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Workplace Assessment

Currently, I work as a lifeguard and swim instructor at a local pool. Following the

assessment guidelines, this workplace is lacking in multiple categories. Occasionally,

the pool offers some events that promote socialization, but because they are through

the city and not just the pools schedule, they do not always fall at a time that suits the

pool staff. The only emotional support that is offered by the pool is counseling if there is

a traumatizing event at the pool while you are working. Physically, pool staff is allowed

to swim for free when they are off the clock. There are no intellectual, spiritual, or

nutritional benefits offered by the pool.

There are many improvements that can be made at the pool to promote the

health of employees. Access to counseling for mental health could be made available

to employees without the need of a traumatizing event occurring. Monthly events that

are scheduled at a time when people are not scheduled to work can promote better

socialization and team building. Workshops on nutrition and physical health could help

those with only half-hour lunch breaks eat healthier and could help everyone stay

in-shape and not strain themselves with taking out lanes of having to rescue someone.

Intellectual benefits could include some program with studying privileges since most of

the staff are students.

With this assessment, I can see the changes that I would make as an employer

or leader. In order to keep morale up and have all employees working to their fullest

potential, these benefits are necessary. I think that even for part time jobs, at least

some form of these benefits are important to incorporate.

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