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Kevin J. Rupp A Soot, Andee Wi Nap Rupp, ANDERSON, SQUIRES Tre Hew & WALDSPURGER, P, A. S ‘Als Adie i Wisconsin Etec heise December 7, 2017 VIA FACSIMILE AND EMAIL Erik Kaardal Mohrman, Kaardal & Erickson, P.A. 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Fax: 612.341.1076 Email; RE: ISD 273, Edina Public Schools Our File No. 0273-0003 ‘Dear Mr. Kaardal: 1 am the attomey for Independent School District No. 273, Edina Public Schools (“District”), and the District has learned that you intend to hold a press conference on District property this afternoon at 4 p.m. I am writing to let you know that you do not have permission to enter onto District grounds for this purpose, and to ask that you please find an alternative location for your press conference. As you are no doubt aware, the District has the authority to regulate the entrance by members of the public onto District property, and District property is not considered a public forum. See Minn. Stat. § 609.605, subd. 4. As such, there is no right for individuals to enter onto District property without permission. The sidewalks and entrances to the High School are owned by the District, and are not city sidewalks that would traditionally be considered a public or open forum for speech. School Board policies have also been put into place related to the use of District facilities and property. You have not applied to use District property through any of those policies or procedures, and do not have the District’s permission to enter onto its property. 333 South Seventh Street, Suite 2800, Minneapolis, MN 55402 office (612) 4364300 + fax (612) 436+4340 + December 7, 2017 Page 2 To reiterate, you do not have permission to enter onto District property today. If you enter onto District property, the District will consider you to be trespassing, and the District reserves the right to take any action available to it pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. in addition, if the documentation that i have reviewed is accurate, it appears that you intend to file a lawsuit on the basis of alleged violations of the U.S. Flag Code. However, there is no private cause of action for a lawsuit against a governmental entity upon those grounds. Thus, I would encourage you to please research this issue thoroughly prior to filing a lawsuit, and to remove this frivolous claim. If this type of claim is made, the District will be secking its costs and fees for having to respond, and would plan to file a Rule 11 sanctions motion. Thank you for your review and consideration. Very Traly Yo Trevor S, Helmers CC: Tom Ciesielka (via email to t¢ ASW: 99938

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