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Video totalmente fascinante Es difcil de creer que los ingenieros no previeron la

posibilidad de que la tubera se desalineara con respecto a las mandbulas del pistn
ciego. S que no pueden prever todas las posibilidades ... pero si hay espacio
alrededor de la tubera de perforacin, entonces deberan haber podido ver que la
tubera podra no estar perfectamente centrada para que las mandbulas funcionen
correctamente. Las mandbulas deberan haber sido diseadas para tomar la tubera
sin importar dnde estaba en la carcasa, y centrarla automticamente en la accin de

El principal problema aqu es que en lugar de tomar las medidas necesarias para garantizar la seguridad
del equipo y la integridad del pozo, cortaron las esquinas utilizando piezas baratas e inadecuadas, y se
saltaron casi todas las pruebas ms esenciales para asegurarse de que el pozo fue estable, luego fue
directamente a la perforacin. A los bastardos baratos les importaba ms el dinero que cualquiera en ese
Rig, simple y llanamente.

Debido a la falta de controles de seguridad para el sistema de respaldo, probando el

PSI potencial que estara en la tubera que conduce a la flexin, lo que resulta en
mecanismos de seguridad de sujecin que funcionan por debajo de las expectativas
de personas murieron y el medio ambiente enormemente daado.

Estos sistemas no fueron probados bajo presiones realistas antes de ser lanzados al campo? Si es as,
habran experimentado esta flexin de tubera de "compresin efectiva", regresaran al tablero de dibujo y
habran salvado a la Tierra de un dao enorme

Los segundos cuentan en un reventn. El perforador fue bloqueado por una estpida
poltica de la compaa que le exiga que acordara el acuerdo con sus supervisores:
estaba en la ducha. Lamentablemente, se perdieron vidas preocupndose por un
trabajo. Los BOP probablemente habran funcionado segn lo previsto, pero para el
tiempo de espera, la velocidad ponderada de los slidos transportados por el gas y el
lodo cort el nima, y el resto es historia. Como la mayora del pblico nunca sabr lo
que esto significa ... la prdida de un estrangulador en un pozo de gas completo puede
permitir que se levanten suficientes slidos para tallar metal como un soplete esculpe
hielo. Tienes que mantenerte alerta con los pies desnudos y nadie recibe suficiente
sueldo para ir a casa en una bolsa para cadveres. RIP gents.

hum djenme ver as en verano: A) error de diseo principal B) ingenieros de bajo

coeficiente intelectual en el cableado C) falta de comunicacin D) bateras de
emergencia muertas

En serio, mal cableado en ambos sistemas de seguridad redundantes? Eso parece una locura. Cmo
pueden operar en un sistema de falla abierta en primer lugar? Los frenos en los camiones incluso fallan
"cerrados", sin presin de aire, sin conducir.

Incluso si lo hicieron (y aparentemente no lo hicieron por algn motivo?), Parece estpido confiar en un
sistema alimentado por batera y controlado por computadora para enganchar positivamente un solenoide
cuando se pierde energa en lugar de simplemente usar energa cuando est presente en mantenga el
solenoide abierto y haga que se cierre solo en la tensin del resorte cuando se pierde energa. De esa
forma, siempre se detectara un error de conexin antes de la produccin.
Estoy seguro de que los ingenieros que idearon este intrincado sistema lo saben, as que alguien tiene
una idea de por qu no usan un sistema de cierre fallido? Este sistema parece ser ms caro tambin, por lo
que no parece ser costos de corte.

De acuerdo, quin tuvo la brillante idea de usar solenoides que tenan que estar
alimentados para funcionar los sistemas de seguridad de esa manera? La idea de un
sistema de seguridad es fallar de manera segura, cmo demonios se necesita
energa para operar esos sistemas de seguridad a prueba de fallas? La forma en que
DEBERA hacerse es exactamente lo opuesto a cmo se disean los sistemas. Se
debi haber requerido energa para mantener el sistema abierto, y tan pronto como se
perdi la energa, pudo haber fallado. Esta es una regla bsica ... por qu confiara
en la potencia para que el sistema funcione? Este es el EXACTO opuesto de fail safe.
Alimente las vlvulas para mantenerlas abiertas, si se pierde energa, el sistema cierra
las vlvulas y las cosas pueden no haber sido tan malas como lo fueron. S que en
este tipo de trabajo, realmente no existe la posibilidad de fallar, pero hubiera hecho UN
INFLUJO MS DE SENTIDO para que los sistemas de seguridad funcionen cuando se
pierde energa en lugar de depender de computadoras y energa elctrica para hacer
ellos trabajan Solo ... qu demonios? S que habr excusas, pero lo siento, no hay
excusa para un diseo como este. Solo ... No tengo palabras para lo estpido que es
este diseo .
The amount of the blow out is vastly understated by the US Government in order to protect
the BP Company and English interests. Prior to the well establishment the safety analysis
indicated that a blow out in this location of 87,000 BPD was insufficient to ever have oil reach
shore. The government report in this film indicates 57,000 BPD output. On day 18 of the spill
there arrived in Barataria Bay over 18 million barrels of oil. Considering losses this indicated a
spill in excess of 5 million barrels per day. This would be based upon surfacing oil at the drill
site. The subsurface losses indicate that the blow out was in excess of 50 million barrels per
day. The fiction and lies in this case are stunning. This was a natural gas well not an oil well.
It was only about 2% oil output. The pressures were at stopping 7900 psig relative to the sea
pressure at the site. The diameter of the drill pipe was 28 inches leaving a hole blowing at this
rate or higher. The actual biggest leak was at the well head and was nearly 5 times the drill
pipe leak. That leak caused a surface boil between 200 and 250 feet elevation that was over
1000 feet across. That is no where near 57,000 BPD. It is way more. The emissions of the
well were vastly larger than the government reports.

Anyone doubting me on this must know that you can leak 5,000 BPD through a 1" by 1/16"
crack in a steel pipe at 4,000 PSIG. I have been present for such a leak. It is instantly stunning.
This is typical of a hydraulic leak in a modern excavation machine. I was on the receiving end
of that leak at a range of 50 feet and it nearly blew me over. That was just a leak from an
excavation machine that blew 25 gallons of hydraulic oil in less than 1 second. You have to
understand that this well when it blew out was pressures in excess of 25,000 PSIG to the sea
pressure. A hole only 1 inch in diameter would leak more than 57,000 BPD at that pressure.
The liars in the media and the government on this event are stunning. The Gulf of Mexico
leaks naturally over 50,000 BPD and suffers no ill effects. Please people get that through your
head. The fact is this well was blowing upwards of 50,000 Barrels of oil a minute.

I know people don't think that the Gulf of Mexico has that amount of oil in it. It does. The
words of a Shell Oil Geologist describing this deposit to me were, "Energy shortage HELL! We
are afraid of running out of air to burn." The deposit in the Gulf of Mexico is upwards of 450
Trillion Barrels of Oil. The floor of the Gulf of Mexico is covered in between 100 and 300 feet
of Methane Hydrate Ices. There literally is so much energy down there you cannot imagine it.
It is more than 2000 times that of Saudi Arabian' deposits of oil. What is more the geology is
making more oil there every day from deep in the earth geologic processes.

The failure of this Blowout Preventer is probably accurate but the failure is far more serious
than this. As the well blew out the mud in the well blew out and when it did, the force became
so powerful that it could have literally pulled the casing from the well if the preventer had
worked. If the sheer worked the blow out would have probably put 5 miles of casing into the
sky right through the rig. I know it is hard to imagine this level of power. I cannot but be in
awe of the bravery and heroism of the men who bring us our energy from such rigs. It is that
sort of danger and power they deal with every day. One thing that is not said in this video is
how big that BOP was. It was 5 stories high and weight of 1000 tons. It was insufficient!

The drill pipe described is gun metal steel like in the 16" guns of a battle ship. It is some tuff
steel. It is almost unimaginable to think of it being blown up like a rubber balloon as described
here but the pressures are that high. What was going on was in the beginning the failure of
the concentricity of the well. When wells are drilled at these pressures they explode inward
making a hole much larger than the bit cuts. Periodically the driller backs up and fills the well
with cement for a space then drills through it so that the well maintains size. The driller in this
case put in too few of these and lost control of the well. The blow out was caused by that. It
was rushing the process to strike oil faster. There is a gold rush going on in the Gulf of Mexico
to hit the "mother lode" of oil down there. To date nobody has drilled even close to the
deposit. The pressure is too high. This well was about 60 miles from the core deposit. Central
pressure in the main deposit is about 167,000 PSIG. That will vaporize steel. it will liquify all
but the hardest minerals.

Leakage from this deposit filled the on shore deposits of oil such as the Texas Black Giant and
the Mobile Bay deposits. It is that big. It is that much of a deposit. PSIG at Mobile is 31,000.
PSIG at Petronius off shore 45 miles is 65,000. The pressure at the Macando Well was
probably closer to 100,000 PSIG relative to the salt water at sea floor. I know what I am saying
will be highly argued by many people. This data is all sourced in the Oil Industry and is well
known by them.

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