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Name:Keyshawn Tindal

For each B. AWARE criterion listed below, write a paragraph addressing all questions for
that criterion listed on the Ida B. AWARE webpage. Give evidence to support your
answers, i.e. what do you base your conclusions on? Use the Website Evaluation
Checklist to ensure you have addressed all required components of the assignment. To
receive full credit for this assignment, you must complete all parts of it. Leaving sections
blank will result in loss of points.

Part 1: Martin Luther King Website Assessment

Content Area and Grade Level/Intended Audience: Most appropriately 9 th-12th grade

Website URL:

Website Description: This website ridicules Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. and many of the advancements
made in the civil rights movement.

Bias: Who published this web site? Is there evidence of bias? How did you verify the accuracy of the
contents of this web page? This website was published by Stormfront which is a white neo-nazi
group. The group itself promotes the exact opposite of civil rights and they do not offer sufficient
resources that actually prove the claims they attempt to make.

Author: Who is the author? What credentials does the author have? The specific author is not
mentioned other than the group Stormfront which is a biased radical group presenting no
credentials other than hate.

When and where: When was the page created and/or when was the information on the website last
updated? No information on this was present.

Accuracy: Is information contained on this website supported by information on other reputable

websites? What other websites did you compare with this one to check for accuracy? You must
compare information on this website to at least one other reputable website (give name of site and
URL). The information on this website is not supported by other reputable websites. The other two
websites I checked were and

Readability: What is the readability level of the web page according to MS Word?
Sixth Grade readability

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

Educational Value: Why was this page put on the web? To inform? Persuade? Sell? Satire or parody?
Deceive/misinform? Would you use this web page with K-12 students? Why or why not?
This page was created to deceive and misinform. I may use this page to demonstrate to my children
the importance of fact checking things especially those we find on the interenet.

Part 2: Educational Website Assessment

Website 1: PBS Kids

Content Area and Grade Level/Intended Audience: preschool 5 th grade

Website URL:

Website Description: PBS kids offers engaging learning games for children starring their favorite
cartoon characters.

Bias: Who published this web site? Is there evidence of bias? How did you verify the accuracy of the
contents of this web page? PBS is the publisher of this website. There is very little to no bias present
as the information they are offering to children is widely regarded as factual. The website verifies
itself offering various explanations to parents and adults of its efficacy.

Author: Who is the author? What credentials does the author have?
The only author listed is PBS, PBS has credentials as a very reputable/educational company.

When and where: When was the page created and/or when was the information on the website last
updated? The website was created in 1995 and has been consecutively updated numerous times
since then with the last coming sometime in the current year of 2017.

Accuracy: Is information contained on this website supported by information on other reputable

websites? What other websites did you compare with this one to check for accuracy? You must
compare information on this website to at least one other reputable website (give name of site and
URL). I compared the information on PBS with the information on
and they both attempt to teach the same subjects just with different graphical approaches.

Readability: What is the readability level of the web page according to MS Word?
Grade level 3, understood easily by 8 or 9 year olds.

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

Educational Value: Why was this page put on the web? To inform? Persuade? Sell? Satire or parody?
Deceive/misinform? Would you use this web page with K-12 students? Why or why not?
The main purpose of this website is to inform younger children of basic concepts such as numbers
and letters while offering an entertaining aspect.

Website 2: Cool Math

Content Area and Grade Level/Intended Audience Math of all levels, intended for those above age

Website URL:

Website Description: Cool math offers various math games to help children master key concepts

Bias: Who published this web site? Is there evidence of bias? How did you verify the accuracy of the
contents of this web page? The LLC is the publisher of the website they have very
little bias as they cannot teach incorrect mathematics like the MLK website did with history. The
website is also recommended by numerous others to help kids with math.

Author: Who is the author? What credentials does the author have? LLC,

When and where: When was the page created and/or when was the information on the website last
updated? The page was created in 1997 and has been updated with the last update coming in 2017.

Accuracy: Is information contained on this website supported by information on other reputable

websites? What other websites did you compare with this one to check for accuracy? You must
compare information on this website to at least one other reputable website (give name of site and
The information on this website is accurate and regarded as useful by numerous websites that
recommend educational tools for children.

Readability: What is the readability level of the web page according to MS Word?
Grade level 7.

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

Educational Value: Why was this page put on the web? To inform? Persuade? Sell? Satire or parody?
Deceive or misinform? Would you use this web page with K-12 students? Why or why not?
This page is made to inform students of various math concepts. I would use this page with my
students to offer a fun way to practice math which can often be challenging for kids.

Updated and revised 2/14/11 by K. Kingsley

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