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WR ellen ict) Resi) Comprendre, demander et donner des renseignements biographiques @® @ Preranine’ Neo isa South African boy who lives in Joziin the 2000s. One day, he travels back in time and finds himself in Joburg, South Africa, in 1976. fx we sis NYS er 2 SSrece FRIEND isa W apenir alLowep WHITE CITY, TO LIVE IN THE CITY, Me oon Tig Neao 2235 oro TO EVEN a eee 2 HERE! ioe ee ; roe THiS |S j INSANE! HOW 1 We can YOu Live | 3 es aires ony] . ner GLANKES THANK 600) PICEA, sci ere é a Ak te Val we Aren't auwoweo . EARN TO SIT ON THiS 5 ni si z= yeu PARK BENCH, A Tinetiners 1, Soweto fa Flomes, 200), parteldruseum org ‘@inthe cartoon, read the different signs and inscriptions and react. Culture Box “Apartheid, uise provonce Dy Read the speech bubbles and focus on the kids’ reactions and feelings. ‘3pazten|, est alorigine tun mot afrkaans (langue germanioue issue du néerlandais)signifiant «4 séparation, mise part». Wap. 38] Now, try to explain what apartheid was. Use a dictionary to check the definition. A long walk to freedom > >.» een “TOst Ont ©) 2. Read the different signs and inscriptions in the picture and react. b. Now, Inthe speech balloons, underline the elements describing the life In Joburg In 1976. © Read the speech balloons and highlight Neo’s reactions and feelings towards the situation © 2. Now, try to explain what apartheld was. Apartheid was b. Use a dictionary and check the definition. Write It down. Trucs & Astuces Pour vérifier le sens d'un mot, pense utiliser des dictionnaires unilingues en ligne, par exemple : http://www. oxfordlearners: VOCABULARY KIT e 30 Activism and polities run =rule a country = struggle = fight + join a movement or a party be elected = release = free 8 “Nelson Mandela, 1994 @) Look at the photo and guess who Nelson Mandela was and what happened in his life. Listen to his biography and check. BNow, recap with your classmates: why did Nelson Mandela become so famous? ©) usten toa biography of Nelson Mandela, Write down all the numbers and dates you hear. © usten again and try to put the different numbers and dates In the boxes below. a Date: July 18, 1918 How fone Place: South Afica'sCapeprovince petals ie a S ge Date of lease: etal: E ate: etal: © usten once more and pick out more details about Mandela's life. Take notes In the boxes (p. 39). Niessaie pas de tout comprendre dans le document, mais concentre-toi sur les mots accentués et utilise les photos pour deviner quels mots tu risques d’entendre. H) Ps THE MELODY OF ENGLISH ) = intonation des questions * When did Nelson Mandela join ‘the ANC? * Did South Africa win his clan name? 7 WS, p42 BAER NESE intonation des questions & Ecoute tes phrases sulvantes en falsant attention a Intonation, Indique si ‘Intonation est montante (0) ou descendante (0). " 1. When did Nelson Mandela join the ANC? 4. Why did he get the Nobel Prize? 2. Did South Africa win the Rugby World Cup? 5. Is Invictus based on a true story? 3. What was his clan name? b. Lis et complete. En anglais, les questions en WH- ont une intonation ‘en fin de phrase alors que les yes / no questions qui commencent par un auxiliaire ont une intonation © G Entrame-tot a prononcer les phrases del'actvité Fa. Puls compare avec l'enregistrement. DUT You'd like to know more about this “incredible man”. Ask your classmates questions. Look at the film poster and say what you can. Imagine what the plot is about. what elements do you expect to find in a plot summary? We p43] Now, read the plot summary and get details about the film. SWB .p. 43] @RAOINGD The film tells the inspiring and true story of how newly elected President Nelson Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africas rugby team to help unite their country through sport. Mandela knew his nation ‘was still racially and economically divided after apartheid. So he worked out a plan to bring his nation together: with South Africa hosting the Rugby World Cup in 1995, he met Francois Pienaar, the captain of the Springboks, and called upon him to win the World Cup. lilt Bene See Invictus, qui signifie « invaincu, invincible » en latin, est en fait le titre d'un poéme de William Ernest Henley. Il s‘agissait du poéme préféré de Nelson Mandela. Invictus, film directed ky Clint Eastwood, 2009, & ©) circte the elements you expect to find In a plot summary. setting (place andtime) characters actors opinion about the iim storyline type genre B 2. Now, read the plot summary of Invictus and highlight those different elements. Use one colour for each element. ‘The film tells the inspiring and true story of how newly elected President Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africas rugby team to help unite their country through sport. Mandela knew his nation was still racially and economically divided after apartheid, So he worked out a plan to bring his nation together: with South Africa hosting the Rugby World Cup in 1995, he ‘met Francois Pienaar, the captain of the Springboks, and called upon him to win the World Cup. b. Guess the meaning of the following words. Use the context. true story: bring together: still: hosting: worked out: called upon him: .Inone or two sentences, recap what the film Is about. Les questions au prétérit simple = Where was he In prison? * Did he win the election? = Who released him from prison? ywap.40 PES Eanes Les questions au pr ©)». Observe les questions ci-dessous. Souligne le verbe be en rouge et le sujet en vert. 1. Why is he famous? 2. Were there any black players in the Springboks? 3. How old was he when he became President? b. Lis et complete ou entoure les bonnes réponses. Pourr former tne question avec le verbe be au présent ou au prétérit simple, on utilise / utilise pas auxiliaie do. Comme be est aussi / n'est pas un auniliare, il se suffit / ne se suffit pas a lui-méme. Lordre des mots dans une question avec be au présent ou au prétérit simple est le suivant : (mot +) conjugue + (+ complements) ? ‘a. Observe les questions ci-dessous. Dans chaque question, soullgne le verbe en rouge, Vauxiliatre en bleu et le sujet en vert. Entoure les mots Interrogatifs en nolr. 1. Does he have any children? 3. Did he live under apartheid? 2. When did he get elected president? 4, What did he do? b. Lis et complete ou entoure la bonne réponse. Pour former une question au présent ou au prétérit simple, on utilise 'auxiliaire Crest lui qui est conjugué : ou au présent simple et au préterit simple. Le verbe est conjugué / sous forme de base verbale. Lordre des mots dans une question au prétérit ou au présent simple est le suivant : ire conjugue + + (+ complements) ? (mot )+ aul © 2 Observe les questions cl-dessous. Souligne le verbe en rouge et le sujet en vert. 1. Who released Nelson Mandela from prison? 2. What happened in 1960 in Sharpeville? b. Lis et complete. Lorsque le mot interrogatif est le duverbe, on n‘utilise pas Vauxiliaire Vordre des mats est alars le suivant: mat + coniugué + complément ? © complete te tableau récapitulatif Les questions au présent ou au prétérit simple Sileverbe est be Pour tous les autres verbes Sie mot interrogatif est le sujet (mot +) (mot +) de la phrase cconjugué + auxiliaire conjugué+ | mot + (+ compléments) ? + conjugué (+ complements) ? +complément ? ‘mots inferrogatifs {© Dans tes questions ci-dessous, entoure les mots interrogatifs. 1. How old was Nelson Mandela when he went to prison? 8, What was the ANC? 2. Where was he born? 9. How many wives did he have? 3. When did he join the ANC? 10. What was his clan name? 4. How much do you know about Mandela? 11. How did he become famous? 5. Who played Nelson Mandela? 6. How long did he stay in prison? 7. Why did he go to prison? DB complete te tableau suivant. Poser une question sur... qui que / quoi / quel quand ou, age laquantite la tongueur ia cause comment @ Discover the opening scene of invictus. Wap] ‘P Watch the final scene and focus on the people's feelings and actions. WE, p.%] (Lien surle ‘F imagine you were in South Africa on June 24, 1995. Say what happened and what you saw. . Watch the opening scene and take notes about the people and their reactions. ‘White people Black people Feelings / Reactions Thereisafeelingof © division =O unity. Listen carefully to the people In the scene and pick out: ‘the name of the person in the car: the word used by the white man to describe this person: ‘d. Now, recap with your classmates. Make a comparison between black and white people In 1990 and explain how they reacted on February 11, 1990. b. Watch the final scene and take notes. (Lien sur le site Ink People. Place: What? People's reactions and feelings: People’s actions: — Inthe scene, black and white peoplehave — Qthesame opposed __ reactions. There is afeelingof division O unity. Mandela managed didn't manage _—_tounite black and white people through sport. 1. The 2. Great black protest like Nelson Mandela fought for free 3. Mandela was a famous oppo to apartheid. 4. He won the elect in 1994. B trouve dans cette lecon des mots ou des expressions en llen avec les themes donnés. Politics: Resistance: ETUNEGD Les questions au présent et au prétérit simple Un Journaliste va Interviewer Morgan Freeman sulte a la sortie du film Invictus. Alde-Le a rédiger les questions a l'alde des éléments sulvants. 1. Why / you / accept to play this role? > 2.You /like / acting with Matt Damon? -> 3. What / your favourite line from the film? > 4. Nelson Mandela / represent alot to you? 5; 5. How old / you / when Mandela was released from prison? > ESET ETESTSIETD tar ma erogan Oups ! Ledebut des questions a été efface : retrouve le(s) mot(s) manquant(s). 1 Is the film Invictus? > About two hours. 2 Isthe name of the South African rugby team? > The Springboks. 3 shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela? -> Frederik de Klerk. 4. people died in the Sharpeville massacre? -> 69. 5. ‘were you when South Africa won the Rugby World Cup? > At home, watching the match 6. was Morgan Freeman when he played Mandela? -> 72. ay cn Pour célébrer l'anniversalre de la fin de l'apartheld, écris un court texte pour rendre hommage a Nelson Mandela et expliquer son réle dans ce combat. pee eed Make a quiz 1, Inteams, write six questions about Nelson Mandela and his role in South Africa. Your questions must range from very easy to very hard. 2. Now, it’s quiz time. Answer the most questions to get the most points.

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