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University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER TWO Summative Report i Leah Benson Sehoot: [Cardston Jr. High School Grade/Subjects Taught: | Grade 6 and 8 Math and Numeracy Teacher Asso Candace Atwood University Consultant: |Richelle Marynowski Richelle N Dates of Practicum | March 6th —Apri 12th 2017 Instructions * This is a summative report of the ic f student teacher's performance at the end of the PSII practicum, based on expectations for that stage of teacher development (EO 3600), ps ee For each practicum outcome below indicate the student teacher's level of performance: ether Not Meeting Expectations for © PSII level, Meeting Expectations, or Excoeding Expectations. (Most students wil fal info the Meeting Expectations category. unless there is clear evidence for Not Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectation.) For students witin the __ Meeting Expectations category, please indicate level of performance + Some outcomes may not be applicable to your particular educational situation, Leave the space blank At the end of each section ofthe form, please provide comments in reference tothe relevant KSAs and practicum outcomes. 1. PLANNING AND PREPARATION KSA #1 Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and learing based an thir ongoing analysis of contextual variables. KSA #3 Teachers use the programs of study to nform and drect planning nstrction and assessment KSA¥6 _Teachors plan for nsiructon, tanslatng cumculum and outcomes ino meaningful learning activites. KSA #9 Teachors usa a broad range of instructional strategies. KSA #13. Teachers identify and use relevant leaning resoureos. Not Meeting Expectations Expectations Exceeding Expectations Meeting Planning and Preparation 7. Demonstrates knowledge and skils in the subject matter of the lessons including histher subject major. Z Incorporates a variety of appropriate resources and insiructionalassessment strategies into lesson pians. oe 3 Translates learning outcomes from the Alberta Program of St ‘appropriate leaming objectives for the lessons being taught. “Takes into account students’ prior learning, leaming needs (including student IPPs), interests, and student variables such as age, gender, socio-economic status and culturallinguistic background. 5, Organizes content into appropriate components and sequences for instruction. Plans appropriate content and actives forthe time aloted 7 Prepares beso pane forall lessons laugh, using a wol-deined avucure whiGh {nudes leaming opjectve(s) an troduction and sure, delaled procedures and Instucions key quosbons, teaching svateges, learing activites, and assessment of tesson objectives. & Prepares unt plan) he Subject jor hal include ralionale, overview, earning Teachingleaming actviles, and assessment plan ‘nformaton and eommunicahons technology into inauclon a SUBPa ajar subjects. where appropriate, 70. Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for instruction oO og o0|dco0 ao OG dj00 OMOCLOHOLCIO o jd olaoo T | loa Oo co a po oo Ss GOMMENT is weil prepared for class, She would take time to get all materials ready before class started and lessons were appropriate for the time allotment. She would always pull fom students prior knowledge to adjust lessons for the day and for ‘each period. Her unit plan was detailed and included ail the key elements required Classroom activities were purposeful and always tied to a spectfic outcome, University of Lethbeidge: P.S Il Summative Report (May 25, 2006) 1 2. INSTRUCTION KSans TEQ0Res domonsrao knowledge ofthe content they tac KSA). Tears identity and respond t wamer dere. KSA aro Teasers use a broad range of mstuchora stegs eechers eeply @ variety of technologies to meet stadons' Teaming needs a Communication [Not Meeting ‘Expectations Expectations. Exceeding Expectations | Meeting Uses clear fuent. and grammaticaly correct spoken and writen language. Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age. background and interests o o 0 Modulates his/her voice for audibilty and expression Demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication and instruction God 9099 Sa nieacae Introduction ft stablishes set: reviews prior leamnin 0b "ws prior learning, identifies lesson objective(@) and expeciations, previguativating attention-getters, provides overview, and relates the lesson to, __ Previous learning as appropriate. evelopr rategies fo |__ matter and activities 7._Presents content in appropriately organized sequences for instruction. Motivating students using relevant and interesting subject Seite = dq |e 8. Explains and proceeds in smail steps at an appropriate pace to suit the activi student response. 9. Demonstrates subject matter competence during instruction. 10. Organizes and directs learning for individuals, small groups, and whole classes. 11, Provides clear directions, instructions and explanations. 12. Directs efficient transitions between lessons and from one activity to the next. 13. Uses a variety of instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject mation, varied learning styles and individual needs (including student IPP goais/objectves). 14. Uses a broad range of instructional strategies specific to subject major. 15. Uses appropriate materials and resources. 16. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability. 300 ; asieicocG] ‘Questioning and Discussion 17. Asks clearly phrased, well-sequenced questions at a variety of cognitive levels. 18, Provides appropriate “wait-ime” after posing questions. 2 19, Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, where appropriate. 0 @ 720. Leads and directs student participation in class discussion ef ly and distributes questions appropriately Focus on Student Learning 21, Girculates in the classroom, intervening when necessary, checking on indhidual and 5) |OO dllo group understanding of atvty/conter [-3a- Recognizes and responds appropriately to individual aferences and group Tearing needs, 23. Reinforces student learning, building on previous learning, reviewing, and re-teaching. Closure x = (24. Achieves closure for lessons, consolidating ideas or concepis through summaries, reviews, discussions, and applications. || GO) [od 25, Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fully. 0 oo] do ao understanding of concepts. She used manipulatives, technology, paper pencil, entrance slips, exit jes 0 engage students Unworatyof etnondge. PS! Summative Ropert (May 26,2008) FOMMENTS Leat'ssrongest points, Asa teacher, eventing done ding a lesson was fused on student learing and and many other, _/ 3. CLASSRO. KSA) ooo eEADERSHIP feronyccarat _ASAR Eiaes coal ura ae AND MANAGEMENT vironments that are conducive Io student leering ar i ws 2 Seca enero ety student leam meee ung, attending to student vanables such as age, gender, socio-economic status and culuralinguitc background | 3. Demonstrates initiati a ees intative, enthusiasm and a commitment to the students and subject | -teooreranaecan Tre sernnenr oe ee “Eatablches peas ee ay apt ieee ‘elatonships and a dassicor clevale based on mutual ust and | e? z § | a 3 28 38 g3 ORE Classroom Leaders | i | 'sumes a leadership role ih the caseiGomr taking GRASS TOO OOo [assum ‘ole the dassraom, taking charge of Gaséroom ac 7 Greta ans cotonue einen met D oe Stondande wamainains an effectvo learning envronment seting high expectations and © , | |O,0 | oa Oo oo } Classroom Management om i. ood 8. Clearly defines and reinforces classroom procedures and routines, @~o0 jad oda a0 aloo 8. Clearly communicates and reinforces expectations for appropriate student behaviour 7. Monitors student behaviour and is aware of student behaviour at all times, 3: Responds to napproprate behavior prompty, Ry, and conaiteny. wang appropriate low-key and higher love responce folows school discpin policies and L_procedures EESINRST Bk role as teacher quickly and confidently. She formed relationships with students and found ways to build on students strengths and help them out with weaknesses. Students knew was was expected academically and behaviorally 4, ASSESSMENT eee eee ee aera eer cere emer eee ee rerevte nent oe $3 3 ee Bl oek Ek zi| Fh | 88 Assessment 2a Zé oa 7. Assesses student learning using a variety of appropriate assessment techniques and instruments (¢.g., observations, conversations, questioning, checking daily work. pperformance-based and written assessments, quizzes, tests) 2. Checks frequently for understanding. 9 ) pa O00 0 '3. Provides timely and effective feedback on leaming to students, . Modifies and adapis teachng based on assessment data and student PPS (e.g, employs altemative teaching strateges to re-teach where required). '. Analyzes and evaluates measurement data to assess student learning, ood Go JOO} 6. Explains to students how learning will be measured. 7, Develops and maintains accurate records of student achievement (@.9, grade sheets, databases) and communicates results to students, parents and the schoo! effectively) GRUIMENT Sire entrance slips she was able to fp through them quickly and adjust her lesson on the spot depending on what ‘students handed to her. Sometimes it would be a whole group re-direct, and sometimes it would be a student check in to clarify ‘a misunderstanding. Grades were accurately recorded and whenever there was a question on a grade she would check in and discuss it with me. oogco0 5 DoGgae © 2 OO @eo University of Lethbridge: P.S. !l Summative Report (May 2, 2006) 5. PRorE: ASAA2 Tog NAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SACherS understand ne fei work KSanis 1 Leased mort and etal tamewrk witha which ey | KSA IB Toesher Sm8g@ esesting te qoath bar [EEE ao communctespertona sna ron wating. Sree a personel vison of Wei oun ach renee | 1 Presents proessional appearance ang ‘manner, 2._ Fults professional obigations ( + Punctuality, routine administrative duties) 3._Demonstrates maturity and profess [4.18 knowledgeable about 5.” Establishes proi appropriate) ional judgment. Professional issues and demonstrates a commitment tothe teaching profession onal relationships with the educational community and wid (where tonal etationships wit the educational community and wider communiy where Unacceptable sprable OCG DTG 09 Professional Gi 8 Responds aporopritely to feedback om others by latenng. interpreting, and implementing suggestions, IGG] OS 8._Develops and communicates a personal vision of teaching | 10. Develops a profesional porto andior aro plan incluaing goals dence oT OGGEE TOUS goals fefections on growth, ang uture goals sehen [TT Canis outta ts aa respon es oa Waeher SURG TS Ws MANGE Sohsa ores ana ae polcies and other relevant leifaton 12, Apples the knowledge, sks and abuts for interim confcatonsppropiatay | [Ethical Conduct 18 Respects tne dian and vais ofa potsone witoW prac ao aca, TTGGIS Tals Golo GORGe™ Sexual orientation, gender isentty. physical charactonste, Asbity. mortal ats ape eaeey Sees ig, place of residence, socioeconomic background ot tnguste Caches 14, Treats students with dignty and respect ands considerate of hi crcumstancos | | 15: Does nat diwige wtormation received in conidence ortho caure of protesstnal dats abouts WEA except a8 requred by law or where to do 30 nthe best interstof te sudonn 418. Does not undermine the confidence of stunts in teachers or other stent teachers 17, Does not ci the professional cmmpetonce or profesional rutin of teachers of Oar SuGaRt teachers uniess the eicism is communtated in confidence to proper efcle ater kl sont aoe inaivval concerned of ho eric, 18. Acts in a manner tat maintains the honour and danty ofthe profession : [ 19: Goes nat speak on bana of to Faciy of Eaiatin, te Univesity of Ltnendge, ie Saha ore Le peotession unless autronzea odo so, doodcda GD O| Goo o oo00000 | f © © ©! © lO LEBMMEH ceed nero a poesia rane neve neded beg weaknesses ter ahotonso we ang knew where to correct or improve the next round. University of Lemnbnidge: PS. li Summative Report (May 25, 2006) _ SUMMARY Aroas for further growth: . lake sure to not r Be a duck ~ let the nok YOurselt Take time for yourself and have a lfe outside of teachung, Es YAgS rol of your back and just keep mo latch ‘hints’ and tps’ given to student retry a 's fo make sure they are coming up with answers and answers arent being given Overall comments (Stron \gest aspects of student's performance): Lean showed great growth in the fotlowing areas, pe : + Classroom management + Questioning techin.ques dunna instruction (wait tme. deeper level questions) + Relaxing and taking time during lessons Wait ime Assessment ‘Leah was quick to get comfortable in her teaching role and did an exceptional job. She personalized her lessons with a joke of a day. and cell phone entrance sip and ext sips. Leah 's conscious of her teaching style and the ettect ¢ has on students earning, Her enthusiasm for the subject area rubs off onto the students making the classroom fun and exciting Leah used formative constantly in her lessons to direct her teaching. She used a lot of entrance and exit sips and coud glance: through them quickly and adjust her lesson instantly and appropriately depending on what students handed in. Relabonships ‘were developed with students, and students quickly came fo love her She is dependable and ! would not hesitate to have her Substitute in my Classroom. or have my own chid i her class, Is evident in Lean’s teaching that she loves it and that she loves the students, RECOMMENDATION © PASS Oo FAIL, oO INCOMPLETE * ‘i an Incomplete grade is recommended. please attach a signed document providing reasons and recommendatons for additonal practicum expenence

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