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Spanish 1 25 minutes
By: Lylia Schoepp
Date: 10/27/2017
Context for Learning Attention to students backgrounds, interests, and needs
The cooperating teacher is currently doing lessons throughout the unit on different cities in Spain.
Barcelona is one of these cities.

Lesson Rationale
I lived in Barcelona and experienced the culture of the city, and saw the sights first-hand, so I can be a tool
to the students about what the city is really like.

Content Standard(s)
Standard: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives
Learning Objectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the
practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

Standard: Interpretive Communication

Learning Objective: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of

Formative/Summative Assessment (Process)

Title and description of assessment activity: Guided Notes. At the bottom of the guided notes, they will analyze
the differences and similarities between their culture and the culture of Barcelona.
Evaluative criteria: They will then turn in their guided notes for a participation grade.
What the assessment is designed to assess (tie to learning objective): Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives.
Feedback to students: N/A

(Important Spanish Vocabulary)

My cooperating teacher asked that I mostly use English, but I will introduce a few vocabulary words.
Men del da, Viva el Bara, Castellares, Castillo, Estadio Olmpico, Estado Poltico Actual
Students will recall the meanings of:
Me llamo, Buenos das and Cmo ests?
Students will learn a few Catalan vocabulary words:
Jo em dic, Com ests?, Bon dia, Visca el Bara, Plaa

Cultural Lesson.

1. Powerpoint
2. Gap notes

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks to Support Learning

Time & Materials Learning Activities (Procedure) Purpose (Objective)
3 minutes & Review of material previously learned about Barcelona. The students will recall
PowerPoint previously learned content about
Barcelona that will help them
understand content in the lesson.
Content Choose all that apply (Can repeat and add rows): Presentation/Explicit Instruction, Structured
Practice/Exploration, Guided Practice/Feedback, Independent Practice/ Application, Formative Assessment,
& Powerpoint Presentation/Explicit Instruction of the culture of The students will learn about the
Barcelona. culture of Barcelona from a
former habitant of the city.
During the Guided notes that follow the PowerPoint.
PowerPoint &
Guided Notes
Spanish 1 25 minutes
By: Lylia Schoepp
Date: 10/27/2017

& Guided Notes Students will use their worksheet from the lesson to The students will be able to
Worksheet make one cultural comparison and one difference analyze the differences and
between their lives here in the U.S. and in Barcelona. similarities between their own
culture and that of the city being
Extension/Lesson Builder

Modifications, Management, and/or Safety Issues

No modifications are necessary for this lesson.

The cooperating teacher will wander around the classroom to keep students on task, as I will have to stay towards
the front of the room for video-taping purposes (not all students turned in a permission form to participate in the

Content Information (Resources)

A few pictures from Google Images.

Bingham, A. (2015, June 17). Spain Dining Guide: When are Spanish Eating Times? Retrieved from

Many pictures are my own personal photos.

Videos from YouTube.

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