
My first speaker of my team give argument of the case from economic view. I will continue to
give my arguments from law view. Prostitution should not be a crime. Prostitutes are not
committing an inherently harmful act. While the spread of disease and other detriments are
possible in the practice of prostitution, criminalization is a sure way of exacerbating rather than
addressing such effects. We saw this quite clearly in the time of alcohol prohibition in this
country. What makes prostitution a 'victimless crime' in the sense that no one is necessarily
harmed by it is that there are consenting adults involved. Decriminalization would better protect
people in the sex industry from violence and abuse. Police cannot and do not simultaneously
seek to arrest prostitutes and protect them from violence. Indeed, women describe being told,
'What did you expect?' by police officers who refused to investigate acts of violence perpetrated
against women whom they knew engaged in prostitution. The consequences of such attitudes are
tragic: Gary Ridgway said that he killed prostitutes because he knew he would not be held
accountable. The tragedy is that he was right - he confessed to the murders of 48 women,
committed over nearly twenty years. That is truly criminal.
So, Prostitution should not be a crime.
Thats all about my argument, I return back the time to moderator.

Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, ladies and
gentlemen. I am Sintha as second speaker of negative. The main problem with our oppositions
case is their theme which states prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act that
theme is wrong because prostitution creates a setting whereby crimes against men, women, and
children become a commercial enterprise. It is an assault when he/she forces a prostitute to
engage in sadomasochistic sex scenes. When a pimp compels a prostitute to submit to sexual
demands as a condition of employment, it is exploitation, sexual harassment, or rape -- acts that
are based on the prostitute's compliance rather than her consent. The fact that a pimp or customer
gives money to a prostitute for submitting to these acts does not alter the fact that child sexual
abuse, rape, and/or battery occurs; it merely redefines these crimes as prostitution. Regardless of
prostitution's status (legal, illegal or decriminalized) or its physical location (strip club, massage
parlor, street, escort/home/hotel), prostitution is extremely dangerous for women. Homicide is a
frequent cause of death. It is a cruel lie to suggest that decriminalization or legalization will
protect anyone in prostitution. It is not possible to protect someone whose source of income
exposes them to the likelihood of being raped on average once a week. My first speaker of my
team give argument of the case from health view. I will continue to give my arguments from
human right view. I believe that we will never succeed in combating trafficking in women if we
do not simultaneously work to abolish prostitution and the sexual exploitation of women and
children. Particularly in light of the fact that many women in prostitution in countries that have
legalized prostitution are originally victims of trafficking in women. Legalization inherently
gives off the message that woman should be viewed as commodities to be bought and sold on a
whim. As Melissa Farley, PhD, Founding Director of the Prostitution Research and Education
center explains "Legal sex businesses provide locations where sexual harassment, sexual
exploitation, and violence against women are perpetrated with impunity. State-sponsored
prostitution endangers all women and children in that acts of sexual predation are normalized"
Prostitution cannot eliminate rape when it is itself bought rape. The connection between rape and
prostitution is that women are turned into objects for men's sexual use; they can be either bought
or stolen. A culture in which women can be bought for use is one in which rape flourishes So,
prostitution would be wreck of human right. Thats all about my argument, I return back the time
to moderator.


Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and
gentlemen. I am Ayu as third speaker of affirmative. The first speaker of opponent team said
thant Even if a prostitute is being tested every week for HIV, she will test negative for at least
the first 4-6 weeks and possibly the first 12 weeks after being infected. But in my opinion this
argument is wrong because HIV/AIDS could be prevented. For HIV/AIDS prevention to
succeed, the conditions of risk have to change.
The second speaker of opponent team said thant I believe that we will never succeed in
combating trafficking in women if we do not simultaneously work to abolish prostitution But in
my opinion this argument is wrong because Criminalizing the sex industry creates ideal
conditions for rampant exploitation and abuse of sex workers. It is believed that trafficking in
women, coercion and exploitation can only be stopped if the existence of prostitution is
recognized and the legal and social rights of prostitutes are guaranteed. Police cannot and do not
simultaneously seek to arrest prostitutes and protect them from violence. Indeed, women
describe being told, 'What did you expect?' by police officers who refused to investigate acts of
violence perpetrated against women whom they knew engaged in prostitution. The consequences
of such attitudes are tragic: Gary Ridgway said that he killed prostitutes because he knew he
would not be held accountable. The tragedy is that he was right - he confessed to the murders of
48 women, committed over nearly twenty years. That is truly criminal. I will continue to give my
summary of argument. HIV/AIDS could be prevented. For HIV/AIDS prevention to succeed, the
conditions of risk have to change. And we believed that trafficking in women, coercion and
exploitation can only be stopped if the existence of prostitution is recognized and the legal and
social rights of prostitutes are guaranteed. Thats all about my argument, I return back the time to
Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I
am Cahyani as third speaker of negative. The first speaker of opponent team said that
Prostitution should be legalized because the government is using to much tax money to try to
stop a problem that is not being solved. But in my opinion this argument is wrong because when
people visited prostitution area, they were spending a lot of money. Legalized prostitution, if
taxed, would boost the citys tax revenues, but that is not the same as economic growth. The
economic activity would still be occurring whether it was legalized or not. One needs to
completely rid oneself of the voracity for cash to see that prostitution, although legalized, can
never be a legitimate business because it will always be associated with crime, corruption, class,
mass sexual exploitation and human trafficking. The second speaker of opponent team said thant
Prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act. But in my opinion this argument is
wrong because prostitution creates a setting whereby crimes against men, women, and children
become a commercial enterprise. It is an assault when he/she forces a prostitute to engage in
sadomasochistic sex scenes.
Some prostitution defenders argue that prostitution is an acceptable solution to poverty. What
they mean, but do not say, is that prostitution is an acceptable solution for women living in
poverty. Seldom do we see proposals that poor men should make their way out of poverty by
welcoming the insertion of penises and other objects into them on a regular basis or dance naked
on a stage in front of ogling and masturbating males. The prostitution industry exploits to its
advantage the fact that most women and children who are in prostitution come from the most
oppressed and vulnerable groups in society. I will continue to give my summary of argument.
The economic activity would still be occurring whether prostitution was legalized or not.
Prostitution creates a setting whereby crimes against men, women, and children become a
commercial enterprise. Thats all about my argument, I return back the time to moderator.
Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I
am Devi as reply speaker of affirmative. In this occasion I want to say unequivocally that
prostitution should be legalized. Because in economic view we believe that prostitution can
growth the economic sectors. In law view, we believe that prostitutes are not committing an
inherently harmful act. And the last in human right we believe that trafficking in women,
coercion and exploitation can only be stopped if the existence of prostitution is recognized and
the legal and social rights of prostitutes are guaranteed.
But, negative team believe that prostitution is simply immoral and should be considered a crime.
They also believe that legalizing prostitution would increase the spread of disease, stating that it
takes several weeks to get the results from STD tests allowing an infected prostitute to continue
infecting her clients. Many also believe that since most sex workers are female, the practice is
demeaning to women and enhances the changes of rape and violence. Some go so far as defining
prostitution as a type of rape, since it turns a woman into an object for a man's use. Others state
that prostitution increases the involvement of sexual predators and the use of minors as sex
So, our argument had better than negative teams argument.
Thats all my reply. Thank you.
Thank you moderator. Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I
am Deo as reply speaker of negative. In this occasion I want to say unequivocally that
prostitution should not be legalized. Because in health we believe that prostitution can increase
the risk of HIV/AIDS. In economic view we believe that economic activity would still be
occurring whether it was legalized or not. Prostitution may be the worlds oldest profession,
but that doesnt necessarily mean it can boost a citys economic growth. And we believe that
we will never succeed in combating trafficking in women if we do not simultaneously work to
abolish prostitution and the sexual exploitation of women and children. Prostitution as an
institution is evil. It doesn't matter if it is the 'world's oldest profession', it is still wrong.
Regardless of prostitution's status (legal, illegal or decriminalized) or its physical location (strip
club, massage parlor, street, escort/home/hotel), prostitution is extremely dangerous for women.
Homicide is a frequent cause of death. It is a cruel lie to suggest that decriminalization or
legalization will protect anyone in prostitution.
But, affirmative team believe that, since prostitution is a harmless act, it should not, by
definition, be considered a crime. Many believe that criminalizing prostitution only exacerbates
the spread of diseases, and if the practice were legal, it would encourage cleaner working
conditions and better STD testing for prostitutes. Those who support legalization also believe
that there is nothing immoral about sex, and since it is freely dispensed, there is no harm in
charging for it. Many also believe that criminalizing the industry only brings discrimination and
poor working conditions for sex providers and purchasers. Current laws do not stop prostitutes
from selling sex, but seems only to make them more prone to violent acts while working. Many
also think that if women could legally participate on their own free will, the likelihood of
underage prostitution and sex slaves would decrease. So, our argument had better than
affirmative teams argument. Thats all my reply. I return back the time to moderator.
Good morning Mr. Chairman and Madam Chair, lady and gentlemen. I am Aditya as time
keeper. First, I would like to give you time sign in this debate.
1. When I knock the table ones it mean you spend 2 minutes of time.
2. When I knock the table ones it mean you spend 4 minutes of time.
3. And when I knock the table over and over, it mean you should stop speaking cause the
time is up.
Ok, thats about the time sign. Now, I would like to give time limit for all speaker.
1. Moderator, I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument
2. First Speaker of Affirmative I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument
3. First speaker of negative, I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument

4. Second speaker of affirmative, I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument

5. Second speaker of negative, I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument
6. Third speaker of affirmative, I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument
7. Third speaker of negative, I give you 7 minutes to deliver your argument
8. Reply speaker of affirmative I give you 5 minutes to deliver your argument
9. Reply speaker of negative I give you 5 minutes to deliver your argument
10. Thats all about the time limit, I return back the time to the moderator.

A. Thank you moderator. Good morning every body. The first speaker of affirmative team
spent.minutes from.until.I return back the time to the moderator.

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