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Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

Stacking sequence design of composite laminates for maximum

strength using genetic algorithms
J.H. Park, J.H. Hwang, C.S. Lee, W. Hwang *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, South Korea

This paper uses genetic algorithms (GAs) for the optimal design of symmetric composite laminates subject to various loading and
boundary conditions. To analyze these laminates, the nite element method based on shear deformation theory is used. The Tsai
Hill failure criterion is taken as the tness function, and the ply orientation angles are the design variables. In the GA, tournament
selection and the uniform crossover method are used. The elitist model is also used for an eective evolution strategy and the
creeping random search method is adopted in order to approach the solution with high accuracy. Optimization results are given for
various loading and boundary conditions. The results show that optimization via a GA can nd the global optimal solution leading
to a substantial decrease in the failure index. 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: Composite laminates; Optimum design; Genetic algorithm; Strength; Finite element method; Failure index; Load-carrying eciency index

1. Introduction laminates under buckling load. Optimization algorithms

generally seek only local minima or maxima; however,
Use of ber-reinforced composites in mechanical, Kam and Synman [7] introduced a global optimization
aerospace, automobile, shipbuilding, and other branches technique. Taucher and Adibhatla [5] conducted opti-
of engineering has been growing. This is because of their mal design from a starting point obtained from a ran-
high strength-to-weight and stiness-to-weight ratios, dom jump technique. Traditional search methods [8]
and better mechanical properties than other materials such as the gradient technique requires much auxiliary
[1,2]. The anisotropic nature of ber reinforced com- information to work properly. Hill climbing is a good
posite provides the unique opportunity of tailoring such example of a search strategy that needs derivatives in
properties as the stacking sequence, ber orientation, order to climb the current peak, but because of its lim-
and thickness of laminate according to design require- ited view it is apt to seek only local maxima that may be
ments. Consequently, design may be optimized over far from the global solution. Powell's conjugate gradient
various objective functions and design variables. technique [9] is one method for nding the optimum
Many search methods in the optimum design of solution without using derivatives. However, it requires
composites seek the maximum or minimum of particular that the objective function is unimodal, and it therefore
functions. Initially, researchers were interested in weight needs several starting points not to become trapped at
reduction. Schmit and Farshi [3] found the thickness local extrema.
that minimizes weight subject to strength and stiness Genetic algorithms (GAs) are fundamentally dierent
constraints and a given stacking sequence. They later from traditional search techniques. GAs are based on
attempted optimum design for applicable ply orienta- the mechanics of natural selection and genetics, and seek
tion [4]. Tauchert and Adibhatla [5] obtained the mini- the optimal solution through random probability
mum strain energy of laminates under transverse load, methods without auxiliary information such as deriva-
taking the stacking sequence and thickness of plies as tives or intelligently chosen starting points. GAs have
design variables. Adali [6] studied the optimal design of been used in composite structural design [1015]. Minga
[10] designed a honeycomb structure using a GA. Riche
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-54-279-2174; fax: +82-54-279-
and Haftka [13] solved the laminate stacking sequence
5899. design problem subject to buckling and strength
E-mail address: (W. Hwang). constraints. Jaunky et al. [14] analyzed weight optimi-

0263-8223/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

PII: S 0 2 6 3 - 8 2 2 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 7 0 - 7
218 J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

zation strategy for grid-stiened composite circular cy- oNx oNxy

lindrical shells subject to axial load under a global 0;
ox oy
buckling design constraint as well as strength con-
straints. Kim et al. [15] minimized the weight of com- oNxy oNy
posite laminates with ply drop under a strength ox oy
constraint. In all these researches, the GA discovered a
variety of alternative designs with similar performance, oQx oQy
q 0; 3
giving the designer a choice. GAs are increasingly used ox oy
where traditional optimization methods are not appro- oMx oMxy
priate. Qx 0;
ox oy
This paper uses a GA to nd the optimal stacking
sequence of laminated composites under various loading oMxy oMy
and boundary conditions, optimized for maximum Qy 0;
ox oy
strength. The plate stresses are calculated by the nite
element method based on the rst-order shear defor-
mation theory. The design variables are the ply orien- where Nx ; Ny ; Nxy are the resultant forces, Mx ; My and
tation angles. In general, quadratic failure criteria such Mxy are resultant moments, Qx and Qy are resultant
as the TsaiHill and TsaiWu theories have been widely forces in the transverse direction, and q is the distributed
used to predict the failure of composite materials. There load for the transverse direction.
is an inconsistency, however, in the application of Tsai Fig. 1 shows the stacking sequence and principal
Wu theory to stacking sequence optimization, as pub- material axes with reference to coordinate axes. The
lished by Kim et al. [16]. Therefore, in the present work, constitutive equations of composite laminates, taking
the TsaiHill failure criterion is used as the tness shear deformation into account, are

2. General theory

The displacement eld based on the rst-order shear

deformation theory [17] takes the form
ux; y; z u0 x; y zhx ; vx; y; z v0 x; y zhy ;
wx; y; z wx; y; 1
where u0 and v0 are displacements of u and v on the mid-
plane. Because the vertical line to the mid-plane of the
laminates is not necessarily perpendicular to the de-
formed mid-plane, the terms hx and hy are independent
of ow=ox and ow=oy.
The displacementstrain relations, taking Eq. (1) into
account are
0 1 0 ou0 1 0 ohx 1
ex ox ox
@ ey A B ov C
@ oy0 A z@ oy A;
B ohy C
cxy ou0
ovox0 ohx oh
oy oy

e e0 zj; 2
0 1
cxz !
B C ox
@ cyz A ow ;

c c:
The equilibrium equations of the rst-order shear Fig. 1. Stacking sequence and principal material axes with reference
deformation are given by coordinate axes.
J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231 219

0 1 2 30 1
rx Q11 Q12 Q16 0 0 ex
B ry C 6 Q12 Q22 Q26 0 0 7B ey C
B C 6 C
B C 6 7B C
B sxy C 6 Q16 Q26 Q66 0 0 7B cxy C; 4
B C 6 7B C
@ sxz A 4 0 0 0 Q44 Q45 5@ c xz
syz 0 0 0 Q45 Q55 cyz
where Qij is the transformed stiness matrix. By in-
tegrating the stresses of Eq. (4) with respect to the z-
direction, we obtain the resultant forces, resultant
moments, and resultant shear forces as
! " # !
N A B e0
M B D j
0 1 2 30 1 5
Qx DS44 DS45 cxz
B C 6 7B C
Q @ Qy A 4 DS45 DS55 5@ cyz A DS c ;

Z h
 2  Fig. 2. Nine node Lagrange plate element with ve degrees of free-
Aij ; Bij ; Dij Qij 1; z; z2 dz; i; j 1; 2; 6; dom.
Z h
DSij k Qij dz; i; j 4; 5; where
2 oN 3
and k is the shear correction factor. This shear correc- ox
0 0 0 0
tion factor is derived from corrections to the rst-order 6 7
6 oNi
shear deformation theory from exact solutions. In this Bei 6 0 oy
0 0 7;
4 5
paper, k is assumed to be 5/6 [18]. oNi oNi
0 0 0
oy ox
2 oNi
0 0 0 ox
3. FEM analysis 6 7
6 oNi 7
Bbi 6 0 0 0 0 oy 7;
4 5
The variable nite element method based on rst- 0 0 0 oNi oNi
oy ox
order shear deformation theory and the penalty plate-
bending element, proposed by Reddy [19], are used for " oNi #
0 0 ox
Ni 0
the analysis of composite laminates. A Lagrange plate Bsi ;
element with nine second-order nodes is used as shown 0 0 oy
0 Ni
in Fig. 2, in which there are ve degrees of freedom
(u; v; w; hx ; hy ). and subscripts e; b, and s, respectively, dene extension,
The interpolation function of the displacement eld is bending, and shear.
dened as The strain energy (u) is obtained by integrating over
0 1 the area of the element:
Bv C Z Z
B C X n 1 1
B C u N e0 dA M j dA
Bw C N i di ; 7 2 2
@ hx A i1
hy QTc dA: 9
2 A
where di ui ; vi ; wi ; hxi ; hyi , Ni Ni I, where Ni is the
Eq. (9) can be written as
interpolation function, and di represent the nodal vari-
ables. The mid-plane strains and curvatures are given by X1
u dTe KTe de ; 10
e0 Bei di ; j Bbi di ; c Bsi di ; 8 e
220 J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

where Ke is the stiness matrix of element: species when reproduction occurs. An initial population
Z of chromosomes explores the search space for optimal
Kij BTi DBj dA solutions by means of a randomized process of selection,
crossover, and mutation. All individuals have their t-
 ness value for new search points, and the selection
BTei ABej BTbi BBej dA process permits those individuals of superior tness to
Z reproduce more than others. Selected individuals gen-
 erate new ospring by combining their features. The
BTei BBbj BTbi DBbj dA
A mutation process provides the new search space by al-
Z tering the genes on a chromosome.
BTsi DSBsj dA; 11 GAs are dierent from traditional searching tech-
A niques such as gradient technique. Because they are not
and limited by such conditions as continuity of the variables,
0 1 the number of design variables, problems of local min-
ima, and do not have to decide starting points according
Bi @ Bbi A; 12
to the type of problem, they can readily be designing
composite materials.
2 3
A B 0
D 4 B D 0 5: 13 4.2. Fitness function, failure index, design variables, and
0 0 DS ply orientations

The total potential energy, p of the plate is The aim of this study is to maximize the strength of
pU V; 14 composite laminates by altering the ply orientation for a
given thickness of layer. The ply orientation angles of
where U is strain energy and V is the potential energy composite laminates are taken as design variables, and
due to external loads. By minimizing p with respect to the failure index of TsaiHill theory is used as the tness
the displacement di , we can obtain the nal matrix function [22]. Chromosomes are dened as shown in
equation Fig. 3. Each gene consequently represents a ply angle.
Kd f: 15 The ply angle is coded as a binary number and is
mapped to a decimal number.
The strains in Eq. (2) are obtained from the strains The optimization problem can be expressed in
and curvatures on the mid-plane on putting displace- mathematical form:
ment di into Eq. (8). The stresses are calculated at the
integration point about each laminate by putting the r21 r1 r2 r22 s212
Minimize fTH h 2 2
strains into the constitutive Eq. (4). Finally, r1 , r2 , s12 X2 X2 Y S 16
can be obtained by transforming the calculated stresses subject to 90 6 h 6 90;
into the ber orientation. Failure indices can therefore
where fTH h is the TsaiHill quadratic failure criterion,
be obtained by using the TsaiHill theory.
taken as the failure index. The tness function is cal-
culated by the nite element method under various
boundary conditions. The total number of elements is
4. Optimization procedure denoted p, the number of integration points within one
element is q, and the number of piles is r. The tness
4.1. Genetic algorithms function is calculated at each point of fp; q; rg. Among
these calculated tness functions, the maximum tness
GAs [20] are a subset of evolutionary algorithms
(EAs) and are derived from the study of biology, arti-
cial intelligence and numerical optimization. They are
equally applicable in engineering. The GA is inspired by
adaptation in natural and articial systems [21], and its
usefulness in optimization has been veried. As better
GAs have been developed, the idea has been widely
applied in the science, economics and engineering.
Technically, the GA is a probabilistic search technique
based on natural selection. Nature tends to make more
copies of chromosomes that cause benecial adaptations
to a given environment, and introduces variation in a Fig. 3. Denition of chromosome.
J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231 221

function is sought and minimized. This procedure can be Mutation expands the search space by random
written as changes of string bits in the chromosome that alter the
2 1 1 1 3 chromosome overall. Consequently, we can prevent the
fTH h1 ; fTH h2 ; . . . ; fTH hr
6 f 2 h ; f 2 h ; . . . ; f 2 h 7 existing population from seeking local minima using
6 TH 1 TH 2 TH r 7 mutation. In this study, the search space is expanded by
Minimize Max6 6 ..
4 5 17 restarting the GA with the new population (involving
pq pq pq
mass mutation) if there is little dierence between elite
fTH h1 ; fTH h2 ; . . . ; fTH hr tness and the average tness of the population.
subject to 90 6 h 6 90: The creeping random search method, proposed in
1958 by Brook [24], nds the individual that has supe-
rior tness by shifting a random value of design vari-
4.3. Operation of the genetic algorithm
ables using a restricted probability density distribution.
The iteration rule of a creeping random search is to nd
The roulette wheel method is widely used for ran-
a minimum
domization. But this method cannot select dominantly
the best individuals as the population of next genera-  k k  
x z if fTH xk zk 6 fTH xk success;
tion, although individuals have high tness. By contrast, xk1 k
x otherwise failure;
tournament selection chooses a random set of individ-
uals and picks out the best among them. Tournament 18
selection also has the characteristic of controlling the where zk denotes a random vector.
next generation according to reproduction of dominant In this study, the creeping random search is per-
individuals by varying the tournament size. Therefore, formed by changing the elite individual's design variable
in this research, we use tournament selection, with when the GA restart with the newly generated popula-
tournament size of two (binary tournaments). Elitist tion. A ow chart for the process of optimum design is
selection ensures that the best chromosome is passed presented in Fig. 5.
into the new generation if it is not selected through
another process. We also use the elitist model.
Crossover is the main genetic operator. It operates on
two chromosomes and generates ospring by combining 5. Numerical examples
features of both chromosomes. One-point crossover
combines two chromosomes by choosing a random cut- Optimum designs of composite laminates subject to
point; two-point crossovers combine two chromosomes various loading and boundary conditions were sought
by choosing two cut-points; and uniform crossover using the GA. Material properties of composite and GA
combines chromosomes by choosing random cut-points, parameters are given in Tables 1 [25] and 2, respectively.
as shown in Fig. 4. In this paper, we use uniform Throughout the calculations, plates have thickness h
crossover with a strong crossover eect; the crossover 4 mm, a=b 1, and a=h 25. The population number
rate is 0.5 [23]. is 10 and chromosomes have 15 bitstrings per variable.

Fig. 4. Crossover.
222 J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

Fig. 5. Flow chart of optimization process.

Table 1 Table 2
Material properties GA-parameters
CFRP T300/N5208 graphite/epoxy Population size 10
E1 132.5 GPa Length of chromosome 15 bits
E2 10.8 GPa Selection strategy Tournament and elitist
G12 G13 5.7 GPa Crossover strategy Uniform crossover with
G23 3.4 GPa 0.5 probability
m12 0.24 Mutation strategy Mass mutation and creeping
X 1515 MPa random search
Y 43.8 MPa Maximum parameter value 90
S 86.9 MPa Minimum parameter value )90

Optimum solutions are obtained by iteration of the de- 5.1. Optimum design for various loading conditions
sign variables. The interval is
Optimum designs of the symmetric composite lami-
90 90 nate subject to various loading conditions have been
Dhi 0:005493 . . . 19
215 1 performed. Fig. 6 shows the layout of composite lami-
J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231 223

worst f:i:=optimum f:i:

Optimum f.i.


61:68= 54:91= 44:62=44:71s


51:3=51:0= 50:5= 51:4s

43:57= 44:27=


70:47=41:81= 47:61s
45:0= 43:21s
54:47=54:91= 48:93s
2:81= 1:05= 0:53=
0:03=0:019= 0:04s


74:78= 21:14s
45:31= 44:75=
45:92= 44:25=
Optimum angle

4:31= 61:78s

Fig. 6. Layout of composite laminate and boundary conditions for the
evaluation of loading eect: (a) one side simply supported with center
point xed and the other three edges free; (b) all sides simply sup-
Worst f.i.




nate and boundary conditions for the evaluation of

loading eect. The boundaries are all side simply sup-

ported except for the case of uniaxial tensile loading. To 44:97=45:31=46:42=45:05s

demonstrate the validity of the method used in this
study, the worst solutions are evaluated as well as the
0:002= 19:67=0:02=
90= 90=90= 90s


89:81= 89:99=90s

optimum solutions. The worst failure index is evaluated

89:96= 89:79s

by maximizing the failure index of TsaiHill theory us-




Worst angle

ing the GA. The load-carrying eciency index ILC , is

dened as the square-root of the ratio of the worst
failure index to the optimum failure index, which means
load carrying capability of composite laminates having
optimum ply angles relative to that of composite lami-
nates having worst failure index.
Optimum design for various loading conditions


worst failure index
ILC : 20
optimum failure index
Combined (uniform + biaxial)

Table 3 represents the optimum stacking sequence of

laminates under various loading conditions in the sym-
metric composite laminates (h1 =h2 s ). For 4-ply sym-
Loading condition

metric laminate the tness functions of all possible ply

angles under the all loading conditions and the tness

values (failure index) as the generations change under

Table 3



uniaxial and biaxial loadings are presented in Figs. 7

and 8, respectively.
224 J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

Fig. 7. Fitness function of 4-ply symmetric laminate for various loading conditions: (a) uniaxial loading; (b) biaxial loading; (c) uniform loading; (d)
point loading; (e) combined loading (uniform + biaxial).

5.1.1. Uniaxial loading Fig. 8(a) shows that the GA seeks the minimum value in
fewer generations because the tness function has no
Uniaxial tensile loading (Nx 0:5 MN=m) is applied local minimum as shown in Fig. 7(a).
to symmetric laminate with the boundary condition of
Fig. 6(a). It is obvious that the maximum strength of 5.1.2. Biaxial loading
laminates occurs when all layer angles are parallel to the
ber orientation, 0s and that the worst ply angle of Optimum designs of in-plane biaxially loaded plates
maximum failure index is 90s . The load-carrying ca- with a loading condition of Nx :Ny 1:2 (Nx 0:5
pability of the best designed plate is about 34 times MN=m, Ny 1 MN=m) which is similar to a cylindri-
better than that for the worst design angle in Table 3. cal pressure vessel under internal pressure were sought.
J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231 225

Fig. 8. Evolution of failure index 4-ply symmetric laminate under

uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions: (a) uniaxial loading; (b) biaxial
Fig. 9. Initialization and evolution of chromosome for 4-ply composite
laminate under biaxial loading: (a) initialization; (b) after crossover.

For a laminate of 4-ply, the optimum ply angle is 5.1.4. Point loading
[51.1]s , which is close to the solution of [54.7]s from
the netting analysis considering only the ber load-car- Optimum designs, when a point load (P 1 kN) is
rying capability. In Fig. 8(b), more generations are applied to the center of the plate, were sought. It is
needed for convergence than uniaxial loading case due found that the load-carrying factors have relatively
to local minimum as shown in Fig. 7(b). Fig. 9 shows the small values compared to these under other loading
distribution of chromosomes on the contour of the t- conditions, as shown in Table 3. The tness functions of
ness function and the eect of crossover in nding the 4-ply laminates are given in Fig. 7(d).
maximum tness value. For initialized chromosomes as
shown in Fig. 9(a), the elite tness is 24.0 and the av- 5.1.5. Combined loading
erage tness is 6.79. Fig. 9(b) shows the distribution of
population of the second generation. The elite tness Optimization of laminate design under a combination
and the average tness are 29.4 and 12.66. of in-plane biaxial loading (Nx 0:5 MN=m, Ny
1 MN=m) and uniform loading q 1 MN=m2 ) was
performed. The tness functions of 4-ply laminates are
5.1.3 Uniform loading given in Fig. 7(e). In this case the optimized laminate
can carry external loads more than 4.7 times greater
Optimum designs under uniform load q 1 MN=m2 ) than for the worst designed laminate.
were sought. The tness functions of 4-ply laminates are
given in Fig. 7(c). The worst stacking sequence is 45s . According to the above results, the failure index of
The optimum failure index is more sensitive to the the laminates subjected to inplane loading is not highly
number of plies than the other loading conditions, and sensitive of the number of plies overall for optimal de-
can support loads 2.5 or more times larger than the sign as well as worst stacking sequence. On the other
worst design as shown in Table 3. hand, for the laminates subjected to transverse loading,
226 J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

such as uniform or point loads, the optimum failure 5.2. Optimum design for various boundary conditions
index decreases as the number of plies increases, while
the worst failure index is relatively independent of the Optimum designs of laminates under various
number of plies. This means that a greater number of boundary conditions were sought. The boundary con-
plies can carry a greater load for the same overall ditions are presented in Fig. 10. Uniform (q 1
thickness. These results may apply to the aspect ratio of MN=m2 ) and point (P 1 kN) loads are respectively
a=b 1 only. applied [2628]. The corresponding optimal designs are

Fig. 10. Various boundary conditions: (a) boundary condition 1 (two opposite edges simply supported and the other two edges clamped);
(b) boundary condition 2 (three edges simply supported and one edge clamped); (c) boundary condition 3 (all edges clamped); (d) boundary condition
4 (one edge simply supported and the other edges clamped); (e) boundary condition 5 (two opposite edges simply supported, the third edge free,
and the forth edge clamped); (f) boundary condition 6 (three edges clamped and the fourth edge free); (g) boundary condition 7 (two opposite
edges simply supported, and the other two edges free).
Table 4
Optimum design for various boundary conditions under uniform loading
Boundary condition Ply Worst angle Worst f.i. Optimum angle Optimum f.i. worst f:i:=optimum f:i:
1 4 3:97=5:83s 3.175 89:98= 0:2s 0.134 4.8

J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

6 3:45=5:49=5:96s 3.177 87:24= 19:98=38:02s 0.119 5.1
8 3:57=5:71=5:5=6:22s 3.179 84:35= 37:7=14:02= 85:93s 0.115 5.2
2 4 38:84=35:63s 3.683 89:55= 19:66s 0.287 3.5
6 39:39=35:83=35:09s 3.690 81:11= 39:38=22:75s 0.249 3.8
8 39:67=35:87=36:07=35:79s 3.697 80:95= 48:39=39:15= 67:54s 0.225 4.0
3 4 45:05=45:19s 0.515 48:07= 45:49s 0.244 1.4
6 45:13=45:05=44:22s 0.515 44:29= 49:44=87s 0.164 1.7
8 44:97=44:89=45:02=46:25s 0.515 46:36= 27:79= 68:5=9:76s 0.145 1.8
4 4 89:97= 88:56s 1.184 37:96= 57:26s 0.302 1.9
6 89:99= 88:61=89:69s 1.184 42:94= 48:41=2:93s 0.206 2.3
8 88:59=85:82=86:12=76:04s 1.185 46:58= 27:77= 9:81=9:59s 0.175 2.6
5 4 85:77= 89:92s 16.169 29:26= 87:88s 1.783 3.0
6 85:83= 89:97=87:59s 16.151 46:37= 16:77= 42:05s 1.257 3.5
8 84:19=86:27=86:91=87:01s 16.253 50:62= 13:08= 5:91= 2:49s 0.965 4.1
6 4 88:21=78:52s 23.817 0=90s 0.303 8.8
6 80:37=78:64=79:11s 23.826 0:18=89:99= 1:0s 0.239 9.9
8 80:64=78:75=78:93= 90s 23.768 0:36= 89:73=1:17=0:75s 0.229 10.1
7 4 87:42= 89:52s 84.417 0:2= 0:21s 0.211 20.0
6 87:24= 89:91= 89:61s 84.502 0:17= 0:45= 81:58s 0.162 22.8
8 86:48= 89:99= 89:9= 89:64s 84.64 0:83=2:87= 62:9=1:88s 0.218 19.7

Table 5
Optimum design for various boundary conditions under point loading
Boundary condition Ply Worst angle Worst f.i. Optimum angle Optimum f.i. worst f:i:=optimum f:i:
1 4 25:3=22:04s 0.475 88:22= 12:01s 0.097 2.2

J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

6 25:75=23:76=19:11s 0.476 86:08= 10:7= 38s 0.082 2.4
8 25:96=23:91=23:07=15:63s 0.476 77:01= 32:6= 33:11= 52:44s 0.075 2.5
2 4 28:62=25:38s 0.504 87:17= 16:4s 0.138 1.9
6 29:21=27:14=22:76s 0.506 78:27= 33:03= 32:08s 0.11 2.1
8 29:39=27:58=27:01=19:46s 0.505 64:46= 40:92= 40:77= 42:13s 0.09 2.3
3 4 44:91=45:08s 0.327 89:85= 0:88s 0.105 1.7
6 45:02=44:92=44:69s 0.327 5:75= 72:87= 68:75s 0.08 2.0
8 45=45:16=44:74=44:49s 0.327 15:45= 60:94= 59:82= 40:71s 0.07 2.1
4 4 52:53=56:41s 0.364 0= 89:95s 0.101 1.8
6 52:52=53:96=60:93s 0.366 7:93= 63:98= 57:04s 0.08 2.1
8 51:95=53:46=54:95=65:49s 0.365 16:43= 55:04= 53:98= 47:37s 0.07 2.2
5 4 87:92= 87:11s 0.672 63:03= 26:15s 0.214 1.7
6 86:86= 87:87=90s 0.679 26:42= 56:89= 59:01s 0.133 2.2
8 85:99= 87:69= 86:81=89:65s 0.682 25:86= 57:86= 58:48= 61:44s 0.108 2.5
6 4 58:4=60:24s 0.385 2:4= 73:47s 0.107 1.8
6 58:71=58:72=63:37s 0.387 12:21= 58:05= 56:17s 0.085 2.1
8 58:17=58:13=58:9=67:91s 0.386 14:31= 56:77= 59:01=55:24s 0.075 2.2

7 4 82:67= 88:36s 3.076 7:56= 59:56s 0.211 3.8

6 81:89= 89:49= 88:19s 3.116 20:39= 51:85= 53:38s 0.139 4.7
8 81:02= 89:1= 88:43= 88:74s 3.152 20:32= 50:76= 50:62= 53:14s 0.119 5.1
J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231 229

given in Tables 4 and 5. The tness functions of h1 =h2 s Boundary Two opposite edges simply supported,
for each boundary condition are presented in Fig. 11. condition 5 the third edge free, and the fourth edge
Boundary Three edges built in and the fourth edge
Boundary Two opposite edges simply supported condition 6 free
condition 1 and the other two edges built in Boundary Two opposite edges simply supported
(clamped) condition 7 and the other two edges free
Boundary Three edges simply supported and one
condition 2 edge clamped
Boundary All edges clamped For boundary condition 1, optimal stacking sequence
condition 3 of 4-ply laminate has 90=0s under uniform load. For
Boundary One edge simply supported and the other boundary condition 2, the load-carrying capability of
condition 4 edges clamped the optimal ply angle against the worst ply angle is lower

Fig. 11. Fitness function of 4-ply symmetric laminate for various boundary conditions.
230 J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231

Fig. 11. (Continued).

J.H. Park et al. / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 217231 231

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