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World History Syllabus

Fall & Spring Semester 2018

Instructor Information
Instructor Email Room Location
Jessica Kiehl #77

General Information
In World History, students will study the historical development of societies and their patterns of life from the 11 th
century to the 19th century. This course will examine the major historical events that shaped world cultures including
various government and economic systems, ethical and religious beliefs, and major geographical features.

Students will be able to:
Read carefully and critically Make evidence-based arguments
Decipher data and sources Analyze perspectives
Detect disguised agendas and weak claims Problem-solve

Students are expected to be to class on time and be respectful. They are to become familiar with the schools Code of
Conduct located on the schools website. Additional expectations include but not limited to:
Coming to class prepared Using appropriate language
Actively participating in class Maintaining a clean classroom
Speaking when suitable (ex. Classroom discussions No cell phone use unless otherwise stated
and when called on)
No gum

Course Materials
Required Materials
A binder Pens and pencils
Dividers if using a large binder for more than one Note cards
Additional materials may be requested by teacher
College ruled paper

Required Text
Content-based textbook provided by the school
Richard Marius, A Short Guide to Writing about History, 9th ed. Print.

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Course Schedule
Semester 1
I Early Civilizations
II Greeks and Romans
III World Religions
IV Medieval Europe
V Age of Revolution

Semester 2
VI Imperialism
VII The Great War
VIII Holocaust & WWII
IX Cold War
X Contemporary World

Course Policies
Grade Scale
A = 90%-100% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = <60%

Late Work
Must submit a request to turn in late work. Assignments are given with appropriate time frames for completion,
therefore work should not be turned in late. Upon receiving the request for submission, the circumstances will be
evaluated. Each day an assignment isnt turned in, students are docked points.

Students are expected to be in class every day. Each day participation points are given. Needless to say, if you are not
in class, you will lose participation points. Should you have an excused absence, you will the same amount of days to
make up work as the days you were excused (ex. You missed two days, therefore you have two days to make up missed
work). School activities do not count and participants will be expected to turn in their work on their assigned due date.

Academic Honesty
Cheating is unacceptable. In order to be academically honest, students must credit others whose work youve used in
the creation of your own work. Students must also report to the teacher any instances of cheating. Cheating includes
but not limited to:
Presenting others work as your Using cheat sheets on exams Copying or sharing answers to
own exams or homework
First-time offender will get a zero on said assignment and possible detention. Subsequent violations will require
Administrator involvement.

Contacting Me
If you or your guardian have any questions, please email me! I am most accessible via email and encourage
communication between school and home. Im looking forward to an incredible year with all of you!

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