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Calculation for simulation of archery goal value using a web camera and ultrasonic

Darma Rusjdi, Abdurrasyid, and Dewi Arianti Wulandari

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1867, 020058 (2017);

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Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Calculation for Simulation of Archery Goal Value Using a
Web Camera and Ultrasonic Sensor
Darma Rusjdi1,a), Abdurrasyid2, and Dewi Arianti Wulandari3.
Informatics Departement, STTPLN Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract, Development of the device simulator digital indoor archery-based embedded systems as a solution to the
limitations of the field or open space is adequate, especially in big cities. Development of the device requires simulations
to calculate the value of achieving the target based on the approach defined by the parabolic motion variable initial
velocity and direction of motion of the arrow reaches the target. The simulator device should be complemented with an
initial velocity measuring device using ultrasonic sensors and measuring direction of the target using a digital camera.
The methodology uses research and development of application software from modeling and simulation approach. The
research objective to create simulation applications calculating the value of the achievement of the target arrows. Benefits
as a preliminary stage for the development of the simulator device of archery. Implementation of calculating the value of
the target arrows into the application program generates a simulation game of archery that can be used as a reference
development of the digital archery simulator in a room with embedded systems using ultrasonic sensors and web
cameras. Applications developed with the simulation calculation comparing the outer radius of the circle produced a
camera from a distance of three meters.

Development of the device simulator digital indoor archery-based embedded systems as a solution to the
limitations of the field or open space is adequate, especially in big cities. Development of the device requires
simulations (animation) [1] to calculate the value of achieving the target based on the approach defined by the
parabolic motion variable initial velocity and direction of motion of the arrow reaches the target.
In this study the variable speed will be gained from the use ultrsonic sensors used to measure the distance range
of the withdrawal of the bowstring. While variable directions will be obtained from the web cameras / digital
readout position and color values of the image (yellow is the color of the center of the circle). Another variable to
look for is the size of the target every race distance (30m, 40m, 50m) are displayed in a room at a shooting range
between three to five meters.
The problems of this study are: What is the target size for each distance (50m, 40m, 30m) to the bow distance to
the screen in the room? How the positioning and direction of the arrows to the target of a camera at a distance? How
to determine the initial velocity of the arrows from the proximity sensor drag? How to determine the achievement of
arrows and assessment on target?
The methodology used in this study is the research and development of application software from modeling and
simulation approach[2]. Stages of research: Study of the literature on digital color space model and the concept of
line and plane cut line on the circle, analysis and algorithm development positioning in the circle of target archery,
application program development. The research objective to create simulation applications calculating the value of
the achievement of the target arrows. Benefits as a preliminary stage for the development of the simulator device of
Field data collection through library research, interviews and observations about the device archery, archery
phase, the rate of motion arrows, distances are contested, the target size of the actual and visible in every distance,

International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation

AIP Conf. Proc. 1867, 020058-1020058-6; doi: 10.1063/1.4994461
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1547-8/$30.00

and how to calculate the value to win the race. The movement of arrows analysis using parabolic motion equations
Variable speed obtained from the power conversion device ejection bow and tensile load power coefficient of
ultrasonic sensors. fisir arrangement vertically and horizontally to target together with a web camera that is moved
only horizontally assisted vertical wire on the bow in front of the camera. The vertical direction of arrows into the
target at any distance is inside the camera screen, so that the shooting range in space need to be considered.
Model calculations parabola approach to determining the vertical direction of each distance using bisection
methods [3] and movement arrows with twenty iterations of time to the achievement of the target.

The Concept Digital Color

The concept of digital color using a double hex cone color space model to suit different applications. The color
model or color space according to Forsyth [4] comprises a linear color space like CIE-Lab, RGB, CMY and K
(black) as well as non-linear color space (HSV = Hue, Saturation, Value). This model is applied to various graphic
user interfaces (graphical user interface) is primarily a double hex cone model (RGB-HSL convertion) is widely
used in software applications on the Microsoft operating system environments.
Double hex cone color space model is a digital color model developed from color theory Mansell. This model
describes the relationship between the theory of color RGB (Red, Green, Blue) with color theory HSL (Hue,
Saturation, Luminancy) [5].
Double hex conical shape is described as the image above is a combination of two cones with the basic shape
hexagon or square-six equilateral. Double hex cone horizontal pieces in the form of a hexagon which is composed of
six equilateral triangles. This illustrates the hexagon shape the values of Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and
Magenta each of which has a value of red, green, blue colour is (255,0,0), (255,255,0) (0,255,0), (0,255,255),
(0,0,255), and (255,0,255).

FIGURE 1. Double hex cone color space model.

Steps To Archery Success

There are 10 Steps To Archery Success (from Physical Education Pound Middle School Deschaine
1. STANCE - Place one foot on each side of the shooting line. Find a comfortable balanced stance with your
feet shoulder width apart. Stand straight and tall, with your head up and your shoulders down and relaxed.
Archers shooting in a wheelchair should place one wheel on each side of the line.
2. NOCK - Place the arrow on the arrow rest, holding the arrow close to the nock. Keep the index (odd
colored) fletching pointing away from the bow. Snap the nock of the arrow onto the bowstring under the
nock locator.
3. SET DRAW HAND AND SET BOW HAND: - Set the groove of your first three fingers around the
bowstring creating a hook. Keep the back of your drawing hand relaxed. And set your bow hand on the grip
using only the web and the meaty part of your thumb. Your bow hand should stay relaxed throughout the
entire shot.
4. PRE-DRAW - Raise our bow arm towards the target, while keeping your shoulder down. Look at the target

through the sight ring, and line up the bowstring with the center of the bow. Rotate your bow arm elbow
under. The elbow of your drawing arm should be near the level of your nose.
5. DRAW - Draw the bow back by rotating your draw arm shoulder around until your elbow is directly
behind the arrow. Continue looking at the and keep the string lined up with the center of the bow as you
draw. Maintain a continuous drawing motion throughout the shot.
6. ANCHOR - Draw the string to the front of your chin, placing the knuckle of your index finger directly
under the side of your jaw*. The string and string hand should be felt firmly against your jaw bone. Lightly
touch the string to the center of your nose. Continue to draw the bow smoothly, without stopping. *
Beginners should anchor with your first finger at the corner of your smile.
7. AIM - Focus your eyes and your concentration on the center of the target, looking through the site ring.
Keep the string lined up with the center of the bow. Continue your smooth gradual draw.
8. SHOT SET-UP After reaching the anchor point and begun your sight alignment, create a slight
movement from your drawing shoulder and arm to the rear. You can release anytime during this process.
This is done exactly the same with the String Bow and the real bow.
9. RELEASE - Simply release the tension in your fingers and drawing hand, all at once, while you continue
the drawing motion without stopping. Continue extending the bow arm towards the target as you release.
Continue focusing on the target.
10. FOLLOW-THROUGH - Your drawing hand continues back beside the neck with fingers relaxed, ending
up near the shoulder. Bow arm continues extension towards the target for a recurve, and maintains its
position for a compound shooter. Continue focusing on the target Maintain your follow-through until the
arrow hits the target, or until your fingers touch your back shoulder for a compound shooter.

The Initial Velocity and Direction of the Beginning

Stages of determining the attainment of arrows namely: Preparation fisir accuracy through calibration of the
midpoint of the camera screen to shift the direction of the horizon and the vertical direction (using wire) fisir in the
direction of the barrel or rod arrows using a plus sign-shaped wire / plus ( "+").
Application development process depends on the accuracy of the calculation of the position where the arrows are
generated from the target value determination algorithm based on the position of arrows target with a fill color in the
form of digital image record results camera (web cam). Position the results of the rate of arrows through an approach
that is determined by the projectile motion.

FIGURE 2. Motion Picture of bullets (parabola)

Determination of the direction of the arrow to the target of a camera at a distance. Assumptions seek initial
velocity in terms of lower tensile load arc characteristics and high tensile load of the four levels of load that is 32
pounds and 44 pounds.
The results of field observations achievement approximate distance of 50 meters approximately 2 seconds to
bow to the ejection power by 32 pounds. And 1.5 seconds for the arc with ejection power by 44 pounds. Assuming
gravity of 9.8 meters per second squared it with the achievement of each distance obtained equation to find the
angle or direction of the arrows beginning:

X= (Vo2.sin 2a)/g (1)

Sin 2a = (x-g) / Vo2 (2)

Figure 3. shows the comparison of the distance (XR) and the diameter the target (YR) in the room with the
distance on the field and the diameter the target circle in room. The results are shown in the table 1. diameter of
target in room.

FIGURE 3. Comparison of the targeted distance and high in space

FIGURE 4. Camera Screen Limit horizon

TABLE 1. Diameter of target in room

distance in field
30 m 40 m 50 m
in room
3m 8,000 6,000 4,800
4m 10,667 8,000 6,400
5m 13,333 10,000 8,000

TABLE 2. variables for arrows motion

Distance Velocity Angle sin a cos a Gravity
50 31 16,18475 0,278735 0,960368 9,8

Vx t.Xrmax t.YRmax Yrmax XR.YRmax

29,77141 1,679464 0,881714 3,809353 26,24986

The approach of numerical methods such as a bisection method obtained the results as in the table 2 below,
where Vo is the speed of 28 meters per second for 32 pounds and 31 meters per second for 44 pounds at a distance
of 50M. Through the calculation bisection method with 20 iterations intervals achievement of the target range to
produce a horizontal boundary accuracy target goal each distance on the camera screen (see table 3).

TABLE 3. iteration of arrows motion
0 0 8,640793 0 0
1 0,083973 7,817856 2,5 0,65649
2 0,167946 6,994919 5 1,243876
3 0,25192 6,171982 7,5 1,762157
4 0,335893 5,349044 10 2,211333
5 0,419866 4,526107 12,5 2,591405
6 0,503839 3,70317 15 2,902372
7 0,587812 2,880233 17,5 3,144234
8 0,671786 2,057295 20 3,316992
9 0,755759 1,234358 22,5 3,420645
10 0,839732 0,411421 25 3,455193
11 0,923705 -0,411516 27,5 3,420637
12 1,007678 -1,234454 30 3,316976
13 1,091651 -2,057391 32,5 3,14421
14 1,175625 -2,880328 35 2,90234
15 1,259598 -3,703265 37,5 2,591365
16 1,343571 -4,526203 40 2,211285
17 1,427544 -5,34914 42,5 1,762101
18 1,511517 -6,172077 45 1,243812
19 1,595491 -6,995014 47,5 0,656418
20 1,679464 -7,817952 50 -8E-05

Applications developed with the simulation calculation comparing the outer radius of the circle produced a
camera from a distance in the room. Target size for each distance (50m, 40m, 30m) on the screen in the room
adapted to convert the count results to the application (see table 4).

Results and Discussion

Before the build of computer application programs created for scenarios such as the display layout and
algorithms as follows: Measuring the diameter of the target on a camera which uses a target sample three circles
with a diameter of 18.6 centimeters at a distance of 5 meters, 4 meters and 3 meters
TABLE 4. Diameter of target Conversion for application
distance in field
30 m 40 m 50 m
in room
3m 237,097 251,613 294,194
4m 316,129 335,484 392,258
5m 395,161 419,355 490,323

A test sensor distance measuring tensile yield the same size as the actual distance with a tolerance of 5 mm.
Distance maximum tensile (anchoring position) averages approximately 50 centimeters a reference coefficient rate
of 100 percent. Determining the achievement of arrows with parabolic motion based approach time to the
achievement of the target range. And calculating the achievement of arrows into the target range is influenced by
variables initial velocity and direction arrows beginning. Values obtained from the speed and distance measurement
value tensile direction arrows from horizonal position on a camera that is perpendicular to the ground plane. The
timing for attainment of arrows into the target range.
Target size by high targets in space as the diameter of the outermost circle. The center point of the circle has a
value of x is measured from a vertical reference line (using wire) is placed on the tip rod tube arc simulator. Y value
is measured from the horizon position (angle) camera produced by a tensile load variable arc selected (initial
velocity), and the distance of the target. Limit the vertical center of the camera selected is at 14 degrees. The
calculation of the arrows from the center yellow circle is measured to the center point the camera at any distance.
Simulation calculation comparing the outer radius of the circle produced a camera from a distance of 3 meters.

Conclusions and Recommendations
The requirement analysis and the iterative design helped us to eficiently develop this complex system.
Based on the stages of study and discussion of the above results, the results achieved in the form of creation of the
software application is carried out through research methods and approach to software development. This
application software can determine the position and the value of achievement arrows archery target at a distance of
50 meters, 40 meters, and 30 meters from the shooting range of 3 meters in space. The size of the screen diameter
rounded in multiples of 15 on a scale of twips mode (Twentieth per points). Fisir control in an upright (vertical)
should be parallel to the center line of the camera and must comply with each horizontal boundary specified
distance. The results achieved in the development of simulation development of digital arc.

Advice from the simulation results that have been made is necessary to find a quicker way the reading of a
yellow color as the center point of the circle as seen from the camera. Applications can be developed to be played
individually or together in the form of computer network game. In addition it can be attempted for the application of
the device simulator archery bows and archery game applications simple. Another development in the form of an
application or a simulator simulating rifle shooting.

We would like to thank Meilia NIS for the modeling simulation computer laboratory and Prayudi for the D3
mechanical workshop. Syafruddin Mawi, Dedy Widodo gave discussion, archery lessons and encouragement.

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