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WORDS TO B " Retrouve lesverbescorrespondant

aux noms suivants et propose

Noucls une traduction en franais.
apartheld t massacre i 'mska
. opponent,,au/
fighter - Leader -protester - opponent -
c[an government - struggle - freedom - unity
etection . protester
ighter . struggle i,,ri = fight
A x Lis les phrases suivantes et trouve

freedom . tribe /ar.

un synonyme pour les mots souligns.
a. The fiLm is based on a real story.
h" Who ran the country after Mandela?
c. His aim was to bring black and white
. be allowed to ,,ai;i' host peop[e together.
= have the right to ioin (a movement) d. The fight for freedom was very [ong.
. be awarded i:r,'= retease free e. Netson Mandela received a Lot of prizes
receive a prize struggle f ight
. be etected unite brlng
. [un = rule iuti a together Q x x cris trois phrases contenant chacune
un mot du . Efface
country wound hurt ensuite ce mot pour faire des phrases
<< trous >r. Demande ton/ta camarade
)ersonne sur Adie :tives de retrouver les mots manquants.
Sud. Rdige . divided /arl + united | . true reaL
rts suivants. . separate
,-, :'alhero?
- -- -- --^:Ui

@* R Retrouve pour chaque photo [e mot ou l'expression du woRDs ro REMEMBER correspondant(e).

ruve [a &J;

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rof r


,clel Peace

^ Sharpevilte.

is que [es
rnit deux

l)nit 2' thirty-thr..


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