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Full names: Career: semester

Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (est or most....)

Its a very nice room. Its . in the hotel.

Its a very cheap restaurant. Its. in the town.

It was a very happy day. It was. in my life.

Shes a very intelligent student. the class.

Complete the sentences with a superlative. Use the adjectives in parentheses

He his family. (tall)

That house is. in the street. (old)

The french make. bread in the world. (good)

This is.. part of the country. (hot)

This is. building in the city. (famous)

Hes.. student in tne class. (bad)

Chinese is one oflanguages to learn. (difficult)

Its..dress in the store. (pretty)

Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (est or most....) or a comparative ( er or more )

We stayed at.. hotel in the town. (cheap)

Our hotel wasthan all the others in the town. (cheap)

What isriver in the world? (long)

Everest is. mountain in the world. Itsthan any

other mountain. (high)

I prefer this chair to the other one. Its(comfortable)

What issport in your country? (popular).

Where is university in the United States? (old)


Full Names: Career: semester

Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (est or more ....)

It's a very nice room. it's............................................ in the hotel.

It's a very cheap restaurant. it's.... in the village.

It was a very happy day. It was. in my life.

She's a very intelligent student. She ......................................... ... in class.

Complete the sentences with a superlative. Use the adjectives in parentheses

He is ................................................ ...................... in his family. (tall)

That house is ............................................... .......... on the street. (old)

The French make...................................... bread in the world. (Good)

This is ................................................ ... ... ... .. part of the country. (hot)

This is ................................................ ...........building in the city. (famous)

He is ................................................ ......... .. student in class. (bad)

Chinese is one of ..................................... ... languages to learn. (Difficult)

it's................................................. ........... ... dressed in the store. (pretty)

Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (est or more ....) or a comparative (er or more)

We stayed in .............................................. hotel in the town. (cheap)

Our hotel was .............................. that all the others in town. (cheap)

What is............................................... . ... river in the world? (long)

Everest is .... Mountain in the world. it's ....than any other mountain. (high)

I prefer this chair to the other. it's.......................... comfortable)

What is............................................... . ... sport in your country? (popular).

Where is .............................. .... university in the United States? (old)

Hoja de clculo
Nombres Completos: Carrera: semestre
Complete las oraciones. Utilice un superlativo (est o ms...)
Es una habitacin muy bonita. Es............................................ En el hotel.
Es un restaurante muy barato. Sus.. en el pueblo.
Fue un da muy feliz. Era. en mi vida.
Es una estudiante muy inteligente. Ella.......................................en clase.
Completa las frases con un superlativo. Utilice los adjetivos entre parntesis
l es... en su familia. (Alto)
Esa casa es............................................... .......... en la calle. (Antiguo)
Los franceses hacen...................................... Pan en el mundo. (Bueno)
Esto es ..... parte del pas. (Caliente)
Esto es ................................................ ........... Edificio en la ciudad. (Famoso)
l es ................................................ ......... .. Estudiante en clase. (Malo)
El chino es uno de ..................................... ... idiomas para aprender. (Difcil)
Sus................................................. ........... ... vestido en la tienda. (Bonita)
Complete las oraciones. Utilice un superlativo (est o ms...) o un comparativo (er o ms)
Nos alojamos en .............................................. hotel en el pueblo. (Barato)
Nuestro hotel era .............................. que todos los dems en la ciudad. (Barato)
Que es............................................... . ... El ro en el mundo? (largo)
El Everest es .... Montaa en el mundo. Es... que cualquier otra montaa. (Alto)
Prefiero esta silla a la otra. Es cmodo)
Que es............................................... . ... Deporte en su pas? (popular).
Dnde est .............................. .... la universidad en los Estados Unidos? (antiguo)

Full Names: Career: semester

Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (est or more ....)

It's a very nice room. It is ............................................ in the hotel.

It's a very cheap restaurant. their.... in the village.

It was a very happy day. Was. in my life.

She is a very intelligent student. She ......................................... ... in class.

Complete the sentences with a superlative. Use the adjectives in parentheses

He is ................................................ ...................... in your family. (high)

That house is ............................................... .......... on the street. (old)

The French make ...................................... bread in the world. (Good)

This is ................................................ ... ... ... .. part of the country. (hot)

This is ................................................ ........... building in the city. (famous)

He is ................................................ ......... .. student in class. (bad)

Chinese is one of ..................................... ... languages to learn. (Difficult)

their................................................. ........... ... dressed in the store. (pretty)

Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (est or more ....) or a comparative (er or more)

We stayed in .............................................. hotel in the village. (cheap)

Our hotel was .............................. that everyone else in town. (cheap)

What is it............................................... . ... the river in the world? (long)

The Everest is .... Mountain in the world. It's ... any other mountain. (high)

I prefer this chair to the other. It is comfortable)

What is it............................................... . ... sport in your country? (popular).

Where is .............................. .... the university in the United States? (old)

hoja de clculo

Nombres Completos: Carrera: semestre

Complete las oraciones. Utilice un superlativo (est o ms ....)

Es una habitacin muy bonita. Es ............................................ en el hotel.

Es un restaurante muy barato. su.... en el pueblo.

Fue un da muy feliz. Estaba. en mi vida.

Es una estudiante muy inteligente. Ella ......................................... ... en clase.

Completa las frases con un superlativo. Utilice los adjetivos entre parntesis

l es ................................................ ...................... En tu familia. (alto)

Esa casa es ............................................... .......... en la calle. (antiguo)

Los franceses hacen ...................................... pan en el mundo. (Bueno)

Esto es ................................................ ... ... ... .. parte del pas. (caliente)

Esto es ................................................ ........... edificio en la ciudad. (famoso)

l es ................................................ ......... .. estudiante en clase. (malo)

El chino es uno de ..................................... ... idiomas para aprender. (Difcil)

su................................................. ........... ... vestido en la tienda. (bonita)

Complete las oraciones. Utilice un superlativo (est o ms ....) o un comparativo (er o ms)

Nos alojamos en .............................................. hotel en el pueblo. (barato)

Nuestro hotel era .............................. que todos los dems en la ciudad. (barato)

Qu es............................................... . ... el ro en el mundo? (largo)

El Everest es .... Montaa en el mundo. Es ... cualquier otra montaa. (alto)

Prefiero esta silla a la otra. Es comodo)

Qu es............................................... . ... deporte en su pas? (popular).

Dnde est .............................. .... la universidad en los Estados Unidos? (antiguo)

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